"Make America Great Again" has quickly become one of the most divisive phrases in our nation. It most certainly begs the questions when was America great, what things made it great, and what things need to be done to restore its greatness? The answers to the questions above have driven me back to study the Founding Fathers' vision of America and what they set out to achieve. I am a born-again Christian. As such, I share the belief that America's greatness is inextricably connected to its foundational aim, as expressed in the pledge of allegiance, to be "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I know that for non-Christians, these words may have a myriad of interpretations. This book is not written for them. This book is written for those who profess the lordship of Jesus Christ and acknowledge the inerrant doctrinal authority of the Bible: 2 Tim 3:16 (NKJV) "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 2 Pet 1:16, 20-21 (NKJV) "For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty…knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. I believe that the Scriptural principles reflected in the pledge of allegiance were valid long before it was created and are still relevant today. As I study the Founding Father's application of these principles; however, I believe that they did not go far enough in their pursuit of the tenets of liberty and justice for all. Though these Founding Fathers were great visionaries, likely the greatest visionaries our country has ever known, their revelation of God's plan for our nation was incomplete. I will show in this book how the Founding Fathers had difficulty extending the application of these principles outside themselves (British settlers). They had difficulty extending these principles to native Americans, enslaved Africans and even to other European immigrants (Irish, German, etc.) Why would I go to the trouble of pointing this out? I do so to point out that many of the issues that we are dealing with today (division along racial lines, racism, distrust of immigrants) are not new issues. Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NKJV) says, "That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." The central point of this book is that America will never achieve the greatness that God envisioned if today's leaders in government and the church make the same mistakes as the leaders of America at the time of the Founding Fathers.
In this book, I wrote about my decision to vote for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. As a lifelong Republican voter, I could never have imagined such a thing. However, I viewed her as the lesser of two evils. I’m in a similar position with Vice President Kamala Harris. I really don’t know that much about her. But I know far too much about former President Trump, in and out of office, to ever vote for him. I’ve always thought our bicameral legislature and three branches of government kept things in balance between Democrats and Republicans. President Trump has changed my view on that. I have seen him fire the Attorney General while under investigation. I have seen him use judges at every level to tilt the balance of power between the three branches so far that he hasn’t been prosecuted for crimes he committed nearly four years ago. I’m a born-again Christian. Several Christian friends have posted quotes of Donald Trump espousing Christianity. Maybe the quotes came from the Republican National Convention. But how can my Christian friends highlight these quotes and ignore the racist, divisive, harsh, and dishonest things that continually pour out from former President Trump’s mouth? As Christians, we all have flaws for which we need the mercy of God. But the Bible also urges us to judge a tree by its fruit. The former president doesn’t possess the character traits to sit in the Oval Office. Not even close. Look at the whole tree.
fe·al·ty: a feudal tenant's or vassal's sworn loyalty to a lord. "they owed fealty to the Earl rather than the King" vas·sal: a holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance. I wasn't surprised when I read JD Vance's prior comments about former President Trump. He has flip-flopped like Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, Tucker Carlson, and many others. I wrote in this chapter Republican leaders "had lost their moral compass." Presidents Nixon and Clinton's character failures combined don't approach those of Trump. Beyonce has a lyric: "If your lips are moving, then you're lyin', lyin', lyin', baby… I know you lie (lie) 'Cause your lips are moving (moving)." That could easily be President Trump's campaign anthem. So why do Republican leaders show absolute loyalty to Trump? The word fealty came to mind. I looked it up. It made Republican politicians so much easier to understand. The dictionary says fealty is a "vassal's sworn loyalty to a lord." So I had to look up vassal. A vassal is someone who only gets to hold onto land if he/she pledges "homage" and "allegiance." The only way any Republican political leader can hold ground in the party is under the conditions of homage and absolute allegiance to Trump. Trump is the lord of the party and can remove the vassal's ability to hold ground in the party at any time. Colin Powell asked what they were afraid of, that "they would lose a primary?" Yes, they are.
I saw recently that the school board in Shenandoah County, Virginia, early Friday approved a proposal that will restore the names of Confederate military leaders to two public schools. It made me think of the whole dialogue about Confederate symbols and monuments. Whether he did it to gain votes or whether he expressed his heartfelt sentiments, former President Trump went out of his way to express his fondness for Confederate symbols and monuments. He fought against removing their names from military installations and ships. In one of my books on diversity in the Air Force, I describe my feelings while jogging in Biloxi, Mississippi, near Keesler Air Force Base. I jogged past the Jefferson Davis Museum. It was 1987. I was shocked that they had such a thing! And that was nearly 40 years ago. I believe that only the power of the Holy Spirit can transform a heart that is darkened in any area. I express that belief in the closing prayer of this book. But I did want to share with my friends who are not African-American what I see when I see and feel when I see the Confederate flag. Generational slavery. Rape. Terror. Mutilation. Forced illiteracy. Legalized hatred and oppression. Warped Scriptural interpretations. Lynchings. Ku Klux Klan. Celebrated public racism. Anti-black. “Nigger.” Whites-only. Fire hoses. Police dogs. Assasinations. Beatings. Criminalized police force. Burning crosses. Subhuman treatment. Superiority lies. And the war that sought to make it all permanent.
When I started writing “The Making of a Great America” series, I was so grieved that the Church in America had so downplayed the “sins” of racism and division that somehow these were now acceptable in exchange for advancing other worthy objectives. As I did the research for this book, I found that what I saw emerge in 2015 was not a new phenomenon in American history, just a repackaging and regurgitation of themes and sentiments as old as the Founding Fathers themselves. We built a nation on ideals that assumed that “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” did not include the Native Americans or enslaved Africans. These understood exclusions initially included the Germans and Irish and later grew to include the Chinese and Japanese immigrants. When I read the words of the Founding Fathers, it was clear that America was originally envisioned as a “New England” for the English colonists and no one else. Those narrow and exclusionist views of who America is and isn’t for still exist today, even amongst people who are descendants of immigrants themselves and claim the lordship of Jesus Christ. We all have blind spots. I believe this is a blindspot that is common to many Americans, particularly in the body of Christ. This book is available on Amazon and Audible.
I was living in Phoenix, Arizona, when candidate Trump made his famous statement about Mexican immigrants being “rapists and murderers.” I was working as a teacher in a school run by “Friendly House” charities, founded to support the Hispanic community. The student population was easily 98% Mexican. As a teacher and a leader in the school, I was stuck trying to explain to students how a man who could end up making such racist remarks could end up being president. Distrust of immigrants is as old as the Founding Fathers when the Irish and the Germans were viewed as undesirable immigrants. I point out in this book that Trump’s grandfather, a German fugitive, (fled the draft) and his mother, an extremely poor Irish immigrant, fit his own undesirable immigrant narrative and, indeed, the narrative of our Founding Fathers who, though we don’t like to acknowledge it, looked at America as a “New England” for the English. In this chapter, specifically, I point out how Benjamin Franklin complained that England was “emptying its jails” and sending convicts to the American colonies. There is a difference between immigration policy reform and stirring up hatred of immigrants. One is needed; the other never is. I watched candidate Trump go from laughing-stock-dark-horse to front-runner fueled by the flames of the racial animus that he stirred up. It worked for him once. Why wouldn’t he do it again? God help America if we believe that making her great again can be achieved through hatred.
The title of this chapter is “A Ringing Endorsement by The Church?” The crazy thing was that this was written shortly after President Trump’s first impeachment involving withholding aid from Ukraine. Who could have foreseen the potential impact on Ukraine? But what about now? I am an evangelical Christian. I have voted Republican in every election until 2016 for Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, and McCain. I skipped Romney—and left it blank. I saw how evangelical leaders I admired and financially supported fawned over Trump and even attributed Christian virtues to him. Some even called him “ordained by God” and “best president ever.” These leaders were so vocal in their support. I was recently watching one of my favorite Bible teachers. He was preaching to what appeared to be an all-white, older congregation. All I could think of was how many would still vote for Trump? Given all we know now and watching his apparent strategy to delay all his criminal trials until after the election, how many would still vote for Trump? Though this leader’s Bible teaching powerfully impacted me, it was what I haven’t heard him or any of my favorite evangelical leaders say that speaks so loudly. Evangelicals had four years to find someone else to be the face of Christian family values and character. Their silence is deafening, and their inactivity is inexcusable.
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“For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.” Rom 13:4-5 I’ve prayed for convictions for President Trump on all fronts. I was elated when the Colorado Supreme Court removed him from the ballot because of his part in the insurrection. The former president doesn’t want to be held accountable for words that incite harm, wrongly withholding aid from Ukraine, election tampering, dishonest business practices, etc. We watched him inflame a mob and do nothing as the lives of the Vice President and members of Congress were in jeopardy. With one call, the most powerful man on earth could have summoned the National Guard, Marines, Army, Air Force, Seal Team Six, Rangers, Green Berets, Special Forces, FBI, DC Police, etc. Instead, he told the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to “stand by” and later join him in Washington and ultimately march on the Capitol to prevent the certification of electoral college votes. That’s a crime, a crime against Democracy, and like nothing we have ever seen in our lifetimes. I will continue to pray that God will raise up men and women, even the Supreme Court, to hold him accountable for all his wrongdoings.
“Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire…gained a lot of media attention and applause from the Never Trump Republicans for being one of the former president’s most brutal critics. But now that Trump is all but inevitable as the GOP nominee, Sununu is bashing Joe Biden and embracing Trump as the lesser of two evils. ‘Did you see [Trump’s] last visit to New Hampshire?’ Sununu said…’He was comparing himself to Nelson Mandela…He sounds almost as bad as Joe Biden.’ Almost as bad as Joe Biden? I will be the first to note, as I did here, that Biden’s reputation as a walking gaffe hazard is well deserved. He gets carried away, embellishes, and remembers things that didn’t happen (a sign, I think, more of his penchant for self-important Irish blarneying than of his age)…But to compare Biden’s blunders to Trump’s derangement is inane. Trump’s mind often slips the surly bonds of Earth: He has claimed that he won all 50 states in the 2020 election…lied endlessly about an astonishing number of things…and, as Sununu himself admits, compared himself to Jesus Christ. Biden is a competent politician who sometimes stumbles or goes off the rails in his public statements. Trump is a disturbed, emotionally disordered person who, in Liz Cheney’s words, is “the most dangerous man ever to inhabit the Oval Office.” So why is Sununu going to vote for Trump? Because Republicans have to win. That’s it. ‘I just want Republicans to win,’…’That’s all I care about.’” https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2023/11/trump-republican-support-chris-sununu/676175/?utm_campaign=atlantic-daily-newsletter&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20231129&utm_term=The+Atlantic+Daily
This is ebook is FREE for five days starting on November 24th!
I would describe myself as an evangelical Christian who supports strong family values. I voted for Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, and McCain. The Great Evangelical Compromise is how I have come to describe the evangelical Christian community’s deal with candidate Trump. You give us conservative justices and overturn Roe vs. Wade, and we will overlook your moral failures, business dealings, racist overtures, and even your threat to destabilize and overturn nearly 250 years of American democracy. Some would call the Great Evangelical Compromise Christian slang for a deal with the devil. Could the same compromise for the presidency have just been made to fill the Speaker of the House vacancy? The New York Times describes new Speaker Mike Johnson in two divergent ways: “He is an evangelical Christian. He and his wife, Kelly, who have four children, host a podcast about religion and politics called ‘Truth Be Told,’” “Johnson closely aligned himself with Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results based on false claims of election fraud. Johnson played a leading role in recruiting House Republicans to sign a legal brief seeking to overturn the results.” Even more alarming, this whole effort was set in motion by Matt Gaetz, who in 2018 “was condemned for inviting a Holocaust denier to Trump’s State of the Union address and for his association with Joel Greenberg who in 2021, “pleaded guilty to sex trafficking of a minor, identity theft, stalking, wire fraud and conspiracy to bribe a public official.” (nbcnews.com)
The Republican presidential debate was last night. There was a slate of various candidates, including the former Vice President, former/current Governors, members of Congress, etc. None of them have ever been impeached, been caught saying grab a woman by the genitals, caught paying hush money to a prostitute, withholding funds from a nation that might have triggered an invasion of that nation, made disparaging remarks about Senator John McCain before and after his death, and about Barbara Bush. None of these candidates incited an insurrection and refused to use the forces/resources of the most powerful man on earth to stop it. None of them called officials in Georgia and asked them “to find” 11,000 votes to change the popular vote outcome in a presidential election. None of them has been scrutinized for improper business practices in and out of office. In last night’s debate, there were older candidates, younger candidates, male and female candidates, a black candidate, and a candidate whose parents were immigrants from India. Will the Republican party pick a presidential candidate whose moral compass was broken before he came into office and who has no hope or incentive to rediscover it for the best chance to win in 2024? Or will it pick someone else, anyone else?
Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment was: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” This weekend, Mike Pence—like most of the GOP field—struggled mightily to criticize Donald Trump while barely mentioning Trump’s name. (Tom Nichols Staff Writer theatlantic.com) In this chapter, I quoted former Secretary of State/Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the late Colin Powell. He was befuddled that people were afraid to tell President Trump he was wrong about anything. Mike Pence admits that Trump’s actions in the insurrection put his life in danger but is still afraid to speak candidly about it. And he wants to be Commander-in-Chief? Are all the Republicans of courage deceased? Men like John McCain and Colin Powell. Have Republicans totally pushed aside character in favor of winning as Jeff Flake asserts? I voted for a McCain, a Dole, a few Bushes, and a Reagan. How can Republicans endorse again a man who has more indictments than years in office? None of the Republicans who are running against Trump had the courage to speak out when he was in office, so it is too late to try to gain a sense of courage, character, and conviction now. And Trump knows it. Republicans have lost their moral compass and the fact that Trump is by far and away the frontrunner proves it.
I voted Republican in every election until 2016. As a born-again Christian, it was ingrained in me that the Republican party was the party of family values, morality, and a strong military. I got my Masters at Pat Robertson’s Regent University. I remember telling my two youngest daughters why I wasn’t voting for Obama. I remember a friend calling me and asking me if I was “really going to vote for a Mormon (Romney) over Obama.” With Romney’s nomination, I began to question what the Republican party stood for. Romney seemed to be just a rich white guy, a nice one but yeah. I didn’t vote for Romney but voted “R” mostly everywhere else. I wrote this book before Trump’s 2016 inauguration. I was disappointed that the party of Dole, Bush I, Bush II, and John McCain had stooped so low to nominate Trump. Four years of controversy and scandal later, the party nominated him again. Now in 2023, after convictions for corruption, sexual harassment, inciting an insurrection, and multiple ongoing investigations, the Republican Party seems bent on nominating Trump again. All my life, I have heard my parents say Republicans only care about the rich and white. The one shield I held up for years had a crest embossed with the words character/family values/faith. None of those words seem to matter in the party anymore. It matters more to pander to white nationalist sentiments and tax breaks for the wealthy. What can I say to my parents now?
The-Atlantic-Daily-22-March-2023- Isabel Fattal “McKay: Pence made the calculation at the very beginning that he would vouch for Trump with conservative Christian voters. He would assure them that Trump was a good man, and that they didn’t need to worry about the various mistresses and affairs and exploits in his personal life. Pence was a key figure in creating a permission structure for evangelical voters to support Donald Trump, all of his personal foibles notwithstanding. In doing so, Pence unwittingly wrote himself out of conservative politics. He convinced what should have been his base—conservative religious voters—that personal character and morality don’t really matter in a presidential candidate. I heard that over and over in these focus groups. Voters would praise Mike Pence as an apparently decent, honest, wholesome guy who seems like a good Christian. And then, in the next breath, they would say, But I don’t really want to see him as president. And in many cases, they cited those qualities as evidence that he doesn’t have what it takes to be president. Pence accidentally conditioned the conservative Christian base to see as their ideal champion a brash, loud, charismatic, and morally dubious figure. Now that’s what they expect in a president. And the fact that Mike Pence doesn’t embody that persona now works against him.”
I wrote the first book in this series wondering if the people I had identified with since I was 18, Republicans and Christians, would vote for Trump again in 2020. How, with everything we discovered about Trump in his first term, could they support him in 2020? Trump’s withholding aid from Ukraine and his first impeachment were at the forefront of politics. Who knew then that Trump’s withholding of aid from Ukraine could play a factor in the invasion of Ukraine? Who could’ve foreseen stolen election claims, election tampering, a second impeachment, and incitement of an insurrection? The Republican party has fallen off a cliff, into a ditch, and down a deep hole. But what about Christians? Will they continue to try to prop up Trump as a man of character, integrity, and family values? “Since 2016, CPAC has been a celebration of all things Donald Trump and all things MAGA. I myself have sat in the ‘press’ section of the conference area of the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland and marveled at the extent to which Matt and Mercedes Schlapp had hitched their wagon to Trump’s ‘star.’ Well, that was three elections ago…But Trump will not go quietly, nor will CPAC, despite evidence that perhaps the Republican Party would be better off without them.”https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/03/donald-trump-cpac-ron-desantis
I have voted Republican most of my life primarily because of my hatred for abortion. But I began to notice a shift in the Republican Party where winning became more important than abortion, family values, and even the character of the candidate. I saw religious leaders try to canonize candidate Trump and pretend he’s always been a staunch opponent of abortion. As I followed the Georgia runoff election, I was fascinated by the coverage of abortion. Warnock, the Democratic candidate, was a Christian Pastor who supported a woman’s right to have an abortion. Herschel Walker, the Republican, was a man who had paid for multiple abortions. Yet 1,719,483 Georgians voted for Walker. Perhaps the overturning of “Roe vs. Wade” has diminished the importance of abortion to Republican voters. But what of Walker’s other glaring flaws? Sadly Walker is just a reflection of the person that endorsed him. Just this week, President Trump has been in the news for being found to have even more hidden classified documents and because the company that bears his name has been found guilty of massive tax fraud—17 counts in all. The Republican party and the Church must reconsider what is really important in a candidate for national office. What do Republicans really stand for, and do their candidates represent it?
The quote below shows Republicans might be turning the corner and not simply voting for a candidate because there is an “R” next to his/her name on the ballot. Does character matter again? New-York-Times: “Turnout by Republicans Was Great. It’s Just That Many of Them Didn’t Vote for Republicans. In state after state, the final turnout data shows that registered Republicans turned out at a higher rate — and in some places a much higher rate — than registered Democrats, including in many of the states where Republicans were dealt some of their most embarrassing losses. Instead, high-profile Republicans like Herschel Walker in Georgia…lost because Republican-leaning voters decided to cast ballots for Democrats, even as they voted for Republican candidates for U.S. House or other down-ballot races in their states. …other Republicans seemed to have no problem at all. Gov. Brian Kemp won by nearly eight points over Stacey Abrams; Republican candidates for House won the most votes on the same day. Yet Senator Raphael Warnock won in Georgia anyway, because a large group of voters willing to back other Republicans weren’t willing to back Mr. Walker. …Unlike in recent years, Republican primary voters were likelier to vote than Democrats (by a modest margin). Meanwhile, the white turnout rate exceeded the Black turnout rate by the widest margin since 2006.”
The e-book version of this book IS FREE on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
“Trump-Season 3” launched with his 2024 announcement. I looked to see what key religious leaders who’d backed him in 2016 & 2020 had to say. The most recent quotes I found were from 2020 and 2021 and were inexcusable, given all we knew about Trump from 2016-2020. But what about what we know of Trump through 2022? How could leaders who heralded him across America be so silent now? (CNN-12/20/22-Pat Robertson): “the President is living in an ‘alternate reality’ and should ‘move on’ from his 2020 election loss…Robertson – who prayed for Trump’s win in 2020 and once suggested that whoever is ‘revolting’ against Trump is ‘revolting against what God’s plan is for America’…Trump has ‘done a marvelous job for the economy,’ Robertson said Monday, but argued that he is ‘very erratic’…’He’s fired people, he’s fought people and he’s insulted people, and he keeps going down the line. So it’s a mixed bag…” But all Robertson was quoted of saying about Trump’s 2024 run was that it would be “a mistake.” (Axios-HBO-5/16/21-Franklin Graham on a Trump comeback): “I think for him, everything will depend on his health at that time. If he still has energy and strength like he does. I don’t…You know the guy does not eat well, you know, and it’s amazing the energy that he has.”
(MSNBC)"’What will the Ways and Means Committee end up seeing when it finally receives Trump's tax returns?’ said anchor Katie Phang. ‘In addition to getting the 1995 tax return, we also got decades of his corporate and personal tax returns,’ said Craig. ‘The first thing they're going to see, he's a pretty bad businessman. I'm not sure that's what they're looking for. You know, this story has its roots in Richard Nixon. It goes back to those days when there were procedures that were put into the IRS that required that the president be audited every year, and that was just because Richard Nixon had some personal tax shenanigans going on and they just wanted to make sure — they wanted to have a way to review it.’" History does repeat. In this chapter I share parallels between presidents Trump and Nixon and corruption that led to their impeachment. Ironically, as was seen in the quote above, one of the precedents that led to the release of Trump’s tax returns was installed because of Nixon’s corruption. I also share that the legendary Billy Graham regretted his full support of Nixon. He regretted becoming so involved in politics. And in a repeat of history, I show how his son Franklin Graham made the same mistake by giving his full-throated support of Trump.
CNBC-11/16/22-“Donald Trump was the only candidate in 2016 who could’ve defeated Hillary Clinton,” Pence said. “But I think different times call for different leadership…’I think we’ll have better choices in the future,’ Pence told ABC’s David Muir. ‘The people of this country actually get along pretty well once you get out of politics, and I think they want to see their national leaders start to reflect that same compassion and generosity of spirit.’” CNN-11/16/22-“’The president’s words and tweet that day were reckless,’ Pence said. ‘They endangered my family and all the people at the Capitol.’ In this chapter, I stated that Trump was deemed the candidate with the best chance to defeat Hillary Clinton despite his many character flaws and lack of credentials. Mike Pence echoed that sentiment verbatim in his recent CNN interview. The “Any Republican Will Do,” any Republican who can win mentality ushered in the Trump presidency. The other point that I touched on in this chapter was the Republicans’ fear of Donald Trump. For four years in office, through two impeachments, Trump’s bid to overturn the election, and the insurrection, Pence stood mostly silent. Now that Trump seems vulnerable, Pence finally starts speaking out, and these are the strongest words he could say? Even after Trump endangered his life? Mike Pence, please just stop speaking.
In a recent debate, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that it “was not true” that lands were “stolen” from the Native Americans and that it was “inappropriate” to teach children that to children. This is part of Governor DeSantis’ opposition to “Critical Race Theory.” It seems absurd to have to prove that Native Americans were massacred and their lands were often taken in wars to accommodate the growing number of European settlers. But more and more, we live in a time where someone can go on TV or social media and say something didn’t happen, and that seems to be enough to make it so. We saw an angry mob break into the Capital, attack policemen and try to break into the chamber where members of Congress were being protected. And because a politician said they were a peaceful crowd, we’re supposed to believe it. In this chapter, I share the writings of Benjamin Franklin. In these writings, Franklin bemoaned the fact that the “Indians” didn’t want to be assimilated into European culture; however, he was opposed to taking their lands by force. I share an account where despite Franklin’s best efforts, Indians that had assimilated into the culture were massacred by unruly settlers. Governor DeSantis, you’re a liar. Ben Franklin says so.
When I think of Marjorie Taylor Greene, I liken her to a reality TV star. Famous for some odd quirk or unbelievably obnoxious personality. She’s a reality star in a reality TV show turned horror movie sequel. Modeled after a reality-TV-star-turned-president horror movie. How did people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump get elected into public office? How is Herschel Walker, formerly of my beloved Dallas Cowboys, on the ballot for a Senate office? Where are the candidates like Bob Dole, John McCain, and George Bush? The answer? The party I voted for decade after decade stopped caring about character. The New York Times-The Morning by German Lopez October 17, 2022 “Trumpism’s torchbearer One telling moment: Early last year, House Republicans met to discuss whether to remove Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming from a leadership position after she voted to impeach Trump over the Jan. 6 attack. (They eventually did.) In that meeting, Greene justified her support for QAnon and other conspiracy theories — and about a third of the conference stood up and applauded her. ‘The headline tonight is that we tried to kick out Liz Cheney, and we gave a standing ovation to Marjorie Taylor Greene,’ Representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina warned at the time.”
I’ve written two books on racism in America and the Church. It’s my assertion in each book that racism, more than political affiliation, has been the hidden factor in embracing President Trump. As we sprint toward mid-term elections, the message in both books is that from his time as candidate Trump to the present, the president’s greatest appeal has never been his previous record of public or military service or even his pre-candidate anti-abortion record. Further, Bill Gates and Jeff Besos don’t have to hide their financials. We’ve always known the president’s “success” as a businessman was more bluster/bravado than reality. What made Donald Trump leap forward as a candidate? Hatred of Mexicans. It was later cleaned up/repackaged as “keeping our borders safe” and “Making America Great Again.” That success led to hatred of Muslims and black athletes kneeling in protest. As a career military man, it’s particularly appalling to me that a man who used his wealth to dodge Vietnam and the Oval Office to smear John McCain’s time as a POW would become an oracle for what respecting the military means. He later stirred up hatred towards Asians (Chinese/”Kung-flu”), an outpouring of sympathy for Confederate monuments/symbols, and support for white nationalists. These books examine America’s long history with racism and the Church’s complicity with it.
“The Supreme Court has decided to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow states to outlaw abortion, according to a written draft of the justices’ decision obtained by Politico.” According to the NY Times, a leaked draft from the Supreme Court says that Roe v. Wade will be overturned. I anticipate this forthcoming narrative: “If we hadn’t elected Trump, we couldn’t have gotten this done.” This narrative will try to make President Trump an anti-abortion hero. In this book, I write that I admired President Bush for being a staunch opponent of abortion, culminating in the ban on partial-birth abortions. I also make the case that any elected Republican president would have appointed conservative justices, justices with anti-abortion leaning, to the Supreme Court. On top of that, if Republicans hadn’t blocked President Obama from appointing a Supreme Court Justice, a Republican successor still may not have been successful in overturning Roe. I have always opposed abortion, but there’s a hidden cost in what looks like an incredible victory and, for me, an answered prayer. If all the credit is given to Trump, we will continue to endorse the notion that a half-century of race relations in America was worth sacrificing. We cannot accept that another Republican candidate could have achieved one without sacrificing the other.
Who calls former first lady Barbara Bush “nasty”? Who attacks Senator John McCain’s service to our nation as a POW while McCain is dying of cancer? What candidate could survive speaking of grabbing women by their genitals and referring to Mexicans in the vilest terms? What American president sings the praises of communist dictators? President Trump was impeached for lying about his actions in Ukraine. We watched him stir up an angry mob and refuse to call them off even as the Vice President’s life was in danger. In my chapter “Any Republican Will Do,” I talk about how being a “Republican” qualifies someone like Trump with no record of military or public service. It explains why House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy lied about asking Trump to step down. This mentality says we must have a Republican in the White House at all costs. But it doesn’t explain why they couldn’t move on to Pence. I believe there is a lingering secret attraction to racism in America, even in the Church. This attraction ignited candidate Trump’s campaign. During his re-election bid, he catered to it by embracing confederate monuments and giving shine to the Proud Boys. The lingering current of racism in America is a key focus of this book. (ebook version: FREE on Amazon Apr 27th-May 1st )
One of the most striking things about watching President Trump’s impeachment proceedings was the reality that America’s governmental leadership is predominantly white. I am a black man who has spent the last 22 years living in Washington D.C., Los Angeles, New York, and Phoenix. I have lived in neighborhoods with wildly varying demographics. I learned in elementary school that America was the “great melting pot.” And again, my life experience would support this. But every time I see the full gathering of Congress, particularly the Senate, I realize that the pot hasn’t spilled over into the highest levels of American political leadership. I saw the same thing in the Air Force’s leadership and have written three books about it. It’s part of what made Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation so compelling. It seemed that dark forces were gathering together to conjure up anything to keep the highest court of the land from melting further. For perspective, the first Supreme Court Justice was appointed in 1789. “Of the 114 Supreme Court justices in US history, all but 6 have been White men…In the 231-year history of the Supreme Court, less than 5.3% of justices have been women or minorities”- https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/25/politics/supreme-court-justice-minorities-history-trnd/index.html (does not include Justice Barrett) 1967 first black male justice. 1981 First white female justice. 2009 first Latin American/Latin American female.
I am a Christian and was a life-long Republican voter until 2016. I think it is important to remember that the near-automatic endorsement of any Republican candidate has had serious consequences. There have been consequences here in the US and abroad, impacting our NATO allies and now, unfortunately, Ukraine. As a career military man, I’ve been trained to view communism as a threat and to view Russia as an adversary. In this chapter, I talk about how winking at Russia, fraternizing with them, admiring their leader harms Democracy global and the spread of the gospel. BusinessInsider.com Sonam Sheth and Nicole Gaudiano Mar 24, 2022, 4:25 PM “Marie Yovanovitch told Insider in an interview that Russian President Vladimir Putin didn't need to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine when Donald Trump was president because Trump was giving Putin everything he wanted. With Trump, Yovanovitch said, Putin ‘could just sit back and let the good times roll.’ Yovanovitch, Trump's former ambassador to Ukraine, said the former president showed ‘strong, clear admiration’ for Putin and other strongmen, disparaged US allies, and had longstanding ‘negative’ views on NATO and other global alliances. All these things ‘emboldened Putin — there's no question about it,’ said Yovanovitch, a fluent Russian speaker and three-time ambassador during her over three decades in the Foreign Service.”
William Barr idealizes the “Any Republican Will Do” sentiments. He denounced election fraud claims, witnessed the impact of President Trump’s pro-Russia-anti-Ukraine stance, yet would still vote for him in 2024. Unbelievable. William-Barr-hits-back-at-Trump's-'childish' letter: 'He-immediately-throws-a-tantrum-and-attacks' Businessinsider.com-Oma Seddiq-Mar 7, 2022-1:21-PM "It's par for the course. The president is a man who, when he's told something he doesn't want to hear, he immediately throws a tantrum and attacks the person personally," Barr said during an interview with NBC's "Today" host Savannah Guthrie. As the former president teases the possibility of a 2024 presidential run, Barr has urged the Republican Party to move past Trump and deemed him unfit to serve. Still, Barr told Guthrie on Monday that he'd still likely vote for Trump if he were to emerge as the 2024 Republican presidential nominee. "I certainly have made it clear. I don't think he should be our nominee, and I'm going to support somebody else for the nomination," Barr said. "But if he is the nominee, and your choice is Donald Trump and whoever's voting on the Democratic side, would you vote for him?" Guthrie asked. "Because I believe that the greatest threat to the country is the progressive agenda being pushed by the Democratic Party, it's inconceivable to me that I wouldn't vote for the Republican nominee," Barr said.
Former VP Mike Pence: “Putin only understands strength.” Where was he when his boss spent four years praising Putin? That sounds disrespectful/harsh. But is it? VP Pence demands President Biden increase military spending with Ukraine? What if VP Pence had taken this stand when President Trump was withholding military aid to Ukraine in the face of a looming Russian threat? What if VP Pence had stood up for Ukraine, for Republicans, and even America during the impeachment process? He easily could have become President Pence, and perhaps there would be no Ukraine crisis today. Now that’s it is safer to speak against President Trump; we see these comments? It’s honestly too late. Republicans need a leadership overhaul. Please don’t come scurrying out now when you hid for four years afraid. Where are the new voices? The title of this chapter in this book is “Any Republican Will Do.” We know for sure now that certainly isn't the case. (CNN)-03/04/22 “Former Vice President Mike Pence is expected to condemn Republican ‘apologists’ who have complimented Russian President Vladimir Putin amid his invasion of Ukraine… ‘Putin only understands strength. As members of the party that won the Cold War, we must send a deafening message: Putin must stop or Putin must pay..We must demand this administration increases military spending immediately, (arms) Ukraine…’”
This book talks about body cameras and no-knock warrants. While seven police officers were raiding Breonna Taylor’s home without body cameras or following proper procedures, a SWAT team with body cameras, following procedures, captured her ex-boyfriend without loss of life. Though officers were fired, none were convicted. NY-Times-Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs-March 3, 2022 The only officer to be charged for his actions during the fatal police raid on Breonna Taylor’s apartment was found not guilty on Thursday of endangering three of Ms. Taylor’s neighbors by firing bullets into their home during the botched operation. The police had a warrant to raid Ms. Taylor’s apartment in search of evidence that her former boyfriend had been selling drugs, but the warrant was based on shoddy surveillance and officers believed that Ms. Taylor would be alone at home. Instead, she was asleep in bed with her current boyfriend, Kenneth Walker… Mr. Hankison testified that when he heard the 22 bullets fired by his two fellow officers, he mistakenly thought they were engaged in a gunfight with someone inside the apartment; he also wrongly interpreted the sound of the handgun fired by Mr. Walker as coming from a much more dangerous semiautomatic rifle… The police chief…fired Mr. Hankison three months after the raid, saying he had violated department policy by shooting “blindly” into the apartment…
I wrote this chapter as President Trump was facing impeachment over his dealings with Ukraine. President Trump recently called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “genius.” We are deluged with social media and news outlet content. As a result, we may have forgotten that President Trump was impeached in part for withholding military aid from Ukraine that would have assisted Ukraine against Russian aggression. President Trump also denied but was proven to have asked Ukraine to help investigate his greatest political threat and to accept responsibility for Russian tampering in the 2016 presidential election. In this chapter, I shared my alarm over President Trump’s “coziness” with Putin. I shared that I was “a Reagan-era, military man who spent 28 years in a uniform” who “spent so many years preparing for the Russian and Chinese, communist, threat, viewing Russia and China as America's greatest enemies.” We have seen that President Trump is one of the most vengeful people to ever hold political office. Is it plausible that a former US president is praising Russian aggression in Ukraine because Ukraine failed to deliver the goods on Joe Biden and to shake suspicion over Russia’s involvement in the 2016 elections? Moreover, is it possible that somehow the former President is somehow indebted to Putin in ways that remain undiscovered?
“Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) rebuked the RNC in a recent press conference where he called the events of January 6th a 'violent insurrection.' CNN's Lauren Fox reports.” In my book “The Making of A Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short,” I went after Mitch McConnell as the leader of the Republican party for overlooking even excusing President Trump’s misconduct in several areas. I labeled the morals-character-integrity-experience-be-damned-behavior “Any Republican Will Do.” So many Republican leaders are now labeling the Jan 6thinsurrection that resulted in the deaths and serious injuries of law enforcement personnel as a “peaceful demonstration.” Today I want to applaud Senator McConnell for being one of the few Republican leaders who condemned President Trump’s actions on January 6th and is still standing today with what he said then. Perhaps the moral compass of Republican leadership is turning.
In this book bubble, I raise the question, does it take a black man in the body of Christ to lead the charge against racism in America? I answer the question with a definitive no. However, in this book, I make it quite clear that the intertwining of politics and the Church has caused many in the Church to elevate their political affiliation above the cross of Christ. Most recently, this has meant that if their party affiliation has made it ok to wink at racism against Mexicans, Blacks, Asians, etc., then these things can be acceptable before God. Maybe for now, it will still have to be a person of color within the body of Christ to lead this charge.
Dick Cheney just spoke a hard truth to his fellow Republicans about January 6 Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large Fri January 7, 2022 "It's not leadership that resembles any of the folks I knew when I was here for 10 years," Cheney told CNN's Ali Zaslav. In an interview with ABC's Jonathan Karl, Cheney went even further, saying, "I'm deeply disappointed we don't have better leadership in the Republican Party to restore the Constitution."…
Revisionist history. Critical race theory. When most people hear these words, they likely jump to the discussion of the erasure from American history of both the atrocities against and the accomplishments of African Americans. But did you know revisionist history to some degree also seeks to diminish the discrimination against German and Irish immigrants? As an African American, I think of German and Irish people as “white” people. But the Founding Fathers initially did not consider these immigrants as desirable, certainly not equals. The Founding Fathers' early vision for America was what I refer to as a “new Europe.” They envisioned a new Europe for people of British descent. The same racist terms and characteristics that we heard the previous administration repeatedly use in salvos against Mexican immigrants/Mexican Americans were used against the Germans and the Irish. We have to incorporate that into our understanding of America’s historical, cultural underpinnings. From an African American perspective, it sounds like this to me: if they treated other “white people” like this from the earliest days of our Democracy, what chance did black, brown, red, and yellow people have?
You can’t miss my Black Friday Blowout Book Sale! Ten e-book titles will be over 50% off, and six titles will be FREE! These 16 selected e-books/kindle versions will be for sale/FREE on Amazon starting Black Friday through November 30th only! Mark your calendars! This book will be marked down over 50%! This bubble features 5-star reviews of the Audible version of this book. This is the first book in a 3-part series of books that examine the very sensitive topics of race, religion and racism in America. It looks at the intersection of these issues in government and the Church.
Today I received several letters from charitable/Christian organizations that I financially support. I was drawn to a letter from one organization that I have only been supporting for a few years. I hadn’t read much about what they were doing in a while. I had also increased my giving to them recently in response to a call for help. As I scanned the letter, I was initially impressed with some of the work they were doing, amounts they’d raised, and their growth. Then I noticed that most of the people in the pictures were white. I tried to shrug it off, but they had a lot of pictures. Almost all the students and faculty were white with the exception of two Asian students. In an era where organizations at least try to portray diversity, it was a little discouraging. It's discouraging as a black man because it’s as if their vision doesn’t include people that look like me. As I read more of the letter, I saw this: “Our students…are being bombarded with conflicting images, revisionist history…” There it was. A Christian organization that I support boldly joining the political narrative that an accurate depiction of slavery and its after-effects on black people in America is “revisionist history.” My heart sank. My giving will too.
Washington-Post-Vanessa-Williams-08-13-2021 “The demographic shifts that have roiled political and cultural debates in the United States during the past several years came into sharper focus Thursday with the release of race and ethnic breakdowns from the 2020 Census. For the first time since the first census in 1790, the number of people who identify solely as White was smaller and their share of the population dipped below 60 percent. At the same time, people of color make up a majority of the populations in six states plus D.C. and are now the majority of the U.S. population under the age of 18, at 52.7 percent. The battles over how we talk about the history of America — and who gets to write its future — will likely intensify in the coming years, as the meaning of terms “majority” and “minority” are challenged by groups competing for political, economic and cultural power.” I don’t believe America can survive the coming upheaval of its shift from a majority white nation to a majority ethnic one without Jesus Christ. Just in the last year, we have seen attacks on the U.S. Capitol and the electoral college process and a growing fight to write slavery and its after-effects out of America’s history. Without God’s help, I can only see it getting worse.
The greatness of America is not the Founding Fathers. The greatness of America is not the diversity of her ethnicities. It’s not even found in her many freedoms and liberties. It’s not found solely in her gorgeous landscapes from sea to shining sea. I believe in 202,1 we have forgotten that God made America great despite areas of shortsightedness pertaining to race and equality in the Founding Fathers. We have forgotten that God is the only force strong enough to unite a nation that would be torn apart across ethnic lines without Him. God is the only person with motives so pure that He can lead us away from the selfishness, greed, and favoritism that would cause us to restrict or impinge upon the liberties of one race to increase the liberties afforded to our own. God handcrafted America’s shores, mountain landscapes, deserts, beaches, hills, fields, rivers, lakes, and streams. He made every blooming flower and tree and all the creatures that find their home here. He is the only one that can and should be given credit for the greatness that is America! He is the only one that can carry her to the destiny that He envisioned. Trusting in anyone else, giving full credit to anyone else, is at best ingratitude and at worst idolatry.
I could have titled this book “The 1619 Project” or “Critical Race Theory.” It’s the first in a series of three books about America’s historical treatment of blacks from slavery to the present. I also discuss the historical treatment of Native Americans, Mexican and Asian immigrants. Further, I discuss racism in the Church, such as how the great Azusa revival failed to have God’s desired impact because many spirit-filled white leaders couldn’t worship with minorities under the leading of the Holy Ghost. There were consequences, ramifications for failure to respond to God’s attempt at racial unity in 1906, just as there are consequences and residual effects in 2021 of slavery, Jim Crow, denial of voting, employment, housing and other rights. That’s not “rewriting history” it’s just history America doesn’t want to face. What's behind The 1619 Project controversy? https://www.k12dive.com/news/whats-behind-the-1619-project-controversy/594965/ “Iowa, South Dakota, Missouri, Arkansas and Mississippi — have introduced legislation that would prohibit schools from teaching The 1619 Project or cut funding from those that do. The ongoing long-form journalism project…explores the impact of slavery and contributions of Black Americans to the formation and growth of the United States…Trump said at a White House conference in September that the project ‘rewrites American history to teach our children that we were founded on the principle of oppression, not freedom.’"
“Juneteenth” is June 19th (History.com-excerpt-below). Tragically, freed slaves were worse off than America’s homeless today. They had no ownership share in the lands they’d worked for generations, housing, healthcare, jobs, voting/civil rights. Lost in Lincoln’s effort to emancipate the slaves was his massive efforts to recruit white immigrants to meet America’s growing need for labor. In doing so, Lincoln missed the greatest opportunity for reparations that America has ever seen, opening up job opportunities for the newly freed slaves/”African-Americans.” https://www.history.com/news/what-is-juneteenth “Juneteenth (short for “June Nineteenth”) marks the day when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas in 1865 to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people be freed. The troops’ arrival came a full two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth honors the end to slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday. On June 17, 2021, it officially became a federal holiday. Confederate General Robert E. Lee had surrendered at Appomattox Court House two months earlier in Virginia, but slavery had remained relatively unaffected in Texas—until U.S. General Gordon Granger stood on Texas soil and read General Orders No. 3: ‘The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.’”
I recently watched a CNN special on “Black Wall Street” about the massacre of at least 100 black people in Greenwood, Oklahoma. I’d researched it and wrote about it in one of my books. But during the special, I learned that the Indians who were forcibly marched during “The Trail of Tears” took their slaves with them. That’s how so many blacks in Oklahoma became landowners after the Civil War. When the war was over, these Indian Tribes, who fought on the side of the Confederacy, were given lands. The emancipated slaves were too. I NEVER knew that. We weren’t taught in school that Indians owned slaves or that black slaves were on “The Trail of Tears.” So you can imagine my disgust when I saw this headline: “Texas bill to ban teaching of critical race theory puts teachers on front lines of culture war over how history is taught.” There’s a push in a lot of Republican-led states like FL, TX, etc., to separate the Founding Fathers from slavery, slavery from racism, and race from post-slavery denials of voting rights, lynchings, segregation. As a life-long Republican voter, I emphasized Republican. More and more, the party has identified itself with vile things like this and the Proud Boys, etc. How can slavery based on skin color not be racist?
Today is a sad day in the history of America’s government, specifically the Republican party. Today Congressman Liz Cheney, a staunch conservative and daughter of a two-time Republican Vice-President, will be voted out of her leadership position. Why? Because she dared to tell the truth: that Donald Trump did not win re-election. She is not saying something that former Attorney General Matt Barr, federal courts, and the Supreme Court haven’t said. How did the party that stood for “family-values-and-faith” become associated with dishonesty and corruption? How did the Republican Party become synonymous with nearly everything wrong in politics the past five years: separating immigrant families from their children, working with foreign governments to investigate political rivals, standing against wearing masks, white nationalism, saying racism has ceased to exist, trying to steal an election by asking elected officials “to find votes,” and inciting insurrection at the US Capitol? The answer? Extreme, undying loyalty to one man over the party’s own principles. Senator Lindsey Graham says the party can’t move on without a twice-impeached former president who incited insurrection and illegally tried to overturn a democratic election. Liz Cheney says the party should move on and is being ripped apart by the party and its propaganda arm, Fox News. The Republican party has put power over principles and integrity. It’s shameful.
Washington-Post-05/04/2021 Opinion by Sierra Teller Ornelas “Santorum, a former senator and twice-failed candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, told attendees at the Standing Up for Faith and Freedom Conference, “We came here and created a blank slate, we birthed a nation from nothing,” and “there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.” When faced with Santorum’s unchecked ignorance, my first instinct is to dispel this hurtful narrative, and rattle off all the ways my people have shaped the foundation and survival of these United States. First of all: land. Having it stolen wasn’t our choice, but it’s at the top of my list. Then, I don’t know, a template for our democracy — something Santorum ignored twice — and women in leadership roles? Cotton, tobacco, potatoes, tomatoes, chocolate and sports such as football and lacrosse? Art movements, astronomy, architecture, nautical navigation and technologies so advanced they were pretty much considered magic by the first non-Native Americans to see them? But others have already done so eloquently, and honestly why must we pause to litigate our entire culture’s humanity every time some bargain basement Mitt Romney with a microphone tries to erase us? Santorum is not an outlier. Many Americans feel the way he does about the origins of this country.”
In 2019 I was dismayed that I could find only one Republican who’d stand up to the things that President Trump was doing at the time. Mitt Romney was on a lonely island of character and courage speaking about wrongdoing that led to President Trump’s first impeachment. Liz Cheney has joined Mitt Romney on his island of courage and character. Even as a sea of Republican sharks circle the island determined to strip her of her leadership position and unseat her in Wyoming. Here are her comments from a 05/05/201-Washington-Post-Op-Ed: “While embracing or ignoring Trump’s statements might seem attractive to some for fundraising and political purposes, that approach will do profound long-term damage to our party and our country. Trump has never expressed remorse or regret for the attack of Jan. 6 and now suggests that our elections, and our legal and constitutional system, cannot be trusted to do the will of the people… Finally, we Republicans need to stand for genuinely conservative principles, and steer away from the dangerous and anti-democratic Trump cult of personality. History is watching. Our children are watching. We must be brave enough to defend the basic principles that underpin and protect our freedom and our democratic process. I am committed to doing that, no matter what the short-term political consequences might be.”
In three books, I have admitted that I voted for a Republican president in nearly every election, starting with Reagan. I left the ballot blank instead of voting for Romney and voted for Hillary Clinton instead of Donald Trump. I was one of those “black Republicans.” I like black Senator Tim Scott cited family values and my faith as support for my voting choices. In Senator Scott’s rebuttal to President Biden’s address to Congress, he talked about President Biden being “divisive.” I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to identify with him because he was black, for his stance on police reform, and because of his faith. But I couldn’t. Right or wrong I tweeted, “@TimScottSC Sir I'm watching you give a Republican response. I voted Republican in every election but 2016. Your credibility is greatly diminished because I didn't hear you speak out against the most racist and divisive leader I have known in 56 years of life. #credibilty #none” In three books, I ask the question aren’t racism and division sins? The Church has never come to terms with this (slavery, segregation, Trumpian-white-nationalism). I have black children, black and brown godchildren, President Trump’s conduct became a threat to our family values, perhaps even their physical well-being. Am I being too hard on Senator Scott? On the Church? No.
Some white people may be wondering why black people are rejoicing over the George Floyd verdict. America’s history is jam-packed with instances of the courts backing police brutality. The judges have long been part of “the system” in systemic racism. NY-TIMES-April-5th-2021 “President Biden last week named 11 people he plans to nominate to serve on federal courts, more than any recent president this early in his term. Nine are women, three are Black women and one would become the country’s first Muslim federal judge… So far, what distinguishes Biden’s nominees from his predecessors’? Federal judicial nominees have typically been somebody from the U.S. attorney’s office, a local prosecutor or a partner in a law firm. But after Trump put 220-some judges on there — many of them very conservative, most of them white males and some of them with very little legal experience... The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, in Chicago, has a totally white lineup of judges. So Biden picked Candace Jackson-Akiwumi, who is a Black woman and a former federal public defender. Public defenders see the federal courts from another side — from the perspective of the defendant. That’s a big change. I think Biden wanted to make a statement about the kinds of judges he wants: people with different life and legal experiences.”
One of the most surprising things that I discovered in writing this book is that hatred against Asians in the United States predates immigration laws. In fact, there was a long period in US history where Chinese people were not allowed to apply for citizenship. This targeted demographic restriction started with the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and wasn’t repealed until 1952!. In 1907 the “Gentleman’s Agreement” was signed between the US and Japan. As a result of that agreement, Japanese emigration to the United States was limited to certain categories of business and professional men. The same argument that has been used most recently against Mexican immigrants, “they’re stealing our jobs,” was erroneously used against both Japanese and Chinese immigrants. Regardless of whether it was the 1800s, 1900s, or present-day, racism is the root. One of the main spiritual points of this book is that racism was poured right into America's foundation as it was being built as a nation. We must resist the urge to see it as something new, something particular to the times we are living in. Only then can we begin to make real progress in extending the freedoms and liberties that the Founding Fathers envisioned to ALL Americans.
I prayed for Georgia Gov Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger when President Trump tried to steal the election there. They courageously stood up to Trump when he told them to “find 11,780” votes. Now Gov. Kemp has led the way to sign a voting law (SB 202) that Georgia State Sen. John Albers “called a measure to enhance voting access.” SB 202: “imposing limits on the use of mobile polling places and drop boxes; raising voter identification requirements for casting absentee ballots; barring state officials from mailing unsolicited absentee ballots to voters; and preventing voter mobilization groups from sending absentee ballot applications to voters or returning their completed applications.” Election security seems to be the objective until you look closer “the measure, supposedly to prevent undue influence, outlaws providing food or drinks to voters waiting to exercise their democratic rights.” In Georgia, you can hand a snack to a friend waiting in line to buy concert tickets or to a homeless person, but it is now against the law to hand someone water standing in a line to vote, a line that will now be made longer because of new restrictions. This is what systemic racism looks like in 2021. We cannot keep denying its existence. Quotes from Washington Post (Michelle Au) March 27, 2021
In this excerpt, I cite the courage of the men and women who had the courage to confront President Trump’s improper call to Ukraine. Arizona Governor Ducey and the Georgia Secretary of State showed similar courage when President Trump made improper calls to them to change vote tallies. In this excerpt, I said, “I believe that the "authority" outlined in Chapter 13 of Romans doesn't stop at the three branches of government. It also extends to government agencies.” I also said, “My prayer is that God, in His mercy, will continue to raise up righteous men and women in authority with the courage to confront the President, amidst the vast sea of men and women in authority in the government and in the Church, who are afraid to.” I wrote this before the Senate voted on President Trump’s first impeachment. Here as we sit waiting on a second vote, following a second impeachment, my prayer is the same. My prayer is that God will raise up men at the local level to bring President Trump to justice even though Republican Senators will again lack the courage to execute their authority to convict President Trump for inciting a mob that cost three Capitol policemen their lives and put the lives of the Vice President and members of Congress in danger.
This chapter is entitled “White People We Need Your Help.” Now more than ever, people of color need your help. Watching media coverage over the past month, we see an obvious duality in America. We see that if you’re a rich white criminal or if you know a rich white person, you can get a pardon by the president, no matter the severity of your crime. If you’re a rich white President, his white lawyer, or a newly-elected white Congressman, you can incite a riot and have nearly every white Republican in Congress fight to ensure you face no consequences. That’s not the worst of it. We saw that you could be white from any walk of life and be confident that it is your “right” to storm the US capitol. Further, you can have Tucker Carlson/Fox News complain because you are labeled a “white supremacist.” Yet, in this book, I show that if you’re black, you can be shot in the back while running, even walking away from a minor crime or during a traffic violation. White America, we need you to speak out. We need you to say this is wrong. It's not about politics, about Republicans or Democrats. Eliminating duality is about fairness and American values, and the constitutional principles of justice, equity, and truth.
In 2019 Colin Powell said Republicans’ re-election fears made them afraid to confront Trump. These Washington Post quotes and the cowardice Republican leaders displayed during the 2nd impeachment vote show that this is still true. “In recent weeks, Trump has entertained the idea of creating a third party, called the Patriot Party, and instructed his aides to prepare election challenges to lawmakers who crossed him in the final weeks in office… Multiple people in Trump’s orbit, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations, say Trump has told people that the third-party threat gives him leverage to prevent Republican senators from voting to convict him during the Senate impeachment trial. Trump advisers also say they plan to recruit opposing primary candidates and commission polling next week in districts of targeted lawmakers.” “Those 10 [Republican] colleagues who voted to impeach all have to know there’s a decent chance they lose their jobs next year,” says Joe Walsh, a former Illinois congressman…” “The GOP appears more eager for retribution against Republicans who upheld their oaths of office than against a president who violated it. All 10 of the House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump are now facing a backlash at home, with local party organizations scolding them for disloyalty and primary challengers lining up against them.”
It’s plain to most everyone that President Trump’s “patriotism” is fake. His MAGA version of patriotism has been a shroud to promote his own self-serving ambitions and white nationalism. Here’s a national anthem lyric: “Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?” “What are ramparts: the embankments that were part of the fort's defense. gallantly: in a heroic or brave manner. streaming: this describes the flag waving in the wind.” (Grammarlyblog.com) Trump supporters have perverted the meaning of America’s most revered anthem and symbol. Our flag was made into a symbol of armed insurrection as it was flown by rioters attacking the very fortress of American democracy. Instead of flying America’s flag in a heroic manner, a cowardly Trump supporter, embedded in a mob, beat Capitol a police officer with a flagpole attached to the American flag. Trump supporters carried it alongside the Confederate flag, exalting the symbol of our nation’s greatest insurrection. The president’s response to this mob who attacked the Capitol, threatened the lives of Congressmen/Senators and chanted “hang Mike Pence?” He called them “patriots.” This is the same president that vehemently attacked black athletes for kneeling before the flag during the national anthem, calling them “son of a bitches” who should be “fired.”
At publication on February 1st, 2020, I wrote “cries of regret have already begun to ring out in America over the choice that has been made in President Trump, and his term is not over yet.” Later his reckless urgings such as “LIBERATE Michigan” and “STOP the STEAL” would result in armed protesters at Michigan’s capitol and a plot to kidnap the governor as well as an insurrection at our nation’s capital. COVID-19: 373K Dead. Washington Post: RUCKER: So, Bob, from January 28th, when the president learned how severe the threat of this virus was…the president was insisting to the public that it was no big deal…It wasn't going to be a real threat to the United States…Did they try to get the president to do more or to level with the American people, or were they also in denial? WOODWARD: I think there was denial across the board. And Trump…he's a one-man band. He's going to do what he wants to do on impulse--or information he has. And so, he's a bulldozer to the staff and, quite frankly, to the country…this is one of the problems of the Trump presidency, that he doesn't build a team, he doesn't plan. He doesn't sit down and say, "How are we going to tackle things like the pandemic?"
I woke up early to see the end of the electoral college certification. It was so important to me to see that President Trump’s attempt at insurrection had failed. I have been writing on this subject for over two years, and it has manifested in three books. The worst of what I feared and wrote about manifested itself last night. I felt like I needed to respond. I felt led to ask people to pray. I felt led to share some things from the three books as a prayer focus. I wrote in MGA Vol III, “The only force proven strong enough to tear America apart is racism.” In three books, I have tried to show that the real force, the real spirit, underlying the power of MAGA is racism. It is the fuel that secretly motivates people to come across the country, attack the police, break into the houses of Congress, and even lose their lives. You may say it's “Trumpism,” but the truth is that you cannot separate Trumpism from racism. I wrote three books saying that the only power stronger than racism and division is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. My prayer has always been that eyes would finally be opened. Hopefully, yesterday’s tragic and totally avoidable events will help do that.
NEW-YORK-TIMES “Hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told a conservative radio show host that ‘we can say pretty clearly that it was the Russians’ behind the vast hack of the federal government and American industry, he was contradicted on Saturday by President Trump, who sought to muddy the intelligence findings… Defying the conclusions of experts inside and outside the government who say the attack was a cybersecurity breach on a scale Washington has never experienced, Mr. Trump also played down the severity of the hack, saying ‘everything is well under control,’ insisting that the news media has exaggerated the damage and suggesting, with no evidence, that the real issue was whether the election results had been compromised…With 30 days left in office, Mr. Trump’s dismissive statements made clear there would be no serious effort by his administration to punish Russia for the hack,” I believe in my lifetime it will be shown that President Trump’s efforts to deny Russian interference in the 2016 elections, refusal to investigate Russian bounties on U.S. soldiers, refusal to turn over tax records detailing his business dealings with Russia and downplaying this latest Russian cyber-attack are all connected. I believe there is a connection far greater than collusion. I believe it is the reason he’s fought so hard to stay in office.
First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for everyone—for kings and all those in authority—so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior-1 Tim 2:2 In this excerpt, I talked about our democracy & praying for all three branches of government. Recently I was praying for the Supreme Court that they’d do the right thing in terms of the presidential election. This prayer should include lower-level judges, state attorney generals, etc. We have allowed President Trump to become bigger than his office and exceed the established balance of powers. I didn’t vote for him, but if he wins, I’ll acknowledge him as the majority's choice. However, he cannot be allowed to win by cheating the process: keep counting in AZ where I’m behind but stop counting everywhere I had a lead on election night. As a military man, I have voted absentee most of my life. To assert that the process has suddenly become suspect is beyond ridiculous and resembles third-world or communist corruption. We need to pray that the local authorities do their job despite intimidation and that the rightful winner, Republican or Democrat, is determined by the ballots cast by the American people.
I am a Christian, yet I have been battling anxiety and loss of sleep about the election. I’m worried that President Trump won’t concede on election night if he loses and will pull a never-before-seen stunt to try to invalidate the results. I’m currently driving to NY and was worried about driving through TX because I saw Trump supporters in TX tried to run a Biden team bus off the road. Then I saw where the president continued his pattern of encouraging these white supremacist thugs at his rallies and chastised the FBI for investigating the incident. Trump supporters also blocked highways in NY/NJ. I looked up Psalm 91, 27, 34, and 23 and read phrases like: “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust,” “For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me,” “I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears,” “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul.” I’m urging Americans not just to vote but to pray. This is no ordinary election--no ordinary time. I believe the president will try to turn America upside down.
God help us if President Trump is “the least racist person” in ANY room. The president: told two black congresswomen to go back to Africa, called black/brown nations “shithole” countries and said we should seek more immigrants from “Norway,” stirred racist birther rumors about President Obama/Senator Harris, told white farmers that Puerto Ricans recovering from the worst natural disaster in decades were taking “their” money, called Mexicans “killers/rapists/thugs,” held a police reform summit in Dallas but didn’t invite the black police chief, county sheriff or district attorney, fondly referred to Confederate symbols/monuments as part of America’s “great heritage,” encouraged white people (McCloskeys in St. Louis, Kyle Rittenhouse) to take up arms against peaceful protesters, dismissed the FBI’s assessment that white nationalism was the greatest threat to America’s domestic security, told white nationalists to “stand by.” Who believes that a president who ceased racial sensitivity training in the Federal government, said systematic racism doesn’t exist and that George Floyd’s death was the result of a “few bad apples,” will do anything to bring true police reform? America’s greatest assets are its democracy, faith in God, and “melting pot.” The greatest threat to American stability has always been race, not the economy or abortion. As such, President Trump is the most destabilizing person in ANY room--including the White House.
I have written two books on racism in America and the Church. As we sprint toward the election, the message in both books is that from his candidacy to the present, President Trump’s greatest appeal has never been his record of public or military service nor his life-long status as a champion against abortion. Additionally, we’ve always known that the president's “success” as a businessman has been more bluster/bravado than reality. And all Republican presidents nominate conservative judges. So what made Donald Trump leap forward as a candidate? Hatred of Mexicans. It was later cleaned up/repackaged as “keeping our borders safe” and “Making America Great Again.” The success of that led to including hatred of Muslims and black athletes kneeling in protest. As a career military man, it was particularly appalling that a man who used his wealth to dodge Vietnam service would become an oracle for respecting America’s military. Calling kneeling black athletes “sons-of-bitches” fit neatly within MAGA’s branding and further stirred up racial hatred. Since then, the president has stirred up hatred towards Asians for the “Chinese”/”Kung-flu” and shown support for Confederate monuments/symbols and white nationalists. As candidate and president, his greatest success/appeal remains the same. These books highlight racism in America & the Oval Office but also the Church’s consistent, hidden complicity with all of it.
Donald Trump is a bad apple. No president from F.D.R. to the present, has been caught up in more scandals over what he has done or said: admittingly using a foreign government to investigate a political rival, failure to condemn America’s greatest rival for interfering with our elections, paying off prostitutes, having top handpicked associates go to prison, covering up his personal finances, calling Mexicans rapists and murders, calling protesting black athletes “sons of bitches,” attacking Senator McCain’s POW status while he was dying of brain cancer, calling Barbara Bush “nasty,” being wrong about the “15 people” who would die from COVID-19, firing the Attorney General, key members of the State Department and Inspector Generals, overriding whistleblower protections in a matter where he later admitted he said the things that were reported, using tear gas on peaceful protesters for a photo op, not giving the American people a full explanation of the intelligence that showed Russia put bounties on American troops, for incendiary rage tweeting, telling white nationalists to “standby,” for implying that the coronavirus was akin to the flu and people could somehow gut it out while he received drug treatments not available to the American public. President Trump’s only lasting appeal is his MAGA/white nationalist rhetoric. Sadly, his appeal along these lines also resides in the Church.
The issue of slavery was a major factor in Virginia’s successful bid to take back lands originally designated to be part of the District of Columbia. It was called “retrocession”: “Transfer to the District of Columbia meant that residents in Alexandria lost their Virginia citizenship. Starting with the election of 1802, Alexandrians were not allowed to vote for members of Congress, or for president starting in 1804…The white political leaders in Alexandria feared that Congress might outlaw the slave trade within the boundaries of the Federal district. In the 1840's, the town was a major slave market…The worst-case scenario for Virginia slaveowners was the prospect that slavery would be banned in the District of Columbia, including Alexandria County and the town. Slaves might be able to escape simply walking across a political boundary with no physical barriers…In the House of Representatives, Congressman R. M. T. Hunter led the effort…Congress was busy debating the status of Texas and the war with Mexico, so Hunter kept the retrocession debate low-key and avoided discussion of the slavery issue. He focused on how voters had been disenfranchised and how Alexandria had been damaged economically, by inclusion within the District of Columbia. Another segment of the population also opposed retrocession, though they could not vote…free blacks in Alexandria…15% of the population.” (http://www.virginiaplaces.org/boundaries/retrocession.html)
In this book bubble, I call attention to the president’s pattern of speaking incendiary words and then denying any responsibility for his followers' actions. It is a pattern that he continued in the presidential debate as he told the white nationalist group “The Proud Boys” to “stand back and stand by.” His words have resurfaced again as the FBI foiled a plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan: Conservative groups have criticized Whitmer for her attempts to control the coronavirus by restricting normal activities. In April, President Trump tweeted, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!”… Since May, more than 50 people have driven vehicles into peaceful protesters. Armed protesters shut down the Michigan legislature in May…The American right today has a bigger violence problem than the American left. Of the 42 killings by political extremists last year, right-wing extremists committed 38… Trump, for his part, has encouraged violence against protesters at his rallies and has often refused to condemn violent white-supremacist groups, including during last week’s debate. Whitmer, speaking after the arrests yesterday, cited that debate: “Hate groups heard the president’s words not as a rebuke, but as a rallying cry, a call to action,” she said. The Detroit News reported that some of the plot’s conspirators met during a Second Amendment rally at the Michigan State Capitol in June.
I have really struggled this year as a Christian. My church was the most ethnically diverse that I have ever attended. The senior pastor and most senior leaders are white. After the George Floyd incident, I started to become a little uneasy with my church as the things being said from the pulpit seemed to parrot the Republican party platform. A few months ago, my church seemed to take the president’s stand on masks and later started having services without masks or social distancing. It seemed that we had gotten so close to the president that we followed his policy on masks and social distancing like it was a prophetic word. This was very difficult for me because my dad had coronavirus, and today there will be a memorial service for one of my dearest friends who also went to a church that did not wear masks. The senior pastor’s wife at that church, when confronted with the state law to wear masks in church services said it was “Biden’s law.” I have already started praying for the president and the first lady. I pray that neither will have a very difficult time with COVID-19. But I am also hoping that many of the president’s followers, including people at my church, would begin to reexamine their use of masks.
In last night’s debate, President Trump refused to denounce white nationalism. In this book and the sequel, “Uprooting the Spirit of Racism,” I call upon the Church, the body of Christ, to distance itself from the racist comments, stances, and actions of the president. I am not surprised that during the debate, the president told a white hate group to “stand back and stand by,” implying that he needed their help to deal with antifa. I am, however, deeply saddened, even grieved, as an African American born-again believer in Jesus Christ. I am grieved that the most powerful Christian leaders in America, many of them white, have made their Republican loyalties and their loyalty to President Trump greater than their loyalty to the Scriptural principles of love and equality. As a person who has voted Republican in every election but one, I can understand equating the Republican party's platform with Christian values. However, I cannot understand, nor can I support any Christian leader who can condemn a Democratic candidate for his views on abortion and family values while supporting a Republican candidate who openly espouses racism and division. The Church’s failure to condemn racism and division is hypocrisy and only supports the notion that they are not sins.
NATIONAL SECURITY LEADERS FOR BIDEN We are 489 retired Generals, Admirals, Senior Noncommissioned Officers, Ambassadors and Senior Civilian National Security Officials supporting Joe Biden for President. AN OPEN LETTER TO AMERICA September 24, 2020 To Our Fellow Citizens: We are former public servants who have devoted our careers, and in many cases risked our lives, for the United States. We are generals, admirals, senior noncommissioned officers, ambassadors, and senior civilian national security leaders. We are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We love our country. Unfortunately, we also fear for it. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven America needs principled, wise, and responsible leadership. America needs a President who understands, as President Harry S. Truman said, that “the buck stops here.” The next president will inherit a nation – and a world – in turmoil. The current President has demonstrated he is not equal to the enormous responsibilities of his office; he cannot rise to meet challenges large or small. Thanks to his disdainful attitude and his failures, our allies no longer trust or respect us, and our enemies no longer fear us. Climate change continues unabated, as does North Korea’s nuclear program. The president has ceded influence to a Russian adversary who puts bounties on the heads of American military personnel, and his trade war against China has only harmed America’s farmers and manufacturers.
People who were fans of Senator John McCain as I was will never forget what President Trump said about him as a POW: "John McCain is not a 'war hero.' He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured, let me tell you." The president is under fire now about other comments he reportedly made about Senator McCain and other veterans. In my book "The Making of Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short," I call out the president for his attacks on Senator McCain, and I also call out the Republican party for not banding together to rebuke the president. In this book, I also talk about how the president was selected as the party's nominee under the "Any Republican Will Do" philosophy vs. the criteria used to select previous nominees. Past Republican presidents and candidates served our nation's military honorably, held public office, and had a different level of class and gravitas.
I felt we would be supported by the white church. I felt that the white ministers, priests and rabbis of the South would be among our strongest allies. Instead, some have been outright opponents, refusing to understand the freedom movement and misrepresenting its leaders; all too many others have been more cautious than courageous and have remained silent behind the anesthetizing security of stained-glass windows. … I have watched white churchmen stand on the sideline and mouth pious irrelevancies and sanctimonious trivialities. In the midst of a mighty struggle to rid our nation of racial and economic injustice, I have heard many ministers say: "Those are social issues…” So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an archdefender of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the church's silent--and often even vocal--sanction of things as they are. But the judgment of God is upon the church as never before. If today's church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
More than 70 former Republican national security officials, including some former members of the Trump administration, came out in support of Joe Biden's bid for president Thursday, according to an open letter: (See https://www.defendingdemocracytogether.org/national-security/) "We are profoundly concerned about the course of our nation under the leadership of Donald Trump," the officials wrote. "Through his actions and his rhetoric, Trump has demonstrated that he lacks the character and competence to lead this nation and has engaged in corrupt behavior that renders him unfit to serve as President." "Donald Trump has gravely damaged America's role as a world leader," the first point in the letter says. Other items include declarations that Trump is "unfit to lead during a national crisis," "solicited foreign influence," "aligned himself with dictators," "disparaged our armed forces, intelligence agencies, and diplomats," "undermined the rule of law," "dishonored the office of the presidency," "divided our nation," "attacked and vilified immigrants" and "imperiled America's security." "While we – like all Americans – had hoped that Donald Trump would govern wisely, he has disappointed millions of voters who put their faith in him and has demonstrated that he is dangerously unfit to serve another term. In contrast, we believe Joe Biden has the character, experience, and temperament to lead this nation," the letter reads.
I was talking to my mom and somehow, we got on the subject of politics. I told her that I didn’t vote for Barack Obama, I voted for McCain. My mom was so stunned she asked me again. I told her that I didn’t vote for him primarily because of his views on abortion. She asked me, “so you didn’t vote for him either time?” I said no. She still couldn’t believe it. She said she had never met a black person who didn’t vote for Obama. When my sister heard of it, she jokingly referenced a “Key and Peele” skit on “Meeting of the Black Republicans.” I just watched it and it was funny. In this book bubble from the chapter in my book entitled “Will Any Republican Do” I talk about the Republican party’s shift away from a core set of guiding principles to a win the election, “any Republican will do” mentality. I now support “RVAT” Republicans Voting Against Trump and the Lincoln Project: The Lincoln Project is an American political action committee formed in late 2019 by several current and former Republicans. The goal of the committee is to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election and defeat his supporters in the United States Senate. See: Rvat.org & lincolnproject.us
President Trump on Thursday encouraged a racist conspiracy theory that is rampant among some of his followers: that Senator Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice-presidential running mate born in California, is not eligible for the vice presidency or presidency because her parents were immigrants… “I heard it today that she doesn’t meet the requirements,” Mr. Trump said. “I have no idea if that’s right,” he added. “I would have thought, I would have assumed, that the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for vice president.” This is a new “birther conspiracy” low, worse than the birther conspiracy that President Trump helped support against President Obama. President Obama was born in Hawaii, but the conspiracy that President Trump stirred up was the need to see the birth certificate to prove that he was born in the United States. To me, the issue is deeper. The issue here is that because Senator’s parents are Jamaican and Indian immigrants, immigrants whose skin is black and brown, that it makes them a lower class of immigrants than immigrants who are white. In my book, I devote an entire chapter to America’s history of valuing some immigrants over others simply based on their country of origin and not over their talent, education, and potential contribution to the nation.
Yesterday President Trump commented on Kamala Harris’ selection as Vice President Biden’s running mate he dwelt on how “nasty” she was. Of all the people to use the word “nasty.” The president called Barbara Bush “nasty.” This was the man that attacked POW Senator John McCain on his deathbed and beyond and attacked Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell shortly after her husband died. She told the president, “her husband would have been ‘thrilled’ by the respect shown for him during his funeral and ‘he's looking down’ on the ceremonies.” (Caroline Kelly and Allie Malloy, CNN December 19, 2019). The president later said publicly, “maybe he’s looking up.” (CNN) The president may have a short memory, but I hope that Americans do not. As an African American, I am offended by the president’s comments. Many times in media, the strong black female is portrayed as something negative, often as a “B-word.” This double standard is hard to stomach from the “nastiest” presidents I have seen in my 55 years. In his comments, he also referred to Senator Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas.” We can’t say “Redskins,” but we can call a United States Senator “Pocahontas?” How have we, the voting constituency of America, allowed the Office of the President of the United States to sink to such a contemptible low?
The quote below is from my book “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fells Short.” George Washington’s quote shows the Founding Fathers’ great wisdom regarding the concept of the balance of powers. ‘Recently, however, it seems that the American people have forgotten that we don't have just one national leader, like a king… We have a president and three branches of government that are a check and balance to each other. Our three branches of government and the American concept of Democracy reflect the incredible foresight and wisdom of the Founding Fathers. We should pray for all of the branches of government in America, as they are all are part of God's established authority as outlined in Romans 13: Rom 13:1-3 (NIV) ‘Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.’’”
This is a reverse book bubble. The quote below is from my book, bubble quotes are from George Washington on foreign influence: “We know that the Russians tampered with our elections as if we were a third-world country. Who knew before it happened that it was possible for a foreign country to affect the election results of the most powerful nation on Earth? Remember the "hanging chads" in Florida? Do you remember the questions of unfairness that seemed to linger over the Bush-Gore results, when President Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida, appeared to have some possible impact on the outcome of how chads were dealt with? There are still some Democrats talking about how Bush "stole the election." On a scale galactically greater in magnitude, the Russians tampered with US election results, and Republican leaders have helped downplay it's impact because it helped the "any Republican will do" candidate win and further discussion of it might diminish his chance of winning again in the future. Since the election, we know that the President joked publicly with Vladimir Putin about not tampering with the next election. And far more gravely, we understand that the President and members of his staff have sought the aid of a foreign government (Ukraine) to affect the outcome of the 2020 elections.”
Recently I posted a prayer for the Supreme Court and its decision on balance of powers related to this book excerpt. Prayers answered: The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected President Trump’s assertion that he enjoys absolute immunity from investigation while in office, allowing a New York prosecutor to pursue a subpoena of the president’s private and business financial records. In a separate case, the court sent a fight over congressional subpoenas for the material back to lower courts because of “significant separation of powers concerns.” Since both cases involve more work at the lower level, it seems unlikely the records would be available to the public before the election. Combined, the decisions offer the court’s most detailed examination of presidential power and congressional authority in decades, and Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority in both 7-to-2 decisions. The court seemed to avoid some tough questions in an attempt to achieve greater agreement. All members of the court rejected a sweeping claim of immunity promoted by the president and his lawyers. “In our judicial system, ‘the public has a right to every man’s evidence,’ ” Roberts wrote in the New York case, citing an ancient maxim. “Since the earliest days of the Republic, ‘every man’ has included the President of the United States.”
In this chapter, I say, “The President of the United States has a box of matches, and our country is on fire,” I also talk about the president’s incendiary remarks about Latin Americans. When I thought of the president, the word foment came to mind. Fo·ment: instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action). "they accused him of fomenting political unrest." In·sti·gate: 1) incite someone to do something, especially something bad. Incite: encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior); 2) "the offense of inciting racial hatred," urge or persuade (someone) to act in a violent or unlawful way. The president's team selected Tulsa, OK, the site of one of the largest post-slavery massacres of black people in U.S. history, as a rally site and originally scheduled "Juneteenth" as the rally date. The president claimed not to know the significance of the date and made no mention of the infamous Rosewood massacre. The president is planning a rally in Jacksonville on Aug 27th, the anniversary of the largest attack on black people in Jacksonville history, known as "Ax Handle Saturday." In 1960, 200 white people ended a sit-in in by chasing the participants and beating them through the streets with bats and ax handles while the police did nothing. President Trump, Foment, Incite, Instigate, Repeat.
We are about to celebrate the 4th of July, the 244th anniversary of America’s Independence. Today I thought of that celebration from a different viewpoint. While the Founding Fathers were celebrating the building of a new democracy for white immigrant “Americans,” they also were beginning to build the institution of slavery for future African Americans. The Founding Fathers wrote these iconic words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” They wrote these words while envisioning prosperity and freedom in an America that did not include the indigenous people, the Indians, the actual “native-born” Americans. Eleven years later the Founding Fathers adopted the three-fifths compromise: “Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.” I talk about compromises made in government and in the church in my book “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” The e-book version of this book is free on Amazon July 3rd-7th.
The president called today a "great day", "a great day for George Floyd" and said we can't let things like this happen. He said, "Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race…Hopefully #GeorgeFloyd is looking down right now & saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country…in terms of equality." Just days ago, he invoked images of the 1960s when he said he'd use "vicious dogs" and active-duty troops on protesters. Is it possible that the president could hoodwink white America into thinking some great change has happened? The president didn't introduce new legislation dealing with the use of deadly force on unarmed men or launch a federal commission to study similar cases. It's my opinion that the leaders of the Christian right are in the front of the hoodwinked line. In my book, I say that this mostly white body of men and women, currently hold the "mantle of Christian leadership" in America. Will white church leaders cosign the outlandish "great day" in America sentiments before George Floyd's murdered body even goes into the ground? There should be no alliance of the Church with this type of racist hypocrisy, even if it comes from the President of the United States.
We must pray as the Supreme Court decides on three cases involving the President, that it strikes the right balance between the ability to investigate potential criminal wrongdoing by a sitting US President and the Executive Branch’s authority. Their decisions will affect the future balance of powers between our three branches of government. Washington Post: Ann E. Marimow and Robert Barnes May 12, 2020 …What are the cases? …All involve Trump’s effort to stop his longtime accounting firm and two banks from handing over his financial information… How did the cases reach the Supreme Court? …Trump was on the losing side of a series of lower-court decisions. Judges in New York and Washington, D.C., rejected the president’s sweeping assertions of executive power and upheld the investigative powers of Congress and local prosecutors... Why did House Democrats subpoena Trump's accounting firm and banks? …Unlike past presidents, Trump has refused to make public his tax returns. ….Michael Cohen…alleged the Trump Organization exaggerated its assets to obtain better terms from its lenders and insurers. Two committees also subpoenaed Capital One and Deutsche Bank as part of their investigation into Russian money laundering and potential foreign influence involving Trump. Why is a New York prosecutor trying to obtain similar information? …Cyrus Vance Jr…. wants to know if any state laws were also broken.
Proverbs 11:14 (NKJV) says, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” During the COVID-19 pandemic, there is so much commentary on what the President did wrong or right, but we need to be focusing our prayers on more than just the President. In my book, “The Making of a Great America, Where the Church and the Founding Fathers Fell Short,” I break down what it means to “pray for all who are in authority.” 1 Timothy 2:2 (NKJV) says, “I exhort, then, first of all, there be made supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, for all men: for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” At the time when each state is deciding whether to reopen or not based on the conditions in that state, we need to be praying for governors, state legislators, mayors, in addition to the President and Congress. No one person has the wisdom to create the appropriate response to the COVID-19 crisis. Only God has that kind of wisdom and we need to pray that our leaders and even the scientific community have insight from God to make the right decisions for the country at the pivotal time.
Washington Post Sarah Pulliam Bailey April 16, 2020 Rev. R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary… plans to vote for President Trump in the fall, a reversal of his position in 2016 when… he called Trump “the Great Evangelical Embarrassment,” and noted that “leaders are held to a much higher standard, and continued public arguments that offer cover for Donald Trump are now not only implausible but excruciating.” … In Oct 2016 Mohler asked “Is it worth destroying our moral credibility to support someone who is beneath the baseline level of human decency?” Mohler argued…that conservative Christians should vote based on a party’s view on abortion, Supreme Court nominees…Mohler said he began to believe that Trump would…nominate judges who would overturn Roe v. Wade… Trump has also appointed Mohler’s son-in-law Riley Barnes, a senior adviser in the State Department… Dwight McKissic, a black Southern Baptist pastor who leads Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Tx., who has been vocal about his opposition to Trump as well as the denomination’s history of — and continuing problems with — racism, said he would no longer recommend Mohler’s seminary to black students. “It shows you’re tone deaf or you don’t care about the sensitivities of the majority of African Americans who find Donald Trump a repulsive personality and politician,”…
Are you looking for something to do now that we are practicing social distancing and avoiding crowds? My latest book “The Making of a Great America Where The Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short” is available for FREE as an e-book for the next 5 days! (Mar 21-25) Get your copy now! Please also take a peek at my other titles on Amazon and Audible. This book will be available on Audible this month.
1 Peter 4:17 “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” I listened to the news and heard the President considering totally “exonerating” Roger Stone. I understand that the President is now calling Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections “misinformation.” It’s easy to be alarmed and unnerved by the president’s ever-boldening assault on the balance of powers and the construct of American democracy envisioned by the Founding Fathers. However, the Bible says that judgment has to happen first at the church. The church has been a key asset and accomplice in allowing the President’s actions to go unchecked. The church has acquiesced to a position of subservience to a political party’s platform. It has abdicated its position of leadership and put its microphone on mute while the president’s misconduct expands unchecked. In the eyesight of God, the church will be held responsible first. It is unscriptural to think that God would intervene and judge the president’s conduct without first judging one of the president’s chief enablers.
Have you ever been in a situation where you say, am I the only one seeing this? Today I saw this tweet from the president, “The President has never asked me to do anything in a criminal case.” A.G. Barr This doesn’t mean that I do not have, as President, the legal right to do so, I do, but I have so far chosen not to!” The president is going after the Attorney General in a case involving his former associate (clear conflict of interest). What’s worse is the case is tied to the Russian interference in which the president had help defeating his political rival. This week the President retaliated against a military man who testified against him when he was caught seeking the help of another foreign government to go after another political rival. The president went public with the name of the whistle-blower, told members of his cabinet not to respond to subpoenas, and today I read that the president is meeting with the Governor of New York to try to turn off the state’s investigations into his private businesses. It seems he is trying to bring a Putin-style government to America, and nobody cares. The Founding Fathers created three branches of government with a balance of powers. Before our very eyes the president is dismantling it.
This is a chapter from my recently published book, "The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short." In this chapter I ask readers to reflect on the upcoming election. The target audience for this book is a group of people that I have identified with most of my entire life, born-again Christian who vote Republican. This book is available as an e-book and in paperback on Amazon.
My newest book is now available in print and e-book on Amazon. I believe it is a very timely book. It is a book for Christians that addresses racism in the church and our nation from the time of the Founding Fathers to the present. It also addresses current issues like immigration and the impeachment proceedings from the viewpoint of Scripture. If you're struggling with what the church's response to these issues should be, this is the book for you. Order your copy today!
This book is available for pre-order now and is in final processing and will be available on Amazon for regular purchase on or before Feb 1st. For those of you who like to read the end of a book first to see how it ends...I have included a portion of the Conclusion and the closing prayer. This was a powerful book for me as an author and I'm believing for a powerful impact for my readers. It may not be a pleasant book as the issues involved are very sensitive. However, I believe this book is needed for this time in our nation. The topics in the book need to be discussed, prayed over and discussed and prayed over again. When need our Christian leaders to take these topics to forums and the airwaves. My hope is that this book plays some small part making that happen..
The treatment of African-Americans after the Civil War ended is not one of the finer moments in American history. As an African-American, I was taught in school that the Civil War freed the slaves and that it was somehow the start of something better for African-Americans. A closer look, however, reveals that American leaders were more interested in preserving the Union than in the well-being of former slaves. The Founding Fathers legacy bore the stain of slavery. Lincoln and the leaders of the mid to late 1800s fell short in preparing the newly freed slaves to successfully enter into the freedom that the Civil War obtained. This book will be available Feb 2020.
Here is the latest book bubble from my upcoming book “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” In this excerpt I talk about how US immigration policies played a role in the death of Anne Frank. This book is available for pre-order now on Amazon. Click “website” to go to the pre-order link. Order your copy today!
In this draft chapter of my book, I propose a concept of praying for "those in authority" (2 Tim 2:2) that is different than what you may have ever heard. We have all heard prayers in which we pray for the president, the members of the Supreme Court, and Congress. In this chapter, I point out that "authority" extends to all portions of our government. That is not an unfamiliar concept. Many of us have prayed for the local police officers, as we should. Rom 13:1-3 (NIV) however, says "let everyone be subject to the governing authorities" and that, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." In the light of this Scripture, I have been praying that if President Trump was guilty of wrongdoing, and rebelling against God-ordained authority, that God would raise up authorities to check him. At the time, I thought that it would be just members of Congress. As I was writing this chapter, the "whistle-blower" came on the scene. I saw this as an answer to prayer. Since that time, so many courageous men and women in authority have come forward to challenge presidential wrongdoing. I also see their efforts as an answer to prayer.
Today is the 30th anniversary of the “opening of the Berlin Wall, an event that confirmed the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and heralded the eventual end of the Cold War." (National Review) On Aug. 13, 1961, "the government encircled West Berlin with barbed wire that was later replaced with cinder blocks and, eventually, 13-foot-tall concrete slabs. The wall was fortified with army guards, minefields, chain fences and other obstacles to prevent East Germans from fleeing. The nearly 27-mile-long barricade stood until Nov. 9, 1989, when East Germany opened its borders. (Stanford News Nov 6, 2019) Today I watched the video clip of President Reagan asking Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin wall. https://wapo.st/2NWivEp I was 2nd lieutenant in the Air Force on Jun 12, 1987, when this speech was given. It was a remarkable day in American history and the history of democracy. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praised Reagan for his bold defense of freedom, telling a gathering of politicians, diplomats, donors, and others that the former president "courageously denounced the greatest threat to that freedom, the Soviet Empire, the Evil Empire." (CBN.com) In my book excerpt below, I share my utter disbelief in the current administration's coziness with a communist nation that was "the Evil Empire" 30 short years ago.
In this draft chapter of my book, I discuss what I believe is a shift in the ideology used to select candidates for the Republican nomination for President. I discuss the consequences for that shift, and I call on political and religious leaders to abandon the “any Republican Will Do” mantra and reflect on the qualities that the Republican nominee for President should have. This chapter makes parallels between Presidents Nixon and Trump, provides a Scriptural framework under which to view the authority of the President, and contains a particularly unique perspective on praying for the President and our governmental authorities.
In many areas of life, even in politics, we search for a champion to save us. Americans have said if only we had a black president, a female, a businessman, a Republican, a Democrat, all of our problems would be solved. It’s idolatrous, foolish and sets us up for failure. No one person has the wisdom to solve the COVID-19 crisis. Only God does. We need to pray that our leaders and scientists have insight from God to make the right decisions at this pivotal time. Part of the problem is the president repeatedly referring to himself as a “genius,” as if he could somehow solve the nation’s complex problems by himself. The greater blame, however, falls on the American public, especially Christians, who should know better than to trust in man more than God. Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” We need to pray that leaders at every level respond to the Holy Spirit’s leading as we pray to God for them. These leaders may not recognize what they are sensing in their hearts is God. They may refer to it as a “gut feel” or “hunch,” but God has the power to direct our leaders in response to our prayers!
This is one of the most crucial chapters in this book. I believe that America, specifically the body of Christ in America, missed a key turn at a crossroads that was the Azusa revival in 1906. I believe that before we can change the racial climate in America, we must first change the racial climate in the body of Christ. Moreover, I believe that there is a key revelation that was lost at Azusa that must be recovered if the church is to lead the way in modeling unity among the races achieve the greatness that God envisioned for America.
This has been the most difficult chapter of the book for me to draft so far. I struggled with how to uphold the 1 Cor 13: 1 tenet of love “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal,” while sharing the feelings of anger in my heart over the church’s tolerance of racism. I believe the church has allowed a resurgence of racism and division to become the new status quo. I believe that just as the church speaks out against the preservation of the family and the unborn, it should also speak out against racism and division and its propagation even from the highest levels of our government. I am stunned that racism and division don’t seem to be deemed by the church as sins anymore. Moreover, it seems that the purveyors of its evils have been given a pass by the church if they wave the banner against other sins that are deemed more serious. The Bible talks about how in the last days, even the very elect could be deceived. I believe that in terms of racial division, this last day deception has already engulfed America and worse, many of its religious leaders.
Two days ago, I arrived in South Carolina on a national tour with a musical. There was a Trump rally being held at an adjacent venue. As we pulled up on the bus, I saw lots of white people in MAGA attire walking toward the convention center. They looked normal enough, men, women and children, families. But it didn’t feel like a “family” atmosphere to me. I began to become unsettled. When we entered our hotel, there was red MAGA stuff everywhere. We’d been warned that the rally was there and to avoid confrontation. I’m 6 ft tall and 228 pounds, but I began to feel unsafe. Not like I was in any physical danger, but in my spirit, I felt threatened and uneasy. It was if they had more of a right to be there than I did. I have experienced the very tangible yet unspoken “you’re not welcome” of racism in my life--this wasn’t like that. These people weren’t throwing icy stares or hateful looks—but they were happily going to support someone who has said some of the most hateful things I have heard in my generation. In this book I have tried to capture why as a black Christian I feel differently about MAGA and the president than some of my white Christian friends.
The president has said, "our country is full." His sentiments are echoed in the looming ICE round-ups, his detention center policies, "emergency" executive orders to "build a wall," his efforts to locate illegal immigrants via the census and his remarks about immigrants from countries he has deemed as less than desirable. Most glaringly his true intentions are evident in the lack of relief efforts or even military assistance to countries like El Salvador and Honduras, whose citizens walk for months to get to America to escape persecution in their own country. Rather than spend money to help stop gangs and improve conditions in the countries that these immigrants are fleeing, the president would rather spend billions on a wall to keep them out or on transportation to send them back into the conditions they escaped from. These type sentiments aren't new in our nation. They point back to a darker time in America when legislation was passed that established an immigrant hierarchy based on race. Ironically, the president is a part of an immigrant rags-to-riches success story that contradicts everything he publicly espouses. I talk about that in this draft chapter of my upcoming book.
"It starts on Sunday and they're going to take people out and they're going to bring them back to their countries," Trump told reporters at the White House on Friday. "We are focused on criminals as much as we can before we do anything else." USA Today July 14, 2019 Nationwide raids by immigration officials have begun today. These ICE raids, similar to “Operation Wetback” during the Eisenhower administration, will round-up illegal immigrants and take “take them back to their countries.” As the raids are taking place, Americans should prayerfully consider what is really at the root of this roundup? An article in the USA Today says “the president's hardline stance is aimed at bolstering his support among conservatives who make up his base.” While that may be true, I think you have to go back and look at what the President has previously said about immigration. Last year in profane terms, the President questioned why we needed more immigrants from places like Haiti, Africa, and why we wouldn’t instead seek more immigrants from Norway. This book bubble takes a look back in history and shows that the President’s stance represents an immigrant hierarchy where desirability is based primarily on race and not how much the immigrant can contribute to American society.
The Statue of Liberty is one of America’s most iconic and enduring symbols. These words are inscribed on her and have been a global beacon of hope: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Sadly, millions of Americans whose ancestors came to America seeking a better life for their families seek to close the door tight behind them. They repeat history by harboring the same ugly sentiments against today’s immigrants that were used against their ancestors. Recently a woman tweeted that immigrants who don’t like the much-publicized poor conditions at the border facilities should just go back where they came from. Throughout history, immigrants have come to America to escape famine, war, persecution, and to build a better life. Today’s immigrants are no different. History shows that the British felt the same way about poor German, Irish, and other immigrants. However, there were no immigration laws or quotas to restrict their entry. The first immigration station did not open on Ellis Island, in the shadow of Lady Liberty, until 1892. Between 1880 and 1920, over 20 million immigrants from Southern, Eastern, and Central Europe arrived in the US.
This is a draft chapter from a new book I am writing called “The Making of a Great America: Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” In this chapter, I share the anguish of supporting national policies that are in direct conflict with the missionary work of my church and the religious, charitable organizations that I financially support. In some cases, our national policies have even contributed to worsening or exacerbating the conditions in countries that I support both in prayer and financially.
This is the introduction to a draft chapter from a new book I am writing called “The Making of a Great America: Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” In this book, I walk through the history of our great nation and view how matters of race have been handled from the Founding Fathers to the present. This journey through history examines how matters of race were handled by politicians and how they were handled by the church. Sadly, throughout the history of the church in America, there has often been no significant difference between the body of Christ-at-large in America and the views of the political leaders at that time. This book is an exhortation to Christians, to Christian leaders, to change the narrative, to change the responses, the sentiments in their hearts, in order to pass tests on race and unity that previous generations of leaders, both political and religious, have failed.
This is a draft chapter from a new book I am writing called “The Making of a Great America: Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” In this book, I walk through the history of our great nation and view how matters of race have been handled from the Founding Fathers to the present. This journey through history examines how matters of race were handled by politicians and how they were handled by the church. Sadly, throughout the history of the church in America, there has often been no significant difference between the body of Christ-at-large in America and the views of the political leaders at that time. This book is an exhortation to Christians, to Christian leaders, to change the narrative, to change the responses, the sentiments in their hearts, in order to pass tests on race and unity that previous generations of leaders, both political and religious, have failed.
This is a draft chapter from a new book I am writing called “The Making of a Great America: Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” Two of the big topics in this book are division along racial lines and immigration. These are areas in which our country, despite its greatness, has struggled to deal with successfully since the time of the Founding Fathers. This book examines these topics from the time of America’s emergence as a nation to the present. This particular chapter focuses more on the present day because it deals with the headline-snatching topic of immigration. This book is a controversial book, and this is a controversial chapter. The intent of the controversial discussion is not to stir up arguments and division; we could flip between Fox vs. CNN and get that. This book is written to force the individual reader to search their own hearts and to seek God in terms of the proper response to issues that have persistently been at the center of what does or doesn’t “Make America Great.”
This book is a sequel to the book "The Bible Promises of Healing, 16 Letters for Mom." (Available on Amazon in English and Spanish and in English on Audible) I highly recommend that you read Vol I in the series before advancing to Vol II. In this book, I focus on things I did not include in the previous volume or touched upon lightly. God's promises and His will for our healing are so extensive that it is hard to capture in one book all of the places in Scripture where He shares them. This volume and the first are great gifts for anyone searching for Scriptures and Bible promises related to healing, especially if they are trying to overcome illness.
I wanted to share my testimonies related to the healing of sports injuries. These are testimonies where surgery was prescribed or recommended for me, and God healed the injury through faith in the Word of God and prayer. My hope is that someone dealing with an injury will be inspired in their faith by what they read in this chapter excerpt.
We are in the midst of a series of grief at the church I attend. We had a guest pastor who was very articulate and humorous. I have often seen that people can be so caught up in a speaker’s delivery and oratory skills that they don’t notice that what they are saying is in direct conflict with Scripture. That was exactly the case with this speaker. He shared that one of his brothers met an untimely death. Then said things like “tragedy was inevitable” for all of us and that if it hadn’t happened yet, it was just a matter of time. He said we’d eventually lose everyone that we loved. I was beginning to conclude that his grief experience was significantly affecting his doctrine and preaching. This guest preacher said that grief is the common “language of humanity” we all learn. Then he said that we have no “control” over anything and that we just “manage” what comes our way. To me, that implies that the omnipotent, loving God is sending unavoidable tragedies and grief our way. I walked out. The most important thing we have control over is our eternal destiny in our decision to choose salvation in Jesus. Certain “tragedies” can also result from our choices and beliefs. He mentioned how, in his grief, he had cussed out a group of young people. To me, the things he assigned to God’s character were more profane than any cuss word he could have ever said.
Imagine a God so big that we can’t fathom all His attributes. From one vantage point, some might only see His holiness. From another angle, His grace and mercy may be more prominent. Some might only be able to see His wrath and the fear of the Lord. Others might be overwhelmed by glimpses of His bounty and generosity. And some are eyewitnesses of His miracles and healing power. How can those awed by His holiness look down on those with a greater view of His generosity? How can those who have benefited from His grace and mercy have disdain for those who have a revelation of His healing power? Often, in the body of Christ, we have been quick to glory in the revelation of our glimpses of God. And, in pride, have disdain for others in the body that have a revelation other than ours. We say, “I have no need of thee. (1 Cor 12:21)” Yes, the Bible says that the Scriptures are of “no private interpretation. (2 Pet 1:20)” But often, our view of some aspects of God are so big and the revelation so powerful we cannot comprehend that God can be greater than what we have already seen. In this book, I explore Scriptures that reveal God as a healer and miracle worker. This book is for those searching for Scriptures on healing and looking to settle questions on “God’s will” to heal. This is the 2nd book in the series.
The "Bible Promises of Healing Volume II" is here! Get you're your e-book or paperback version on Amazon today! This book is a sequel to the book "The Bible Promises of Healing, 16 Letters for Mom." (Available on Amazon in English and Spanish and English on Audible) I highly recommend reading Vol I in the series before advancing to Vol II. In this book, I focus on things I did not include in the previous volume or touched upon lightly. God's promises and His will for our healing are so extensive that it is hard to capture in one book all of the places in Scripture where He shares them. This volume and the first are great gifts for anyone searching for Scriptures and Bible promises related to healing, especially if they are trying to overcome illness.
This book is a sequel to “The Making of A Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” In this book I assert that the first step to uprooting the spirit of racism is acknowledging its existence and continued operation as part of Satan’s plan in the earth “to steal, kill and to destroy.” The spirit of racism can no longer be denied or winked at in ignorance by the body of Christ. I believe acquiescence to the spirit of racism is America’s defining sin from the time of the Founding Fathers to the present day. I have dedicated this book to exposing the manifestation, the operation of the spirit of racism in America with the aim of uprooting it. My prayer is that Christians in America who have been blinded to its operation will stand against it in prayer, in word and in deed. Although this book is available in paperback, I have included links to very powerful video clips. If the reader doesn’t view the clips in conjunction with the text, the intended impact will be greatly diminished. It was one thing to mentally assent to the death or an unarmed man or child, or the death of a person in a routine traffic stop. This book provides links to footage of these types of things and as such is not recommended for young teens without parental supervision.
Sonya Massey called 911--she suspected a prowler. Later, the police enter her home, ask for ID, and things escalate when she goes to remove a pot of boiling water ten or more feet away. In the footage, Ms. Massey would have had to walk around a counter and furniture to get close enough to hit Grayson with hot water. Grayson was angered when she said, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” twice. I watched the footage twice. I can’t tell if she said that in response to the suggestion that her house would burn down. But the footage shows she seemed to ramble at times. I wore a military uniform for 28 years and studied the laws of armed conflict. I’m always stunned to see police officers shoot unarmed people, in this case, an unarmed woman. Racism, seeing someone as less than human, is the only answer I can come up with that allows someone to shoot an unarmed woman in the face. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/22/us/illinois-sonya-massey-body-cam-footage.html “…Massey, 36, called 911 on July 6 because she believed there was an intruder…The Sangamon County State’s Attorney’s Office said…evidence showed Mr. Grayson had not been ‘justified in his use of deadly force.’ Mr. Grayson was charged last week with first-degree murder, aggravated battery and official misconduct…Mr. Grayson had been fired after the inquiry made it ‘clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards.’ Mr. Grayson was being held on Monday without bond.”
When Senior Airman Roger Fortson was killed by a local deputy in his home near Fort Walton Beach, Florida, a friend sent me the bodycam footage. I couldn't watch it. In research for the book, I watched numerous clips from bodycams or bystander cell phones in which unarmed black men or men armed with a knife were shot. I included several of them in this book. You'd think that perhaps I'd be desensitized by it by now, but I am not. It is still traumatizing for me. How does a person shoot another person in the chest six times? How much force is necessary to disable someone, especially someone who is taking no aggressive action? You would think bodycams would solve the problem, but they don't. There has to be an investigation and maybe a grand jury to explain what we've seen and heard in the footage. Often, these investigations explain away the deaths of black men and women. It usually starts with a deeper look into the person's character or who they associated with. Then, this narrative is allowed to become greater than the fact the person was unarmed or that the police officer didn't follow his training or the law. Roger Fortson never fired a shot, raised a weapon, resisted arrest, fled, or committed a crime was shot with intent to kill—six times in the chest. How many shots do you have to fire before you realize a person isn't resisting?
“The school board in Shenandoah County, Virginia, early Friday approved a proposal that will restore the names of Confederate military leaders to two public schools. The measure, which passed 5-1, reverses a previous board’s decision in 2020 to change the names of schools that had been linked to Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Turner Ashby, three men who led the pro-slavery Southern states during the Civil War… The board stripped their names after a Minneapolis police officer murdered George Floyd, fueling a national racial reckoning… But in Shenandoah County, the conservative group Coalition for Better Schools petitioned school officials to reinstate the names of Jackson, Lee and Ashby. “We believe that revisiting this decision is essential to honor our community’s heritage and respect the wishes of the majority,”… https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/virginia-school-board-vote-restoring-names-confederate-leaders-schools-rcna151458 This article points to one of the key points of this book. Racism is a spirit. It is an evil that manifests inside men, just like lust, greed, or envy. It cannot be legislated away. It will never disappear or cease because of an enlightened conscience. Is it sad that people want “to honor” a “heritage” of racism? Of course, it is. But where are the church leaders in Shenandoah County, VA? Members of their congregations have openly endorsed a view that is in direct conflict with Scripture. (Acts 17:26, Matt 22:36-40, 1 Jhn 4:20) If the Church is silent, what hope do we have?
After Reconstruction mass incarceration was used to replace slave labor. “Southern states leased their convicts en mass to local industrialists.” https://apnews.com/article/prison-to-plate-inmate-labor-investigation-c6f0eb4747963283316e494eadf08c4e "Unmarked trucks packed with prison-raised cattle roll out of the Louisiana State Penitentiary, where men…work, for pennies an hour or sometimes nothing…the cows are bought by a local rancher and then followed by The Associated Press another 600 miles to a Texas slaughterhouse that feeds into the supply chains of giants like McDonald’s, Walmart and Cargill…The goods these prisoners produce wind up in…Frosted Flakes cereal and Ball Park hot dogs to Gold Medal flour, Coca-Cola and Riceland rice…including Kroger, Target, Aldi and Whole Foods..But it’s completely legal, dating back largely to the need for labor to help rebuild the South’s shattered economy after the Civil War. Enshrined in the Constitution by the 13th Amendment, slavery and involuntary servitude are banned – except as punishment for a crime. That clause is currently being challenged on the federal level, and efforts to remove similar language from state constitutions are expected… Some prisoners work on the same plantation soil where slaves harvested cotton, tobacco and sugarcane more than 150 years ago…workers would throw their tools in the air to protest, despite knowing the potential consequences…'they’d beat you right there in the field. They beat you, handcuff you and beat you again,'…U.S. prison labor from all sectors has morphed into a multibillion-dollar empire, extending far beyond the classic images of prisoners stamping license plates, working on road crews or battling wildfires."
What an incredible irony that Trump wins the Iowa caucus during MLK weekend. Let's look at the three leading Republican candidates. Trump said, "The Civil War could have been negotiated," and has a fondness for Confederate monuments and the Proud Boys. Nikki Haley said the Civil War wasn't about slavery. Goofernor Desantis banned black history curriculum in Florida and replaced it with teaching that "slavery was beneficial for the slave." We are further away from Dr. King's dream than we were eight years ago. I want to say that we are more racially divided as a result of Trump's presidency, but I can't. Trump is just a symptom of the racial climate in America and its Church. 1 Corinthians 12:26 says, "If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad." The white members of the body of Christ don't understand/care that its black members suffer when their history and their essence are disregarded/dishonored. We are steps away from saying slavery, the black version of the Holocaust, didn't happen. Doctor King reached out to the white Church for help, and their apathy lengthened the Civil Rights crisis. The white Church helped put Trump in the White House in 2016 and tried to do it again in 2020. How long will they apathetically endorse this vision of "Making America Great Again?" A vision of division antithetical to Dr. King's dream? Is racism a sin? Is division?
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-sparks-republican-backlash-saying-immigrants-are-poisoning-blood-rcna130493 “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country…They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump said Saturday. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/19/us/politics/trump-immigrants-hitler-mein-kampf.html Former President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday doubled down on his widely condemned comment that undocumented immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” rebuffing criticism that the language echoed Adolf Hitler by insisting that he had never read the Nazi dictator’s autobiographical manifesto… In one chapter of “Mein Kampf” named “Race and People,” Hitler wrote, “All the great civilizations of the past became decadent because the originally creative race died out, as a result of contamination of the blood.” In another passage, he links “the poison which has invaded the national body” to an “influx of foreign blood.” As a black man reading Trump’s “blood poisoning” quote when he says people from “South America, Africa and Asia” I hear brown, black and yellow people are poisoning the blood of white America. How is blood poisoned unless it’s mingled/mixed? This is the vile “mongrel race” talk of the KKK and other hate groups. Trump has railed against Haitian/African immigrants before and has also echoed George Wallace. #GrandDragonforPresident #whiteimmigrantsonly
“…whether citizens benefit from the cameras they’re paying for is often up to the police, who have often been able to keep footage hidden from the public in even the most extreme cases. Three years before the Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd by kneeling on his neck, body-camera video caught him kneeling on the necks of others. In 2017, Chauvin dragged a handcuffed Black woman out of her house, slammed her to the ground and then pressed his knee into her neck for nearly five minutes. Three months later, Chauvin hit a 14-year-old Black boy at least twice in the head with a heavy flashlight, choked him and pushed him against a wall. The boy cried out in pain and passed out. Chauvin pushed a knee into his neck for 15 minutes as the boy’s mother, reaching to help him, begged, ‘Please, please do not kill my son!’ The footage was left in the control of a department where impunity reigned. Supervisors had access to the recordings yet cleared Chauvin’s conduct in both cases. Minneapolis fought against releasing the videos, even after Chauvin pleaded guilty in December 2021 to federal civil rights violations… A judge finally ordered the city and the police to release the tapes this April, six years after Chauvin abused the boy. ‘Chauvin should have been fired in 2017,’ says Robert Bennett, a lawyer who represented both of the victims. If the police had done that, ‘the city never burns.’” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/13/magazine/police-body-cameras-miguel-richards.html
Mr. McClain, a young, unarmed Black man, was walking home from a convenience store when he was confronted by police officers in Aurora, Colo., in 2019. He was arrested and put in a carotid chokehold, and then the paramedics injected him with a sedative. Then, as Mr. McClain lay on the ground, drowning in vomit and pleading for his life, the paramedics did nothing to help him, a Colorado state prosecutor, Shannon Stevenson, said in her opening statement on Wednesday. The two defendants — Lt. Peter Cichuniec and Jeremy Cooper — did not speak to Mr. McClain, touch him or check his vital signs before administering the sedative, ketamine, which Ms. Stevenson said was medically unnecessary and given in an excessive dose. She said the defendants “were standing back, watching their patient die,” and added that the evidence would show that Mr. McClain “would have been alive if they’d have never come.” …Shana Beggan, a lawyer for Mr. Cooper, said the paramedics could not assess Mr. McClain because four officers were restraining him. She said the paramedics were “disgusted” by the police’s actions, which included throwing an already distressed Mr. McClain to the ground. …Three officers have already been prosecuted over Mr. McClain’s death; one was convicted of criminally negligent homicide and third-degree assault, and the other two were acquitted…initially local prosecutors declined to press charges…against the officers and paramedics involved, saying there was insufficient evidence of criminality. That changed after Mr. Floyd’s death helped ignite a national movement against police brutality. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/us/elijah-mcclain-paramedic-trial.html
One of the most appalling things I have seen on television this past year was Governor Ron DeSantis saying that we shouldn’t be telling little black kids that they are oppressed. Over the following months, he famously went on to remove black history curriculum and replace it with a curriculum that said slavery was beneficial for the slaves. I watched a cartoon from this educational campaign in which a Christopher Columbus-type character went on to explain that slavery was “common” for that time period and that “being a slave was better than being dead.” As a father of five black children, I wondered what credentials Governor DeSantis has that qualify him to decide how best to bring up black children. There is a not-so-subtle racism that says that one race is superior to others and knows what’s best for all. Could this be a hold-over from the master knowing what’s best for the slave thinking? I don’t know, but it doesn’t make it any less insulting or disgusting. It’s one thing to deemphasize black history, but it is inexcusable to replace it with a revisionist gross concept that tries to “find the good” in the evil of race-based slavery. The point in all this is that racism is a spirit that will never go away. Only when we confront this spirit in the open can it be prevented from hiding behind other palatable terms.
I was on Attorney Ben Crump’s Instagram page yesterday and saw a black woman, probably in her mid to late 50s, using her cellphone to record how the police were treating her husband. After the officers cuffed her husband, one officer came over to the woman, bodyslammed her, and then appeared to put his knee on her neck. I didn’t know when it happened, so I Googled it. This happened on June 24th, 2023. When I read the article online, I found out that he also pepper sprayed her. Thank God other people were recording with their cell phones. Three years after George Floyd, how are innocent unarmed people still treated this way? How do police officers who know they are being recorded continue to break the law by using unlawful force on people who have committed no offense? The answer, unfortunately, is obvious. The consequences are not certain enough or strong enough. “LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Los Angeles County sheriff says a bystander’s cellphone footage showing a deputy violently tackling a woman while she filmed a man being handcuffed, then pepper-spraying her in the face, is “disturbing,” and community groups on Wednesday called for the department’s new chief to hold his agency accountable. The June 24 incident in the city of Lancaster follows several cases that have drawn scrutiny to the department amid allegations of excessive use of force by its deputies.” https://apnews.com/article/los-angeles-california-law-enforcement-sheriff-5fb514243ac23cfff2c78593d15be7e8
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. […] They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people" (Time Magazine 2015) Donald Trump's candidacy took off with this quote about Mexicans. He would later add veiled attacks against blacks with comments about athletes taking a knee during the anthem. He would later be so bold as to cater to white nationalists telling them to "stand back and stand by" and by fondly remembering Confederate monuments and refusing to rename military installations named after Confederate soldiers. There's a saying in sports that "it's a copycat" league. Ron DeSantis made a lot of mileage off of "Don’t say gay.” But more recently, he has focused his efforts on standing out as the candidate that believes teaching black history in schools is not only unnecessary but harmful. For my readers who are Irish, German, or Italian, how would it sound if we said Irish, German, and Italian immigrants really didn’t contribute much to our nation's history? Clearly, all the Founding Fathers were of British descent. How could that not come across as anti-Irish, German, or Italian? The things that DeSantis says are a slap in the face to black people, and he doesn’t care. Sadly, racism has been revived enough in America that many other descendants of immigrants don’t care either.
The excerpt from the New York Times article below details the verdict against the Proud Boys. In this book, I wrote about how the Trump Administration ignored warnings by the F.B.I. about the violent nature and increasing threat of white nationalist groups. The Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were highlighted in the F.B.I.’s reporting. The culmination of ignoring these threats was the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. “Four Proud Boys Convicted of Sedition in Key Jan. 6 Case” New-York-Times 05/04/2023 “The verdict was a blow against the far-right group and another milestone in the Justice Department’s prosecution of the pro-Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol. Four members of the Proud Boys, including their former leader Enrique Tarrio, were convicted on Thursday of seditious conspiracy for plotting to keep President Donald J. Trump in power after his election defeat by leading a violent mob in attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021… The sedition charge, which is rarely used and harks back to the Union’s efforts to protect the federal government against secessionist rebels during the Civil War, was also used in two separate trials against nine members of another far-right group, the Oath Keepers militia. Six of those defendants — including Stewart Rhodes, the organization’s founder and leader — were convicted of sedition… The Proud Boys — who had been fighting on the streets since 2017 for a range of far-right causes — became a central focus of the F.B.I.’s investigation into Jan. 6 within days of the attack.”
Tucker Carlson is gone primarily because of a billion-dollar lawsuit, but the appetite for what he was spewing still exists. There is a spiritual dullness to racist ideology in America and in its Church. Canceling his show won’t fix it. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/24/media/tucker-carlson-fox-news/index.html “Carlson propelled himself to stardom in recent years by being a top promoter of conspiracy theories and radical rhetoric. Not only did he repeatedly sow doubt about the legitimacy of the 2020 election…and elevated white nationalist talking points. Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti-Defamation League, praised Fox News’ decision, saying it is ‘about time’ and that ‘for far too long’ Carlson has ‘used his primetime show to spew antisemitic, racist, xenophobic and anti-LGBTQ hate to millions.’” https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/04/ Tucker’s Successor Will Be Worse “The history of Fox News shows that the network and its issues are larger than any one anchor…Fox will probably be fine without Carlson, and anyone who hopes that his disappearance from the air will improve the political discourse in this country is too optimistic. When prior bogeymen for the left—people such as Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck—have been pushed out of Fox, the network has always found a new figure to replace them…There will be a new Tucker Carlson, and it’s a good bet he or she will be even worse.”
A white friend recently recoiled at my contempt for Governor Ron DeSantis. I watched DeSantis’ gubernatorial debate. He said we shouldn’t teach black children that they were oppressed and that we stole the Indians’ lands, that “it was a lie.” How is that different from saying the Holocaust didn’t happen? There’s a new boldness in racism that resurfaced with Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity that I’d only seen in black-and-white footage from the 1960s. The audacity/arrogance of DeSantis as a white man to tell black parents how best to teach black history to their children. It’s inherently racist because it presumes one race knows best how to educate all races. It also asserts that the experiences/sufferings of minorities are irrelevant in the larger discussion of American history. I want my children to understand the history of racism in America. But what about white America? Don’t you want your kids to know the truth of America’s history so that it is never repeated? You say history can’t be repeated? 74,222,958 Americans voted for a man that made overtures to white nationalist groups, expressed fond sentiments for Confederate monuments, told black US-born congresswomen to go back to “the countries they came from,” and publicly said the vilest things about Mexicans I have ever heard. White people, we need your help.
In my research, I discovered many massacres of African Americans. In school, we learned of the many Indian massacres-America’s version of genocide. But we never learned of massacres like the one below. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has legislated against teaching students about similar moments in American history. He is right that our history not be used to stir up an already divided nation but incorrect that we should hide it. Massacres are spiritually rooted in hatred. I write that the Church should be leading the way to speak out against hatred/racism. Hatred/racism, when allowed to foment, always leads to death. Why? Satan is the source of hatred/racism, and his mission is to steal, kill and destroy. Racism is not a Republican, Democrat, economic, or social issue. It is a heart issue. Isn’t the Church supposed to lead our nation in addressing heart issues? https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/union-soldiers-massacred-at-fort-pillow/#:~:text=On April 12, 1864, Confederate,U.S. Colored Troops (USCT). “On April 12, 1864, Confederate troops massacred over 500 surrendering Union soldiers at the Battle of Fort Pillow in Tennessee. The majority of Union troops killed were Black soldiers serving in the U.S. Colored Troops (USCT)…The Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest — also infamous for being the first grand wizard of the early Ku Klux Klan — recorded the atrocity in a report. He described the Union soldiers attempting to surrender and how his men slaughtered them.”
What has to happen to stop this?! More criminal charges/indictments? Lawsuits? In this book, I write about deadly clashes between the police and the mentally ill, as well as the deaths of unarmed black people. Why keep writing about it? Because it hasn’t stopped. Mr. Otieno was mentally ill, unarmed, handcuffed/shackled, and black. NY-Times-March-21-2023-Campbel-Robertson-and-Christine-Hauser “HENRICO, Va. — Surveillance video from a state psychiatric hospital in Virginia shows…Irvo Otieno… at least seven deputies from the Henrico County sheriff’s office entering a room at Central State Hospital in Dinwiddie County and dragging Mr. Otieno, who is in handcuffs and leg shackles. The deputies set him up against a small seat and then, when he appears to make a movement, swarm around him and force him to the floor, where they pinion him until his death…The Dinwiddie County prosecutor, Ann Cabell Baskervill, has charged seven sheriff’s deputies and three employees of the hospital with second-degree murder…His family said that while he was in the jail, he was deprived of medication that he needed for his mental illness… ‘All the systems failed my son,’ his mother, Caroline Ouko, said in an interview on Monday, listing the institutions whose job it was to guard his welfare over those three days, including the police, the hospitals and the judiciary system…”
The media tried so hard to blame Breonna Taylor’s death on Breonna. She had a drug-dealing ex-boyfriend, and her current boyfriend shot at police when they entered unannounced. Now the truth--A “Pattern of Discriminatory Policing.” So many of our previous leaders were eager to say systemic racism doesn’t exist but weren’t eager to look for the truth. Justice-Dept.-Finds-Pattern-of-Discriminatory-Policing-in-Louisville(nytimes03/08/2023) WASHINGTON-The police department in Louisville, Ky., engaged in a far-ranging pattern of discriminatory and abusive law enforcement practices, the Justice Department said on Wednesday after conducting a two-year investigation prompted by the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor by the police in 2020. In a damning 90-page report, investigators painted a grim portrait of the Louisville Metro Police Department, detailing a variety of serious — at times shocking — misconduct. They included the use of excessive force; searches based on invalid and so-called no-knock warrants; unlawful car stops, detentions and harassment of people during street sweeps; and broad patterns of discrimination against Black people and those with behavioral health problems. The conduct of the police department “has undermined its public safety mission and strained its relationship with the community it is meant to protect and serve,” Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said…appearing alongside the city’s mayor and acting police chief. “This conduct is unacceptable. It is heartbreaking.”
(nytimes.com Dominion-Voting-Systems-defamation-lawsuit)Here are five examples of Mr. Carlson’s views on Mr. Trump from the documents: 1. On Trump’s Business History Alex Pfeiffer:Trump has a pretty low rate at success in his business ventures. Tucker Carlson:That’s for sure. All of them fail. What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. 2. On Trump’s Plan to Skip Biden’s Inauguration Carlson:I’d heard that about the inauguration. Hard to believe. So destructive. Carlson:It’s disgusting. I’m trying to look away. 4. On His Desire to Move On From Trump Carlson:We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait. Carlson:I hate him passionately. 5. On the Aftermath of the Capitol Riots After the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, Mr. Carlson texts with Mr. Pfeiffer about Mr. Trump’s culpability in the insurrection and how to deal with viewers who still support him… Carlson:Trump has two weeks left. Once he’s out, he becomes incalculably less powerful, even in the minds of his supporters. Carlson:He’s a demonic force, a destroyer. But he’s not going to destroy us. I’ve been thinking about this every day for four years. Pfeiffer:You’re right. I don’t want to let him destroy me either. [REDACTED]. The Trump anger spiral is vicious.
I find it interesting now that Fox News’s lies are being exposed, a former Republican Speaker of the House and a member of Fox’s board is trying to distance himself from content his party ardently supported. In my book, I referred to Tucker Carlson’s content as “rat poison for the soul.” “Former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Fox Corporation board member, blamed Fox News host Tucker Carlson for pushing negative content on Fox News. Ryan's sit-down interview with journalist Charlie Sykes on February 23 was released in podcast form on February 28. During the interview, Sykes asked Ryan why he did not stand up to people at Fox News who pushed "toxic sludge, racism, disinformation, and attacks on democracy… Ryan added that he and Carlson are ‘different kinds of conservatives.’ ‘Do I disagree with Tucker on this stuff? Of course, I absolutely disagree with him,’ Ryan said. During the interview, Ryan acknowledged that he as a Fox Corporation board member has ‘a responsibility’ to offer his ‘opinion and perspective’ on the company's news coverage. But he also said he doesn't get to make decisions on personnel changes or who gets to go on-air. Ryan also told Sykes that he wants to work to get ‘the conservative movement in a good place in America again.’" https://www.businessinsider.com/paul-ryan-tucker-carlson-fox-news-toxic-sludge-disinformation-2023-3
“Americans abandoned the issue of police reform and should be ashamed, Charles M. Blow writes. It’s not especially surprising that the five officers indicted in Nichols’s death are Black, the journalist Wesley Lowery tweeted. “In tracking police violence, we never found that race of the officer made much difference.” Automated speed cameras, license-plate readers and other technology can better and more safely enforce traffic laws than the police, Sarah Seo of Columbia Law School has written for Times Opinion. Officers regularly kill unarmed motorists with impunity, a 2021 Times investigation of traffic stops found. In response, some cities have moved to overhaul traffic policing.” The quotes are from a 1/28/23-NY-Times article on Tyre Nichols. This book was written when Trump said George Floyd resulted from “a few bad apples,” and VP Pence said “systemic racism” didn’t exist. Racism causes even black police officers to look at/treat other black people differently than white people. I believe racism is a spirit and that for centuries in America, we have tolerated that spirit and its expression towards non-white people. Until the Church, the white Church in particular, confronts the spirit of racism head-on, it will continue to express itself through America’s institutions which were allowed to build upon/wink at it from our nation’s inception. This e-book is free 1/31/23-2/4/23 on Amazon.
The e-book version of this book is 50% on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
The-New-York-Times-Oct-31-2022-German-Lopez …Slowly, the American criminal justice system has become more equitable. The racial gap among inmates in state prisons has fallen 40 percent since 2000, fueled by a large decrease in Black imprisonment rates, according to a new report by the Council on Criminal Justice, a think tank. Finding the right balance between public safety and human dignity animated many of the criminal justice policies enacted in the U.S. over the past couple of decades. The decline in racial disparities is a remarkable reversal of policies now widely seen as unfairly punishing Black people… Why did inequities in prison rates shrink? The decrease was the result of a decades-long effort to reduce what critics call mass incarceration. …Black communities were disproportionately affected and in some cases targeted by law enforcement, as the Justice Department has found in Ferguson, Mo., in Baltimore and elsewhere. By 2000, Black adults were locked up in state prisons at 8.2 times the rate of white Americans… Eventually, the high costs of incarceration and the racial disparities prompted activists from across the political spectrum to push for a rollback of the toughest punishments. Bit by bit, lawmakers obliged, reducing penalties mainly for nonviolent crimes. …Since Black Americans were more likely to be imprisoned, they benefited the most.
Ron DeSantis’s recent debate Quote: “Teaching that the United States was built on stolen lands that is inappropriate for our schools, it’s not true.” I have read a lot of things about what opponents of Critical Race Theory believe, but this is the first time I have actually seen a person in political office say them. I agree that we shouldn’t teach today’s white kids to be ashamed of what their ancestors did to the Native Americans or the enslaved Africans. However, we should not lie and say the Indians weren’t forcibly removed from their lands or massacred. We shouldn’t erase things from history, like the fact that slavery and lynchings were based on race and that people of color were oppressed in periods of America’s history. Somewhere around 5th grade, we were taught about the “Trail of Tears.” But I was in my later 50s when I learned the Indians took their black slaves with them. Racism is a spirit, and as Christians, we can’t blink an eye or support a political agenda that says racism never existed. We must address the ugly racism of America’s past by admitting it and by understanding that it is only by the power of the living God and the Spirit of God that we can stop it. #pray #vote
Today I am at a library in Maplewood, NJ, a 30-minute train ride from New York City, America’s most culturally diverse city. On the wall at the front desk, I noticed a list of “banned” books. Because of Governor Ron DeSantis, I could see why books about being gay or devil worship were banned. But then I saw “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” “Of Mice and Men,” and “The Color Purple.” I assumed gay themes in “The Color Purple” got it banned. Then I saw “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou. When I saw these two books on the banned list, a different agenda became apparent. There’s been so much discussion of “revisionist” history. Any attempt to describe what African Americans actually experienced is viewed as an attempt to paint White Americans or America as racist or bad. History is history, and the truth is that much of the worst of African American history has never been told. Are we really supposed to allow what has already been captured to be erased from history? Maya Angelou’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” and “To Kill A Mockingbird” are books that share uniquely black experiences with racism from different timeframes in American history. #stopcensorship #blackhistory
When I look at the people that the young man shot in Buffalo, his cowardice becomes more evident. Many of these people were senior citizens and moreover women (ages 86, 77, 72, 65, 62, 32). Prayers up for their families. Racism is evil. And it's bigger than the actions of one coward in body armor with an assault rifle. I believe it is a spirit, and therefore the Church has to be part of the solution. Racism is a heart issue. Isn't the Church the principal place where people go to get their hearts softened? They certainly can't get in from the news outlets or social media. I have been saddened in recent years that the Church has let politicians take the lead and its voice in addressing the matter of racism. The acquiescence of the evangelical Church, in particular, to its political affiliations is a large reason I wrote a book on the matter. I am making the ebook version of my book "The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirit of Racism" free on Amazon from Wed, May 17th through Sunday, May 22nd.
I recently befriended a former NY police officer. He served 13 years before he changed careers. We started talking about tickets and arrests. He shared with me that around the same time as “Stop and Frisk,” he would regularly be issued quotas for arrests and tickets in a predominantly black area of NY. I didn’t want to believe it but having done research for this book on the “War on Drugs,” it didn’t sound far-fetched. He did say that these quotas did yield a lot of drug arrests. He said he had no sympathy for the people arrested for selling drugs. However, his greatest regret is for the people who were given five-year sentences for simple possession of marijuana, especially now that it has been legalized. He said that it isn’t automatic for people to get out of prison now that the law is changed. They have to have legal assistance, and it has to meet specific timelines. He said that it haunts him that some of these people were sent to terrible places like Rikers Island prison for “weed.” Research showed in the early years that over 80% of the black and brown people “stopped and frisked” were innocent. White readers, can you begin to imagine why black/brown people have such a different view of the police?
New-York-Times-04/30/22…”Mr. Carlson has constructed what may be the most racist show in the history of cable news…Though he frequently declares himself an enemy of prejudice…his show teaches loathing and fear. Night after night, hour by hour, Mr. Carlson warns his viewers that they inhabit a civilization under siege — by violent Black Lives Matter protesters in American cities, by diseased migrants from south of the border, by refugees importing alien cultures, and by tech companies and cultural elites who will silence them, or label them racist, if they complain. When refugees from Africa, numbering in the hundreds, began crossing into Texas from Mexico during the Trump administration, he warned that the continent’s high birthrates meant the new arrivals might soon “overwhelm our country and change it completely and forever.” Amid nationwide outrage over George Floyd’s murder …Mr. Carlson dismissed those protesting the killing as “criminal mobs…The following month, ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ became the highest-rated cable news show in history. …Mr. Carlson has become the most visible and voluble defender of those who violently stormed the U.S. Capitol…playing down the presence of white nationalists…In February, as Western pundits and politicians lined up to condemn the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, for his impending invasion of Ukraine, Mr. Carlson invited his viewers to shift focus back to the true enemy at home.”
I spent 24 years in a military uniform. New evidence shows the Oath Keepers had armed “quick reaction forces” on standby. Anyone who says it wasn’t an “insurrection” is a liar. NBC-News-“’ Feds say Oath Keepers plot went beyond Jan. 6 attack on Capitol”— A federal judge on Wednesday expressed skepticism about releasing the founder of the right-wing Oath Keepers organization ahead of his trial on seditious conspiracy charges in connection with the Jan. 6 riot, as prosecutors revealed new evidence about the plot and how it extended beyond the U.S. Capitol attack. Elmer Stewart Rhodes III was arrested in January…in a seditious conspiracy case that alleges they "planned to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power"…The feds said that Rhodes — who was on the grounds of the Capitol on Jan. 6 — had helped organize “quick reaction forces“ (QRFs), including at a hotel in nearby Virginia… Federal authorities argued before Judge Amit P. Mehta on Wednesday that there were no conditions of release that would reasonably assure the safety of the community and Rhodes’ future court appearances… Mehta asked Rhodes' lawyer James Bright why there was a need for "QRFs" at all, and Bright said they believed that they would be able to use the weapons on Trump's authority to combat groups like Antifa or Black Lives Matter.”
Can we read Dr. King’s speech and say that white America, even white evangelical Christians, “dream” of “brotherhood” and “joining?” So much of MAGA espoused separation and “taking back.” I previously went to a church that espoused Dr. King’s tenets in the congregation but supported an administration that loathed them. How can the church be so vocal in desiring to create a multi-ethnic congregation yet be so silent as battle lines are being drawn by the politicians they support across the old lines of black and white and now brown. Dr. King was a minister. There was no way to attain his dream without the power of Christ. Now the flames of racism have been fanned, and the spirit of racism encouraged. Who else but the Church can combat it? Who else but the church can step forward and pick up this dying dream before it fades from memory, not to be dreamt again?
Can you imagine a black man coming from out of town and openly carrying any firearm, let alone an assault weapon, in front of the police? No, you cannot. Can you imagine a black man advancing toward a rowdy crowd carrying an assault weapon in front of the police and not being shot? Or killing two people and not being shot? No, you cannot. Can you imagine a black man killing two people in front of the police with an assault weapon he was not legally allowed to possess, going on trial for it, and being found NOT guilty on all five counts? No, you cannot. Would it matter if the black "man" was legally a "youth," a 17-yr old, like Kyle Rittenhouse? No, it does not. How many black youths and men have been shot while unarmed, while holding a cell phone that was "mistaken" as a gun? Do you still believe that there is "no systemic racism" in America's justice system? No, you cannot.
I recently went to see “To Kill A Mockingbird” on Broadway. It was written in 1960. I was looking at the news today, and I felt like I was looking at a courtroom scene from the Broadway play. Ahmaud Arbery was gunned down by a former law enforcement official and a friend for jogging while black. Here’s a defense attorney quote: (11alive.com) “White males born in the South, over 40 years of age, without four-year college degrees, sometimes euphemistically known as ‘Bubba’ or ‘Joe Six Pack,’ seem to be significantly underrepresented” in the jury pool. The defense team has “a problem with that…” “The jury consists of 11 White people, one Black person and four alternates who are also White.” The Defense lawyer also said: "We don't want any more Black pastors coming in here or other Jesse Jackson, whoever was in here earlier this week, sitting with the victim's family trying to influence a jury in this case."(11alive.com) (www.0zy.com)…police forces across the nation are on alert, preparing for potential civil unrest in reaction to the looming verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case that is growing increasingly likely to be a mistrial or an acquittal. How can we have “To Kill A Mockingbird” fair trial concerns in 2021? How can we not? Racism is a spirit.
(CNN)The American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii is demanding policy changes after a 10-year-old Black girl was arrested at school over a drawing linked to a "run of the mill" dispute among children….In January 2020, a parent called the Honowai Elementary School in Honolulu to complain about the drawing made by the girl and demanded the staff call police, the ACLU said…The girl's mother, Tamara Taylor, said she was called to the school, but she was not allowed to see her daughter or informed that the girl was "handcuffed in front of staff and her peers, placed into a squad car and taken away." A 10-yr-old black girl gets bullied, makes a drawing in response, the parent of the supposed bully sees the drawing and demands the school call the police. The police handcuff the child in front of her peers, the mom is not allowed to speak to her child while the police interrogate her. She can only speak to her after she has been taken to jail. You may say Ivan why do you keep writing about these things?! Have you have EVER heard of a 10-yr-old white girl being arrested, interrogated, prevented from speaking to her parents and taken to jail, over a drawing?! That’s why. Systemic inequities don’t change without calling attention to them.
The Greenwood Massacre is American history. The kind of history some want to stay hidden. History recorded 26 blacks dead. But the oral history of survivors has led to the recent discovery of mass graves. The remains were initially found in October when authorities were excavating the Black section of Oaklawn Cemetery as part of the investigation into a search for mass graves that may be connected to the massacre… In June, after the excavation was resumed, scientists discovered 35 coffins in the unmarked mass grave… Last July, Tulsa officials began digging for mass graves. The first “test excavation” ended without finding human remains, but the city expanded its search. On June 1, the 100th anniversary of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the city expanded its search for mass graves in Oaklawn and a new pit was excavated in another section of the cemetery. The remains were found in a section of the cemetery called “Original 18,” where officials believe the bodies of 18 Black massacre victims who had been listed on a funeral home ledger were buried in unmarked graves. State Archaeologist Kary Stackelbeck said Friday that this phase of the excavation is now complete. She said no grave markers existed at the site and no records indicated that bodies had been buried there. DeNeen L. Brown-Washington-Post-06/26/2021
In this book, I point out that racism is a spirit. A spirit being. I assert that it is one of the prevalent principalities over America. I believe that its primary assignment, in concert with the spirit of division, is to keep America, even the body of Christ in America, divided across racial lines. In this book, I talk about the tremendous spiritual power of unity, especially in the body of Christ. Many people have made Donald Trump the face of racism and division. I have written three books in which I don’t hesitate to identify his contributions to America’s division across ethnic/racial lines. But President Trump is out of the Oval Office. Though his influence is still felt across Republican Party politics, his national influence has greatly diminished. But racism and division remain. These forces have new expressions in efforts to erase from America’s history the connections between slavery, Jim Crow, and the denial of Civil Rights to poverty and inequity and in concerted efforts to restrict/block the ways the primary ways that black and brown people voted in the last national election. Even in the recent controversy in the Southern Baptist Convention, we see these two agents at work. Racism and division are supernatural forces that we will always have to acknowledge, resist, and battle.
Washington-Post-DeNeen L. Brown-05/19/21 “She’d just turned 7 when a White mob descended on her all-Black neighborhood in a murderous rage. ‘It’s hard to talk about it,’ said Viola Fletcher, now 107 and one of the last living survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. ‘I’m still aware of seeing people shooting and running and being killed … and seeing smoke and airplanes flying and a messenger going to the neighborhood saying, ‘Let’s get all the Black people to leave town,’ because they were being killed by the White people.’ A century later, as Tulsa prepares to mark the 100th anniversary of the massacre, she’s still bearing witness to one of the worst episodes of racial violence in American history. On Wednesday, Fletcher and her 100-year-old brother, Hughes ‘Uncle Red’ Vann Ellis, testified before a House Judiciary subcommittee about their push for reparations. Fletcher, Ellis and another massacre survivor, Lessie Benningfield Randle, now 106, are lead plaintiffs in a reparations lawsuit filed last year against the City of Tulsa, the County of Tulsa, the State of Oklahoma and the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce. The lawsuit argues Oklahoma and Tulsa are responsible for what happened during the massacre, which historians believe left as many as 300 Black people dead, 10,000 homeless and the all-Black community of Greenwood destroyed.”
New-York-Times-David Leonhardt-05/19/21 “…For nearly 50 years, public opinion has had only a limited effect on abortion policy. The Roe v. Wade decision, which the Supreme Court issued in 1973, established a constitutional right to abortion in many situations and struck down restrictions in dozens of states. But now that the court has agreed to hear a case that could lead to the overturning of Roe, voters and legislators may soon again be determining abortion laws, state by state… Americans’ views on abortion are sufficiently complex… …A pro-Roe majority…Polls consistently show that a majority of Americans — 60 percent to 70 percent, in recent polls by both Gallup and Pew — say they do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe. Similarly, close to 60 percent of Americans say they favor abortion access in either all or most circumstances… …and a pro-restriction majority…The most confounding aspect of public opinion is a contradiction between Americans’ views on Roe itself and their views on specific abortion policies: Even as most people say they support the ruling, most also say they favor restrictions that Roe does not permit. Roe, for example, allows only limited restrictions on abortion during the second trimester, mostly involving a mother’s health. But less than 30 percent of Americans say that abortion should ‘generally be legal’ in the second trimester…”
Minority kids are more likely to be killed by police than adults. Moreover, shot while running away. Help me understand. Was the child/minor a murder or armed robbery suspect? How does running justify an officer taking a minor’s life? I’m 56. I grew up watching cop shows like “Baretta,”“Kojack,” etc. Most times, the cop chased down the unarmed man/kid and subdued him. George-Floyd-type-street-justice is killing someone for a crime that wouldn’t warrant capital punishment if caught/convicted/sentenced. Washington-Post-Kimberly-Kindy-05/14/21 “…I started digging into our Fatal Force database to see how often children are dying by police gunfire…I immediately knew readers would be alarmed that more than 100 children have been shot and killed by police since 2015. Children who were racial minorities were dying by police gunfire at a significantly higher rate than adults who were racial minorities. Children were also more likely to die as they attempted to run away from police. The recent shootings have triggered renewed calls for changes in police training so officers are better equipped to handle tense encounters with children. This haunting quote comes from Dearrea King, the grandmother of 13-year-old Tyre King, who died in a police shooting in 2016: “These kids are running away because they are afraid. They are trying to get someplace safe because they do not trust the police.”
Harvard-Law-Today-April-20-2021 “In 2006, former Buffalo Police Officer Cariol Horne intervened to stop a fellow officer who was using a chokehold against a handcuffed Black man, Neal Mack. An internal investigation found that Horne violated police policy and offered her a four-day suspension. Horne, a 19-year-veteran of the force, refused and insisted on a public hearing, and in 2008, months before her pension vested, she was fired… Harvard Law School Professors, Ronald S. Sullivan Jr. ’94 and Intisar A. Rabb took Horne’s case…team included…W. Neil Eggleston, who served as White House Counsel to President Barack Obama…and Kamran S. Bajwa…they argued the court should reach back in time and vindicate Horne, and the judge agreed. He vacated a 2010 court judgment that affirmed Horne’s firing, annulled the factual findings by which she was fired, retroactively reinstated her to the force from 2008-2010 so that she was entitled to her full pension, and ordered the city to grant her back pay and benefits. Noting that the city last fall passed Cariol’s Law, which makes it a crime for police officers to fail to intervene when a fellow officer uses excessive force and protects them when they do intervene, Judge Dennis Ward wrote, ‘The City of Buffalo has recognized the error and has acknowledged the need to undo an injustice from the past.’”
Racism is stupid. As Christians, we are taught that we are all brothers in Christ. It’s a nice sentiment, but we still more readily identify with our visible, fleshly outward adornment than our new identities in Christ. It is the function of the spirit of error and the devil to get us to focus on the part of us that won’t last rather than on our spiritual identity. The brotherhood of humanity became more real to me recently when I got my DNA results from “23andMe.” I am a 56-year-old, medium-brown-skinned black man and have always thought of myself as a “black” man. My parents and grandparents are black, even though my maternal grandfather was extremely fair. According to 23andMe, I am 65.6% “Sub-Saharan-African,” of that 25.8% Nigerian. What was shocking to me was that I am 32.3% “European” (29% British and Irish), and I am 2% East Asian and American Indian (1.1 Native American, and .9% “Chinese & Southeast Asian).” I discovered that many of my fourth “cousins” are blond-haired white people! It gave me a laugh! I could spiral off into hatred for the historical reasons for my DNA results, but I choose to see it as confirmation that we all have a choice to look to a greater, more eternal identity in Christ!
There has been a backlash against Senator Tim Scott for saying America is not a racist nation. The point is that racism is a spirit, and it's not just going to go away, and it's not working in just one political party. I do believe that racism had a resurgence under President Trump, what I call in my book/audiobook, “The Making of a Great America Made in the Image of Trump,” a “revival of racism. President Trump, however, is not the origin of racism, and therefore, his departure won’t fix it. Tim Scott referred to racism as America's “original sin” vs. an entity, a living spiritual being. While it is true that America can repent of her original sin, every new generation of Americans must be vigilant to guard their hearts against the encroachment and influence of the spirit of racism, the agent of the ever-present adversary, Satan himself. I believe that's why this revival of racism was possible because some people thought it ended with the Civil Rights movement or a black president, a black vice president, etc., vs. accepting the Scriptural premise that racism will not be put down until the enemy himself, and all his cohorts are put down at the return of Jesus Christ.
“There are no laws that require you to show your ID, even to a cop…Nearly half of the states in America have so-called "stop-and-identify laws." Under these laws, police can legally require a person to reveal their identity if the police have a "reasonable suspicion" that the person has committed a crime. Still, if a cop stops you, just ask if you are under arrest. If they say no, you are not required by law to tell them who you are or show them identification. Walk away because you're legally free to go.” https://people.howstuffworks.com/does-us-require-citizens-carry-id.htm I’m overwhelmed. I just watched a harmless unarmed 26-year-old brown man die in George-Floyd fashion. “The footage released Tuesday shows Mario Arenales Gonzalez becoming unresponsive while officers in Alameda, Calif., restrain him after encountering him with alcohol containers in a park April 19...” Washington-Post-Apr-28 The officers could have asked him to leave but instead asked for an ID, and because he didn’t have one, they tried to handcuff him. They couldn’t properly handcuff him, so they pinned him face down in the ground while they kept trying. He was never violent. At one point, one officer (hearing-him-gasping) said, “you think we should turn him on his side?” The other officer says “no,” insisting they keep him face down. Moments later, Mario became unresponsive and died.
There is a cartoon circulating where a police officer asks a black child, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The child responds and says, “alive.” There are so many pictures of George Floyd’s face on social media right now. Still, the image of George Floyd is not as powerful in its message without the contrasting image of the Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol. Even as we have had recent shootings of unarmed youth running or walking away from the police, the significance of those shootings is lessened unless you compare them to white insurgents attacking the police with flag poles, hockey sticks, and chemical sprays. Take note of the incident below: Washington-Post-Apr-21-2021 “…an anonymous donor sent $25 to the legal fund of Kyle Rittenhouse, an 18-year-old charged with fatally shooting two men at a protest last summer, along with a note of support proclaiming, “You’ve done nothing wrong.” Last week, a data breach revealed exactly who had sent that message and money, according to a report by the Guardian: Norfolk Police Lt. William K. Kelly. Now, the city of Norfolk has fired Kelly, formerly the No. 2 official in the Norfolk Police Department’s internal affairs division…” The deaths of black and brown people must be considered alongside whites' treatment to grasp the full impact.
Quote from this book: “Some of the most shocking deaths of African Americans at the hands of police have occurred during traffic stops, encouraged by the war on drugs.” Police stopped Daunte Wright for an air freshener, THEN discovered an open warrant, and “mistakenly” shoot vs. taser him. Why aren’t more Christians grieving over the continued “shedding of innocent blood.” NYTimes-4-11-21 “Chief Tim Gannon of the Brooklyn Center Police Department said an officer had shot the man on Sunday afternoon after pulling his car over for a traffic violation and discovering that the driver had a warrant out for his arrest. As the police tried to detain the man, he stepped back into his car, at which point an officer shot him… …a judge issued it/(warrant) earlier this month when Mr. Wright missed a court appearance. He was facing two misdemeanor charges after Minneapolis police said he had carried a pistol without a permit and had run away from officers last June. Mr. Wright’s mother…told reporters that her son…called her as he was being pulled over. “He said they pulled him over because he had air fresheners hanging from his rearview mirror,” Minnesota officials said the police officer who fatally shot a Black man at a traffic stop did so accidentally, and meant to fire a Taser instead.” ABSENCE-OF-DUE-PROCESS=DETENTION-APPREHENSION-EXECUTION
I’m all shaken up. I just watched the video where an active-duty Army Lieutenant was pepper-sprayed while in uniform. It was the result of improper escalation by a cop at a traffic stop. Though the cop was fired, the stop could have turned deadly as it has for so many black/brown men (Google Daunte Wright). It made no difference that the cop was brown as he treated the black/brown officer like he was black. When the Lieutenant told him that he was a veteran, the officer said he was too, but when the cop looked at his uniform, he guessed several enlisted ranks. What veteran doesn’t know the difference between an LT and a corporal? One who is looking at his skin color vs. his rank. In this chapter, I said that: “Some of the most shocking deaths of African Americans at the hands of police have occurred during traffic stops, encouraged by the war on drugs.” I also make it clear that one major piece of systemic racism is the systematic targeting of black/brown people in traffic stops as part of the war on drugs. Now that marijuana is becoming legal in more and more places, shouldn’t the systems put in place by the war on drugs keep pace? See video of LT Caron Nazario: abcn.ws/3tdYD34
Several days ago, I was getting my car detailed, and I was looking at things to buy for the car. I finally bought a hands-free holder for my cell phone. I looked at the Christmas tree air fresheners and remembered this story from my book about a case in Arizona where I used to live and decided against it. Days later, a black man in Minnesota was stopped for having one of these, and it cost him his life. The distinction of “black man” is important. It is part of a systemic relationship or pattern of policing that black people face. How many of my white friends have to think twice about buying an air freshener because of the negative attention that it might attract from the police. It is part of the systemic disparities that the Trump administration said did not exist. It is precisely because the Trump administration said that these systemic differences did not exist that a young man could lose his life in the same state, in the same community where George Floyd died. The tremendous outpouring in support of George Floyd’s death means nothing if the underlying systems of how police view and treat black people, black motorists, does not change.
Derek Chauvin is the former Minneapolis police officer charged in the death of George Floyd. Washington Post Robin Givhan, Senior critic-at-large March 30, 2021 “Defense attorney Eric Nelson has made anger central to his argument for Chauvin’s acquittal. In his version of events, the anger of the growing crowd on the street that May afternoon distracted Chauvin from the man he had pinned under his knee. Floyd, who had been accused of circulating a counterfeit $20 bill, was in Chauvin’s custody, which meant that he was also in his care. But the crowd — that dangerous, unruly mob, according to Nelson — had distracted Chauvin so that he could not attend to Floyd’s well-being. He could only concern himself with his detainment… The defense’s narrative makes use of one of the culture’s most damaging and enduring stereotypes about Black men — and women, too. These people ooze anger, and Black anger is inherently menacing. It isn’t justified or understandable or controlled, even when it is all of those things. It most certainly is not righteous. And when it rises, it must be tamped down, defused and crushed.”
Is the new voting rights legislation in Georgia about election security or disproportionately restricting voting access to people of color? SB 202: “imposing limits on the use of mobile polling places and drop boxes; raising voter identification requirements for casting absentee ballots; barring state officials from mailing unsolicited absentee ballots to voters; and preventing voter mobilization groups from sending absentee ballot applications to voters or returning their completed applications.” Consider how the bill got done: “As expected, the bill passed along party lines. Gov. Brian Kemp, also a Republican, signed it into law about an hour later…Signings on important bills are often done publicly, with some fanfare, alongside key legislators and in front of the public and the news media. This piece of legislation was signed behind closed doors… A Democratic House representative, Park Cannon, was arrested after she knocked on the governor’s office door, asking to be allowed to watch a bill-signing ceremony affecting the lives of so many Georgians…I could hear the shouts, the footfalls, and watched as she was roughly escorted out of the building. Cameras swarmed, and colleagues and bystanders screamed, demanding to know why she was being arrested. Cannon was charged with two felony offenses…“for obstructing law enforcement and preventing or disrupting General Assembly sessions or other meetings of members.” Quotes-from-Washington-Post-(Michelle Au) 03/27/2021
(NY Times) “Name-calling, shunning and assault were among the nearly 3,800 hate incidents reported against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders nationwide over the last year, according to Stop AAPI Hate… The report was released the same day that eight people, six of them Asian, were fatally shot at three Atlanta-area massage parlors. Stop AAPI Hate called the shootings ‘an unspeakable tragedy’ for the victims’ families and an Asian-American community that has ‘been reeling from high levels of racist attacks.’… The incidents…mostly verbal harassment and name-calling, or about 68 percent of those reported, while shunning, or the deliberate avoidance of Asian-Americans, composed about 20 percent. About 11 percent of the reports involved physical assault... Activists and elected officials say attacks were fueled early in the pandemic by former President Donald J. Trump, who frequently used racist language to refer to the coronavirus. …some of the people who reported hate incidents said they were spat at or coughed on. One person, a Pacific Islander, reported that while speaking Chamorro at a Dallas mall a woman coughed and said, ‘You and your people are the reason why we have corona.’ She then said, ‘Go sail a boat back to your island,’… Chinese people composed the largest ethnic group (42.2 percent) that reported experiencing hate events, followed by Koreans, Vietnamese and Filipinos.”
Tucker Carlson has become the poster-child for the wave of white male supremacy ushered in by President Trump. His broadcasts have routinely painted minorities in a bad light. Unfortunately, he also has a history of demeaning women. His most recent misogynistic comments about women serving in the Armed Forces can be seen in the quote below. I don’t fault Tucker Carlson, though. He’s just an opportunist. President Trump made misogyny and white nationalism popular again. Listening to Carlson echo the former president’s sentiments is like watching Archie Bunker on “All In the Family” again. However, more disturbing than that are the millions in the body of Christ, who have an appetite for this type of horrible programming. “…Carlson complained, "Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. While China's military becomes more masculine as it has assembled the world's largest navy, our military needs to become -- as Joe Biden says -- more feminine." Carlson, who has no background in military service, made the comments the day after President Joe Biden announced the nomination of two female generals for promotion to four-star commands. Their promotions were delayed in the previous administration over fears that any nominations other than white men would trigger an objection from Trump, according to reporting from The New York Times.” (Military.com)
Erik Wemple Washington Post Let us hope the tried-and-true viewers of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” did not tune in to watch FBI Director Christopher A. Wray deliver testimony before the Senate on Tuesday. If they had, they might have walked away confused. “The attackers on Jan. 6 included a number … of what we would call militia violent extremism. And we have had some already arrested who we would put in the category of racially motivated violent extremism, white, as well,”… Now listen to Tucker Carlson: “Whatever you thought about what happened yesterday, what was racist about it? Well, nothing, of course. There’s nothing racist about it,” …“they’re not some, you know, creepy, androgynous blogger who shows up to burn things down. They’re like, kind of solid Americans, and they’re deeply frustrated.” …“You can judge for yourself what happened last Wednesday in Washington. Rarely has an event been filmed from more angles than that was. You know what that was, and you also know what it wasn’t. It was not an act of racism. It was not an insurrection. It wasn’t an armed invasion by a brigade of dangerous white supremacists. It wasn’t. Those are lies.” … “There is no evidence that white supremacists are responsible for what happened on Jan. 6 — that’s a lie.”
I watched a preview for “American Skin.” In the movie, the lead character’s son, KJ, is holding a cell phone filming their stop by the police. The officer shoots and kills KJ, and the legal system found no basis to file charges. Although this is a fictional account, it’s not unlike many of the actual accounts in this book. KJ’s dad takes matters into his own hands, kidnaps the officer, and sets up a trial. The emotions I experienced just watching the preview were so powerful that it was almost overwhelming. I think many black people have imagined similar responses. That’s what makes the movie so compelling and so scary. A little over four years ago, a black man killed five Dallas police officers in response to two high-profile killings of black men--Alton Sterling and Philano Castile. Dr. King said his nonviolent actions prevented more militant reactions. My fear is that if the white Church and my former Republican party keep condemning peaceful protests or, more recently, trying to equate BLM protests to the mob attack on the Capitol, that more militant black voices will emerge. Their rise will be facilitated by a politicized Church that stood silently by while black men and women continued to die wrongfully and without accountability at the hands of the police.
I was doing research for a new book and stumbled upon a 9/23/2020 account of a black man being shot to death for jaywalking in Orange County, CA. The officers targeted him for jaywalking, initiated an unnecessary confrontation. When he resisted, they tried to force him back onto the sidewalk, and in the tussle, they shot him to death. I have heard of jaywalking tickets in California. Jaywalking is the norm in New York. So it's hard to comprehend why two armed officers would make it such a big deal that they had to force a man to the ground and initiate a conflict that cost him his life. I wrote this book to highlight these events and for myself to learn. The narrative on how black people experience the police won’t change until police reform is complete. George Floyd caught people’s attention outside the black community, but once the uproar faded, the clamor for police reform did as well. Part of this was President Trump’s doing by labeling it the work of “a few bad apples” vs. the systemic way the police officers are trained to engage black people. Think back to a white mob storming the Capitol. Now think about the “crime” of jaywalking while black.
Washington Post Feb 3: “Last week, police officers in Rochester, N.Y., responded to a call of ‘family trouble.’ The source of the trouble was a Black girl, who had said she wanted to kill herself and her mother. The officers on the scene handcuffed the girl and put her in a squad car. Screaming, the girl begged not to be pepper-sprayed and refused to swing her feet into the vehicle. ‘You’re acting like a child,’ the officers told her — to which she responded, ‘I am a child.’ Reaching an impasse, the police pepper-sprayed her and slammed the car door shut. ‘Unbelievable,’ one of them said. The girl was 9 years old. For an officer to look at a 9-year-old girl and fail to see her as a child is, sadly, consistent with our research, which has shown that adults view Black girls as young as age 5 as less innocent and more like adults than White girls of the same age, and needing less protection and nurturing. Scholars and researchers say the perspective is based in stereotypes of Black women as threatening and aggressive, which are projected onto Black girls. This difference in perception, this blindness to the innocence of a Black child, is not just unfeeling. It is rooted in dehumanization.”
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I'd like to share words from him that I have included in this book.
Each day we hear more details about the insurrectionists at the Capitol. The mob included people from many walks of life: a newly-elected state legislator, members of the Armed Services, off-duty police officers, a CEO, lawyer, real estate agent, an adjunct college professor, a construction worker, etc. Often we’ve heard the president talk about “deep state” actors and Antifa as operatives trying to subvert/overthrow the government. All this despite the FBI telling the president that white nationalist groups were the greatest threat to America’s domestic security. The FBI was right. Moreover, these white nationalist operatives exist at every level of society. The president himself led these deep state MAGA operatives as he attempted to overthrow our government. After the election fraud hoax failed in every court, including the US Supreme Court, and before the Trump-appointed US Attorney General, the president resorted to coercion and intimidation, calling elected officials in Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia to change election outcomes. When that failed, his Hail-Mary, last-ditch effort was to unleash, like an angry dog, his own deep state operatives, on the full Congress and Vice President who were assembled at the US Capitol to certify the electoral college vote. The true deep state threats have been operating in the open all along.
“At a rally just before the violent raid, Trump urged his supporters to walk down to the Capitol, where Congress was meeting to certify Joe Biden’s electoral college victory, and ‘fight like hell’ to ‘take back our country’…Trump’s rhetoric and policies have emboldened racist white nationalists to be more vocal and visible, but they’ve always been a part of America’s political culture and institutions, as some African American scholars, activists and journalists have tried to remind us, based on a history of violence by white supremacists: Rosewood, Fla., Tulsa and Wilmington, N.C., not to mention of hundreds of individual lynchings in the decades after slavery.” (Vanessa Williams-Washington Post) As I read this article, I was reminded that the hallmarks of white supremacist activity in the U.S. are violence and immunity from the law. White supremacists were America’s first domestic terrorists. Their legacy includes the formation of the hooded Ku Klux Klan. They were successful in their efforts to overturn the election results of America’s post-slavery Reconstruction government. Their reign of domestic terror includes thousands of lynchings, mob attacks, massacres, and now an attack on the U.S. Capitol. The only difference is that now, under the Trump administration, they are so comfortable they feel they don’t have to wear hoods to hide their identity.
I was a teacher/substitute for nine years. Because I’m a 6ft tall, 220-pound black man, I was often asked to help with discipline matters. I’ve been involved in a wide range of disciplinary scenarios. Here’s a plausible elementary school scenario: an eighth-grader brings a knife to school near the end of the school year. Here’s an unlikely disciplinary result: because it’s the end of the school year, the student is not expelled and is allowed to remain on the campus with a severe verbal admonishment. This outcome is unlikely because who knows if the kid might bring the knife again? It’s an unthinkable safety risk. We don’t question the reasonableness of this for elementary school discipline, but we question whether an adult whose inflammatory urgings resulted in death, a national security breach, and international embarrassment should be seriously disciplined? Don’t we, as parents/educators, believe discipline is a deterrent to repeat actions? In our scenario, though the offending student is leaving for high school, we want the incident logged in his school and criminal records. Possession of heroin, cocaine, and any narcotic drug weighing eight ounces or more is a class A-1 felony that carries a possible sentence of up to 20 years. A felon’s record follows him forever. Why shouldn’t the president have a “forever” punishment?
Yesterday I was glued to the TV from 1 pm to 2 am. I woke up early to see the end of the electoral college certification. It was so important to me to see that President Trump’s attempt at insurrection had failed. There is a division in America that has always existed. Millions of Americans have been deceived into thinking this division is about Republicans and Democrats. I wrote in MGA Vol III, “The only force proven strong enough to tear America apart is racism.” The real spirit, or underlying the power of MAGA is racism. It is the fuel that secretly motivates people to come across the country, attack the police, break into the houses of Congress, and even lose their lives. You may say it's “Trumpism,” but the truth is that you cannot separate Trumpism from racism. Look at the demographic of yesterday’s crowds and the symbols they were carrying. You may say they weren’t all Proud Boys carrying confederate flags into the Capitol’s rotunda. But they were complicit with those who were. It’s time for everyone who claims to be a Trump supporter but not a racist to stand apart and not be complicit with those who most definitely are. You’re so close we can’t tell you apart. We can’t see or hear the difference.
(Washington-Post) KENOSHA, Wis. — A Kenosha police officer will face no criminal charges for shooting Jacob Blake seven times in the back, an incident that touched off several days of intense protests against police and later unraveled into violent and deadly street clashes between demonstrators. Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley announced in a Tuesday news conference that his office would not seek charges against Rusten Sheskey, the 31-year-old Kenosha police officer who has been on administrative leave pending an investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice since the Aug. 23 shooting, which Blake survived. Blake, who witnesses said had been trying to break up an argument between two women, was shot as he walked back toward his vehicle. In his written report, Graveley said Blake was armed with an open knife he was holding in his right hand. In this book bubble, I refer to Jacob Blake as unarmed. The knife can’t be seen in the video, but Blake makes no threatening moves towards the officers. He was shot seven times in the back at extremely close range in an obvious use of excessive force. Like George Floyd, Blake was not innocent, but both received excessive deadly force responses, and in both cases, initially, no officers were charged. This is the “systemic racism” that the president says doesn’t exist.
Jan 25th was Earnestine Anderson’s (“Mom Stein”) birthday. She passed away last January. Her relationship with my dad ended when I was 21, and I adopted her as my 2nd mom. I’m honored to capture part of her life story in this book. She grew up in Mississippi’s sharecropping system in the 1940s/‘50s. She called it “slavery.” She said that when she was a child, the landowners used to refer to her and her siblings as their “little niggers.” She told me of accounts of sharecroppers buying and selling people as “slaves” as late as the 1950s. I honestly didn’t believe it. I later found documented accounts of these “transactions in my research for this book.” Sadly, people are all bent out of shape because stories like this today fall under the banner of “critical race theory.” As Americans, we need to see racism in all its hideousness so that we don’t ever become tolerant of it again. We need to be reminded that vicious racism was common as recently as my parent’s generation. If we can come to grips with that, it will help us understand why there is still so much work to be done to deal with the after-effects of a nationally pervasive, systemic racism here in America.
The Church has moved more aggressively against abortion than on racism. For the most part, the Church is an ardent opponent of abortion but is silent or undecided about whether systemic racism still exists in America. The Church’s less aggressive stance on racism is significant because racism in America is older than the Constitution. Racism goes back to 1619, when the first slave ship arrived at Jamestown, Virginia. Racism predates America’s foundational value statements and, in many ways, still overshadows them. If there were an outcry from the Church against racism on par with its stand on abortion, there would be no way a sitting president in 2020 could sympathize with the Proud Boys. There would be no way that a president who enjoys overwhelming evangelical support could share fond sentiments about confederate symbols, tell black Congresswomen born in the U.S. to go back to Africa, etc. Someone may say abortion is a life and death issue! In this book bubble, I point out that racism is too. I’m not talking about the distant history of thousands-dying-on-slave-ships racism, or dying-as-slaves racism, or untold-deaths-in-lynchings-racism, or even disproportionate-death-by-mass-incarceration-and-capital-punishment-racism. I’m talking about modern-day-innocent-death-at-the-hands-of-the-police via a systematic approach towards a group of people based on race. When will the Church look at this type of death as worthy of its attention?
The Church has moved more aggressively against abortion than on racism. For the most part, the Church is an ardent opponent of abortion but is silent or undecided about whether systemic racism still exists in America. The Church’s less aggressive stance on racism is significant because racism in America is older than the Constitution. Racism goes back to 1619, when the first slave ship arrived at Jamestown, Virginia. Racism predates America’s foundational value statements and, in many ways, still overshadows them. If there were an outcry from the Church against racism on par with its stand on abortion, there would be no way a sitting president in 2020 could sympathize with the Proud Boys. There would be no way that a president who enjoys overwhelming evangelical support could share fond sentiments about confederate symbols, tell black Congresswomen born in the U.S. to go back to Africa, etc. Someone may say abortion is a life and death issue! In this book bubble, I point out that racism is too. I’m not talking about the distant history of thousands-dying-on-slave-ships racism, or dying-as-slaves racism, or untold-deaths-in-lynchings-racism, or even disproportionate-death-by-mass-incarceration-and-capital-punishment-racism. I’m talking about modern-day-innocent-death-at-the-hands-of-the-police via a systematic approach towards a group of people based on race. When will the Church look at this type of death as worthy of its attention?
This excerpt from cbsnews.com reminds us that “election fraud” was common in the U.S. during my parents’ generation. Black voters were outright denied the right to vote, or other barriers were placed in their way. #literacytest #votersuppression #polltax #Georgiarunoff “Washington — A federal judge in Georgia on Monday blocked two Georgia counties from removing more than 4,000 registered voters from their rolls and preventing them from casting a regular ballot in the January 5 runoff elections, which will determine which party controls the Senate… ‘Failure to grant the injunctive relief could result in eligible voters being denied the right to vote, voters who would otherwise exercise their constitutional right to vote being intimidated or discouraged from doing so, or eligible voters being forced to go to extraordinary lengths during the holiday season and ongoing Covid-19 pandemic to prove that they are eligible to vote,’ she said. ‘While the court acknowledges that an injunction may burden defendants in their role managing the ongoing election, the harm to voters whose right to vote is wrongfully impeded or denied is far greater.’… The legal battle stemmed from a coordinated effort spearheaded by True the Vote, a conservative group, that worked with voters across all of Georgia's 159 counties to challenge the eligibility of more than 364,000 voters in all.”
I recently had a stressful experience in my apartment. The local “weed man” was in the foyer yelling profanity and threatening two young women/one man upstairs. When I saw through the peephole that he tried to go upstairs and escalate the confrontation, I called the police. I stepped into the foyer and told him that I’d called the police and asked him to “just leave.” I guess they just drove by, which emboldened him to come back and beat on my door and threaten me. I called the police again. In less than ten minutes, five police officers showed up. I was EXTREMELY grateful. Even though this book examines police brutality, I am NOT in favor of “defunding the police.” However, there must be a balance. I spent 28 years in a military uniform. We have a code of conduct/accountability. The uniform alone, however, does not guarantee integrity and perfect behavior. New bodycam footage shows police did not immediately offer medical assistance to Ahmaud Arberry as he lay dying. He was shot, vigilante-style by three men, while jogging. Perhaps because Ahmaud was black or because one of the shooters was a white former law enforcement officer, the true victim was ignored. If it weren’t for local protests, these three men wouldn’t have even been arrested.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — With Gov. Mike Parson’s signature, Lincoln University will officially become the first historically Black college and university (HBCU) to house its own police academy next year. “At a time when law enforcement agencies are working to attract more diverse officers and create agencies that look more like their communities, Lincoln University presented an ambitious plan for a law enforcement training center that could have far-reaching impacts on recruiting more minorities to policing,” Parson said before signing the university’s basic training center license Tuesday. …Parson said he hoped other HBCUs in Missouri and across the country would follow suit. There are more than 660 police training academies across the U.S., with about half hosted by colleges, according to Department of Safety (DPS) Director Sandy Karsten. “Lincoln University is ahead of the class,” President Jerald Jones Woolfolk told The Missouri Times. “We are so excited to be the first HBCU to host a police academy in the country. In the article above, we see one of the small things that can be done to help reduce the existence of unconscious bias and systemic racism in the police force. This book doesn’t condemn police officers as racists but highlights discriminatory, targeted parts of America’s policing system that produces unequal outcomes.
This book, "The Making of a Great America, Uprooting the Spirit of Racism," is a sequel to "The Making of a Great America, Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short." It will be available for free as an e-book on Amazon from Saturday November 28th thru Wednesday December 2nd! The sequel to this book is already being drafted, don't fall two Volumes behind! Mark your calendars! Get your copy free before this offer expires!
God help us if President Trump is “the least racist person” in ANY room. The president: told two black congresswomen to go back to Africa, called black/brown nations “shithole” countries and said we should seek more immigrants from “Norway,” stirred racist birther rumors about President Obama/Senator Harris, told white farmers that Puerto Ricans recovering from the worst natural disaster in decades were taking “their” money, called Mexicans “killers/rapists/thugs,” held a police reform summit in Dallas but didn’t invite the black police chief, county sheriff or district attorney, fondly referred to Confederate symbols/monuments as part of America’s “great heritage,” encouraged white people (McCloskeys in St. Louis, Kyle Rittenhouse) to take up arms against peaceful protesters, dismissed the FBI’s assessment that white nationalism was the greatest threat to America’s domestic security, told white nationalists to “stand by.” Who believes that a president who ceased racial sensitivity training in the Federal government, said systematic racism doesn’t exist and that George Floyd’s death was the result of a “few bad apples,” will do anything to bring true police reform? America’s greatest assets are its democracy, faith in God, and “melting pot.” The greatest threat to American stability has always been race, not the economy or abortion. As such, President Trump is the most destabilizing person in ANY room--including the White House.
You can’t miss my Black Friday Blowout Book Sale! Ten e-book titles will be over 50% off, and six titles will be FREE! These 16 selected e-books/kindle versions will be for sale/FREE on Amazon starting Black Friday through November 30th only! Mark your calendars! This book will be marked down over 50%!
I have written two books on racism in America. Unfortunately, in each book, I have had to address the involvement of the president. In the first book, I said it’s hard to determine whether someone is racist, but it was easy to show that President Trump was divisive, especially along racial lines. It has been disheartening as an African American Republican to see that racist ideologies were still being embraced by so many Americans/”Republicans.” It has been even more discouraging as a Christian to see these ideologies embraced by the Church. I can only reference the presidents in my lifetime and those of my parents. It’s not hard to show that President Trump is more divisive and more associated with scandal than any president from FDR to the present. From failure to condemn Russia’s tampering with our elections, having so many top associates go to prison, hiding his personal finances, being impeached for asking Ukraine to investigate a political rival, paying off prostitutes, being wrong about the “15 people” who would die from COVID-19, incendiary rage tweeting, Russian bounties on US troops, etc. President Trump’s only lasting appeal has been his MAGA/white nationalist rhetoric. I blame the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ for succumbing to his appeal along these lines and continuing to do so in secret.
In this book bubble, I show that the President made a show of police reform in Dallas by hosting a meeting but not inviting the city’s key law enforcement officials--who were all black. How easy is it to conclude that systemic racism doesn’t exist, as Vice President Pence did in last night’s debate when you don’t talk to anyone affected by it, even the black law enforcement officials!? Another incident following that pattern occurred recently: “US District Judge John Bates…ruled on Thursday that Attorney General William Barr had violated the law in how he chose the members of a law enforcement group commissioned by President Donald Trump to investigate and make recommendations on the state of the criminal justice system…The NAACP Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit in April against Barr, the Justice Department, and the commission, charging that they were violating the Federal Advisory Committee Act by holding closed-door meetings and omitting people in urban communities that will be affected by their recommendations…‘Especially in 2020, when racial justice and civil rights issues involving law enforcement have erupted across the nation, one may legitimately question whether it is sound policy to have a group with little diversity of experience examine, behind closed doors, the sensitive issues facing law enforcement and the criminal justice system in America today,’ Bates wrote.”
I was very disappointed with Vice President Pence as I watched last night’s debate. I am a Christian and very much pro-life. I’d imagined it would be the ultimate accomplishment to hear a US Vice President say he was pro-life. It was almost as if the “Church” finally got someone into a position of power. But the same person who was a champion for the unborn's rights said systemic racism no longer existed in America. He sided with the Grand Jury in the Breonna Taylor case but ignored the myriad other cases I cite in this book. The Vice President also sided with the President by denouncing looting and riots (acts mainly attributed to black people) and said nothing of the acts of violence of white militia groups whose acts have led to multiple deaths. The Director of the FBI has said these groups are the greatest threat to America’s domestic security. Today, the FBI announced that it thwarted an attempt by such a group to kidnap the Governor of Michigan. It’s as if there is a divide between the “white” and “black” Church that pits abortion/law-&-order against system racism and police brutality to the point where to gain victories for the one; there is a willingness to ignore the other.
After George Floyd’s death, it was very difficult for me to go to church. I’m black, but the racial/ethnic diversity at church was the greatest I’d seen anywhere. The leadership, however, is predominately white. At church, I almost felt like I was listening to Fox News than hearing the Word of God. There was more emphasis from the pulpit about stopping the protests than the system of policing that triggered the protests. In my previous book “The Making of a Great America Where The Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short,” I talked about the “hyper-politicization of the Church” and the Church becoming a “Republican PAC.” Even after a few COVID outbreaks, we pressed ahead with having services with no masks or social distancing. I called it drinking the Trump Koolaide. If the president says, there is no virus threat, so be it. This troubled me as my dad had contracted COVID-19, and a dear friend died from it. My friend attended a church that ignored state laws on masks and social distancing. The pastor’s wife called the mask mandate “Biden’s law.” I am praying for the president and the first lady, that neither would have a tough time with the virus. But I’m also hoping his followers and the leaders at my church, will reconsider wearing masks.
“Asked by Wallace and Biden to condemn white supremacy, Trump said “Sure” but then declined to do so. Biden named the Proud Boys, a far-right group, and Trump replied: “Proud Boys? Stand back and stand by…Somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left.” The group celebrated his response online and began using the phrase, ‘Stand back and stand by.’” Last night the president told white nationalist groups to “stand back and stand by.” In the quote below from “Uprooting the Spirit of Racism,” I talk about how armed white nationalists are permitted to show up at protests as if they were official augmentees of the police: ‘Going forward, we need to seriously reconsider the permissiveness with which we are allowing armed paramilitaries to roam the streets of our nation’s towns and cities, as if this is normal,’ Gardiner said. ‘There’s nothing normal about this. We don’t want to be living in a war zone.” (Christoper Mathias, 2020) The president repeatedly challenged Vice President Biden on the use of the National Guard to restore “order.” Why does the President of the United States, who can mobilize the National Guard and even bring in components of the Army, need the help of white hate groups like the Proud Boys “to do something about antifa and the left?” He doesn’t.
In “Uprooting the Spirit of Racism,” I referred to an FBI report stating violence caused by white nationalist groups was a far greater threat to America’s domestic security than Antifa or BLM protesters. Vice President Biden cited that report from the FBI last night in the first presidential debate. President Trump said that the FBI was wrong and that Antifa was the greater threat. Then the unthinkable happened. When the president was challenged to denounce white nationalism and white nationalist groups, he hesitated. When he was pressed by the debate moderator and Vice President Biden, here’s what happened: “Asked by Wallace and Biden to condemn white supremacy, Trump said “Sure” but then declined to do so. Biden named the Proud Boys, a far-right group, and Trump replied: “Proud Boys? Stand back and stand by…Somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left.” The group celebrated his response online and began using the phrase, ‘Stand back and stand by.’” In both volumes of my “The Making of Great America” series, I ask if racism and division are sins. I challenge the Church to examine whether it is willing to continue to gloss over these sins as if it cannot denounce these sins while still supporting the president. I believe the Church’s failure has helped racism spread in America.
This is a chapter from my newest book, “Uprooting the Spirit of Racism.” It is a sequel to my book, “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” Both the e-book and the paperback are available now on Amazon! In this book bubble, I share how my years at a military Academy and 24 years in the Air Force shielded me from many of the types of negative interactions other black men have had with the police. It was because I had a different life experience as a black man in my late teens, and as an adult, that I was ignorant of the pervasive differences that black men and women experience as they deal with the police. I did not become aware of many of those differences until I began researching this book. I have been both enlightened and heartbroken, furious, yet resolute. This book is my contribution to resolving the disparity that is evident between black America and white America in terms of how they experience the police. I was thinking just yesterday that some of the people that helped hold segregation firmly in place for my parents are still alive, yet somehow people want to believe that the racism that they espoused has died off before them.
NBC-News•September-24-2020-Janelle-Griffith-and-Adam-Reiss “The Louisville…Metro Police Department is looking into a derogatory email…that said people who are part of antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement are ‘punks’ who are not important… The email was written by Maj. Bridget Hallahan: ‘I know it is hard to keep our thoughts and opinions to ourselves sometimes, especially when we, as a whole or as an individual, become the target of people in the public who criticize what we do without even knowing the facts…These ANTIFA and BLM people, especially the ones who just jumped on the bandwagon 'yesterday' because they became 'woke' (insert eye roll here), do not deserve a second glance or thought from us," it…Our little pinky toenails have more character, morals, and ethics, than these punks have in their entire body…Do not stoop to their level. Do not respond to them. If we do, we only validate what they did. Don't make them important, because they are not. They will be the ones washing our cars, cashing us out at the Walmart, or living in their parents' basement playing "Call-of-Duty" for their entire life…people just don't like being told what to do or what not to do by police.’ Major Hallahan’s words show not only racism but sincere belief in the no-knock-warrant “system of policing. That killed Breonna Taylor
No One Killed Breonna Her death was simply collateral damage in an act of self-defense. That’s effectively what a grand jury ruled Wednesday, choosing not to bring charges against any Louisville police officers for the death of 26-year-old Breonna Taylor in March. The ruling sparked fresh protests. One officer was charged — for endangering the lives of Taylor’s neighbors. Is this justice? An article on Carlos Watson’s website said, “No One Killed Breonna.” In essence, it meant that none of the officers involved in her death would be charged. I wondered if some white people might be wondering, “why are black people rioting again?” These might be the same people that say that systemic racism “doesn’t exist” in our justice system. Even the Air Force recently concluded that systemic racism exists in its justice system. What does systemic racism mean? It means that different people experience different outcomes, results from the system primarily based on race. The numbers prove it over and over. Racism, however, overrides the facts, the evidence. Racism blinds you from truths that anyone not influenced by it would see. We will continue to have lopsided, inequitable results from the American legal justice system until we acknowledge that systemic racism has infected it or, more accurately from a historical perspective, still exists in it. This book is Available-now-on-Amazon.
“The Making of A Great America Uprooting the Spirit of Racism” will be available in paperback and as an e-book in the next 8 days! Stay tuned! The e-book is available for pre-order now. I highly recommend the e-book version because portions of the book are designed to be a visual experience. You won’t experience those segments of the book as powerfully if you don’t watch the videos. For the paperback reader, I have recreated titles for each of the key internet links so that you can quickly and easily type them in your phone or laptop as you read so that you don’t lose this critical aspect of the book. I have also included a “Link Legend” that puts the titles of these easy to use link titles all in one place so that you can simply type them in at your leisure and walk through the visual elements of the book. The footage is raw, gripping, and jarring. It needs to be. The footage captures the very real consequences of racism in America that the enemy would love to stay hidden and downplayed. I don’t recommend watching the hours of footage contained in these links all at once. The emotional and spiritual effects could be overwhelming.
This is a draft chapter from my book “The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirit of Racism.” It is a sequel to “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” The e-book version is available for purchase now on Amazon and will be available Sep 25th. The paperback will be available by Sep 30th. In this chapter, I compare how Abel’s innocent blood cried out to God to how the blood of the innocent cries out to God today. There are many Scriptures that warn of the consequences to the nation that lightly regards or does not atone for the shedding of innocent blood. The twist in this chapter is the connection between the shedding of innocent blood and racism in America.
I never knew that the young who murdered nine people at a Charleston, South Carolina church was doing so in hopes of igniting a race war, America’s next Civil War. Further, before I started writing this book, I never knew that he had plans to attack more churches and that there were other groups working to do the same thing, provoke armed conflict between blacks and whites that will escalate into a civil war. That is what I have written about in this draft chapter of my book, “The Making of A Great America Uprooting the Spirit of Racism.” The e-book version of this book is available for pre-order now on Amazon and will be available in paperback by the end of the month. “The 21-year-old accused of killing nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, had been “planning something like that for six months,” his roommate has revealed, as friends recalled Dylann Roof’s tirades against African Americans “taking over the world” and his desire to ignite “a civil war.”
The e-book version of this book is available for pre-order on Amazon and will be available on September 25th. The paperback version of the book will be available by September 30th. In this book, I call on the Church to recognize that the president had already gone too far with his support of the McCloskeys, who drew and pointed weapons at unarmed protesters, then did the unthinkable by offering positive comments about Kyle Rittenhouse’s killing of two people. The president, as he has in the past, risks inciting more violence. While I don’t think the president will likely not change his approach, his campaign strategy, it is time that the Church distances itself from the president’s incendiary comments that may cost more lives.
This book bubble talks about the systematic abuse of force by police officers. Often the use of force by police is triggered by any resistance, no matter how subtle to their authority. There are many examples of this. George Floyd resisted being put into the police car. The Jacob Blake case is another terrible, deadly example of this. From what every angle of available footage shows, Jacob Blake’s walking away from the police triggered an officer with 17 years of service to shoot him at point-blank range seven times in the back. He was unarmed. He wasn’t fighting the police. There were at least two police officers that could have tackled him and prevented him from getting into his vehicle. My point in this chapter is to show that something systemic, something regular, something predictable happens when this terrible mixture occurs: any form of resistance (even unarmed), police, and being black.
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, “Uprooting the Spirit of Racism.” It is a sequel to my book, “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” The e-book version is available for preorder now on Amazon. The paperback will be available for sale on September 20th.
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, “Uprooting the Spirit of Racism.” It is a sequel to my book, “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” The e-book version is available for pre-order now on Amazon. The paperback will be available for sale on September 20th. This chapter of the book explores the differences in the ways black and white people experience the police and attributes the different perceptions of the police to the different ways black and white people experience the police.
A few days ago, I had a conversation with my dad about his experience growing up, specifically, living on the land of a sharecropper. That led to a conversation today with one of my moms about her experience growing up in Mississippi in the 1950s. I could never have imagined the things that “Mom Stein” relayed to me. They seemed unbelievable, so unbelievable that when I got off the phone, I immediately started doing research. That research and my conversation with Mom Stein led to me drafting a partial chapter for my new book, “The Making of A Great America Uprooting the Spirit of Racism.” In this chapter, I mix anecdotal and historical accounts of “peonage” or debt slavery and accounts of forced slavery in America that occurred well into the 1950s. Please also explore this link: https://bit.ly/slavery1950s The e-book version of this book is available for preorder now. It will be available for sale in paperback form in mid-September.
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, "Uprooting the Spirit of Racism." This book is available for preorder on Amazon. This book is a sequel to the book "The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short," which is available on Amazon and Audible. In this segment, I go through great lengths in this chapter to identify racism as a spiritual issue, a work of the devil vs. merely a cultural issue, or a socioeconomic or political problem. All of these elements have to be addressed to combat racism in America, but they will not be successful in the long-run if no spiritual remedy is sought.
Dealing with the subject of racism is very difficult. In this chapter from the book I share how I will attempt to tackle this subject. Namely by "speaking the truth in love." This book is available for preorder on Amazon and is the sequel to "The Making of a Great America Where the Church and the Founding Fathers Fell Short (also available on Amazon and Audible).
This bubble gives insight into the birth of two books. In 2016 our nation was going through a time very similar to the time we are in now. There were several police shootings that had the black community both grieving and up in arms. Yet unlike 2020, with death of George Floyd, there was little support outside the black community or in the church. In this chapter I talk about how we, this nations, has come full circle from where we were four years ago. This book is a sequel to "The Making of a Great America" (which is available on Amazon, Kindle, and Audible). This book will be published in September but is available for preorder now.
My newest book, “The Making of A Great America Uprooting the Spirit of Racism” is available for preorder now on Amazon! This book is the sequel to “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short.” This book will be published in September.
This book is the third volume in “The Making of a Great America” series. The first book in the series, “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short,” is more of a historical account of the handling of racism by political and religious leaders from the Founding Fathers to the present. The second book, “The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirit of Racism,” explores more of racism's spiritual aspects and ties racism in America to specific manifestations and faces. It has a heavy emphasis on the roots of racism within America’s system of policing. This book primarily targets the evangelical community and its direct and indirect support of racism. In it, I share what it’s like as a born-again Christian and life-long black Republican voter to be forced to reconcile support of my party, my faith, and their tolerance of racism directed at people of color. This book will also help the reader understand that the divide that exists between black and white evangelicals is historical, persistent, and very much centered on issues of race. This book, as did the books before it, asserts that unless the leaders of the evangelical body of Christ, currently white evangelicals, do not shift their attitudes and stance on matters of race that they will lose their mantle of leadership in America. As the mantle shifts to other leaders in the body of Christ, a spiritual vacuum will be created that will harm the Christian witness in America and around the world.
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial Thank God former President Trump is alive. Despite misgivings about his character and fitness for public service, I don't wish him dead. Seeing him pump his fist and yell, "Fight!" inspired me to read his pre-Jan 6th-insurrection-speech. Several times, he urged the crowd to "fight": "And you have to get your people to fight. And if they don't fight… …Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back…And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we're going to have to fight much harder. The Republicans have to get tougher. You're not going to have a Republican Party if you don't get tougher. They want to play so straight…When you catch somebody in a fraud, you're allowed to go by very different rules. We must stop the steal and then we must ensure that such outrageous election fraud never happens again… And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore… …But we're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help. We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country…we're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue…And we're going to the Capitol, and we're going to try and give.
https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/07/when-assessing-presidential-fitness-consider-racism/678881/?utm_campaign=atlantic-daily-newsletter&utm_content=20240702&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=The+Atlantic+Daily “’The fact is that [Biden’s] big kill on the Black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border,’ Donald Trump said in response to a question first posed to Biden about Black Americans who are dissatisfied with him. “They’re taking Black jobs now. And it could be 18, it could be 19 and even 20 million people. They’re taking Black jobs, and they’re taking Hispanic jobs... What exactly is a ‘Black job,’ you may wonder? Trump did not say. But the archaic implication that there are some jobs that are just for Black people, or just for Hispanic people… … Trump’s racism over the years has been well documented...He attacked Black politicians and athletes as unintelligent and ‘low-IQ’; he expressed a preference for immigrants from Norway as opposed to Haiti and African nations…Later, as an ex-president, he used terms such as ‘racist’ and ‘animal’ to describe the Black prosecutors building criminal and civil cases against him... Since he left office, his bigotry, overt and implied, has only gotten worse. Just in the past month, Trump has claimed that his Black and Hispanic support ‘skyrocketed’ as a result of his ‘amazing’ mug shot…(That wasn’t the first time he bragged that his indictments had attracted Black voters.) … Americans already know Trump’s racist record: ‘Trump has treated racism as a campaign message and a marketing ploy. He keeps finding new ways to insist that some Americans are more American than others’…”
We've taken American democracy so lightly. We've enjoyed it for so long that it's become commonplace. We've taken it so lightly that we've allowed the person who instigated an attack on the Capitol to prevent the casting of electoral college votes to run for president again. The January 6th attack was arguably the greatest attack on democracy in American history. We have come to value American democracy so little that the person who instigated and then watched the attack is poised to escape a due prison sentence and re-enter the White House for a second attempt. I wrote this book before the January 6th insurrection. It was inconceivable at the time that the disruptive false claims of President Trump could run unchecked by evangelicals and the Republican party to the point of a physical attack on the Capitol while the members of Congress and the Vice President were in attendance. What's even more troubling is that evangelical and Republican leaders have allowed the same lies to be endorsed again in 2024. Who knows what could happen next? Wake up! Wake up America! Let's get angry about this assault on American democracy. Let's get "MAD." Let's "Make American Democracy" great again!
This e-book is free for five days only! (8-12 Mar) on Amazon! Get your copy before the offer ends! And share the news with others!
Trump’s appeal has never been his character, so his criminal convictions don’t matter to his supporters. His appeal has always been a vision of white-dominated America. A throwback to a 1950s-esque America where blacks and brown immigrants were on a much lower societal tier. Instead of rebuking Trump for racist rhetoric, appeals to the Proud Boys, and admiration of Confederate symbols, his supporters endorse it silently or openly. “In fact, 62 percent of Republican primary voters say he should be the party’s nominee even if he’s convicted after winning the primaries, while just 32 percent say he shouldn’t be the nominee if convicted. It’s enough support that it would be very challenging for Republicans to overturn the result of the primaries at the convention. It’s easy to see why these voters might still back Mr. Trump, even if convicted: Three-quarters of Republican primary voters do not believe Mr. Trump will receive a fair trial. Four-fifths say the charges against him are mostly politically motivated, not mostly because the prosecutors actually believed he committed a crime. Three-quarters of Republican primary voters say Mr. Trump should be found “not guilty,” and 70 percent say he should be sentenced to prison if found guilty. Four-fifths say he genuinely believed his claims that the election was stolen…” Nate-Cohn-NY-Times-Wed-Dec-20-2023
The New York Times had the headline “House Expels George Santos From Congress in Historic Vote.” The article begins by saying Santos “is the sixth member of the House to be expelled in the body’s history.” You would think this was a good thing as Santos’ “tapestry of lies and schemes made him a figure of national ridicule and the subject of a 23-count federal indictment.” (NYT) A closer look shows that while 105 Republicans voted to expel him, 112 Republicans voted against expulsion. I have written in several books that the Republican Party has lost its moral compass. The party of the “Religious Right” no longer prioritizes character. The Republicans' support of Santos makes it easier to understand how twice impeached, oft-indicted, insurrectionist former President Donald Trump is the front-runner for the Republican nomination. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/12/01/nyregion/george-santos-expulsion-vote
As an evangelical Christian who voted Republican for over 30 years, I am deeply dismayed that the terms evangelical Christian and Republican are still so closely associated with Donald Trump. After multiple impeachments, false election claims, attempts to prevent the certification of a presidential election, inciting an insurrection, business fraud, and criminal indictments, the Church has yet to sever this association. The Church created this monster and continues to breathe life into it. Like Jason in the Friday the 13th series, nothing seems to be able to kill Trump’s political career. An obscure congressman from Indiana just became Speaker of the House not because of his evangelical values but because he supported Trump’s stolen election claims and tried to decertify the election. How can we, as evangelicals, continue to espouse Christian morals yet embrace lies about the 2020 election and a candidate that no church would allow to serve as a deacon, elder, pastor, lay leader, Sunday School teacher, count the offerings, advise about marriage, etc? Is there no Republican candidate that can pass the evangelical litmus test? Why should evangelicals tell people how to live their lives in their own homes when they support a candidate at the highest level of political power and influence on the planet who does not serve as a role model for any of their values?
Trump Rap sheet: Candidate jokes about grabbing women by the genitals and is later convicted of sexual assault. As president worsens the pandemic by actively discouraging the use of masks. Is impeached for withholding military aid to Ukraine, which may have prevented or delayed Russia’s invasion. Tells black US-Born congresswomen “to go back to the countries they came from” and displays a fondness for Confederate monuments. Cozys up to the Proud Boys and later unleashes a mob led by them on the Capitol. Tries to coerce the Vice President not to certify the electoral college results and doesn’t help when the VP’s life is threatened. Calls the Attorney General and Governor of Georgia and asks them to “find votes.” Destroys Hillary Clinton’s credibility over some classified emails but later, after leaving office, took highly classified materials and kept them unsecured in his house. Attacks Senator John McCain after his death and delays flying flags at half-mast over the Capitol. Is convicted of paying hush money to a prostitute and cooking his business books. Why would anyone vote for Trump in 2024? Conservative justices dominate the Supreme Court. Which likely would have happened under any Republican president. What is Trump’s greatest appeal? It is and always has been MAGA. A vision of a throwback America where rights were determined by country of origin and/or skin color. Tim Scott says America “is not a racist nation,” but it is still enamored with MAGA sentiments and “America’s Most Wanted” MAGA candidate.
Because of a late tech-school start, my first Air Force job was custodian for five SECRET-level safes. I often saw the term "DECLASS OADR" which meant the document Required approval of the Original Agency that Determined its classification. Two years later, I accidentally left a SECRET document on top of a safe in an alarmed/locked/SECRET-level vault. It required an investigation. Years later, I found a NATO-TOP-SECRET document in a SECRET safe. The info was outdated but required a full investigation. I worked with classified documents my entire career at four-star bases/the Pentagon but never saw documents at the level President Trump failed to return. The average citizen doesn't know Trump's assertion that he could wave a wand over the myriad documents he took and declare them declassified is not only untrue but ridiculous. There is also the matter of his Mar-a-Lago staff who don't have high-level clearances to handle/have access to these national security materials. In the classified world, there's a phrase "need to know." Just because you have a SECRET/TOP SECRET clearance doesn't mean you have a need to know/or have access to all documents classified at that level. I don't believe former President Trump is "selling secrets." I do believe he thinks he is above the law. No one is out to get him. He wouldn't have been indicted if he had returned the documents when asked. There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for him to still have ANY OF THEM three years after he left office.
I remember how Gary Hart’s Democratic presidential nomination was ruined because of adultery. I remember rumors of candidate Clinton’s affairs and of course Monica Lewinski. Now Republicans “don’t care” about 2024 candidate Trump’s involvement with a prostitute or the hush money paid to silence it. I will say it over and over, Trump supporters care about what he stands for, his MAGA vision of America, not his character or crimes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/frenzy/hart2.htm “Gary Hart and Donna Rice – 1987 In the public's mind, probably no event from the 1988 campaign proved more memorable than the undoing of Democratic candidate Gary Hart. Long plagued by rumors of ‘womanizing,’ the front-running senator from Colorado watched his chances for the presidency evaporate in May when the Miami Herald reported that Hart, a married man, had spent the night with an attractive young model named Donna Rice…The denouement came after a Washington Post reporter asked Hart, ‘Have you ever committed adultery?’ Hart refused to answer the question at the time, but the meaning of the query soon became clear. The Post had identified yet another woman with whom Hart had had a long-standing relationship. Faced with that potential disclosure as well as an overwhelming media maelstrom, Hart went home to Colorado, withdrawing from the presidential race in a bitter farewell speech on May 8.”
Pensive: Synonyms: reflective, contemplative, meditative Passive: Synonyms: acquiescent, yielding, unassertive I’m grateful former Vice President Pence didn’t yield to Trump’s demand not to certify the electoral results. What would have happened? What measures would have had to be taken to remove Trump from office? I’m not, however, giving Pence a pass as he reflects back on Jan 6th and now talks boldly about how “disgraceful” Trump was.. Where was this moxie then? Is he trying to sound presidential? We want a president that can stand up against other national leaders, not one who couldn’t even stand up to the bully down the hall. “…at this weekend’s annual Gridiron Club dinner…Pence affirmed that on January 6, 2021, Donald Trump…endangered his life along with the lives of his family, the members and staff of Congress, and numerous law-enforcement officers. Trump did this by inciting a mob to attack the Capitol…’Donald Trump was wrong,’ Pence said…’I had no right to overturn the election, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day…What happened that day was a disgrace. And it mocks decency to portray it any other way. For as long as I live, I will never, ever diminish the injuries sustained, the lives lost, or the heroism of law enforcement on that tragic day.’”(The-Atlantic-Daily-March-14th-2023)
When I saw CPAC’s straw poll still widely favored Trump despite his past and ongoing scandals, I wondered what is his appeal? The same appeal that propelled him from dark horse candidate to front-runner. It’s his MAGA rhetoric, which is a not-so-well-hidden repackaging of white supremacy. In this book, I wrote that it’s a vision of a 1950s-like America where all people of color are subordinate politically, legally, economically, socially, educationally, etc. This Trump-type sentiment is mirrored in new Mississippi legislation that would carve out an all-white leadership in a city of 80% black residents. “Eighty per cent of the white residents in Mississippi’s majority-Black capital city would be included in a proposed new judicial district with hand-selected prosecutors and judges…It would create a new unelected judicial district within the city, with two judges, two prosecutors and two public defenders. The judges would be appointed by Mississippi’s chief supreme court justice, Michael K Randolph, a conservative who is white. The prosecutors would be appointed by the state attorney general, Lynn Fitch, a white Republican. The district would be policed with an expansion of the Mississippi capitol police whose chief, Bo Luckey, is white, in a role appointed by the Mississippi commissioner of public safety, Sean Tindell, who is also white. Eighty-two per cent of Jackson’s residents are Black…” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2023/feb/15/mississippi-jackson-judicial-district-unelected-judges-prosecutors
I almost fell out of my seat a few days ago when I saw Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, admit that some of his commentators lied on-air about election fraud/the “stolen election.” Then I saw where subpoenaed text messages from my favorite Fox News personalities, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Miss “shut up and dribble” Laura Ingraham, showed that they knew the “stolen election” was a lie! I lived in Arizona for a long time. I watched Governor Doug Ducey, who I admire, stand up to the barrage from former President Trump as Trump tried to get him to decertify the AZ results based on purported voting machine irregularities. Yes, Fox News called the election on behalf of Biden, but then it made a lot of money on “stolen election” coverage. How much angst could have been saved in our nation if Fox News had lived up to the slogan it dropped, “Fair and balanced?” Where would the Marjorie Taylor Grenades of the world be if there were no “stolen election?” Who would have thought that a little company like Dominion Voting Systems Inc. could bring the mighty FOX News network to admit the election wasn’t stolen? They must have one heck of a case to get Rupert Murdoch publicly backtracking. FOX News=Fake News #stoplying
I wrote this chapter in 2020 before Pastor Raphael Warnock won the Senate seat in Georgia. A few days ago, I received this text, “WARNOCK ALERT: One week to go! We can’t let MAGA leaders have their way! Abortion rights will be lost…” I hate abortion. I honestly was shocked in 2020 when I heard Pastor Warnock vocalize his support for abortion. I also hate white supremacy. And as vocal as Republicans have been on abortion, they have been apathetic towards white supremacy and racism. Most recently, former President Trump hosted a known white supremacist, Nick Fuentes, at his home in Mar-a-Lago. President Trump, a man who used to have the CIA, FBI, and Secret Service at his disposal and classified documents as carpet ornaments, claims he didn’t know who Nick Fuentes was before inviting him to his home. But Republicans have accepted an excuse from the president that no rational person could honestly accept. Similarly, Republicans are backing Herschel Walker in Georgia, a candidate that should not even be running for the local school board. I am an avid Cowboys fan. I loved Herschel as a player but as a U.S. Senator? No. Choosing between a party that favors abortion or a party that minimizes white supremacy is an awful thing to do.
(Newsweek-11/21/22) ”The morning after Trump's announcement last week, Faithful America launched a petition that has since amassed more than 14,000 signatures. The petition says that Trump announced his latest presidential campaign with a speech ‘laced with fearmongering and lies’ and made it clear he ‘intends to double down on the fascist tactics’ that led to the ‘Christian-nationalist’ attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. ‘…Another Trump presidency would be a disaster for our country,’ it adds… The petition urges Christians to ‘speak out’ and ‘make it clear that Donald Trump does not share our values and will never have our votes.’ Reverend Nathan Empsall…‘The insurrectionist ex-president repeatedly weaponized religion in his last two campaigns, and 2024 will be no different. Neither the country nor the church can afford another four years of this charlatan's fascism, racism, misinformation, or ego’… ‘…Christianity is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who taught us love, equality and dignity—values the vast majority of American Christians understand, and values they hold dear, and remember when we vote.’ It adds that a majority of Christians across the country ‘are sick of seeing false prophets like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Franklin Graham, Doug Mastriano, J.D. Vance, and Michael Flynn warp the Gospel for their cultural agenda of hatred, power, and division.’"
Trump-Under-Fire-From-Within-G.O.P.-After-Midterms New York Times-Michael C. Bender-Maggie Haberman “Conservative allies criticized Mr. Trump on social media and cable news, questioning whether he should continue as the party’s leader and pointing to his toxic political brand as the common thread woven through three consecutive lackluster election cycles. Mr. Trump was seen as largely to blame for the Republicans’ underwhelming finish in Tuesday’s elections, as a number of the candidates he had endorsed in competitive races were defeated… ‘Republicans have followed Donald Trump off the side of a cliff,” David Urban, a longtime Trump adviser… Former Representative Peter King, a Republican from Long Island who has long supported Mr. Trump, said, ‘I strongly believe he should no longer be the face of the Republican Party,’ adding that the party ‘can’t become a personality cult.’” IN THIS CHAPTER I talked about how the Republican Party and the Church made a deal with Trump: You give us conservative justices that will end abortion and we’ll wink at your character flaws. It’s hilarious to me that one of Trump’s own supporters now calls his style a “toxic political brand.” I also said that the Church will have itself to blame if its values don’t advance because it sided with Trump vs. a more moderate choice with even a modicum of values and character.
I’ve been a Christian now for 40 years. I got my Master’s degree at a Christian university and completed two years of Bible college. In recent years, however, my Christianity has been shaken in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I watched Christian leaders I have admired, prayed for, and financially supported turn a blind eye to racism and division stirred up along racial lines. It started with these leaders’ wholesale support of Donald Trump and worsened with positions they took on George Floyd and other victims of police violence. Initially, I thought these leaders had compromised their beliefs on family values and racial unity for the cause of abortion. To end abortion, they’d chosen a candidate who was an adulterer, divorced multiple times, had consorted with prostitutes, and had spoken the vilest things I had ever heard against Mexicans. It later became evident that black people had also been served up on the altar to end Roe vs. Wade. As Trump embraced Confederate monuments, made overtures to the Proud Boys, etc., these religious leaders sat in silence. Tolerating the sins of racism and division was acceptable to end abortion. What now that abortion has been struck down in federal courts? Will these leaders continue to be silent as Trump copycats continue to try to divide America along racial lines?
I am a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan. I fell in love with the RogerStabauch-led Cowboys in the late ’70s. I stuck with the Cowboys after “the Catch.” I stayed after Jimmy Johnson did the unthinkable…he traded away the Cowboy’s star player, former Georgia running back Herschel Walker. I was beside myself. I like to think of Herschel fondly as an athlete and modeled some of my workouts after his. I even followed his brief stint in MMA. I don’t usually hold athletes to very high standards. If Herschel weren’t running for the US Senate, I don’t think I would be concerned about some of the things that are coming out about him. I wrote this chapter of the book when Raphael Warnock was running for Senate. Most of what I wrote then still seems to fit now. Republicans have mounted an attack against Warnock, a minister, primarily because of his stance on abortion. Now that we have found out that Herschel paid for an abortion, pretended to be a police officer, and so many other things…how can we support him for national office? Because Donald Trump endorsed him? I won’t delve into the “other things,” they are all over the internet. Please, Herschel, go out a winner; stick to football.
I’ve written two books on racism in America and the Church. It’s my assertion in each book that racism, more than political affiliation, has been the hidden factor in embracing President Trump. As we sprint toward mid-term elections, the message in both books is that from his time as candidate Trump to the present, the president’s greatest appeal has never been his previous record of public or military service or even his pre-candidate anti-abortion record. Further, Bill Gates and Jeff Besos don’t have to hide their financials. We’ve always known the president’s “success” as a businessman was more bluster/bravado than reality. What made Donald Trump leap forward as a candidate? Hatred of Mexicans. It was later cleaned up/repackaged as “keeping our borders safe” and “Making America Great Again.” That success led to hatred of Muslims and black athletes kneeling in protest. As a career military man, it’s particularly appalling to me that a man who used his wealth to dodge Vietnam and the Oval Office to smear John McCain’s time as a POW would become an oracle for what respecting the military means. He later stirred up hatred towards Asians (Chinese/”Kung-flu”), an outpouring of sympathy for Confederate monuments/symbols, and support for white nationalists. These books examine America’s long history with racism and the Church’s complicity with it.
One of my first jobs as Air Force second lieutenant was custodian for about five safes that held classified materials. A few years later, I moved into a job where I worked in a classified, alarmed vault. I had similar jobs working with classified plans in the Pentagon and briefly in Germany. Once as a lieutenant, I was in a rush to leave and accidentally left a classified document on top of the safe inside a locked/alarmed office. We had to do an investigation to ensure that there was no unauthorized access. In Germany, I found a document classified “TOP SECRET” inside a safe that was cleared for SECRET materials. Even though I had a TOP SECRET clearance and the safe was inside a locked/alarmed facility, we had to complete an investigation to ensure no unauthorized persons had access to that document. I’ve poured over hundreds of documents as safe custodian to ensure that declassification instructions and classified markings were correct. I have been in charge of the processing of classified message processing for an entire base in Arizona. Make no mistake, the FBI’s investigation of former President Trump’s handling of these materials is not unwarranted. Anyone familiar with how classified documents are declassified/marked/stored knows the only reason he’s not in jail is that he’s a former US President
When I watched Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings, I thought of the “Trumpian” vision of America. An America “Made Great Again” with nearly all-white leadership. In this chapter, I recall President Trump on election-night-2020 surrounded by a nearly all-white inner circle. As a black man, it was impossible to believe that they didn’t endorse his views. President Trump had previously embraced confederate monuments, made overtures to the “Proud Boys,” told black US-born congresswomen to go back to the countries they came from, and so much more. These 1950s-era throw-back sentiments seemed to be rolled out again during the confirmation hearings in disgusting attacks by Senators Hawley and Cruz. As I watched them try to call her soft on the vilest crimes, my mind flashed back to a black and white recording I saw of Dr. King being grilled by a white host. I know a lot of the venom in the confirmation hearings has been attributed to partisan politics. But President Trump blurred the line between Republican partisanship and racism. When I see Trump loyalists grilling a black woman with the highest qualifications, I can only see racism. I can only see that they believe she lacks the one qualification to fit into their vision of American leadership—the color of her skin.
Yesterday President Trump used the word “genius” to describe Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Now that Russia has launched a full-scale invasion, I wanted to see what Fox News would say about the President’s remarks. I was disgusted by what I saw. I watched a former member of the Trump National Security team say that Putin’s aggression was President Biden’s fault. Unbelievable. To make matters worse, this official was at CPAC (an annual political conference. attended by conservative activists and elected officials). In two different books, I have blasted my former Republican Party and Christian conservatives for winking at President Trump’s admiration of Putin and his soft stance towards Russia. Conservative leaders in the Republican party and the Church defended President Trump while he was being impeached for his dealings in Ukraine. President Trump withheld vital military aid to Ukraine in exchange for information that would discredit Joe Biden. No American president has ever had such a conciliatory tone towards Russia. No American president has ever condoned Russian aggression. Not only has President Trump done both, but he has also done more to destabilize relationships with our key NATO allies than any president in my lifetime. Sadly this weakened NATO alliance is all that stands in the way of the Russian annexation of Ukraine. Shame on you Fox News, CPAC.
The-New-York-Times-06-09-22-David-Leonhardt “…The Covid death rate for white Americans has recently exceeded the rates for Black, Latino and Asian Americans…During Covid’s early months in the U.S., the per capita death rate for Black Americans was almost twice as high as the white rate and more than twice as high as the Asian rate… …white and Asian Americans were initially quicker to receive vaccine shots. Black and Latino Americans…had less convenient access to the shots and many were skeptical of them…Covid’s racial gaps have narrowed and, more recently, even flipped. Over the past year, the Covid death rate for white Americans has been 14 percent higher than…Black Americans and 72 percent higher than… Latino… …successful part of the story is the rapid increase in vaccination among Black and Latino Americans since last year…The share of white Americans who have received a Covid vaccine shot has barely budged since last summer. The main culprit is politics. Only about 60 percent of Republican adults are vaccinated, compared with about 75 percent of independents and more than 90 percent of Democrats…Republicans are both disproportionately white and older… In heavily conservative, white communities, leaders have not done as good a job explaining the vaccine’s benefits-and Covid’s risks…Instead, many conservative media figures, politicians, clergy members and others have amplified false or misleading information about the vaccines…
CNN: “Pence rebuked Trump -- and received an outpouring of GOP support in response” CNN: “Pence says 'Trump is wrong' to say then-vice president had the right to overturn 2020 election… Former Vice President Mike Pence called out his former boss by name on Friday, saying that ‘President (Donald) Trump is wrong’ in claiming that Pence had the right to overturn the 2020 election on January 6, 2021.” I have been critical of Mike Pence and Republican leaders for being afraid to stand up to President Trump’s antics, misconduct, and even criminal behavior. However, in the hour that America needed him most, Vice President Pence stood up to President Trump and refused to usurp the electoral college proceedings. This was a stance he took that unknowingly could have cost him his life. I was very disappointed that he did not condemn President Trump’s actions on January 6. These actions led to deaths and could have led to the deaths of members in America’s highest elected offices. That aside, I commend Vice President Pence for recently condemning the actions of January 6. Albeit late and possibly a bit of political posturing for 2024, he is still one of the few Republicans who is willing to speak the truth about the greatest threat to America’s democracy in our lifetimes.
As a born-again Christian and an African American man, I was never really concerned about the majority of white America’s embrace of Donald Trump. What was disconcerting for me was the embrace of Donald Trump by white evangelicals. More specifically, white evangelical leaders. Men and women whom I had learned from, sat under, financially supported. I was a graduate of one of these leaders’ universities. All of these leaders unquestionably would have embraced the teachings of Dr. King. Yet I watched them all embrace mirror-opposite, unbiblical racial sentiments by both candidate and President Trump. It was so disheartening that if I hadn’t been more strongly grounded, I think I could have left the faith. Prophet Trump proclaimed that racism and division were no longer sins to be repented of. He proclaimed that racial hate groups like the Proud Boys could “stand by” to be welcomed alongside evangelical supporters all in one unified purpose to “Make America Great Again.” Where then was the impetus to believe that other sins were, in fact, sins if these sins could be so easily winked at by the nation’s most prominent evangelical leaders?
I published this book before Jan 6th. I warned that President Trump’s remarks about a “stolen election” could erupt in violence. I make the case that Republican leaders and the Church could have called President Trump to task. Today most Republican leaders are still practicing amnesia, silence or even deception as it pertains to Jan 6th. Dick-Cheney-just’spoke-a-hard-truth-to-his-fellow-Republicans-about-January 6 Chris Cillizza, CNN 01/07/22 "Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty," Sen. Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor in the wake of Trump's acquittal last February from an impeachment charge for his actions (and lack thereof) on January 6. "There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President." A week after the Capitol riot, Rep. Kevin McCarthy was similarly blunt. "The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters," McCarthy said. "He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump." In the year since those comments, McConnell has gone silent about Trump while McCarthy has slunk back into Trump's good graces by trying to rewrite the history of January 6
Many who have traditionally voted Republican like myself got tired of talking about Trump long before the “stolen election” and insurrection instigation. But the reality is that the residue of his actions and the echoes of his ideologies are still with us. Last week Congress failed to pass voting rights reforms that would have erased new restrictions in places like Texas and Florida. Can you imagine being arrested for handing a bottle of water to someone in a voting line? This isn’t 1965; it’s 2021 in Texas. The irony of it is that election fraud NEVER occurred! The ballots were recounted three times in Georgia. In Arizona, the Republican governor refused to take any action after two recounts and a bogus-independent-recount all showed no significant disparities. Mind you, President Trump’s own Attorney General, William Barr, and the Supreme Court also said there was no widespread election fraud, nothing that would have produced a win for Trump. So why is there enough inertia to have passed new voting restrictions in several states? What’s the power behind Republican efforts to keep what Liz Cheney calls “the Big Lie” alive? It is the power of Trumpism. Though many of us have Trump fatigue, as Americans, we cannot allow the remnants of these divisive sentiments to continue to exist.
“Racial and ethnic hostility is the foremost social problem facing our world today…Racism—in the world and in the church—is one of the greatest barriers to world evangelization…Racial and ethnic hatred is a sin, and we need to label it as such.” Billy Graham… What if racism, espousing racism, tolerating racism, endorsing people who support racism, was considered a moral failure?...What if we treated the sins of racism and division like that today? What if we considered them moral failure and required even leaders, as Aaron and Miriam were, to openly repent and go through a restoration process? I have witnessed several religious leaders go through this public repentance and restoration process, usually for some kind of sexual misconduct. I have never seen it for the sins of racism and division. When I say division, I mean sowing or supporting the sowing of seeds of division along racial lines. “Matt Gaetz Says Lloyd Austin 'Might Be the Stupidest Person' to Ever Serve in Presidential Cabinet” Newsweek-Jason-Lemon-08/2/2021 President Trump made it ok for leaders to make public, bigoted statements about Mexicans, African-Americans, Muslims, Asians. The oldest racial slur against African-Americans deals with their intelligence. Trump is gone, but Representative Gaetz is copying behavior that should be denounced as strongly as any other moral failure.
Washington-Post-Vanessa-Williams-08-13-2021 “The demographic shifts that have roiled political and cultural debates in the United States during the past several years came into sharper focus Thursday with the release of race and ethnic breakdowns from the 2020 Census. For the first time since the first census in 1790, the number of people who identify solely as White was smaller and their share of the population dipped below 60 percent. At the same time, people of color make up a majority of the populations in six states plus D.C. and are now the majority of the U.S. population under the age of 18, at 52.7 percent. The battles over how we talk about the history of America — and who gets to write its future — will likely intensify in the coming years, as the meaning of terms “majority” and “minority” are challenged by groups competing for political, economic and cultural power.” I believe America is moving closer to God’s vision, a multi-ethnic nation reflecting His glory in the earth. As we move toward that vision, I see great potential for conflict as people in the growing minority assert themselves in shaping America’s political, economic, and cultural systems while the existing majority tries to maintain control of them. Without God’s help, how can America survive such a great shift?
I believe we are guilty of exalting the Founding Fathers' vision of America above God's vision for America. The indirect and undesirable consequence of this has been the exalting of a vision of what I have called a "new Europe" for Europeans. In my first book, "The Making of a Great America Where The Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short," I detail how the Founding Fathers looked with disdain upon the Irish. Even the Germans and Eastern Europeans were considered undesirable immigrants. A new Europe for Western Europeans was never God's plan for America. I believe God wants America to be a reflection of Heaven: "After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…" Rev 7:9 The Founding Father's vision of America, though a great start, was limited, too limited. God's vision includes Native Americans, Africans, Asians, Hispanics, Eastern Europeans, Indians, Arab nations, "people from all tribes, peoples, and languages." Our famed documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our symbols such as the Statue of Liberty seemed to embrace these ideals but were only limited by the Founding Father's desire to extend them as far as God had envisioned.
The greatness of America is not the Founding Fathers. The greatness of America is not the diversity of her ethnicities. It’s not even found in her many freedoms and liberties. It’s not found solely in her gorgeous landscapes from sea to shining sea. I believe in 202,1 we have forgotten that God made America great despite areas of shortsightedness pertaining to race and equality in the Founding Fathers. We have forgotten that God is the only force strong enough to unite a nation that would be torn apart across ethnic lines without Him. God is the only person with motives so pure that He can lead us away from the selfishness, greed, and favoritism that would cause us to restrict or impinge upon the liberties of one race to increase the liberties afforded to our own. God handcrafted America’s shores, mountain landscapes, deserts, beaches, hills, fields, rivers, lakes, and streams. He made every blooming flower and tree and all the creatures that find their home here. He is the only one that can and should be given credit for the greatness that is America! He is the only one that can carry her to the destiny that He envisioned. Trusting in anyone else, giving full credit to anyone else, is at best ingratitude and at worst idolatry.
A second explanation for the new divergence between more and less vaccinated places is the Delta variant. It appears to be making vaccination even more valuable. The vaccines are effective against Delta, sharply reducing the chances of infection and nearly eliminating any chance of serious illness. For unvaccinated people, however, Delta is significantly more contagious than earlier variants. Missouri offers the clearest example. Over the past week, it has reported more new Covid cases per capita than any other state, and they are concentrated in rural areas that have low vaccination rates, as Charles Gaba, a health care analyst, has noted. In the parts of the state with high vaccination rates — like the metro areas of Kansas City, St. Louis and Columbia — the number of new cases remains very low. Red America’s problem There is a political angle to these trends, of course. The places with the lowest vaccination rates tend to be heavily Republican. In an average U.S. county that voted for Donald Trump, only 34 percent of people are fully vaccinated, according to New York Times data. In an average country that voted for Joe Biden, the share is 45 percent (and the share that has received at least one shot is higher). David Leonhardt-New-York-Times-06/28/2021
This title, along with several of my other Audible titles, is on sale for 49% off, for a limited time only. Preview this and my other audiobook titles today for FREE at Audible.com.
“The new details laid out in hundreds of pages of emails and other documents released Tuesday by the House Oversight and Reform Committee show how far Trump and his allies were willing to go in their attempts to use the Justice Department to overturn Biden’s win… The endeavor involved the White House chief of staff and an outside attorney, who peppered department officials with requests that they said came on behalf of Trump himself to investigate baseless claims of election fraud. Their efforts intensified in the days before Congress was set to formally recognize the election results Jan. 6 — and culminated in an Oval Office showdown Jan. 3. Though the Justice Department took actions before and after the election that critics have alleged were designed to benefit Trump, neither then-Attorney General William P. Barr nor Rosen publicly backed the president’s claims that fraud altered the election results. …The department did examine some claims, and top officials forwarded some of the material from Trump allies to U.S. attorneys in Michigan and Pennsylvania. But they resisted the push to file a case with the Supreme Court... Ultimately, Trump’s pressure campaign seemed to resonate more with his supporters who came to D.C. to protest Jan. 6 — and then violently overran the U.S. Capitol — than with those in his own Justice Department.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/interactive/2021/trump-justice-department-2020-election/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https://s2.washingtonpost.com/car-ln-tr/33c214f/60cb74919d2fdae30282c2c8/5cc736b9ae7e8a3cc449e598/12/72/60cb74919d2fdae30282c2c8
Washington-Post-05/04/2021-Sierra Teller Ornelas Santorum..“We came here and created a blank slate, we birthed a nation from nothing,” and “there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.” Washington-Post-05/07/2021-Vanessa-Williams “Members of Congress and former president Donald Trump, as well as conservative commentators and scholars, vehemently argued that slavery was not a defining characteristic of the country. And the White people who founded the country were not racist…much of their ire has been directed at the 1619 Project, the New York Times’ award-winning collection of stories, essays and images that examined how slavery and Black Americans’ historical fight for freedom shaped the country’s founding.” I used to be a Rick Santorum fan and was displeased when the Republican party dismissed him as part of the radical-Religious-Right. Santorum’s comments mesh with the current narrative being championed by Republicans that only white people contributed to America’s greatness. Equally disgusting is the attempt to erase the massacres of Native Americans and slavery. Was this part of the Republican party’s platform all along, and I just didn’t know it? Was I so focused on defeating abortion and “Christian values” that I couldn’t see this disturbing undercurrent of white nationalism? Thank God for President Trump. I said it. Thank God he unearthed hidden sentiments among many in the party whose flag I carried proudly for decades.
Washington Post Op-Ed 05/06/2021 “Liz Cheney, a Republican, represents Wyoming’s at-large congressional district in the U.S. House… (Her quote) ‘In public statements again this week, former president Donald Trump has repeated his claims that the 2020 election was a fraud and was stolen. His message: I am still the rightful president, and President Biden is illegitimate. Trump repeats these words now with full knowledge that exactly this type of language provoked violence on Jan. 6. And, as the Justice Department and multiple federal judges have suggested, there is good reason to believe that Trump’s language can provoke violence again. Trump is seeking to unravel critical elements of our constitutional structure that make democracy work — confidence in the result of elections and the rule of law. No other American president has ever done this. The Republican Party is at a turning point, and Republicans must decide whether we are going to choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution. In the immediate wake of the violence of Jan. 6, almost all of us knew the gravity and the cause of what had just happened — we had witnessed it firsthand…’”
Washington-Post-April-17-2021 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Saturday tried to distance herself from a document published by Punchbowl News that purportedly outlined the goals of a new “America First Caucus” being formed by Greene and other hard-right GOP lawmakers… “America First policies will save this country for all of us, our children, and ultimately the world,” Greene tweeted. Trump’s “America First” agenda was characterized by a nationalist approach to issues such as immigration, trade and foreign policy… In a section on immigration, the document describes the United States as a place with “uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions”… House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)…“America is built on the idea that we are all created equal and success is earned through honest, hard work. It isn’t built on identity, race, or religion,” McCarthy tweeted. “The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans — not nativist dog whistles.” Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.)…and Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), one of Trump’s most vocal critics within the GOP, also denounced what the caucus stood for. “Republicans believe in equal opportunity, freedom, and justice for all. We teach our children the values of tolerance, decency and moral courage,” Cheney tweeted. “Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate.”
This is an April 1, 2021, Tucson Weekly headline, "Gov. Ducey is lifting restrictions just as Arizona was getting a handle on COVID and his decision will prolong this misery. This is a July 8, 2020, Arizona Republic headline, "Arizona is now No. 1 in the world for coronavirus but some Arizonans say it's no big deal." This is a December 30, 2020 Arizona Republic headline, "Slow rollout of vaccine in Arizona leads frustrated governor to intervene." This is a March 5, 2021 headline from the Phoenix Business Journal, "Arizona businesses, restaurants can reopen at 100% occupancy, Ducey orders." It is incomprehensible that if you were once the "world leader" in COVID cases and had a slow vaccine rollout that you'd be one of the first states to lift mask restrictions and fling the doors 100% open for all businesses. I voted for Governor Ducey. I applauded him for standing up against President Trump's push to alter Arizona's election results. But his clinging to the Trump model on mask wear has been and continues to be deadly and irresponsible. As a former Republican, I am appalled that this last vestige of Trump machismo is still putting the lives of Arizonans at risk. Remember Trump's admiration of Putin riding shirtless on a horse? That's what going maskless is. Reckless bravado. #Duceyreckless
Washington Post By Laura Reiley March 25, 2021 at 7:00 a.m. EDT A tiny fraction of the Trump administration’s coronavirus relief for American farmers — just 0.1 percent of the overall package — went to Black farmers, according to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who was confirmed in February with strong bipartisan support for a second stint in the role. In an interview with The Washington Post, Vilsack for the first time noted the extent to which the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic exacerbated existing disparities across the American economy. The distribution of coronavirus relief increased those gaps, he said. Black farmers received only $20.8 million of nearly $26 billion in two rounds of payments under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program announced by the Trump administration last April, he said. “We saw 99 percent of the money going to White farmers and 1 percent going to socially disadvantaged farmers and if you break that down to how much went to Black farmers, it’s 0.1 percent,” he said. “Look at it another way: The top 10 percent of farmers in the country received 60 percent of the value of the covid payments. And the bottom 10 percent received 0.26 percent.” Of the 3.4 million farmers in the United States today, only 45,000 — 1.3 percent — are Black…”
(Washington Post) Jennifer Rubin 3/18/21 “…Warnock… adds moral and intellectual heft to the body. During his maiden speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, he delivered a devastating indictment of Republican efforts to restrict African Americans’ access to the ballot. Using the cadence and energy honed as a pastor, he recalled that ‘just a few months after [Rep. John Lewis’s] death, there are those in the Georgia legislature, some who even dare to praise his name, that are now trying to get rid of Sunday ‘souls to the polls,’ making it a crime for people who pray together to get on a bus together in order to vote together.’ He continued, ‘Make no mistake, this is democracy in reverse. Rather than voters being able to pick the politicians, the politicians are trying to cherry-pick their voters. I say this cannot stand.’ Warnock was unsparing in his description of ‘Jim Crow in new clothes,’ which amounts to ‘a massive and unabashed assault on voting rights and voter access unlike anything we have seen since the Jim Crow era.’ He decried that the win-at-any-cost mentality puts ‘craven lust for power’ ahead of democracy…‘It is a contradiction to say we must protect minority rights in the Senate, while refusing to protect minority rights in the society,’ he said.”
The comment below was posted by a Christian leader that I admire. It upset me because minority Christian leaders, like him, didn’t take this strong of a stand against the Republican party when it condoned hatred against Mexicans, blamed Asians for the Kung-flu, said systemic racism against black people didn’t exist in America’s police system and co-opted white supremacist groups. How many tens of thousands of people died because Republicans would not support mask-wearing during COVID? As a lifelong Republican voter, I value many of the things he values, but he must realize his prior silence led us here. How many black Christian voters “defected” to Biden because of the silence of these leaders? “I want the black and brown and white believers who celebrated and voted for this man to get ready. You placed race and color above Christianity, sexuality, life, religious liberty, the church and even the family! Being brainwashed by fear and CNN. For what? Derelict party loyalty to a godless, christ mocking party and agenda because of tweets, and arguments with reporters. Because you were TRAINED to hate and follow the sentiment of sinners. From a wicked media exposed time and again as being the DNC’ propagandist arm. When will we listen?? America has entered the Era of the Judges, Judgement, and divine Justice!”
“The Making of a Great America: Made in the Image of Trump” is now available on Audible! I have free codes to obtain this book on Audible. This book is the third in a series on the subject of former President Trump and MAGA. In the first book, I wrote that I could understand why many Republicans may have voted for Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. As a lifelong Republican voter, I faced this same dilemma. Though I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016, I called for those who did to reflect on their choice for 2020. Over 74 million people, many of them fellow Christians, eagerly endorsed support for Trump’s vision for America beyond 2020. This book explains that continued support and serves as a call for reflection on the 2022 and 2024 elections. In the first two books, I challenged Republican and Christian leaders to find candidates who represented their traditional values and distance themselves from MAGA. This book more forcefully makes those same pleas. This book also repeats my belief that I have stated in each previous book that if the leaders of the Church do not separate themselves from the white nationalist underpinnings of MAGA, God will raise up new leaders who will.
As a lifelong opponent of abortion and nearly a lifelong Republican voter, I can say that President Trump has been a wrecking ball to the Republican Party. Conservative stalwart Ralph Reed said, “There has never been anyone who has defended us and who has fought for us, who we have loved more than Donald J. Trump.” I beg to differ. Even before Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, the former president had offended and driven away droves of loyal Republican party voters. His embrace of white nationalism started the exodus. When President Trump told an angry mob to walk down the road and stop the certification of the electoral college results, I believe many more Republicans could not fathom that the party that produced presidents like Reagan and the Bushs, and candidates like Dole and McCain had sunk to be associated with absolute anarchy. The election results had been in some cases (Georgia) recounted by hand twice, held up in over 50 court cases, including the Supreme Court, validated by the US Attorney General and even the Vice President himself. Singlehandedly, President Trump has done more to cause voters to consider voting against the Republican party, its candidates, and its conservative-values-based platform than anything else. His attempt to run in 2024 would only do more damage.
Kevin McCarthy Says “Everybody Across This Country” Is Responsible for the Capitol Insurrection (Mother Jones Magazine Jan 23, 2021) “‘Everybody across this country has some responsibility.’ That’s what the House minority leader offered to Greta Van Susteren after she questioned, according to HuffPost in an interview set to air on Sunday, whether he had contradicted himself on Thursday by asserting that Donald Trump had not provoked the Jan. 6 riot. The remark appeared to reverse McCarthy’s statements immediately following the Jan. 6 attack that Trump was at least partly to blame for the violence.” Though McCarthy intended this statement to deflect responsibility from President Trump, he was actually somewhat right. Every Republican leader, on a national or local level, who has supported “Stop the Steal,” or the notion that millions of votes were switched, despite three recounts in Georgia, one by hand, is responsible for the Capitol Insurrection. Every TV personality that kept the lie alive, every person that retweeted the lie, or posted it on Facebook, is in part responsible for stirring up the mob that cost three Capitol policemen their lives and nearly resulted in harm to the highest elected officials in the land. As a nearly life-long Republican voter, I’m ashamed that Republicans will vote to acquit President Trump, but it’s really an acquittal of themselves.
I was embarrassed by a Senator from my home state of Missouri, Josh Hawley, who continued to spread the president’s lie of wide-scale, massive election fraud that would have changed his loss into a “landslide win,” even after the US Capitol had been attacked and people had lost their lives. I have been writing on this subject for over two years, and it has manifested in three books. The worst of what I feared and wrote about manifested itself last night. I felt like I needed to respond. I felt led to ask people to pray. I felt led to share some things from the three books as a prayer focus. I wrote three books saying that the only power stronger than racism and division is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been so burdened that I felt compelled to write these books even though I was afraid of what people might say. Now I know I wasn’t offbase. But I want to hear pastors, specifically white pastors and national evangelical leaders, saying the same things. I want to hear them finally denounce the baser parts of what the president stands for, and as I heard so many times yesterday, “speak truth to power.”
“…I am grateful…to God…grateful for a president who defended the lives of the unborn,… grateful for a president who nominated conservative judges to the Supreme Court and to our federal courts; grateful for a president who built the strongest economy in 70 years with the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years before the pandemic; grateful for a president who strengthened and supported our military; grateful for a president who stood against “the swamp” and the corruption in Washington; grateful for a president who supported law and order and defended our police. I’m grateful for a president and a vice president who recognized the importance of prayer and were not ashamed of the name of Jesus Christ….It is unfortunate that many people got confused and made the election about personalities rather than the policies of the candidates. President Trump will go down in history as one of the great presidents of our nation, bringing peace and prosperity to millions here in the U.S…” Franklin Graham’s quote above pits “policies” vs. “personalities.” There is no “confusion” about the president making racism a matter of “policy” by endorsing the Proud Boys and Confederate symbols. It saddens me that racism/divisiveness can be reduced to a “personality” flaw. This book addresses the Church’s unwillingness to make racism a moral issue.
As a pro-lifer I want to stand with Franklin Graham’s Twitter quotes about abortion: “@PPFA calls GA Democratic Senate Candidate Reverend Warnock a champion for reproductive rights. Truthfully translated, that means Raphael Warnock champions the killing of babies in the safety of a mother’s womb through abortion…Candidate Warnock also said he supports “reproductive justice.” Justice? What an ironic term to use. Abortion represents the most significant INJUSTICE of our time—genocide of entire masses of babies. This isn’t just a political issue, it’s a moral & a biblical issue.” Graham’s willingness, however, to whitewash the President’s divisiveness, racism, and corruption destroy his credibility, damage the pro-life cause, and his witness for Christ. Graham Facebook: “… I am grateful…to God that for the last four years He gave us a president who protected our religious liberties; grateful for a president who defended the lives of the unborn…for a president who stood against “the swamp” and the corruption in Washington; grateful for a president who supported law and order and defended our police…for a president and a vice president who recognized the importance of prayer and were not ashamed of the name of Jesus Christ. President Trump will go down in history as one of the great presidents of our nation, bringing peace and prosperity to millions here in the U.S….”
“Living Proof” evangelist Beth Moore, wife of Keith Moore recently tweeted the quote below. I felt it captured the same sentiments expressed in a chapter from my latest book entitled “An Unqualified Savior.” This book is available on Amazon. “I do not believe these are days for mincing words. I’m 63 1/2 years old & I have never seen anything in these United States of America I found more astonishingly seductive & dangerous to the saints of God than Trumpism. This Christian nationalism is not of God. Move back from it. Fellow leaders, we will be held responsible for remaining passive in this day of seduction to save our own skin while the saints we’ve been entrusted to serve are being seduced, manipulated, USED and stirred up into a lather of zeal devoid of the Holy Spirit for political gain. And, God help us, we don’t turn from Trumpism to Bidenism. We do not worship flesh and blood. We do not place our faith in mortals. We are the church of the living God. We can’t sanctify idolatry by labeling a leader our Cyrus. We need no Cyrus. We have a king. His name is Jesus.”
“In another sign of the lingering unrest over President Donald Trump's election loss, an Arizona group sent the National Archives in Washington, D.C., notarized documents last week intended to deliver, wrongly, the state's 11 electoral votes for him. …a group that claimed to represent the "sovereign citizens of the Great State of Arizona" submitted signed papers casting votes for what they want: a second term for Trump… Mesa resident Lori Osiecki, 62, helped create a facsimile of the "certificate of ascertainment" that is submitted to formally cast each state's electoral votes as part of an effort to prevent what she views as the fraudulent theft of the election.” I’ve lived in Arizona for 11 years. Never would I have believed that such craziness was possible. A group protesting election “fraud” delivers notarized “fraudulent” electoral college ballots! One representative called herself “conservative.” Conservative Republican used to mean “Christian.” In my book, I call President Trump’s effect on his followers “drinking the Kool-Aid.” It’s an effect that is stronger than just resonating with Republican or “Christian” values. It’s deeply connected to deeper matters of racial identity and views on racial hierarchy. The power of this connection has caused Trump followers, even Christian leaders, to take actions in the name of conservatism or even Christianity—but it’s really just the Kool-Aid.
My book “The Making of A Great America Made in the Image of Trump,” became available on Amazon in paperback! This is the third volume in The Making of A Great America series. All of them are available on Amazon. Volume I is also available on Audible. All of the books/volumes are great gift ideas, especially for the Christian interested in exploring racism in America. These three volumes explore racism in politics and the Church from the Founding Fathers to the present. In this book bubble, I highlight the power of racial identity as one aspect of how president Trump resonates with his followers. I highlight that for his followers, Trump is a person that looks like him, thinks like them and champions things they feel strongly about.
On the same day that the electoral college will formally cast its ballots and usher in our new president, my book “The Making of A Great America Made in the Image of Trump,” became available on Amazon as an e-book! It will be available in paperback later today or tomorrow. This is the third volume in The Making of A Great America series. All of them are available on Amazon. Volume I is also available on Audible. All of the books/volumes are great gift ideas, especially for the Christian interested in exploring racism in America. These three volumes explore racism in politics and the Church from the Founding Fathers to the present.
We are living in previously unimaginable times in terms of the history of American democracy. A sitting U.S. president has refused to concede after losing every court challenge and being told by his hand-picked attorney general that his claims are baseless. Moreover, the president has used the power of the Oval Office and the fringe elements of his base to try to coerce elected officials in several states to throw out ballots, refuse to certify election results, and redesignate electoral ballots. Fear of retribution of an outgoing president and his base has led Republican leaders at all levels to forfeit their integrity and side with the president in his ever-expanding lie that the election was stolen. This pattern of compromise with the president started when he was allowed to label Russian interference in the 2016 elections a hoax. It emboldened him to label the impeachment based on his admitted wrongdoing in Ukraine a hoax. Then the Coronavirus became a hoax to harm the president, even though he was recorded as admitting to its potential severity. So, it is a big stretch for him to call his election loss a hoax? I am at a loss for words for the conduct of Republican leaders, but as a Christian, I am more disturbed by the enablement of the Church.
This book is the third volume in “The Making of a Great America” series. The first book in the series, “The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short,” is more of a historical account of the handling of racism by political and religious leaders from the Founding Fathers to the present. The second book, “The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirit of Racism,” explores more of racism's spiritual aspects and ties racism in America to specific manifestations and faces. It has a heavy emphasis on the roots of racism within America’s system of policing. This book primarily targets the evangelical community and its direct and indirect support of racism. In it, I share what it’s like as a born-again Christian and life-long black Republican voter to be forced to reconcile support of my party, my faith, and their tolerance of racism directed at people of color. In this book bubble, I call on Republican and evangelical leaders to quit supporting election fraud notions and call the election over to prevent possible violence.
“(CNN)His opponent calls Rev. Raphael Warnock an unpatriotic radical… But there's another, little-known pastor who inspired Warnock…Critics never seem to mention him… This pastor was a Black World War II veteran who flew an American flag in front of his house, hung portraits of American presidents on his walls and led a church that recited the pledge of allegiance before every Sunday morning worship. This man was Warnock's father, the late Rev. Jonathan Warnock…a Pentecostal pastor who salvaged abandoned cars while raising 12 kids in a public housing project with his wife, the Rev. Verlene Warnock… After the war ended, he boarded a public bus in his Army uniform to return home…’The bus driver asked him to remove himself to another seat so that a teenage White boy could sit down,’ says Valencia Warnock King, one of the late pastor's daughters. The elder Warnock moved from his bus seat, but he never forgot the episode. He salvaged a ‘For Whites Only’ sign and kept the Jim Crow relic in his house. And he told the story of that bus ride to his children repeatedly as the years passed… ‘He said we gotta address these things because we love this country and we ought to fight for things that are right,’ she says.”
You can’t miss my Black Friday Blowout Book Sale! Ten e-book titles will be over 50% off, and six titles will be FREE! These 16 selected e-books/kindle versions will be for sale/FREE on Amazon starting Black Friday through November 30th only! Mark your calendars! This book will be marked down over 50%!
Es mi esperanza que los padres que lean este libro sean movidos por el Espíritu de Dios a un sentido renovado de dedicación, enfoque y resolución en lo que respecta al llamado de sus vidas como padres.
¿Buscas un regalo de última hora para el Día del Padre? Como papá, déjame tomarme un momento y atreverme a hablar en nuestro nombre… ¡no más calcetines! ¡Regala un impactante devocional cristiano! Esta versión en inglés de este devocional está disponible en Amazon en formato de bolsillo y de libro electrónico y en Audible. La versión en español está disponible en Amazon. Haz el regalo de última hora que no parezca de última hora. Como papá, puedo decírtelo con amor… ¡realmente sabemos cuándo es el último minuto! Y para los papás, ¡también pueden comprarlo ustedes mismos! Estos obsequios se pueden descargar instantáneamente desde Amazon y Audible.
¡Este libro electrónico es GRATIS durante cinco días a partir del 24 de noviembre!
This is the Spanish version of a Christian book (devotional and a journal) for fathers. It is now available on Amazon in paperback and e-book formats. This book will benefit fathers of any age. Get your copy today! Esta es la versión en español de un libro cristiano (devocional y diario) para padres. Ahora está disponible en Amazon en formato de libro de bolsillo y libro electrónico. Este libro beneficiará a los padres de cualquier edad. ¡Obtenga su copia hoy!
This is the Spanish version of a Christian book (devotional and a journal) for fathers. It is now available on Amazon in paperback and e-book formats. This book will benefit fathers of any age. Get your copy today! Esta es la versión en español de un libro cristiano (devocional y diario) para padres. Ahora está disponible en Amazon en formato de libro de bolsillo y libro electrónico. Este libro beneficiará a los padres de cualquier edad. ¡Obtenga su copia hoy!
Esta es la versión en español de un libro cristiano (devocional y diario) para padres. Ahora está disponible en Amazon en formato de libro de bolsillo y libro electrónico. Este libro beneficiará a los padres de cualquier edad. ¡Obtenga su copia hoy! This is the Spanish version of a Christian book (devotional and a journal) for fathers. It is now available on Amazon in paperback and e-book formats. This book will benefit fathers of any age. Get your copy today!
It is my hope that the fathers who read this book will be stirred by the Spirit of God to a renewed sense of dedication, focus, and resolve as it pertains to the call on their lives as fathers. I pray that every father that reads this book will be inspired in some way, be changed in some positive way and that generations will be impacted as of result of fathers reading and applying what they find in this book. I believe that book was given to me by the Holy Spirit. I pray that the spiritual eyes and ears of its readers would be opened. I pray that their hearts would be prepared, fertile, good ground for this seed of the Word that will be sown into it.
Looking for a last-minute Father’s Day gift? As a dad, let me take a moment and dare to speak on behalf of us…no more socks! Give the gift of an impactful Christian devotional! This English version of this devotional is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book formats and on Audible. The Spanish version is available on Amazon. Give the last-minute gift that won’t seem last minute. As a dad, I can tell you with love…we really do know when it’s last minute! And for the dads out there, you can buy it for yourself too! These gifts can be instantly downloaded from Amazon and Audible.
This is ebook is on sale for P off for five days starting on November 24th!
The e-book version of this book IS FREE on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
5.0-out-of-5 stars The author Ivan Thompson, accomplished and honored in multiple fields, shares his experiences as a father, gives insights and challenges of being a parent. Because fatherhood is such a difficult assignment, the author includes many verses of encouragement from the Bible on the topics he covered, such as forgiveness, encouraging your own children as well as the fatherless ones, God’s love, leadership, many others. Acknowledging that men don’t often read parenting books, he recommends two: Dobson’s The Strong Willed Chid, and The Five Love Language of Children by Gary Chapman. He bought Chapman’s book to try to help him relate better to his two younger children, and was pleasantly surprised that the insights he gained improved his relationship with his three grown children as well. The book also helped him understand past hurts he suffered in childhood with his own father. After each topic discussed is a section titled “For Reflection” in which Thompson offers questions for thought and self-evaluation. The author explains that fathering effectively is difficult, God’s help is needed and required. The many verses included provide wisdom, examples, and encouragement. The audio version is narrated by Steven A. Gannett. His voice is easy on the ears, soothing, well-paced and easy to understand. The Audible version only takes an hour and 51 minutes…
You can’t miss my Black Friday Blowout Book Sale! Ten e-book titles will be over 50% off, and six titles will be FREE! These 16 selected e-books/kindle versions will be for sale/FREE on Amazon starting Black Friday through November 30th only! Mark your calendars! This book will be marked down over 50%!
In this excerpt from the book I talk about the father’s spiritual role in the home. I use the image of Batman atop a skyscraper watching over, protecting the city. I also use the image of a man lying prostrate on his face. The combination of both pictures I believe is needed to portray the picture the Lord desires of fathers as it pertains to their role in the home. I hope you enjoy this sneak peek into the book! It is available on Amazon and Audible and is also the perfect gift for any dad you know!
Men, as you read this excerpt, I challenge you to open up your heart, your wallet, your home, your calendar, and your prayers to the fatherless children that God has put in your circle of influence. It will be a challenge. They might not act like your kids. They might not have manners, self-discipline, goals, healthy habits, good self-esteem, or good hygiene (lol)-- that's where you come in. You don't even have to have kids of your own. If you are a godly man, a stable man, you have all you need. I know Father's Day has passed, but I challenge every man reading this to expand your circle. Look to gather up the young men and women in your community, in "our communities" and help bring them up. You may not be perfect but having them around you and trying to be a "role model" for them will push you to be better. It will pull you out of selfishness and self-centeredness and at the same time, be a blessing to them and their mom. Make a difference in your community, in your neighborhood, and be a Father to the fatherless in this next year.
You can’t miss my Black Friday Blowout Book Sale! Ten e-book titles will be over 50% off, and six titles will be FREE! These 16 selected e-books/kindle versions will be for sale/FREE on Amazon starting Black Friday through November 30th only! Mark your calendars! This book will be marked down over 50%!
Looking for an inexpensive gift for a dad that you know? “25 Essential Bible Verses for Dads” is just what you’re looking for. This devotional will be a great tool to help dads of any age reflect on scriptures that pertain to issues that dads deal with. The devotional is packed with scripture but is written in such a way as not to be overly hard to digest spiritually. The devotional also contains questions for reflection that will challenge, inspire and encourage the reader to be the best father he can be. The book is available in paperback, e-book and audio book formats to suit the style of the dad you’re shopping for. Preview it for free on Amazon or Audible today!
God has really blessed me with some awesome voice over artists! Steven Gannett is the latest awesome voice talent that I have worked with. Here is a sample of his work on my latest audio book that should be published before the end of the month. Enjoy! The book is already available on AMAZON in paperback and as an ebook. Type this URL into your browser to listen to the sample: http://bit.ly/2vaRDsc or look me up on Soundcloud.com at https://soundcloud.com/thompsoi
Mal 4:6 (NKJV) “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” This passage from the book of Malachi refers to the Lord sending the prophet Elijah to turn hearts of fathers back to their children. It is my sincere hope that something in this book will turn the hearts of fathers who read it, back to their children. It is my hope that the fathers who read this book will be stirred by the Spirit of God to a renewed sense of dedication, focus, and resolve as it pertains to the call on their lives as fathers. I pray that every father that reads this book will be inspired in some way, be changed in some positive way and that generations will be impacted as of result of fathers reading and applying what they find in this book. I believe that book was given to me by the Holy Spirit. I pray that the spiritual eyes and ears of its readers would be opened. I pray that their hearts would be prepared, fertile, good ground for this seed of the Word that will be sown into it. In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Mal 4:6 (NKJV) “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” This passage from the book of Malachi refers to the Lord sending the prophet Elijah to turn hearts of fathers back to their children. It is my sincere hope that something in this book will turn the hearts of fathers who read it, back to their children. It is my hope that the fathers who read this book will be stirred by the Spirit of God to a renewed sense of dedication, focus, and resolve as it pertains to the call on their lives as fathers. I pray that every father that reads this book will be inspired in some way, be changed in some positive way and that generations will be impacted as of result of fathers reading and applying what they find in this book. I believe that book was given to me by the Holy Spirit. I pray that the spiritual eyes and ears of its readers would be opened. I pray that their hearts would be prepared, fertile, good ground for this seed of the Word that will be sown into it. In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Mal 4:6 (NKJV) “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” This passage from the book of Malachi refers to the Lord sending the prophet Elijah to turn hearts of fathers back to their children. It is my sincere hope that something in this book will turn the hearts of fathers who read it, back to their children. It is my hope that the fathers who read this book will be stirred by the Spirit of God to a renewed sense of dedication, focus, and resolve as it pertains to the call on their lives as fathers. I pray that every father that reads this book will be inspired in some way, be changed in some positive way and that generations will be impacted as of result of fathers reading and applying what they find in this book. I believe that book was given to me by the Holy Spirit. I pray that the spiritual eyes and ears of its readers would be opened. I pray that their hearts would be prepared, fertile, good ground for this seed of the Word that will be sown into it. In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Mal 4:6 (NKJV) “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” This passage from the book of Malachi refers to the Lord sending the prophet Elijah to turn hearts of fathers back to their children. It is my sincere hope that something in this book will turn the hearts of fathers who read it, back to their children. It is my hope that the fathers who read this book will be stirred by the Spirit of God to a renewed sense of dedication, focus, and resolve as it pertains to the call on their lives as fathers. I pray that every father that reads this book will be inspired in some way, be changed in some positive way and that generations will be impacted as of result of fathers reading and applying what they find in this book. I believe that book was given to me by the Holy Spirit. I pray that the spiritual eyes and ears of its readers would be opened. I pray that their hearts would be prepared, fertile, good ground for this seed of the Word that will be sown into it. In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Este libro es para cualquiera que luche contra la depresión, los cambios de humor, la tristeza recurrente, los ataques de pánico, los sentimientos de desesperación e impotencia, los que están angustiados, los que han experimentado tanto dolor que han dejado de sentir y se han cerrado, y los que tienen tenido pensamientos de quitarse la vida. Este libro también es para personas que tienen a alguien en su círculo familiar, círculo de amigos, compañeros de trabajo, tal vez incluso vecinos, compañeros de entrenamiento, etc. que parecen haber tenido un cambio repentino en su comportamiento o han tenido problemas emocionales persistentes.
Mayo es el mes de concientización sobre la salud mental. https://rebrand.ly/Un-Tsumami-Tristeza #libros #libro #autor #cristiano #librocristiano #espíritusanto #bibliaversos #bibliaestudiar #Dios #autoresdeinstagram #librosenespañol #crecimientocristiano #espiritualidad #madurezcristiana #debenleer #depresión #saludmental #amazon
¡Este libro electrónico es GRATIS durante cinco días a partir del 24 de noviembre!
La Semana de Concientización sobre las Enfermedades Mentales (MIAW) se celebra la primera semana de octubre para crear conciencia sobre las enfermedades mentales. Este libro está disponible en inglés y español en Amazon y en inglés en Audible.
"A Tsunami of Sadness" is now available in Spanish! Available now in Kindle format on Amazon and soon in paperback. ¡"Un tsunami de tristeza" ya está disponible en español! Disponible ahora en formato Kindle en Amazon y pronto en rústica.
This book is the third in a series of books that focus on diversity in the Air Force, primarily in the pilot ranks. The first book in the series is titled “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling,” and its sequel is titled “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience.” Although this book is written to stand alone, reading the previous two books on this topic will give the reader a much richer experience. This book will have a different tone than the previous books. It will have a different tone for several reasons. The first book in the series was written mostly with research that I conducted during my Air Force career. The second book focused more heavily on the experience of African Americans in pilot training. This book is being written nearly eleven years after I retired and during a period of racial and social upheaval, the likes of which I have never seen. It was impossible to write about diversity and the “state of the union” inside the Air Force’s gates without touching on the “state of the union” outside them. I will also, as I have done in previous books, take time to pay tribute and honor to African American Air Force leaders, past and present, to enlighten the reader on the rich leadership heritage of African American officers and on the paths they took to obtain the success that they achieved.
"Fortson's fatal shooting raised grave questions about the deputy's use of deadly force -- and why he shot so quickly if Fortson, who was Black, had not raised his gun… Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind, the head of Air Force Special Operations Command, sent a message… 'We will all see this event through varying lenses, informed by our own journeys, and our own perspectives,"…"We must acknowledge and respect these varying perspectives so we can move forward as a team." …avoid assuming Fortson 'did something wrong' or that 'law enforcement did something wrong." He added that 'the investigation will lay out the facts'… The police body camera footage showing the deputy…ultimately arriving at Fortson's apartment door and the moment he fires approximately six rounds into the airman's chest…" https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/05/13/its-ok-not-be-ok-special-operations-wing-orders-stand-down-after-roger-fortsons-police-killing.html?ESRC=airforce_240514.nl&utm_medium=email&utm_source=airforce&utm_campaign=20240514 I understand the general's call not rush to judgment in Airman Fortson's death. I couldn't watch the bodycam footage. That's part of "my journey" and my "lens." My journey/lens have seen police investigations explain away what is unmistakable by bodycam/cellphone footage. What will the Air Force do if the investigation proves that excessive/unnecessary force was used on Airman Fortson? Imagine the impact if the Air Force called its Airmen out of local apartments back onto the base or published its own findings. How can the Air Force "move forward as a team" if it can't protect its team in the local community? On one "team" at some point, the "lenses" and "journeys" must converge on things as critical as fatal injustice.
Brigadier Gen Dana Nelson is a 1990 US Air Force Academy graduate and the first black female graduate to obtain the general officer rank. She was recently nominated for promotion to Major General. While we celebrate her magnificent accomplishments, we cannot overlook that black women have not faired well in comparison to females of other races. In this chapter, I compare general officer promotion firsts of all races since women graduated from the Academy in 1980. Why is the comparison important? Why isn’t it? If you were in a group that came up short, wouldn’t it be important to you? The troubling thing is that, in my research, it doesn’t seem to be a priority for the Air Force. The troubling concerns don’t end there. Many of the Air Force’s black female firsts left the active duty Air Force for the Reserves: Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Claiborne (the Air Force’s first black female pilot), Lieutenant General Stayce Harris (the Air Force’s first black female three-star general), Lieutenant Colonel Shawna Rochelle Kimbrough (the Air Force’s first black female fighter pilot) and Lieutenant Colonel Christina Hopper (the Air Force’s first black female fighter pilot to fly in combat). “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Did these highly talented women get out because they didn’t see black women on active duty having success, or was the Air Force’s lack of success on active duty because they decided to get out? Does it matter if the Air Force isn’t searching for the answer?
In this book, and particularly in this chapter, I share that many of our Air Force military black “firsts” and “bests” were children of military parents, aka “brats.” Names such as General Benjamin O. Davis, General "CQ" Brown, General Edward Rice, General Larry Spencer, General Darren McDew, General Anthony Cotton, Lt Gen Stayce Harris, Lt Gen John Hopper, Lt Gen Ronnie Hawkins, and Maj Gen (s) Dana Nelson. More recently, there has been Brig Gen Alfred K. Flowers Jr. (son of Maj Gen Flowers, whom I served with) and Brig Gen (S) Kayle Stevens (daughter of Brig Gen William Stevens). I’m sure there are more. I recently talked with Tuskegee Airmen historian Quincy Magwood, who told me that General Lester Lyles’ father was a Tuskegee Airman! Ambrose Lyles was an outstanding crew chief for noted Tuskegee Airmen fighter pilots Wendell Pruitt and Lee Archer. Mr. Magwood told me, “Col. Archer spoke highly of his Crew Chief having his aircraft mission ready. A4 flight jackets are only issued to Airmen on flying status.” In this chapter, I mention Col Mike Black, whose father, US Army Col Clinton Black, was one of my mentors. Mike Black’s son is a USAFA graduate serving in the Air Force. I also share an article written by Maj Nathan Dial. He shares his 3rd generation military story. I also learned that Nathan was one of the few black USAFA Cadet Wing Commanders.
There is an inflammatory ant-DEI article in the Daily Caller titled “US Air Force Ran an Experiment to Graduate More Minority Pilots. It Didn’t Go As Planned. The “experiment” grouped women and minority students together to create a supportive ecosystem within the larger construct of the Air Force’s white male dominated flying training classes. The Air Force constructed its experiment based on research from my books. I was contacted by the 19th Air Force Commander’s staff for historical background for the experiment. Why was I contacted? In my books, I documented the Air Force’s successes with this approach in previous experiments in the 1970s and 1990s and with the Tuskegee Airmen “experiment.” The article failed to point out that the Air Force failed to include several key elements in this recent experiment. Though they grouped the students, they didn’t group any minority instructor pilots with the students to provide role models or same-race mentors or mitigate against unconscious/conscious bias. The 19th Air Force also refused to contact Lt Gen (ret) John D. Hopper Jr., former Vice Commander Air Education and Training Command, who was an instructor in the successful 1975 experiment in which all six black students (from USAFA, ROTC, and OTS) all graduated at a time when the washout rate for black students was 56%. The article also failed to note that this “clustering” process was how the Air Force produced its first female (white) fighter pilots.
The NFL Network/NFL360 recently aired a documentary about the Tuskegee Airmen and the legacy of black aviators in America. NFL360's "The Flyest Ever" documentary was part of the network's remembrance of Black History Month. Colonel James Harvey was one of the Tuskegee Airmen who was heavily featured in that documentary. Colonel Harvey recently received an honorary promotion to Colonel and was pinned on by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Charles Q. Brown. Colonel Harvey, now 100 years old, was part of the Tuskegee Airman team that won the Air Force's first "Top Gun" trophy for propeller aircraft. Three of the pilots from that team are still alive! In this book, I share how his team won the trophy for propeller aircraft and would have won for jet aircraft had it not been for a last-minute rule change that favored another all-white team. The original trophy in 1949 had the winners listed as “unknown.” The trophy that the Tuskegee Airmen won was "lost" by the Air Force for 50 years until one diligent person, historian Ms. Zellie Rainey Orr, researched it and found it hidden away in the Air Force Museum.
Today, I was talking to an Original Tuskegee Airman about how the Air Force has treated black pilots in operations and training from WWII to the present. He spoke of the lack of black pilots in the fighter ranks and their larger numbers in "support" aircraft. Then I asked about something I'd written in this book. In WWII, fighters were considered support; they escorted bombers to the target. Air Force doctrine at that time said precision daylight bombing was how we would defeat Germany. Bombers were the preeminent instrument of that doctrinal approach. Have you ever wondered why the Tuskegee Airmen had such incredible success as fighter pilots then and not as bomber pilots? Because blacks were relegated to support roles and support aircraft. The bomber pilots and crews in the Tuskegee Airmen's ranks were never allowed to fly in combat. Over the coming decades, fighter aircraft/missions moved from a supporting role into a leading one. Our original Army Air Corps/Air Force leaders were mostly bomber pilots reflecting Air Force doctrine. The Air Force's current leaders are mostly fighter pilots, again congruent with its doctrine. Though the Air Force's doctrine has changed, its historical treatment of black pilots has not. Black pilots have always dominated whatever the Air Force considers support or "less than." It's not an accident. The Air Force's corporate estimation of black pilots' value has not changed. History is undefeated. Every lesson unlearned is always repeated.
This is ebook is FREE for five days starting on November 24th!
I have recently shared that original Tuskegee Airman, Lieutenant Colonel James Harvey received an honorary promotion to Colonel. But I realize many people may not know that he was part of the Tuskegee Airman team that won the Air Force’s first “Top Gun” trophy for propeller aircraft. I shared an interview with him in my book “The Air Forces Black Pilot State of the Union.” He shares how his team won the trophy for propeller aircraft and would have won for jet aircraft had it not been for a last-minute rule change that favored another all-white team. The trophy that the Tuskegee Airmen won was “lost” by the Air Force for 50 years until one diligent person researched it and found it hidden away in the Air Force Museum. Colonel Harvey was pinned on by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Charles Q. Brown. General Brown was the first African-American Chief of Staff of the Air Force and the 2nd African-American Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
General Charles Q. Brown was recently confirmed as the newest Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I have written about him in several books, documenting his many career firsts. In this book, I detail his stellar military assignments. I also highlight the things in his background that were necessary to clear the extra hurdles that exist for black officers in the Air Force and nearly all the senior leadership ranks of the Armed Services. In addition to things like sponsorship, top cover, mentoring, door-opening, top assignments, and outstanding performance, black officers have rarely discussed but very real cultural barriers. Nowhere is this truer in the Air Force than in the fighter pilot community. This chapter outlines General Brown’s ascent to the Air Force’s highest rank as the Air Force Chief of Staff, a post that proved to be a stepping stone to the military’s highest post.
In honor of Women’s History Month, I am sharing an entire chapter from my book, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union.” The title of this chapter is “What About the Black Women?” The story of the successes of black females in the Air Force is not widely known. The Air Force has not done a good job of mentoring and grooming African American female officers, especially pilots. In this chapter, I share the stories of some of the most successful black female officers in Air Force history. I also share some of the stories of black female Air National Guard and Army officers. Of particular note in this chapter is the fact that most of these women had to find career success outside the active duty Air Force in the Guard and Reserves. Why is it that the Air Force could not retain the vast majority of these women on active duty? What in the Air Force’s culture and systems is not particularly nurturing or appealing to black female officers, especially black female pilots? In this chapter, I assert that there may have been a greater track record of success for African American women in the Guard and Reserve, which may have influenced many of them to leave active duty.
I have written three books on African Americans in the Air Force, and the fourth is in draft form. Most of these books deal with the concerns and historical struggles of black pilots, but the experiences of the pilots reflect those of the larger population of black Air Force officers. Perhaps you’re interested in learning about these specific struggles during Black History Month. I humbly suggest these books: “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling,” “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Experience,” and “The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union.” Many books on the experiences of black men and women are being banned. These writings are now labeled as “woke.” If it means being awakened to the fact that black men and women, including those in the military, have a different American experience, then yes, maybe the reader will be “awakened” to that reality by reading my books.
“Thank you for your service.” I often heard that when in uniform. I say it to military members in uniform and often police officers. In 2020 a young black/Latin Army lieutenant was met with a different type of greeting while in uniform. He was pepper sprayed, beaten, and handcuffed. He was stopped for missing license plates but had temporary tags displayed. This case was particularly egregious to me because one of the police officers was prior military. He knew that the young man was a military officer. But for the arresting officer, the color of the young man’s skin overrode his prior military training. He didn’t render courtesies anyone would render a uniformed officer. The $3,685 award in a $1 million dollar lawsuit may be appealed, but it is a disgusting commentary on the consequences of police brutality on black and brown men, even while in uniform. This slap on the wrist sends a terrible message. CNN — January-18-2023 A US Army officer who was pepper sprayed, pushed to the ground, and handcuffed by Windsor, Virginia, police officers during a 2020 traffic stop…was awarded $2,685 in compensation…a jury determined former Windsor police officer Joe Gutierrez assaulted the Army officer. The jury also determined that Officer Daniel Crocker must pay $1,000 in punitive damages for an illegal search of his vehicle
The e-book version of this book is 50% on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
“Fighter pilot is an attitude. It is cockiness. It is aggressiveness. It is self-confidence. It is a streak of rebelliousness, and it is competitiveness. But there’s something else - there’s a spark. There’s a desire to be good. To do well; in the eyes of your peers, and in your own mind.” — Brigadier General Robin Olds, Fighter Pilot [source: Christina Olds, Ed Rasimus, Robin Olds (2010). “Fighter Pilot: The Memoirs of Legendary Ace Robin Olds”, p.291, Macmillan] In this chapter, I have included the entire Air Force Times article in which two black Air Force F-22 pilots share their experiences. Daniel Walker and Nathan Dial were discouraged from displaying the kind of “cockiness” and “self-confidence” we typically think of when we think of fighter pilots. If you’ve seen the most recent “Top Gun” movie, you saw a bunch of minorities and females exhibit the same kind of bravado as their white counterparts. But alas, that was Hollywood. These two black fighter pilots experienced a different reality flying the Air Force’s premier fighter jet. In many cases, there was a demeanor expected of them, based on race, that superseded their status as pilots of the Air Force’s top fighter jet.
The Air Force’s Birthday is September 18th. So is mine! In honor of our shared birthday, I'm making the e-book version of my book, "The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience," free on Amazon from Friday, September 16th, through Tuesday, September 20th. I'm also offering the e-book version of my latest book, "The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union," for 50% off on Amazon for the same dates! These books have impacted the Air Force’s rated diversity policies and helped a Tuskegee Airman get promoted to brigadier general. They are the 2nd and 3rd of a series and set the stage for the 4th book due in late November.
At the start of Black History Month, I gave away a free chapter from my latest book, "The Air Force's Black Pilot State of the Union" (available on Amazon). It is now Women’s History Month. I want to share the two chapters in my new book that deal specifically with women. The first chapter is titled “What About the Black Women?” It is a direct result of a challenge issued to me by Lieutenant General Stayce Harris, the Air Force’s first black female three-star. She asked me why I hadn’t written more about black women. The honest answer was that my books had been focused on pilots and specifically general officer pilots. In this book, I show that the Air Force hasn’t done a good job grooming black females in “operations,” specifically as pilots. The second free chapter is a companion chapter titled “A Comparison of Firsts.” It deals with the struggles of the first white female fighter pilots. These chapters go together because while it is important to celebrate the accomplishment of the first white women fighter pilots, it is also important to see the difference in how black women were treated in pilot training. Sojourner Truth’s famous speech “Ain’t I a Woman” comes to mind.
As a self-published author, I am so excited that Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing now allows me to publish hardcover copies of my books! A hardcover offering adds a certain degree of legitimacy and credibility in a space where I am trying to establish myself as a subject matter expert. It also offers me one more revenue stream for the same intellectual property as I can now sell it as an e-book and in softcover and hardcover print versions. Finally, who would have ever imagined that there would be a way for a self-published author to publish hardcover copies of their work via print on demand and mitigate all the risks associated with traditional publishing routes?
In my book, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union,” (Available on Amazon) I wrote an entire chapter about Gen. C. Q. Brown. This chapter is entitled “The Making of a Black Chief.” My aims for this chapter were: to give honor to General Charles Q. Brown Jr. for his significant accomplishments and to highlight that for black officers, there are extra hurdles and requirements to make it to the Air Force’s highest ranks. Gen. Brown who was the Air Force's first black Chief of Staff was recently confirmed as the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Please feel free to share!
Tuskegee Airmen, Charles McGee, Dies at 102 Jan. 17, 2022 | By Amy McCullough Hudson Air Force Magazine Retired Brig. Gen. Charles McGee, one of the last surviving members of the Tuskegee Airmen who flew 409 combat missions in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, died on Jan. 16. He was 102. McGee, the son of a preacher, was born in Cleveland, on Dec. 7, 1919. A life-long leader, he earned the distinguished Eagle Scout award in his youth and continued to inspire throughout his three-decade military career and beyond. He enlisted in the U.S. Army on Oct. 26, 1942—one day after his wedding—and earned his pilot’s wings on June 30, 1943. McGee flew his first combat mission on Valentine’s Day 1944, then assigned to the 301st Fighter Squadron, 332nd Fighter Group, in Italy.
Colonel Clinton J. Black recently passed away. Col Black was an Army colonel stationed at Scott Air Force Base in 1986 when I arrived there as a new 2nd Lieutenant. He was part of a group of African-American colonels that mentored young African-American officers on the base. These men selflessly took time out of their busy schedules to conduct seminars on officership and professionalism and spend one-on-one time with young officers in records reviews, mentoring, answering questions. These men were invaluable role models for me. I was an Air Force Academy graduate but still very unsure of how to be successful in the Air Force. I am a child of the 1960s. I very much needed men who looked like me to show that it was possible to succeed in the Air Force. I felt more comfortable, placed greater trust in other senior officers that looked like me to give me career advice. That would later change as I learned to take each senior officer, regardless of race, for who they demonstrated themselves to be. I’m so grateful to men like Colonel Black, who helped me through those formative stages of officership. I am also grateful that his son, Colonel Michael Black, allowed me to honor his family’s military tradition in my book before his dad passed away.
Do you want a book that profiles the history of black female general officers in the Air Force? Or a book that explores why Tuskegee Airmen bomber pilots were never allowed to fly? Perhaps a book that contrasts the differences between how white and black females were prepared to become fighter pilots? Do you want to study the characteristics that many black Air Force general officers have in common or learn about how the Air Force as a “family business” may have helped some of the Air Force’s most senior officers to succeed? Do you want to review the findings in the Air Force’s internal post-George Floyd diversity audit? Or read about the experiences of two black Air Force F-22 fighter pilots as they felt pressure to conform to majority-white culture in order to advance their careers? Finally, do you want insight into what it took for the first black Air Force Chief of Staff to obtain his post? Then “The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union” is the book for you. It is the third in a series of books on diversity/equity/inclusion in the Air Force focusing on pilots. This book and its two predecessors are available on Amazon. The e-book version of this book will be free from Sunday, Dec 19th through Thursday, Dec 23rd!
Military.com (2 Dec 2021, Konstantin Toropin and Travis Tritten) “Ten members of the Air Force were investigated for trespassing at the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 pro-Trump riot that briefly shut down Congress, according to new extremism statistics released in a Defense Department inspector general report. Those cases are among 281 investigations into alleged instances of extremism in the military over the first nine months of this year, the watchdog report, released Thursday, shows. It is the first public disclosure of data on the extremist activity and the service branches’ response since the riot.” In this chapter, I talk about how the effects of events outside the gate have an impact on the Airmen inside the gate, especially the minority Airmen: “These articles depict the varied types of issues related to race that are swirling “outside the gate.” A nonminority reader of this chapter might be wondering, why give so much time to airing out these external, “political,” and social issues in a book about the military? In reference to myself, I spoke of spending most of my life in an Air Force-blue bubble. These are unprecedented times, however, and I think it would be next to impossible for a black airman to live in a similar bubble and not be affected by the issues outside the gate.”
I have had the distinct pleasure of writing about Brigadier General Charles McGee in three different books. On December 6th, he turned 102 years old! He is still very sharp and able-bodied and serves as an ambassador for the Air Force in public appearances around the country. He is an American hero who has one of the greatest combat flying records in Air Force history. He is the only person to ever fly over 100 combat missions in three different wars (WWII, Korea, and Vietnam). His total number of combat missions in these three wars is a whopping 409. In this chapter, I share how I was fortunate enough to lead a team to help Charles McGee get an honorary promotion from the president to the rank of brigadier general.
“Fighter pilots rule the world.” “The Fighter Mafia.” As much as fighter pilots seem to be the apex, the focus of all things Air Force, it wasn’t always true of America’s flying forces. In my book “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling,” I show how the shift from a focus on bombers to fighter forces started in the 1970s. Any student of American airpower knows that in the Army Air Corps era before the Air Force became a separate service, airpower doctrine centered on daylight strategic bombing. The Air Force’s first great leaders and generals were “bomber guys,” not fighter pilots. In this chapter of my book, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union,” I make a bold statement. The famed Tuskegee Airmen were fighter pilots, not bomber pilots, because discrimination and racism excluded black men from flying in bombers and bomber crews even when white bomber crews were dying by the thousands. Strategic bombardment was considered the preeminent mission, the primary means by which Germany’s industrial/warfighting capacity would be destroyed. I assert that because of this, black men were relegated to the support role of flying fighters. Fighters, because of technology and existing doctrine, were considered support-- escorting bombers/keeping bombers safe. Ironically, the greatest accomplishment of the Tuskegee Airmen is a byproduct of backfired discrimination.
This book is the third in a series of books that focus on diversity in the Air Force, primarily in the pilot ranks. The first book in the series is titled “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling,” and its sequel is titled “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience.” Both these books are available in e-book, paperback, and hardcover on Amazon. Black Ceiling is also available on Audible. In this book bubble, I have shared the Table of Contents. The hope is to give the reader an idea of what I have written over 450 pages about. The purpose of this book bubble is to whet the reader's appetite, if you will. If you have read either of the previous two books, you will love this book. However, this book has been written to stand alone. To facilitate that effort, I quote extensively from the previous two books. Enjoy! Get your copy today!
This is a chapter in my newest book on diversity, equity and inclusion in the Air Force. This is the third book in the series. Because my books have focused on diversity in the pilot and senior officer ranks they have focused heavily on black men. This chapter focuses on black women aviators and senior officers in the Air Force. As the author I learned so much! I hope that military historians and African American history enthusiasts will enjoy reading it as much as l did compiling the research!
This is one of the headlines from today’s New York Times, “Good morning. Most N.F.L. players are Black. Only one head coach is.” I wrote about this phenomenon in this book. In this book, I said that because most NFL teams are owned by families that hiring a black general manager or a black coach is like inviting them to become a part of the family. I went on to say that it’s one thing for white owners to have black men work for them as players but another thing altogether to have them be “part of the family.” Why would I write about the hiring of NFL head coaches in a book about the Air Force? Because in many ways, the Air Force is a family business. Sons of general officers become general officers. Family members of both black and white former Air Force leaders often find great success in the Air Force. The problem? There have been so few black Air Force leaders at the highest leadership level, four-star general, that the beneficial effects aren’t yet very visible on the Air Force leadership landscape.
In previous books, I have made the case that prior exposure to flight training is a greater predictor of success in pilot training than SAT scores, GPA, class standing, etc. Numerous studies that the Air Force has paid for to try explain away the differences in success rates for minority and non-minority pilots by using these measures. The academic qualifications, lack of “quality” minority talent arguments have also been used as a blanket to lay on top of other differences between minority and non-minority student pilots going through Air Force pilot training: lack of role models and same-race peers, lack of supporting culture, unconscious bias, and discrimination. Nearly every study concludes with “if only we could be better at recruiting the top minority talent,” where “top” is equated with SAT/GPA. On the surface, it seems to make sense. Perhaps that’s why the Air Force keeps paying for studies that keep saying it. In this chapter excerpt, I show in great detail why this premise should be abandoned.
In this draft chapter, I call on the Air Force to “cluster” minority students vs. scattering them across training classes. Though I have advocated this in two previous books, it’s not my idea. The Air Force has done this three times since 1960. I refer to the Air Force’s Racial Disparity Review published in December 2020. The Air Force found “varying degrees of disparity were identified in apprehensions, criminal investigations, military justice, administrative separations, placement into occupational career fields, certain promotion rates, officer and civilian professional military educational development and some leadership opportunities.” In this chapter, I ask why wouldn’t we expect to see these same disparities in pilot training? I also cite Air Force sanctioned research that shows that these disparities have shown up in pilot training and one of the recommended solutions was clustering.
In this chapter I share some of the rich history of Air Force general officers whose fathers served in the military. It's a striking pattern and certainly is no coincidence. I believe that being a military "brat" actually gives some of our career officers an advantage that is hard to quantify or qualify but easy to identify in the results. This book will be available later this summer.
This book is the third in a series of books that focus on diversity in the Air Force, primarily in the pilot ranks. The first book in the series is titled “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling,” and its sequel is titled “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience.” This book has been written to stand alone. To facilitate that effort, I will quote extensively from the previous two books. However, reading the previous books in the series will give the reader a much richer experience. This book will have a different tone than the previous books. It will have a different tone for several reasons. The first book in the series was written mostly with research that I conducted during my Air Force career. The second book focused more heavily on the experience of African Americans in pilot training. This book is being written nearly eleven years after I retired and during a period of racial and social upheaval, the likes of which I have never seen. It was impossible to write about diversity and the “state of the union” inside the Air Force’s gates without touching on the “state of the union” outside them.
"The Air Force's Black Pilot State of the Union" is now available in hardcover! This book is the third in a series of books that focus on diversity in the Air Force, primarily in the pilot ranks. The title of first book in the series is “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling,” and its sequel is titled “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience.” Although this book is written to stand alone, reading the previous two books on this topic will give the reader a much richer experience. "Black Ceiling" is available on Amazon/Audible. "Black Pilot" is available on Amazon. In this chapter I share the "backstory" on how Colonel Charles E. McGee was promoted to Brigadier General. It's a story of faith, perseverance and teamwork. Enjoy!
This is the third book in a series of books on diversity in the pilot and leadership ranks of the United States Air Force. The first book in the series "The Air Force's Black Ceiling" is available on Amazon and Audible. "The Air Force's Black Pilot Training Experience" is available on Amazon. This book will be available on Amazon this summer.
This book may be the most important book that you will hear this year. I had such a divinely inspired sense of urgency to write it that I know God was trying to get it out as soon as possible to the audience that I was purposed to touch. What you will hear in this book may alter the course of your life. At best, it will help give you greater clarity than ever on God's vision and purpose for your life. At worst, it will give you a great sense of confirmation that you're going about discovering your life's purpose in the right way. This book was written to help anyone who is trying to discover their God-given purpose and move forward into it, despite the opposition of competing voices known as the "you shoulds". The "you shoulds" often come from well-meaning people in our lives. People like our parents, coaches, teachers, religious leaders, siblings, and friends. This book is for young people who are searching for their life's purpose. This book is for the parents of young people that are trying to discover their purpose. This book is also for anyone considering a career change. Finally, it's for people who have realized that they've been on the wrong path, perhaps following someone else's "you should" vs. God's divine plan for their life.
I am reading the life-changing book, “God Loves Me and I Love Myself, Overcoming the Resistance to Loving Yourself, " by Mark DeJesus. I highly recommend it! Mark DeJesus says, “Way too many people don’t step out towards their highest potential because they’re afraid, but also because they don’t love themselves.” He says the lack of “self-love” prevented them from making gutsy decisions. He also said, “They have little idea of who they are, so they give in to what other people want them to be.” My book, “You Should,” focuses on turning to God to discover His plan and purpose for our lives. God, the Creator, has the master blueprint for our lives. Without insight into His plan we can pursue things that are not congruent with the talents, skills, abilities, giftings, and bents that he has designed into us. The result is a less-than-optimal life. We won’t be as happy, fulfilled, and successful as we could have been if we had His insight into what purposes we should pursue with our lives. If I add Mark DeJesus’ revelation, we must love ourselves enough to pursue and receive God’s very best plan for our lives. Jesus said I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly (Jhn 10:10). We enter that “abundant life” when we seek God’s plan and purpose for our lives and allow ourselves to lovingly receive through His grace and strength, the abundance built into His plans for us.
This is ebook is FREE for five days starting on November 24th!
This testimonial is from a man who purchased "You Should Distractions & Detours to Divine Destiny." This book is available in English and Spanish on Amazon and Audible! "This book really helped me figure out my purpose in life. I spent way too much time listening to “you so good at that. You should…”. That’s why I’ve had so many different career paths throughout my life. I had to have a conversation with God about his purpose for my life is as opposed to what I thought my purpose was. It only took 35 years but I can finally say I’m on the right path." Kamal
In an episode of “The Daily Show,” Oprah Winfrey said, “People get to where they want to go because they know where they want to go. Most people don’t know where they want to go. Most people, a lot of people, are going and being driven by what they think they should do, what other people say they should do.” So many people struggle with questions regarding purpose, direction, career choices, etc. They don’t know where to focus their efforts and ambitions. I believe that we were all created by a Creator. We are not alone as we search for our purpose in life, seeking answers from an unknowable “Universe.” There is a knowable, personal God who has a blueprint for your life that matches your skills, talents, and abilities and minimizes your weaknesses. There is a God that can help you tap into abilities you didn’t know you had, gifts that lie dormant. God can strengthen you in areas where you are weak or undisciplined. There was a commercial years ago where people pressed a red “easy” button to get answers. There’s a national hotel chain with commercials that imply if you spend the night with them, you will wake up and be an expert in any area. Do you want real direction? Do you want clarity on your life’s purpose? Then this book is for you. It is available on Amazon and Audible in English and in Spanish.
People-pleaser. At one point, that must have been my middle name or secret alias. Many times, this personality flaw has led me off the path towards the plan of God for my life. This chapter talks about how we can get off track, and this quote zeros in on "people-pleasing": I also put people-pleasing in the category of things we do by ourselves to get off track. People-pleasing, though similar to yielding to someone else’s “you should,” implies that we are leaning forward or initiating an effort vs. someone taking action to offer advice to us. The results of people-pleasing: paralysis, getting off track, are still the same as listening to the wrong “you shoulds”: “What Will People Think? Perfectionists are very sensitive to what others think of them and they often try so hard to please so many people that they lose themselves. What I mean is that in an effort to please others, they rarely follow their own heart and do what is pleasing to them or to God. Some people are addicted to approval. They cannot feel peaceful unless they believe everyone is pleased with them…The only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, say nothing and be nothing…The need to be popular can make you neurotic and steal your destiny.” (Meyer, 2013)
In this book bubble, I share an excerpt from the book related to getting back on track. It's so easy to get off the trail that leads to our God-ordained destiny. But our God is so loving and so gracious that He always lovingly leads us back! “What happens when despite all the clues you get from God, you go off track? How do you get back on track? ‘If you have lost your way, pull over to the side of the road and ask for directions. God has the power to provide arrows pointing back to our proper route. As the Psalmist tells us, ‘He restoreth my soul…’ (Psalm 23:3 KJV). If you are not sure that your decisions are lining up with your destiny, then listen to the voice of God. He will speak in your soul and He will restore it.’” (Jakes, 1990)
I am making the e-book version of my book, “You Should— Distraction and Detours to Divine Destiny” available for FREE for 5 days on Amazon. It is available now thru Sep 23rd. Download it and enjoy this weekend! Just go to the Amazon link and click on the e-book. The price for the e-book will be $0 for the entire 5-day promotional period. The excerpt provided in this book bubble talks about how “well-meaning” people close to us can get us off track as it pertains to God’s destiny for our lives. My latest book, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience” will also be available for FREE during the same time period.
You Should will soon be available in Spanish! Look for it on Amazon later this month! Looking for Spanish speaking reviewers to receive the Spanish translation for free in exchange for a review. ¡Usted Debería estar disponible en español! ¡Búscalo en Amazon más adelante este mes! Buscando revisores de habla hispana para recibir la traducción al español de forma gratuita a cambio de una revisión.
"You Should" will soon be available in Spanish! The translation is complete. I am looking for Spanish speaking reviewers to critique the translation. Anyone who is interested in receiving a copy of the book in Spanish for free in exchange for their comments should contact me directly on Facebook or Twitter. "You Should" pronto estará disponible en español. La traducción esta completa. Estoy buscando revisores que hablen español para criticar la traducción. Cualquiera que esté interesado en recibir una copia del libro en español de forma gratuita a cambio de sus comentarios debe contactarme directamente en Facebook o Twitter.
The end of the year is often the time when we reflect on our goals and what we accomplished. This often leads to New Year’s resolutions and new ventures and perhaps even a change in careers. “You Should” is the perfect gift for anyone you know that is considering a change in direction, anyone who is seeking purpose or a greater sense of fulfillment in their life. There are so many secular TV programs where the host gives advice on what we should do with our lives. Social media is overflowing with people shooting out their opinions on how to deal with the challenges we face in life. On top of that, we have family members, friends and other well-meaning people that are all too ready to tell us what we “should” do when we are seeking direction for our lives. The fundamental premise outlined in “You Should” is that God is the divine architect of our lives and if we want to be on the right path to our destiny then we must seek him so that He might reveal to us the blueprint He created for our lives. “You Should” is available in paperback, e-book and audio book formats to suit the style of the dad you’re shopping for. Preview it for free on Amazon or Audible today!
This is an audio sample from "You Should" the audio book. This sample is located on Soundcloud.com Paste this link into your browser to listen: http://bit.ly/2tiBMbD The audio book is available for sale on Amazon.com or ACX.com
I am so excited to announce that the audio book version of "You Should Distractions and Detours to Divine Destiny" is now available on Audible, Amazon, ACX.com, etc. LISTEN TO THE FREE AUDIO PREVIEW TODAY!
Parents have so much impact on their kids as they are trying to find their life's purpose, pursue their dreams, make career determinations, etc. It is a tremendous responsibility. We have so much influence in their lives, whether it seems like they are listening or not. As parents we have to be ever so sensitive to the Holy Spirit as we offer our advice. Just because they are our offspring does not relieve us of the responsibility of seeking God's face before we give them guidance on the path that they should pursue with their lives. Our opinions are just that in the sight of God. They may have absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to the plan and call of God for our child's life. THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE, CLICK "website" UNDER AUTHOR PHOTO.
This is an excerpt from the chapter entitled "My Story". It deals with an issue that all too many of us have faced at one time: when someone tries to fit you into their vision of who they think you should be. For illustration purposes, I the very familiar example of multi-level marketers and how they try to squeeze you into the vision of their business or company. THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE, CLICK "website" UNDER AUTHOR PHOTO.
A lot of time is spent in the book giving biblical examples of “you shoulds”. In this bubble the concept of well-meaning people is discussed. There are numerous scriptural examples of well-meaning, sincere people giving advice that falls way short or is even in direct contradiction to the plan and purpose of God. Sincerity is not a good measuring stick for Godly advice when it comes to your purpose and destiny. The only good measuring stick is how a well a person is dialed into the plan and purpose of God for you. THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE, CLICK "website" UNDER AUTHOR PHOTO.
I don’t know if we really take notice of how many times we get advice for our decisions and the directions of our lives. The daytime talk shows are flooded with advice on what we “should do”. The premise of this book is that only the Divine Engineer has the blueprint for your life. Everyone else’s “you should” must be examined carefully to see how it measures up with what God has revealed to you about your purpose, path, destiny. THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE, CLICK "website" UNDER AUTHOR PHOTO.
The introduction sets up the whole premise of the book which is that we are all seeking our purpose, our reason to be and in the midst of that search we encounter people who have an opinion or advice about what we should do. That opinion is their “you should” for us. Depending on the person’s degree of influence over us that “you should” may sway us significantly in our decisions. THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE, CLICK "website" UNDER AUTHOR PHOTO.
“The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience” highlights the unique experiences of black pilots in Air Force pilot training. The purpose of the book is to give the reader insight into these experiences, propose changes to the Air Force’s conduct of Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT) and to show how the Air Force’s inability to produce more black pilots directly contributes to the lack of diversity in its senior-most leadership levels. This book is a sequel to “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling” and builds on its insights. As a sequel, the book exhorts the Air Force to continue and even expand its efforts to increase diversity in its senior-most positions. The book’s final chapter is a call for the Air Force to expedite its staffing and approval of the honorary promotion to Brigadier General for famed Tuskegee Airmen Colonel Charles McGee. Col McGee is the only person in Air Force history to fly over 100 combat missions in WWII, Korea and Vietnam (409 total). He is a three-time squadron commander (two flying squadrons), a chief of maintenance for a fighter wing, a base commander, and the first African American to command a stateside wing after desegregation. Col McGee is also a highly decorated combat leader whose decorations include the Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster, Distinguished Flying Cross with Two Clusters, Bronze Star, and Air Medal with 25 Clusters.
I recently spent time at Joint Base Charleston with a Tuskegee Airman, Lt Eugene Richardson, and local Tuskegee Airmen historian Quincy Magwood. I heard so many fascinating stories. Dr. Richardson Airman completed flight training, but WWII ended before he deployed. I escorted him to the Boeing C-17 simulator and heard later that he had flown the simulator well. I asked him when the last time he’d flown was. He said, “1947.” I was shocked. In my ignorance, I asked him why he didn’t fly for the airlines. I won’t forget his look and simple response. Blacks weren’t allowed to fly for the airlines. Dr. Richardson spoke at the annual “Accelerating the Legacy” event and was so proud that his son could have a full career as an airline pilot—an opportunity never afforded him. Quincy Magwood told me that of the 992 Tuskegee Airman pilots, only two broke through the barrier of racism to become pilots. One was Lt. Col. Robert Ashby, a fellow Archer-Ragsdale Tuskegee Airmen chapter member. I was blessed to interview Lt. Col. Ashby before he died. There’s a whole lot of anti-DEI nonsense going viral about the qualifications of black pilots. The truth is that the greatest black pilots ever known battled to be seen as qualified to fly in airline cockpits. At that time and now, some people question their ability/qualifications because they don’t think black people should be airline pilots/captains. It has nothing to do with their training and experience.
The Air Force’s Birthday is September 18th. So is mine! In honor of our shared birthday, I’m making the e-book version of my book, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience,” free on Amazon from Friday, September 16th, through Tuesday, September 20th. I’m also offering the e-book version of my latest book, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union,” for 50% off on Amazon for the same dates! These books have impacted the Air Force’s rated diversity policies and helped a Tuskegee Airman get promoted to brigadier general. They are the 2nd and 3rd of a series and set the stage for the 4th book due in late November.
The e-book version of this book is 50% on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
Lt Col Robert Ashby, an Original Tuskegee Airman, passed away this weekend. I met him in Phoenix through my association with the Archer-Ragsdale Tuskegee Airmen Chapter. I guess I worked in the chapter with him for about eight years or so. He was a gracious, pleasant, kind, articulate, humble yet unashamedly proud man. He was forthright and spoke and acted in accordance with his convictions. He honored me with an interview for my book, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience.” He shared his pilot training experiences with me. As I reread the interview, it brought warm thoughts of him to my heart and reminded me of the man that he was. He was extremely active in the Phoenix and surrounding areas, even into his nineties. Truly he was a member of “America's Greatest Generation.” I am privileged to be able to share that interview as a tribute to his enduring legacy.
I saw a Military.com article dated 10/20/20 that the Air Force is considering retraining Weapons Systems Officers (WSOs) to be B-21 pilots. I have always wondered if all the people who washed out of USAF pilot training were just not "cut out" for flying, irredeemable. I have wondered if there were people who weren’t deemed “unsafe” but who maybe needed more time to grasp what was flowing out of the firehose than their classmates. I have always wondered why the Air Force didn’t look back into this group of people that it already had made a significant investment in. I see this as an amazing opportunity for diversity. Am I wrong? If we are just opening up the gates to fill future B-21 Bomber slots, why not open it up to those who passed significant portions of pilot training that still desire to be pilots? Why not identify some minority pilots that were on the fence that might deserve a relook? Every effort should be taken to carefully transition the WSOs into careers in which they can still be successful/get promoted. But at the same time, the Air Force is already predicting a future shortage that they could be targeting for greater diversity? Which is the greater crisis? Pilot diversity or retraining displaced WSOs?
“One ever feels his twoness, -- an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.” ― W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk One of the concepts that I tried to capture in "The Air Force's Black Pilot Training Experience" was what noted author W.E.B. DuBois termed "twoness" in 1903--the simultaneous navigation of black culture and majority culture. I tried to show that black pilot training students struggle with twoness in addition to the rigors of pilot training. One of the references I used was “The Unchosen Me: Race, Gender, and Identity among Black Women in College by Rachelle Winkle-Wagner.” It is an outstanding piece of research! I could have quoted the whole book. I found a link to excerpts of it while going through some things this morning. It’s a wonderful read even if you only have time to read the first four or five pages. https://lnkd.in/gJk6Vzz
In this segment of the book, I identify several things that the Senior Leadership of the Air Force can take action on in the near term to affect pilot diversity. To its credit, the Air Force has taken action on some of these things. However, I do not believe the Air Force has made any of these actions a permanent part of its Planning, Programming and Budgeting efforts. As a result, they are no more than the diversity “experiments” it has conducted as far back as the Tuskegee Experiment in the 1940s. There is a very old saying that says, “put your money where your mouth is.” More recently, Cuba Gooding Jr. made the expression “show me the money famous.” The Air Force is “on the clock” to match its money with its diversity statements.
A key revelation from researching “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling” and “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience” was that the Tuskegee Airmen benefited from being in a conducive culture. Albeit because of discrimination, they had black role models, black peers, and were in a subculture in which they could be both military and distinctively African American. It was a natural jump then for me to assume that if that type of conducive subculture or ecosystem could be replicated, that it might benefit African Americans in pilot training today. I later discovered that the Air Force experimented twice in the 1970s with replicating a portion of the Tuskegee “experiment.” Twice the Air Force “clustered” black student and instructor pilots together and had unprecedented success as measured in washout rates. The sad news is that once the Air Force discovered that creating a conducive culture for black student pilots was a success, it abandoned the “experiment” and its success and later spent tens, perhaps even hundreds of millions of dollars on diversity studies rather than changing the construct of pilot training. The Tuskegee “experiment” proved that creating a conducive culture for minorities enhances their success. The Air Force proved it again empirically in the 1970s. Yet the Air Force steadfastly refuses to resurrect something it knows works. Why?
“The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience” is now available in hardcover! One of my favorite parts of the book is the survey responses/interviews in Appendix A. It contains responses from 25 black pilots, male and female, across seven decades of pilot training. The earliest interview is from a Tuskegee Airman; the most recent is from a 2017 student. In honor of Black History Month I have included the entire Appendix. Someone asked me recently what I hoped to accomplish with my research. One of the things that I hoped to accomplish with this book and its predecessor, “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling,” is that the Air Force would make changes to the conduct and culture of Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training. These books have helped get the Air Force to invest in aviation training for minority youth and to support Tuskegee Airman Col Charles McGee’s honorary promotion to general. However, the Air Force remains resistant to making changes to the conduct and culture of pilot training, even though I show in both books how it has successfully experimented with these changes in the past. Unfortunately, I don’t believe the Air Force has a large enough incentive to invest in diversity to this degree.
The Air Force’s biggest failure in conducting pilot training is not in fighting overt discrimination but in its unwillingness to acknowledge that it’s pilot training construct is not conducive for minority students. In both my books on the subject, I advocate the clustering of minority students together to create a supportive culture within the pilot training culture. Black students are frequently the only black person in their pilot training class. As a result, they have no same-race peers or role models. It’s even worse for black females as there aren’t very many females in pilot training, and survey feedback shows that many non-minority females have not embraced their black female fellow students as peers. Minority students also battle the unspoken but very prevalent notion that black students historically haven’t done well in pilot training, and they often are forced to carry the burden of “representing” their entire race. Although the Tuskegee Airmen, the greatest group of black pilots ever assembled, were clustered together, and even though the Air Force did two amazingly successful clustering experiments in the ‘70s, it still refuses to make clustering permanent. Why? They don’t see the need. It’s a discrimination that says because we can’t see that you’re experiencing something different from us, that it doesn’t exist, and we won’t invest the resources for your success.
I got some very encouraging feedback from someone who is using my book to encourage students to take flight training in high school to set them up for success in the future. He also gives scholarships to help students afford flight training. Here’s our conversation: Ozzie Ross Thanks Ivan. Your book has been a tremendous help in me getting my message out to the kids. Ivan Thompson Are you serious? Wow? In what way? Ozzie Ross In your book, The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience, you talked about the black pilots that had some type of former training in aviation that helped a number of them through the process. I’m trying to get kids that wants to get into the aviation industry to get started early and they will have a small advantage if they got their private pilot licenses prior to graduating from high school. My organization Aviation Dream Weavers is about providing scholarships to qualified applicants to help them with the cost of achieving this goal. Ivan Thompson ... It really encourages me that someone is using something from the book to make a difference in this area! Good on you and your organization for providing the resources to put students in the air! THAT'S SO AWESOME!!!
My name is Ivan Thompson, and I have written two books about the experience of black pilots in the Air Force. The first book was entitled “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling,” and it’s focus dealt with the career trajectories of black pilots and their inability to crack the ceiling of the Air Force’s most coveted senior positions. The second book, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience” focuses more narrowly on the experiences of black men and women in the Air Force’s undergraduate pilot training programs. The two are intricately connected because in the Air Force becoming a pilot, particularly a fighter pilot (equivalent to Army Combat Arms), is the first step to get on the launching pad towards the Air Force’s most coveted leadership and command positions. I am interested in learning if the experiences of Naval/Marine and Army pilots/Combat Arms officers are similar.
It’s Black History Month. For lovers of the military, what better way to celebrate Black History Month than to look back at the heroism of black men and women in the US Armed Forces. In my book the “Air Force’s Black Ceiling I detail the historical challenges that black officers faced in reaching the Air Force’s highest ranks. In the sequel, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience,” I feature nearly 30 interviews of black pilots--men and women. These interviews span most of the history of the Air Force’s existence. I feature interviews from student pilots from the 1940s to 2017. The fascinating thing I found in these interviews were the similarities that exist across the decades in how they felt about things like being the only black person, having few black leaders, the prejudice and isolation they experienced, or the need to do more in order to succeed than their non-minority counterparts. In this book bubble, I share an interview that I did with Lt Col Robert Ashby, an original Tuskegee Airman. There were so many aspects of the Tuskegee Airman experience that I’d never heard of before our interview. I hope you will enjoy learning about these things too. Both books are available on Amazon. The Air Force’s Black Ceiling is also available on Audible.
“The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience” contains interviews with nearly 30 pilots from the Tuskegee Airman era up through 2017. It is one of the most fascinating aspects of this book and its research. The pilot training experiences of these African American men and women are sincere and compelling. The interview/survey responses of actual pilots help the book to step away from the theoretical and the empirical into what black pilots actually experienced in Air Force undergraduate pilot training. Most importantly it shifts the focus off the tired and untrue mantra that “if we only had more qualified minority pilot candidates” to the more important issues of creating a conducive/supportive culture, unconscious bias and the importance of same-race peers and role models.
I am making the e-book version of my book, “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience,” available for FREE for five days on Amazon, from Monday, May 9th through Friday, May 13th. Download your FREE copy today! Just go to the Amazon link and click on the e-book. The price for the e-book will be $0 for the entire 5-day promotional period. The excerpt provided in this book bubble features survey responses from 26 black pilots from the Tuskegee era to 2017. Please leave a review!.
I am so honored to share this first review of my book, "The Air Force's Black Pilot Training Experience." It is the sequel to my very first book, "The Air Force's Black Ceiling." The review is from Lieutenant Colonel Robert Ashby, an original Tuskegee Airman. Lt Col Ashby’s story and his inputs are featured prominently throughout this book, so his feedback was significant to me. His pilot training experience is one of 26 stories of African American pilots, male and female, who went through pilot training from 1945 up through 2017. Even though the experiences captured span 70 years, there are fascinating similarities! If you are a lover of military history, if you are interested in learning about what minority pilots experience in pilot training, if you want a glimpse of what it is like to be both minority and female in a white male dominated environment or if you ever wondered why there aren’t more black pilots in the Air Force, this book is for you! Find out for yourself, preview it for free today on Amazon!
The e-book version of "The Air Force's Black Pilot Training Experience" is now available on Amazon for only $9.99. Preview it for FREE today! "Two-ness is of particular concern when considering the success of black pilots in SUPT. Black students enter SUPT in such small numbers that it's often a radical cultural shift from the environment in which they grew up or went to college. I tried to describe in “Black Ceiling” the cultural impacts on black students in pilot training. In the concept of two-ness, I have found a better way to portray what many black students experience in SUPT."
I’m so excited to announce that “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience” has been published! It is available in paperback on Amazon. It is the sequel to “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling” which is also available on Amazon in paperback and e-book form and as an audiobook on Audible. One of the greatest differences between “Black Ceiling” and this book is that it features the pilot training experiences of 26 black male and female pilots, from the 1940s to 2017. These stories are fascinating and support the rest of the book’s calls for changes to the conduct and construct of the Air Force’s Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT). Since it is the sequel to “Black Ceiling” it also exhorts the Air Force to continue its work in the area of increasing the diversity of its senior-most leadership ranks.
Window dressing. Google definition: an adroit but superficial or actually misleading presentation of something, designed to create a favorable impression. "the government's effort has amounted to little more than window dressing" Window dressing was the word that came to me when I saw the Sep 19, 2019, Popular Mechanics article entitled “The Air Force Names Its New Jet After the Tuskegee Airmen,” written by Kyle Mizokami. I pulled these words out: “The U.S. Air Force officially designated the service’s new jet trainer the "T-7A Red Hawk." The name celebrates the pilots of the 332nd Fighter Group of World War II… The jet is also named in honor of the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk fighter, flown by the African American 99th Fighter Squadron. The jet will replace the T-38 Talon in Air Force service.” It deeply bothers me that the Air Force would name it’s new jet trainer aircraft after the Tuskegee Airmen while at the same time resisting the changes needed to produce more black fighter pilots. The best way to preserve the Tuskegee Airmen legacy is to produce more black fighter pilots not paint aircraft tails red. In this chapter, I ask the question does the Air Force really want more black pilots?
Great gift ideas for the military members of your family! “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling” and its sequel “The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience,” share rare insights into the Air Force’s diversity practices since its inception as a separate Service. While the focus is the Air Force, the insights are transferable to the other military services as well. This book brings to the forefront the stories of African American Air Force leaders and pilots that have been lost in traditional historical accounts. This book is a must-have for students of military history, African American history, and aviation history. Get your copies today on Amazon today! “The Air Force’s Black Ceiling” is also available on Audible.
BREAKING NEWS: In a previous update, I stated that Senator Chris Van Hollen (MD) recommended that original Tuskegee Airman, Col Charles McGee’s promotion recommendation be attached to the FY 20 NDAA (military budget authorization) legislation as an amendment. It was approved as an amendment in the House version of the NDAA legislation. This effort was sponsored by Congressman Anthony Brown (MD). On that approval path, the House and Senate versions of the NDAA still needed to be reconciled, with the hope that the promotion recommendation would be included in the final legislation expected by the Fall of 2019. Recently, however, Senator Van Hollen introduced a stand-alone bill as an option for Col McGee’s honorary promotion. The Senate has approved this bill! Now we need the House to approve it and ultimately the President. This is exciting news! How can you help? Contact your representative in the House to encourage them to help pass the bill and keep the effort in your prayers until it crosses the finish line!
General Charles Q. Brown has been confirmed as our next Air Force Chief of Staff and America's 1st black service Chief. I have written two books on diversity in the Air Force that feature part of General Brown's story ("The Air Force's Black Ceiling" and "The Air Force's Black Pilot Training Experience"). In both books, I talk about a path to the Air Force's highest ranks. In these books, I show how most black officers have not been allowed to take the steps on the path, the ladder, that would make them competitive for the Air Force's senior-most paths. In my writing, I show these steps, and I detail General Brown's career as he progressed along this historic path. The point that I make in the books is that if talented minorities are allowed to be on the path, to fill critical positions and demonstrate their leadership at the highest levels, that they could break through what previously has been a "black ceiling" in the Air Force.
Every day we flip pages on the calendars of our lives as we move through various seasons en route to either fulfilling or coming short of the destiny God has ordained for us. “Finding Next” is a book about the divine seasons that you may pass through enroute to fulfilling God’s destiny for your life. It is the companion book to another book I have written entitled “You Should Distractions & Detours to Divine Destiny.
This is ebook is P off for five days starting on November 24th!
One of my old pastors, Dr. Mike Freeman, used to say that your talent can take you to a place where your character can’t keep you. I think we see that with NBA superstar Ja Morant. We saw it in Mike Tyson’s early life. Some of our most greatly admired athletes and celebrities of both genders and every race have been plopped onto a platform of sizeable wealth and crumbled underneath the weight of it. The sports and entertainment industry is youth-driven. Sadly, these industries are not set up or are often not concerned with mentoring young people and preparing them for the immense responsibility of wealth and fame. We see a different pattern in God’s development of leaders in the Bible. We often see an apprenticeship period, a Moses-Joshua, Elijah-Elisha type of grooming and developing relationship. We don’t often see superstars suddenly appear on God’s stage of leadership. We see David being developed in the fields with the sheep and fighting the lion and the bear before conquering Goliath. As Christians, we can get discouraged if our success doesn’t match the pattern of “the world,” where we are quickly catapulted onto the biggest stages in front of the brightest lights. If God is at the helm, we may have moments like Joseph where we are right in the middle of God’s development process yet seemingly infinitely far away from obtaining our dreams. That is one of the subjects discussed in this book.
I’ve worked in recruiting for the military and corporate, as a career advisor, as head of a mentoring entity, and had my own resume business. I’ve spoken to hundreds of young people trying to make college and career choices. One thing that I have seen people struggle with over and over is whether they are on the right track. People want to be sure whether they’ve chosen the right degree or career. This struggle, however, is not limited to younger people. I’ve met many people like myself who are 40 or 50 years old, struggling with the same questions. The people in this latter category have usually invested a lot of time in a career already and retired from it or are burnt out, realizing that this career didn’t match what they now feel their life’s purpose is. The premise of this book is that there is a divine architect with a blueprint for your life. Further, following this blueprint will maximize your God-given talents and abilities and bring high levels of fulfillment and a sense of purpose. This spiritual book claims that God gives the best dreams and has the best roadmap to achieve them. The book has the audacity to say that God has placed in each of us a set of special abilities and talents as unique as our fingerprints and DNA and that He wants us to partner with Him in discovering and developing them to their highest potential.
In this book bubble, I talk about how our disobedience can keep us from hearing our “Next.” Often we are so concerned about getting God’s wisdom for our next season, next move, etc. The problem is that God often withholds His guidance for our next when we haven’t done what He told us last. In my own life, the pandemic has produced a myriad of questions about what steps to take next. I have been in a near state of despair recently because I wasn’t hearing clearly from God. In re-reading my own words from a book I published years ago, I realized that I couldn’t hear instructions for my “next” season because I was unwilling to the things God told me to do for the season that I am currently in. This book is available on Amazon and Audible.
In “Finding Next,” I talk about the prophetic and the Bible phrase “men prophesy out of their own hearts.” I think it will help those wondering why Trump victory “prophecies” didn’t come to pass. (Newsweek) Minister Prophesies Trump Comeback, Says 'God Hates' Biden Support of Equality Act, Abortion Rights BY BENJAMIN FEARNOW ON 11/8/20 Christian "prophets" and ministers across the U.S. are following up on their nearly unanimous prophecies proclaiming President Donald Trump would "without question" win re-election. But with Joe Biden now named President-elect, church leaders are either apologizing or doubling down and predicting a Trump comeback led by the Supreme Court and Baby Boomers. Several evangelical and Christian church leaders, including televangelist Pat Robertson, White House spiritual adviser Paula White and First Baptist Church Pastor Robert Jeffress, all made bold predictions about a sweeping Trump victory in the presidential election. Those hopes were dashed Saturday as nearly every major news outlet declared Biden the winner, prompting a scrambled effort among many so-called "prophets" to explain their glaring error in interpreting God. Update: Bethel Church's Kris Vallotton has since deleted his Instagram apology for getting the election wrong. All of the self-proclaimed Christian leaders who prophesied Trump's win reiterated that their incorrect message doesn't mean they are "false prophets," urging their followers to "keep trust in the prophets."
“Finding Next” is now an audiobook! It is available on Audible. It is also available on Amazon.com as a paperback and e-book. This book is for any person who is considering a “next” in their life: next career move, college choice, whether it’s the right time to pursue a dream or to stay put. It is a must for every Christian library. It is a must for anyone in mid-life crisis or who feels that they have been on the wrong path and is seeking direction from God on how to to get on the right track towards fulfillment and destiny. “Finding Next” will help any reader to identify what “season” of their life they are in and how to take season appropriate, season-specific actions.
You can’t miss my Black Friday Blowout Book Sale! Ten e-book titles will be over 50% off, and six titles will be FREE! These 16 selected e-books/kindle versions will be for sale/FREE on Amazon starting Black Friday through November 30th only! Mark your calendars! This book will be marked down over 50%! Each day we flip pages on the calendars of our lives as we move through various seasons en route to either fulfilling or coming short of the destiny God has ordained for us. “Finding Next” is a book about the divine seasons that you may pass through en route to fulfilling God’s destiny for your life. It is the companion book to another book I have written entitled “You Should Distractions & Detours to Divine Destiny."
I am making the e-book version of my book, “Finding Next” available for FREE for 5 days on Amazon from Oct 3rd-7th. Download it and enjoy this weekend! Just go to its Amazon link and click on the e-book. The price for the e-book will be $0 for the entire 5-day promotional period. I started writing this book in response to my observations of two young men. Both young men were Christians. Both men were men of prayer. Yet both men were in turmoil over which road to take regarding the next step in their careers. As I watched them, I felt I had some things to say that could help. I knew the answer was clarity from God. I knew that the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth and only speaks to us what He has heard from the Father. This book is the response to the questions the two young men were seeking answers for.
I am making the e-book version of my book, “Finding Next” available for FREE for 5 days on Amazon from Oct 3rd-7th. Download it and enjoy this weekend! Just go to its Amazon link and click on the e-book. The price for the e-book will be $0 for the entire 5-day promotional period. The excerpt provided in this book bubble talks about "due season" and some very common misconceptions of what it means. Further I talk about the seasons and actions that precede "due season." A greater understanding of these seasons and actions will help to ensure that you successfully reach your due season!
In this chapter from “Finding Next” I address people that do see a next, don’t have a vision for what they should be striving for, aiming at. Recently I have been straining to see a “next” for myself. It was troubling because I pride myself on being visionary. I also have the regular habit of setting 90-day goals and pushing myself to accomplish things in every area of my life. I was hindered greatly in this last round of goal-setting because I couldn’t “see” anything. I didn’t have a solid sense of “next.” I typed some goals up but I knew something was missing. There was nothing in the list of goals that I found compelling or that gripped me. Today I found out that I couldn’t see because part of me didn’t want to see. Pastor Bob Yandian said, “The seasons change whether you want them to or not. Winners take the memory of the old season with them they don't try to hold onto an old season.” When I read this the Holy Spirit helped me to realize that I was trying to “hold onto an old season.” Even though I recently had a glimpse of a new season,fear was making me try to hold onto my current season of comfort and predictability.
My book "Finding Next" is currently in development but you can hear an audio sample at https://soundcloud.com/thompsoi/finding-next-first-fifteen-minutes
"Finding Next" is a book about the divine seasons that you may pass through en route to fulfilling God’s destiny for your life. I have also written a book entitled "You Should Distractions and Detours to Divine Destiny". This book focuses on helping you find your destiny and ideally should be read prior to reading this book. The premise of “You Should” is that God, the Divine Architect of the universe, has created each of us for a distinct purpose in the earth. Preview “You Should” for free on Amazon or Audible.com! In this chapter, I discuss types of seasons in our lives based on Ecclesiastes chapter 3. A season is a discernible period of time along the path of our life’s destiny in which actions must be taken or refrained from to keep us in line with and on track with God’s divine plan and timetable for our life. I believe what makes seasons divine is being in tune with the specific guidance, direction, and a plan of action that God gives in a specific period of time in our lives. One of the major themes of this book is that just as natural seasons differ, that the seasons of our lives differ, and to have success in any given season you have to perform season-appropriate, season-specific actions.
This book is for anyone that struggles with depression, mood swings, recurring sadness, panic attacks, feelings of despair and helplessness, those who are distraught, those who have experienced so much pain that they have stopped feeling and shut down, and those who have had thoughts of taking their own life. This book is also for people who have someone in their family circle, circle of friends, co-workers, perhaps even neighbors, workout buddies, etc. who seem to have either had a sudden shift in their behavior or have had lingering emotional problems.
This is ebook is P off for five days starting on November 24th!
TAMPA, Fla. - ‘Movember’ means you may see more men with mustaches in the month of November. The mustaches are a fun way to raise awareness for men’s health issues and shave off any stigmas around getting help. The charity organization ‘Movember’ focuses on mental health and suicide prevention, and prostate and testicular cancers, raising over $1 billion and funding over 1,300 health projects since it began 20 years ago. "Unfortunately for guys, we're not so great at putting the hand up and saying we’re not doing so well, so we’re working to break down those masculine norms," Korey Allchin, Chief Growth Officer said. "The statistics are really confronting." According to the organization, four out of five suicides in the U.S. are men; one in eight men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis in their lifetime; and on average, men live five years less than women in the U.S. https://www.fox13news.com/news/movember-november-mustaches-mens-health-awareness-suicide-prostate-cancer
Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) is observed the first week of October to raise awareness of mental illnesses. This book is available in English and in Spanish on Amazon and in English on Audible.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I am making the e-book/Kindle version of my book, “A Tsunami of Sadness,” available for FREE for five days, Friday, May 19th through Tuesday, May 23rd. In this book, I share some of my mental health struggles with depression, suicidal ideations, and panic attacks. I share some challenges I faced as a Christian trying to seek help for my struggles. Unfortunately, in some Christian circles, there is a stigma about getting help for mental health struggles. This stigma works to discourage Christians who are battling mental illness from seeking help. I believe in spiritual and clinical/medical solutions to mental health problems. They are not mutually exclusive. I address both in this book. I’m making the e-book version FREE for five days, so get a copy for yourself, a loved one, a friend, or even someone in ministry who helps people with mental health challenges. Spread the word!
Last Sunday, my Pastor shared that for many, the Christmas holidays are a sad time as they think of their loved ones who won’t be there. With all the festivities and activities that take place during this time of year, it may be hard to imagine that people are struggling with depression. I know Jesus is “the reason for the season,” but as a divorced dad, the Christmas season became the least anticipated season of the year. It was usually when I would be the saddest because often, I wouldn’t get to see the kids, or the complexities and expense of holiday travel diminished the quality of the visit. This book could be a resource for someone who is battling extreme sadness during the holidays or even suicidal ideations. It is also a good resource to guide prayers and counsel for loved ones who have experienced a “Tsunami of Sadness.” In this book, I share my own story of depression and of suicidal ideations and the spiritual and secular solutions that helped me get through it. Some things you just can’t “get over” or pray away by yourself. Many of us need the help of loved ones and the community of friends, coworkers, church family, neighbors, etc., to help strengthen us and bring us through.
The e-book version of this book IS FREE on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
In honor of National Suicide Prevention Month, I am making the e-book version of my book “A Tsunami of Sadness” available for free on Amazon from Saturday September 10th to Wednesday September 14th. This book chronicles my battle with depression, panic attacks, and suicidal ideations. Please share with anyone who might need it. Thanks!
September 2021 is Suicide prevention month. I am a person who has experienced suicidal thoughts and got help. As the author of "A Tsunami of Sadness," I am glad to be able to encourage others to get help. I am also happy to encourage the loved ones, friends, and co-workers of those who need help. "A Tsunami of Sadness" is my personal story of dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts. It is both a spiritual and practical book, as the help I needed came from both sources. I have made the e-book version 50% off, or $2.99, on Amazon, from 16 - 23 September. GET IT for yourself or GIFT IT for someone you love.
Psalm 18:4 King James Bible The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. Psalm 18:4 Berean Study Bible The cords of death encompassed me; the torrents of chaos overwhelmed me. Psalm 18:4 New Living Translation The ropes of death entangled me; floods of destruction swept over me. This past week I was in a bad place. I’ve been diagnosed with depression and have moments or periods in which it sweeps over my soul like a Tsunami, totally submerging me and violently capsizing my emotional life. I tried twice unsuccessfully to get in touch with a mental health professional through the VA. Ultimately, it was an encouraging sermon from my pastor that was able to get me on top of the wave, if you will. David refers to a type of heaviness or depression that feels like being surrounded by the “sorrows of death,” or “entangled” by “the ropes of death” with waves/floods/torrents of chaos or destruction sweeping over you. Imagine feeling surrounded by, tied up by death while also being overwhelmed with chaos. I felt brief moments of that last week. At the time, it seemed related to finances and loneliness. I look back on it now, and I know it was spiritual. A spiritual malady requires a spiritual remedy.
“A Tsunami of Sadness” is now available on Audible! So many people are struggling with depression, sadness, and loneliness. This book might be the help they need to get through a difficult time. Free codes for this book can be obtained by emailing me at ivan.arizona@yahoo.com. The free codes can only be used for this book. Please put “Tsunami” in the subject line. The e-book and print versions of the book are available on Amazon.
This book details my own struggle with depression and suicidal ideations. I am making the e-book version of this book free on Amazon from Dec 31st – Jan 4th. Please share it with anyone struggling with depression, loneliness, suicidal ideations. “Holiday Depression (from Healthline.com) Holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and celebration, but for some people they are anything but… Why Is Depression So Common During the Holidays? Social Isolation Social isolation is one of the biggest predictors of depression, especially during the holidays… Some people may have a small social circle or a lack opportunities for socialization. People who have feelings of disconnectedness often avoid social interactions at holiday time. Unfortunately, withdrawing often makes the feelings of loneliness and symptoms of depression worse. One of the best ways to deal with social isolation is to reach out to friends or family for support. You can also try talking to a therapist… Grieving During the Holidays Some people may be keenly aware of the loss of a loved one during the holiday season.” One remedy proposed above is gathering with family which could be deadly during COVID so we can see how a person might feel more trapped in 2020.
Skip Bayless of Fox Sports has come under fire for criticizing Dak Prescott. Dak is the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys, and he recently shared how he was already dealing with COVID-19 related depression when his older brother committed suicide. Bayless’ criticism was that he should have kept it to himself because it might make him look weak in front of the team and hurt the team’s overall performance. Bayless’ criticism upset me so much that I was inspired to write a short book about my own struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts. As I was writing, however, I had to face the fact that I had criticized another professional athlete, Paul George, who had bravely shared his struggle with COVID-19 related depression. Though my criticism was voiced only briefly in my heart, it was hypocrisy. No one who has struggled with mental health issues as much as I have should criticize someone who is coming forth for help. I share my own hypocrisy in hopes that others will not make the same mistake. Discouraging someone from sharing their struggle with mental health issues could cost someone their life. Yesterday was the official end of National Suicide Prevention Week, but in these stressful times, I feel like this topic is always relevant.
I have struggled with depression most of my life. The quarantine-induced isolation and loneliness and grief related to COVID-19 deaths of people I loved and admired have made it worse at times. I tried to capture all of the ways, spiritual and secular, that I have successfully used to combat depression in this book. It is available in e-book, paperback (on Amazon), and audio (Audible).
I wanted to write a short book on depression in response to recent media coverage of the suicide of Dak Prescott's brother. Dak Prescott is the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. He recently made public his struggle with COVID-19 related depression. A depression that was made worse when his brother committed suicide. Skip Bayless of Fox Sports, criticized him for sharing his struggle publicly, associating it with weakness. Skip Bayless’ ideas about mental health are a throwback to a time when men were “supposed” to hide or stuff their emotions. Recently those kinds of sentiments have been called “toxic masculinity.’ Embracing this mindset could prove fatal, especially for African American men like Dak: 1) African Americans’ depressive occurrences are more disabling, persistent, and resistant to treatment than those experienced by Whites. 2) Suicide is the third leading cause of death among African Americans ages 15 to 24. 3) African Americans are 20 percent more likely to have serious psychological distress than Whites are. 4) African American men are four times more likely to die by suicide than African American women are. 5) Less than half of all Americans with a mental disorder get the treatment that they need. But the proportion of African Americans who need mental health treatment and get it is only half that of Whites
The aim of this book is to give you the benefit of my experience. It is not the only experience. There are many valid paths to publishing a book. I do however think the path that I have found is a very good one. I feel so passionately about my publication strategies and the reasons I selected them that I have written this book. It is my sincere hope that this book will help you to be a more skilled publisher of books, whether you are a new author or seasoned author. If you are a new author, you will find a lot of valuable tools and effective strategies to aid you in the publication of your first book. For the new author, though, one of the most valuable things I will share are mindsets, which if you embrace them, will help you avoid pitfalls. These mindsets may even help you leapfrog more seasoned authors in building the skills needed to publish your future books. If you are a seasoned author, some of the things that I will say in this book will raise your eyebrows. If these things cause you to at least critically review the way you have always approached publication, then I have been successful.
ShawnSational 01-12-24 I AM an Authorpreneur !!! I’m so inspired by this book. At this book’s writing in 2017, Ivan had written 5 books this being the 6th! By 2023 Ivan had published 35 books. I’m going to follow his lead and this book is the spark ???? that will kindle ( pun intended) my fire to push and publish! Great job! The review above is from a recent Audible customer. It took me over seven years to write and publish my first book in 2016. Since then, I have written 35+ books and published nine more in Spanish. People have often asked me to do a seminar to share how I have written and published so many books. Most of my secrets are in this book! Do you want to become a published author? You can start by purchasing this inexpensive book. Use it as a launchpad to join the ranks of published authors. Get your copy today on Amazon or Audible today!
This is ebook is FREE for five days starting on November 24th!
Do you want to be an author? Why are you waiting for a publisher to say yes? Get out of the lane of “mother-may-I” and get into the lane of self-approval! Why are you asking if your story, your book, “deserves” to be told? Your book idea deserves to be approved because you thought of it! Publishing a book and marketing it is hard enough without having to jump through approval hoops. I have self-published over 35 titles in English and in Spanish since 2016. Even after I self-published several very good books, most book publishers still denied me. The interested ones wanted to charge me fees that ensured they would get their money upfront and start me in the hole. I would never have been able to publish so many books if each book cost thousands of dollars to publish. I have sold thousands of books (including e-books and audiobooks). Every month, I receive royalty payments from Amazon/Audible. Though the amounts are small, they would never have been possible if I’d gone the traditional publishing. For many of you, finding a publisher and getting a book deal is also the wrong profit model. I have published dozens of books with a total self-publishing cost of under $500. I’m publishing a book this week. My total costs were $375 for proofing and $100 for graphic design. That’s it! How did I do it? How can you do it? Get my book and find out!
Today I was looking over my Amazon book sales since 2017. These sales don’t include the sales of my first book, which was published through Book Baby. I was very surprised to see that I have sold more e-books in Mexico than in the US! I have sold e-books and paperbacks in Europe, Japan, Australia, India, etc. That doesn’t include my audiobook sales! One of my Spanish audiobook titles is my highest seller! I could have never imagined that the decision to press through and publish my first book would lead to 34 published English/Spanish titles and counting. I could never have imagined that my books would impact people all over the world whom I would never meet. I don’t do “how to become an author” seminars. I now offer paid consultations, but this short book may be all you need to join the ranks of millions who share the title “published author.” You never know who your words/writing may impact. Get your copy today! Available on Amazon and Audible!
According to the NYT article below, the book industry is facing some serious challenges. If you look a little closer, you will find that the article focuses on books that are published through traditional publishers. I have written 21 books since 2016. I have self-published 26 books in that timeframe, as I have published five of the 21 titles in Spanish. I also released 15 of these English and Spanish titles as audiobooks. I did try to get a few books “approved” by a traditional publisher. None were approved. However, I GAVE MYSELF PERMISSION! Even if I had been approved, it would have been costly. In this book, I outline low-cost strategies that you can use to become a published author. Give yourself permission! New-York-Times-Julie-Bosman-12-19-2022 “Good morning. The book industry usually does well during the holiday season, but has faced a tumultuous year instead. Battlegrounds Book bans are sweeping schools and libraries. A failed corporate acquisition resulted in an antitrust trial and an executive shake-up. Strife over low wages has sparked labor actions. This is a moment of upheaval for the book publishing industry, a multibillion-dollar business with extraordinary cultural power and influence in the United States. The industry is also facing other headwinds. After a boom in sales during the pandemic, some high-profile books underperformed this year.”
Since I started using Bublish three years ago, there have been over 30,153 views of my book “bubbles” excerpts. Of those, 2,065 went on to see my profile containing my other book titles and bubbles. Finally, out of that number 1,054 made what appears to be purchase decisions (Bublish software can’t positively confirm all sales). What a tool! To have tens of thousands of views of my material for less than $100 a year. Bublish is a big part of the reason that I have print, e-book and audiobook revenue every month! Check out Bublish today. #Bublish #booksales #passiveincomestream #authors
Are you an author? If so have you released an audio version of your book? If not, why not? Lack of know how? Cost? I recently passed the 200 audiobooks sold milestone. Creating an audiobook with Amazon’s ACX is easy! Moreover, one of the smallest concerns in producing an audiobook is the cost. ACX has a royalty share program that allows you to produce an audiobook for just cost of creating the cover of the audiobook. If you have produced a print version of your book converting the file into the audiobook file dimensions is relatively inexpensive. To state it another way my cost of entry into the audiobook market for each of my audiobooks has been the price of changing the graphic file to meet the audiobook industry standard dimensions. Each month for nearly the past two years I get royalty checks from Audible! I sell books nearly every day—most recently every day. The return on investment is nearly 100%. In some cases, it has cost me $10 or less to convert the graphic I used for the print or e-book version of my book into the Audible format. What are you waiting on?
This book is available now in print, as an e-book and as an audiobook. You can preview the paperback for free on Amazon.com, you can also listen to a free audio sample by typing this link into your browser: http://amzn.to/2tr7T9e
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE NOW FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON, CLICK “WEBSITE” IN THE LEFT CORNER. My strategy has been to rapidly produce quality content and then use the content to sustain marketing, and ultimately increase sales. I am aware that the predominant approach, is to build up your following first, through blogging, etc. and then feed new content to that audience. In 2017 I published five eBooks, one in Spanish. Three of those books have been published in print versions, with one in Spanish. I have also published three audio-books, one in Spanish, with a fourth in production. I have published books across genres (Christian, Health and Fitness and Military Diversity). Finally, I am on track to publish three more books this summer, and will then shift my efforts towards the marketing of my completed products, translation of more content into Spanish and other languages and creating more audio versions of my books. While I have sold hundreds of print, electronic and audio versions of my books, it is my hope that as I increase the number of published items in my catalog that a synergistic effect will occur triggering an exponential increase in sales of my books.
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE NOW FOR PREORDER ON AMAZON, CLICK “WEBSITE” IN THE LEFT CORNER. My strategy has been to rapidly produce quality content and then use the content to sustain marketing, and ultimately increase sales. I am aware that the predominant approach, is to build up your following first, through blogging, etc. and then feed new content to that audience. In 2017 I published five eBooks, one in Spanish. Three of those books have been published in print versions, with one in Spanish. I have also published three audiobooks, one in Spanish, with a fourth in production. I have published books across genres (Christian, Health and Fitness and Military Diversity). Finally, I am on track to publish three more books this summer, and will then shift my efforts towards the marketing of my completed products, translation of more content into Spanish and other languages and creating more audio versions of my books. While I have sold hundreds of print, electronic and audio versions of my books, it is my hope that as I increase the number of published items in my catalog that a synergistic effect will occur triggering an exponential increase in sales of my books.
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE NOW FOR PREORDER ON AMAZON. CLICK "WEBSITE" IN THE LEFT HAND CORNER OF THIS BUBBLE. In the very first chapter of my book, I challenge the very definition of the word “book.” This is similar to the section of the book where I attack myths on writing and publishing books. However addressing the definition of the word book is a little more profound. We accept definitions. No one challenges a definition. That’s precisely the point. If I had not challenged the definition of “book,” I would not have published two of the books because they were two short. I would not have published another book because it’s primarily filled with YouTube links. I would not have published five e-books, one in Spanish. Finally, I would not have published three audiobooks, one in Spanish, with a fourth in production. I would have let the definitions of “book” restrict me, narrow my creativity, keep me stuck in an unproductive paradigm.
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE NOW FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON. CLICK “WEBSITE” IN THE LEFT CORNER. My strategy has been to rapidly produce quality content and then use the content to sustain marketing, and ultimately increase sales. I am aware that the predominant approach, is to build up your following first, through blogging, etc. and then feed new content to that audience. In 2017 I published five eBooks, one in Spanish. Three of those books have been published in print versions, with one in Spanish. I have also published three audio books, one in Spanish, with a fourth in production. I have published books across genres (Christian, Health and Fitness and Military Diversity). Finally, I am on track to publish three more books this summer, and will then shift my efforts towards the marketing of my completed products, translation of more content into Spanish and other languages and creating more audio versions of my books. While I have sold hundreds of print, electronic and audio versions of my books, it is my hope that as I increase the number of published items in my catalog that a synergistic effect will occur triggering an exponential increase in sales of my books.
Free e-book offer! Do you want to know how I wrote 12 books in less than 2.5 years? Including eight Christian titles, two on diversity in the Air Force, one on fitness and one on…you guessed it! How to write a book! “No Grandma It’s an e-book” is the perfect book for new and even seasoned authors. I even share info on how was able to publish two Spanish titles and ten audio books (with two more in production). This book is a MUST for any author or would be an author, and it’s FREE for 5 days!
Este libro fue escrito para ayudar a cualquiera que esté tratando de descubrir el propósito que Dios y avanzar en él, a pesar de la oposición de voces contrapuestas conocidas como los “usted debería”. Los “usted debería” a menudo provienen de personas bien intencionadas en nuestras vidas. Personas como nuestros padres, entrenadores, maestros, líderes religiosos, hermanos y amigos. Este libro es para jóvenes que buscan el propósito de su vida. Este libro es para padres de jóvenes que intentan descubrir su propósito. Este libro también es para cualquiera que esté considerando un cambio de carrera. Finalmente, es para las personas que se han dado cuenta de que han estado en el camino equivocado, tal vez siguiendo los “usted debería” de otras personas versus el plan de Dios para su vida.
¡Este libro electrónico es GRATIS durante cinco días a partir del 24 de noviembre!
En un episodio de “The Daily Show”, Oprah Winfrey dijo: “La gente llega a donde quiere ir porque sabe adónde quiere ir. La mayoría de la gente no sabe adónde quiere ir. La mayoría de la gente, mucha gente, va y se deja llevar por lo que creen que deberían hacer, lo que otras personas dicen que deberían hacer”. Muchas personas luchan con preguntas sobre el propósito, la dirección, las opciones profesionales, etc. No saben dónde centrar sus esfuerzos y ambiciones. Creo que todos fuimos creados por un Creador. No estamos solos mientras buscamos nuestro propósito en la vida, buscando respuestas de un “Universo” incognoscible. Existe un Dios personal y conocible que tiene un modelo para tu vida que coincide con tus habilidades, talentos y habilidades y minimiza tus debilidades. Hay un Dios que puede ayudarte a aprovechar habilidades que no sabías que tenías, dones que permanecen latentes. Dios puede fortalecerte en áreas donde eres débil o indisciplinado. Hace años hubo un comercial en el que la gente presionaba un botón rojo "fácil" para obtener respuestas. Hay una cadena hotelera nacional con comerciales que dan a entender que si pasas la noche con ellos te despertarás y serás un experto en cualquier área. ¿Quieres dirección real? ¿Quieres claridad sobre el propósito de tu vida? Entonces este libro es para ti. Está disponible en Amazon y Audible en inglés y en español.
Audiolibro Cristiano en Español Please listen to a sample from the audiobook “You Should, Distractions and Detours to Divine Destiny.” This book is available on Audible.com. It is also available, in Spanish, as an e-book and in print, on Amazon.com. Please type the information in the link below into your browser to listen to an audio sample. Escuche una muestra del audiolibro "Debe, distracciones y desvíos al destino divino". Este libro está disponible en Audible.com. También está disponible, en español, como un libro electrónico y en forma impresa, en Amazon.com. Escriba la información en el siguiente enlace en su navegador para escuchar una muestra de audio. https://adbl.co/2m9tmkm
¡No te puedes perder mi oferta de libros reventa del Black Friday! ¡Diez títulos de libros electrónicos tendrán un 50% de descuento y seis títulos serán GRATIS! ¡Estos 16 libros electrónicos seleccionados / versiones kindle estarán a la venta / GRATIS en Amazon a partir del Black Friday hasta el 30 de noviembre únicamente! ¡Marquen sus calendarios! ¡Este libro será GRATIS!
I have a new audiobook in production! It is the Spanish audio version of "You Should," narrated by Miguel Rodriguez. Do you speak Spanish? Take a listen by typing the following into your browser: https://bit.ly/2NcWqUw ¡Tengo un nuevo audiolibro en producción! Es la versión de audio en español de "You Should", narrada por Miguel Rodríguez. ¿Hablas español? Escuche escribiendo lo siguiente en su navegador: https://bit.ly/2NcWqUw
Todos nosotros en algún momento hemos tenido problemas con las preguntas sobre qué se supone que debo hacer con mi vida, estoy haciendo lo que se supone que debo hacer con mi vida, ¿cuál es mi propósito? ¿Estoy desperdiciando mi vida? Desafortunadamente, al tratar de responder esas preguntas, estamos rodeados por un mar de simpatizantes y detractores cuyas voces hacen que sea aún más difícil escuchar las respuestas a estas preguntas. De hecho, tratar de confiar en esas voces es el enfoque equivocado por completo. La premisa fundamental de este libro es que Dios tiene un propósito único para ti y debes acudir a Él para obtener claridad y dirección. Todas las otras voces, cuando se alinean con lo que Dios les dice, son grandes cumplidos. Cuando no lo hacen, pueden convertirse en distracciones significativas, incluso obstáculos para discernir y alcanzar el destino que Dios planeó para ustedes desde la fundación del mundo.
Todos nosotros en algún momento hemos tenido problemas con las preguntas sobre qué se supone que debo hacer con mi vida, estoy haciendo lo que se supone que debo hacer con mi vida, ¿cuál es mi propósito? ¿Estoy desperdiciando mi vida? Desafortunadamente, al tratar de responder esas preguntas, estamos rodeados por un mar de simpatizantes y detractores cuyas voces hacen que sea aún más difícil escuchar las respuestas a estas preguntas. De hecho, tratar de confiar en esas voces es el enfoque equivocado por completo. La premisa fundamental de este libro es que Dios tiene un propósito único para ti y debes acudir a Él para obtener claridad y dirección. Todas las otras voces, cuando se alinean con lo que Dios les dice, son grandes cumplidos. Cuando no lo hacen, pueden convertirse en distracciones significativas, incluso obstáculos para discernir y alcanzar el destino que Dios planeó para ustedes desde la fundación del mundo.
Este libro está lleno de versículos bíblicos sobre la curación. Es una recopilación de cartas escritas a mi madre para fomentar su fe en el área de la curación. Este libro es para cualquier persona que esté enferma o esté orando por alguien que esté enfermo.
¡Este libro electrónico es GRATIS durante cinco días a partir del 24 de noviembre!
¡Este libro electrónico es gratuito en Amazon desde el 25 de agosto hasta el 29 de agosto! ¡Por favor comparte! También disponible en inglés.
¡No te puedes perder mi venta de libros reventa del Black Friday! ¡Diez títulos de libros electrónicos tendrán un 50% de descuento y seis títulos serán GRATIS! ¡Estos 16 libros electrónicos seleccionados / versiones kindle estarán a la venta / GRATIS en Amazon a partir del Black Friday hasta el 30 de noviembre únicamente! ¡Marquen sus calendarios! ¡Este libro será gratis!
This is a book of letters that detail the Bible’s promises for healing. Though this book is dedicated to and written for my Mom Earnestine, it will assist anyone who has a desire to learn what the Bible says about healing. This book is filled with Scriptures on healing and addresses many of the questions that arise when the topic of healing comes up. A person searching for Biblical answers on healing could easily find themselves scouring books and getting caught between dueling theologians. This book attempts to simplify what the Scriptures say without detracting from the absolute certainty that the Bible is the written Word of God. This book also tackles the most common questions about healing but again in a way that doesn’t require a seminary degree to digest. It is a must-read for anyone who believes in the power of God to heal as described in the Scriptures. It will also be a great gift for anyone who is searching for Scriptures, Bible promises related to healing, as they try to overcome illness.
This is ebook is FREE for five days starting on November 24th!
The e-book version of this book IS FREE on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
1 Samuel 17:39 (KJV) “And David girded his sword upon his armour, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved it. And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved them. And David put them off him.” 1 Samuel 17:34-36 NASB) 34 But David said to Saul, “Your servant was tending his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and took a sheep from the flock, 35 I went out after it and attacked it, and rescued the sheep from its mouth; and when it rose up against me, I grabbed it by its mane and struck it and killed it. 36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, since he has defied the armies of the living God.” As it pertains to COVID-19 and resistance to the vaccine, I believe many Christians are trying to use their faith in areas where they haven’t “proven” it. They’ve never proven their faith in receiving healing for minor ailments/diseases, but they want to test it against a life-threatening disease (COVID-19). David proved his skill with the slingshot with the lion and bear before he stood in faith against Goliath. This e-book is FREE on Amazon Aug 25th-29th! (English-and-Spanish)
I visited my godfamily last weekend. On Monday, I tested positive for COVID-19. I was very surprised because I was vaccinated in April. My first concern was my godfamily. My godkids’ father died from COVID-19 last year. I was very concerned that I might have infected the vaccinated/unvaccinated members of their families. They all took rapid tests and will take tests again today/Monday. None of them are showing any symptoms. Glory to God! I was so focused on my godfamily that I stopped focusing on my healing. I believed the vaccine would keep me from becoming deathly ill, and I was taking meds night and day and doubling up on orange juice and soups. But I wasn’t actively resisting/praying against the symptoms I was having (fatigue, headaches, chills/sweats). About the same time, my symptoms started to worsen, and I felt a tinge of despair. I realized that the enemy was going to make me sicker if I did not resist him. I came against the virus in prayer, made my confessions, and then began to act in faith by doing things I would do if I weren’t sick. I shampooed the carpets, mopped the floors, did some editing on my book. I had the faith to resist the virus but wasn’t actively using it!
Linda 07-09-19 Comfort through the storms This book has been a great help to me, I am going through a physical challenge and at night time when my mind should be resting I find I am going through my greatest warfare. I began listening to this book and the peace that it gives is like medicine to my spirit, it helps me rest and trust God, it reminds me of who I serve and who I am. I highly recommend it , the writing is excellent and the narrator is perfect for this book. I listen to it 3 or 4 times a day, I sometimes just play it as I am cooking like I would background music because it builds up my spirit. ** This book is on sale now on Audible for 49% off for Audible members!
My Instagram-Post: I just took the 1st Pfizer vaccine for #COVID-19. One of the privileges of being over 55! I have lost people that I love and admire to this horrible virus. I have still more people that I love and admire that have not been vaccinated. This is my attempt to encourage people to do everything they can to stay COVID-19 FREE! FRIEND’s RESPONSE: The best way to do that sir is to stay prayed up. the vaccine goes completely against what we believe as Christians. MY RESPONSE: I'm sorry you feel that way. We all have benefitted from what Proverbs calls witty inventions. I'm a little older than you so I had mumps, measles and chicken pocks. I'm sure you were vaccinated against these things at birth. My mom had rheumatic fever as a child. In her day kids had to deal with polio. It is a misinterpretation of the Bible to say that God is against medicine. Especially medicine that saves lives, medicine that God allowed/helped to be invented to fight the devil, the author of sickness and disease, who comes to steal, kill and destroy. I believe in faith healing and have received healing from prayer and medicine. And for those who know nothing about faith, Thank God for medicine.
The Holy Spirit pointed out to me that Jesus never considered it too late to pray for someone. In two instances, Jesus raised people from the dead. "Terminal" is a modern word that wasn't in Jesus' vocabulary. Today when we say someone is terminal, we usually start thinking hospice/death/funerals. Miracles is a Bible word, not a word in a medical journal. I believe that miracles are a work of the Holy Spirit that we should pray for even if we don’t understand why they don’t always come to pass. John 14:12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” Matt 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. Acts 6:8 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. Acts 8:6 And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. 1 Cor 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
You can’t miss m y Black Friday Blowout Book Sale! Ten e-book titles will be over 50% off, and six titles will be FREE! These 16 selected e-books/kindle versions will be for sale/FREE on Amazon starting Black Friday through November 30th only! Mark your calendars! This book will be FREE! So many are struggling with illness or praying for someone struggling with illness, this is a timely book. Get your free copy today or share this with someone else who needs encouragement in the area of faith for healing and recovery! The title of the Spanish edition/translation is: "Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá"
Proverbs 18:21(NKJV) says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” (NLT) Many of us think of this as it pertains to the words that we speak. Often we don’t think about the words of others. Fewer still consider the words of a preacher. Proverbs 4:23 says to “guard”/“keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” What if the preacher says things contrary to the Word of God? We can’t let the traditions of men/error into our hearts. There are “consequences” for the words we let into our hearts, whether we say them or allow ourselves to receive them. A tradition I have heard a lot this year is that a loved one was “healed in death”/received their healing in Heaven. It sounds comforting on earth but has no scriptural precedent. Can you imagine Jesus/the apostles telling someone they were going to receive their healing in Heaven? You can’t because it’s not in the Bible. It’s the “traditions of men,” and it’s spiritual rat poison for someone believing for healing on earth. We can’t let these things stay in our hearts no matter the source.
Today I heard this at a Zoom funeral: “She was healed in death. I told you I was going to heal her; I just didn’t tell you how I was going to heal her.” I had to turn off the service. I have heard this saying now for a 10-year-old who died of diabetes-related causes, a dear friend who died of COVID-19 related causes, and one other person that was dear to me. Nowhere do you find Jesus or the Apostles telling someone their loved one was “healed in death.” The Scriptures squarely place Jesus and death as enemies. Why is this such a prevalent saying when there IS ABSOLUTELY NO SCRIPTURAL EVIDENCE FOR IT? 1 Cor 15:25-26 says, “For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.” Heb 2:14-15 “Now since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity, so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. John 10:10 (NIV) “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
Quotes from “Christ the Healer” by F.F. Bosworth one of the best books on healing: “The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works. Ps 145: 8-9. In the study of the Lord’s compassion, we have, to my mind, a complete revelation of the Lord’s willingness to heal. During His earthly ministry He was everywhere moved with compassion, and healed all “them that had need of healing.”…In the Scriptures, “compassion” and “mercy” mean the same. The Hebrew noun rachamin, is translated both “mercy” and “compassion.” The Greek verb, eleeo, is translated “have mercy” and “have compassion”.. God is not anything so much as He is Love…Modern theology magnifies the power of God more than it magnifies His compassion… But the Bible reverses this, and magnifies His willingness to use His power more than it does the power itself. In no place does the Bible says that “God is power,” but it does say that “God is love.” It is not faith in God’s power that secures His blessings, but faith in His love and His will…“The Lord is gracious,” meaning, “He is disposed to show favors.”…we hear everywhere, the Lord is able instead of “the Lord is gracious.”
In the wilderness, the devil tempted Jesus to throw himself down saying, that the angels would protect Him. Jesus countered with “shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” The lesson in this is that though we have angels to protect us, we should not “put the Lord to the test” to prove it, it could cost us our lives. Ezek 13:2, “Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, who are prophesying, and say to those who prophesy from their own hearts: ‘Hear the word of the LORD!’” (Jer 23:25-26) I believe that there are many who have been led to confront the coronavirus without a mask by political/religious leaders who are prophesying “out of their own hearts” vs. the leading of the Holy Ghost. For some pastors, this has resulted in their own deaths. Jesus did not open the door to the devil by testing the Lord’s ability to rescue him from death/harm; neither should we. By faith, Jesus slept during a hurricane and walked through a crowd that wanted to throw Him off a cliff but at the leading of the Holy Ghost, not of men. The difference between tempting God and walking in bold faith is the leading of the Holy Ghost. Tempting God opens the door to harm/death.
Acts 19:11 "And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were carried away to the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them. 13 Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, 'I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.' 14 Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this. 15 But the evil spirit answered them, 'Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?' 16 And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded." With the sons of Sceva we see a principle of dealing with the demonic that applies to healing: we must be led of the Holy Ghost, not the example/faith of someone else or in an area where we have no proven spiritual success. In this book bubble I exhort the reader to follow the doctor’s advice, especially if they have no track record of using their faith to obtain healing. P.S. wearing a mask is not a lack of faith!
I quote F.F. Bosworth’s “Christ the Healer” below. It is the most comprehensive Christian book on the subject of healing that I have ever seen. His 1973 book should be in every Christian library! If his book is too hard to digest at first, read my book and then reread his. “The Psalmist David, in his time, understood healing to be a universal privilege. In the 86th Psalm he says, ‘For thou, Lord, art good…plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee.’ We shall see, in the following sermon, that healing was one of the most prominent mercies throughout the Scriptures, and that the sick, in the New Testament, asked for ‘mercy’ when seeking healing from Christ; for God’s mercy covers man’s physical, as well as spiritual nature. Therefore, Jesus according to the Old Testament promise, showed that He was ‘plenteous in mercy,’ by healing not some, but all who came to Him. Again, in the 103rd Psalm, we see that David believed that the mercy of healing was as universal a privilege as the mercy of forgiveness. He calls upon his soul to bless God, ‘Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, Who health all thy diseases.’ ‘Who healeth all’ is as permanent as ‘Who forgiveth all,’ for the identical language is used with reference to both mercies.”
There are many ways Scripture says we “open the door to the devil” for sickness. Let’s start with COVID-19. I’m a teacher. We teach kids to cough into their elbow/bicep to stop passing common colds, yet in a global pandemic, people are refusing to wear masks?! 1 Cor 10:9 says, “We should not test Christ, as some of them did, and were killed by snakes.” Luke 4:9-10 says, “Then the devil led Him to Jerusalem and set Him on the pinnacle of the temple. “If You are the Son of God,” he said, “throw Yourself down from here. For it is written: ‘He will command His angels concerning You to guard You carefully…” Yes, God can heal you if you catch COVID-19. My dad/stepmom had it and never had symptoms! My 79-year-old dad has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.! The point is, though, that you can’t allow the devil to trick you into not wearing a mask and testing God. On the flip side, we can’t be paralyzed with fear as though the God of the universe can’t protect us or heal us. We must have balance. Finally, with all the riots and hate speech on TV and social media, we can’t allow hatred and unforgiveness to pollute our hearts, they are the devil’s open doors.
As I have gotten older, I have seen so many people get attacked by cancer and other terrible maladies. I wrote “The Bible Promises of Healing” at the direction of the Holy Spirit for one of my moms who was battling multiple diseases. One of the things that I have observed is that if you wait to study what the Bible says about healing until you get seriously ill, it might be too late. I’m not trying to inspire fear. I am saying, however, that by waiting to renew your mind with the Word of God on healing, you may have to fight two battles at once: overcome any erroneous beliefs about healing and deal with increasingly worsening symptoms. I am currently reading a book entitled “Christ the Healer” by F. F. Bosworth. Bosworth is a great giant of the Christian faith from a generation ago. I did not have this resource when I wrote this book. I hope that even if you don’t buy my book that you will consider buying F. F. Bosworth’s book and read it at least once. I believe it could be life-changing, even life-saving. “Christ the Healer” and my book “The Bible Promises of Healing” are both available on Amazon and Audible.
This is the most unlikely sales pitch you may ever here for a book: I do not care if you buy my book or one of the books written by these great men of faith. But get the truth of the Word of God into your heart or to share with a sick loved one. I believe so strongly in this that I have pledged to make a version of my book available for free to anyone who cannot afford to buy it on Amazon as an e-book or paperback or on Audible as an audiobook.
Do you know someone who is battling an extended illness and would enjoy the comfort of the Scriptures? "The Bible Promises of Healing" is full of Scriptures and biblical encouragement related to healing, health, recovery from sickness. It is available in print, e-book and audio so that it can go anywhere and be used whenever needed. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Get this resource to help loved ones and friends strengthen their faith!
FREE eBOOK PROMOTION! Today, Sep 10th I have begun a 5-day FREE offer of “The Bible Promises of Healing.” I believe so strongly in the book, that I am giving it away. It normally sells on Amazon for $9.99. I recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with a chronic illness or terminal illness. If you're looking for scriptures to share with someone who is struggling in this area, this book will help as a reference for scriptures on healing. If you know someone that needs the book now you can send it to them for FREE.
Many people who believe in the Bible as a source of strength often don't know where to look in their Bible for Scriptures related to healing. This book is an excellent resource. It's concise but it's packed full of Scriptures and explanations of those Scriptures. The book also walks through common misconceptions related to healing and the Bible. The book even contains a healing "checklist" that highlights on one page many of the ways the Bible says that healing can be obtained (laying on of hands, prayer of agreement, anointing with oil, etc.) If you know anyone who is open to the truths of Scripture and is battling illness, this book is for them. In May it will be available in all formats e-book, print and audibook. Preview it free today on Amazon!
This chapter deals with the role of the doctor and medications in our healing. It is an important chapter in this book. It’s so important that people understand that going to the doctor is not an act of unbelief or sign of weak faith. It’s especially important for the reader of this book to understand that since the focus of the book is primarily on using our faith to receive healing. The doctor is an important part of that equation. Since I wrote this book, I had an experience in the mountains near the Grand Canyon in which I became dehydrated and contracted rhabdomyolysis. “Rhabdo” as the nurse refers to it comes as a result of injury or overexertion and the damage to the muscles releases muscle protein into the bloodstream and can severely damage the kidneys. I thank God for doctors who could rapidly and accurately diagnose a condition that I have never heard of. I thank God for medical technology and discoveries that made the treatment relatively simple. I also thank God for what have learned in the Scriptures that I could believe that the healing would be rapid and complete. This description of how I dealt with “rhabdo” is the same approach to healing that I intended to convey throughout this book.
The question of whether you deserve to be healed seems like a trick question, but it is not. Though the answer is simple, the answer you believe in your heart could be the difference between sickness and health, life and death. None of deserves salvation but we don’t hesitate to receive the grace for salvation promised in Ephesians 2:8-9. However, when it comes to healing we forget that the same grace that made salvation possible, makes healing possible. The same Person who made salvation possible, made healing possible. The same God that loved us enough to save us and give us eternal life, loved us enough to provide for our healing.
This is a book of letters that detail the Bible’s promises for healing. Though this book is dedicated to and written for my Mom Earnestine, it will assist anyone who has a desire to learn what the Bible says about healing. This book is filled with Scriptures on healing and addresses many of the questions that arise when the topic of healing comes up. A person searching for Biblical answers on healing could easily find themselves scouring books and getting caught between dueling theologians. This book attempts to simplify what the Scriptures say without detracting from the absolute certainty that the Bible is the written Word of God. This book also tackles the most common questions about healing but again in a way that doesn’t require a seminary degree to digest. It is a must-read for anyone who believes in the power of God to heal as described in the Scriptures. It will also be a great gift for anyone who is searching for Scriptures, Bible promises related to healing, as they try to overcome illness.
This is a book of letters that detail the Bible’s promises for healing. Though this book is dedicated to and written for my Mom Earnestine, it will assist anyone who has a desire to learn what the Bible says about healing. This book is filled with Scriptures on healing and addresses many of the questions that arise when the topic of healing comes up. A person searching for Biblical answers on healing could easily find themselves scouring books and getting caught between dueling theologians. This book attempts to simplify what the Scriptures say without detracting from the absolute certainty that the Bible is the written Word of God. This book also tackles the most common questions about healing but again in a way that doesn’t require a seminary degree to digest. It is a must-read for anyone who believes in the power of God to heal as described in the Scriptures. It will also be a great gift for anyone who is searching for Scriptures, Bible promises related to healing, as they try to overcome illness.
Salvavidas habla sobre cómo escuchar la voz de Dios a través de nuestra relación con el Espíritu Santo. Es tanto un libro de instrucción bíblica como de testimonio. Está repleto de Escrituras para el estudio personal del lector. Toma una pregunta compleja, cómo escuchar la voz de Dios, y la responde en términos simples y fáciles de entender respaldados por las Escrituras. Es un excelente libro para nuevos cristianos y cualquiera que se haya hecho la pregunta, ¿Dios todavía habla hoy?
¡Este libro electrónico es GRATIS durante cinco días a partir del 24 de noviembre!
Salvavidas habla sobre cómo escuchar la voz de Dios a través de nuestra relación con el Espíritu Santo. Es tanto un libro de instrucción bíblica como de testimonio. Está repleto de Escrituras para el estudio personal del lector. Toma una pregunta compleja, cómo escuchar la voz de Dios, y la responde en términos simples y fáciles de entender respaldados por las Escrituras. Es un excelente libro para nuevos cristianos y cualquiera que se haya hecho la pregunta, ¿Dios todavía habla hoy?
Lifesaving talks about how to hear the voice of God through our relationship with the Holy Spirit. It is both a book of Biblical instruction and testimony. It is jam-packed with Scriptures for the reader’s personal study. It takes a complex question, how to hear the voice of God, and answers it in simple, easy to understand terms backed by Scripture. It is an excellent book for new Christians and anyone who has asked the question, does God still speak today?
This is ebook is FREE for five days starting on November 24th!
The e-book version of this book is 50% on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
You can’t miss my Black Friday Blowout Book Sale! Ten e-book titles will be over 50% off, and six titles will be FREE! These 16 selected e-books/kindle versions will be for sale/FREE on Amazon starting Black Friday through November 30th only! Mark your calendars! This book will be marked down over 50%! Do you want to know what the Bible says about a relationship with God and hearing His voice? In this book I share some of my experiences, even a life-saving experience with hearing the voice of God.
This book is a great book for new Christians who are learning to hear the voice of God, the inward witness of the Holy Spirit. The book is packed with scripture and testimonies yet is written at a level that doesn't require a theology degree to understand. It is an absolute must for new Christians and is also a good tool for evangelism. It is available now on Amazon!
En este libro, examino la primera respuesta de Jesús a algunas de las personas que encontró que estaban en alguna forma de pecado, a saber, la mujer junto al pozo y la mujer sorprendida en adulterio. También comparto cómo Jesús repite esos mismos principios de "primera respuesta" en su relato de la parábola del hijo pródigo. Comparo la respuesta de Jesús con los tipos de respuestas que recibí como un "pródigo" tratando de regresar a casa a una relación correcta con el Padre. Además, examino cómo tampoco he podido extender la primera respuesta adecuada a otros que estaban en una condición de herida y pecado. Este libro es una lectura rápida, pero contiene una poderosa revelación de amor que espero que no se pierda.
¡Este libro electrónico es GRATIS durante cinco días a partir del 24 de noviembre!
En este libro, examino la primera respuesta de Jesús a algunas de las personas que encontró que estaban en alguna forma de pecado, a saber, la mujer junto al pozo y la mujer sorprendida en adulterio. También comparto cómo Jesús repite esos mismos principios de "primera respuesta" en su relato de la parábola del hijo pródigo. Comparo la respuesta de Jesús con los tipos de respuestas que recibí como un "pródigo" tratando de regresar a casa a una relación correcta con el Padre. Además, examino cómo tampoco he podido extender la primera respuesta adecuada a otros que estaban en una condición de herida y pecado. Este libro es una lectura rápida, pero contiene una poderosa revelación de amor que espero que no se pierda.
In this book, I examine Jesus’ first response to some of the people that He encountered who were in some form of sin, namely the woman at the well and the woman caught in adultery. I also share how Jesus repeats those same principles of “first response” in His telling of the parable of the prodigal son. I compare Jesus’ response to the types of responses that I received as a “prodigal” trying to return home to a right relationship with the Father. Further, I examine how I have also failed to extend the proper first response to others who were in a condition of woundedness and sin. This book is a quick read, but it contains a powerful revelation of love that I hope that you won’t miss.
This is ebook is FREE for five days starting on November 24th!
I was talking to a good friend recently about how I love my kids. It led to a discussion of how I treat them even when they have failed to treat me as I would like. I told my friend that, “God has shown me that in the way that He loves me. He doesn't see me as the sum of my mistakes, poor choices, and outright sins. He sees as me as His son and loves me to a better lifestyle. He believes the best in me until it manifests.” Those are the types of sentiments expressed in “First Responders.” It’s a short book on the revelation of how much God loves me, us. It is available on Amazon and Audible. Preview for free today! Click "website" to purchase.
First Responders is now available on Audible! This is my first audiobook of 2019! I really believe that the listener/reader of this book will come to a deeper revelation of the love of Jesus and will also be compelled to look at how they extend that love to others. 300 audiobooks sold and counting! Come see what the buzz surrounding these audiobooks is all about! Listen to a sample free today on Audible.
The e-book version of this book is 50% on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
Financial Testimonies is a collection of praise reports from my journal and posts from a Facebook page that I began to use to share testimonies of God’s favor, grace, and provision. Originally I only envisioned passing down these testimonies to my children. Later I began to share them in a Facebook Group composed of a group of church members. Then I began to share them with other friends and family. The feedback was so good that I decided to share them with the world. The purpose of these testimonies is to inspire people to “excel in this grace of giving (2 Cor 8:7)” and to learn how to receive the harvest of seed sown that is promised in Scripture. Embedded in many of the testimonies is a lesson, a roadmap, if you will, as to what I did to receive what I received. If I only succeeded in sharing with you how I was blessed, I would consider this book a failure. This book is only a success if people can learn from what I did and get the same results!
This is ebook is FREE for five days starting on November 24th!
The e-book version of this book IS FREE on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
I have been doing my taxes and deliberating on selling my home in Phoenix. As a result, I took an in-depth look at all of my debts. I created a spreadsheet listing each creditor, balance, monthly payment, monthly interest accrued, and interest rate. I was blown away by how much I pay in interest each month and by the interest rates on some accounts. What it showed me was that I had become complacent, even numb to the fact that so much of what I made was going to pay off debt. I’m not even including my car or home. My old Pastor, Sean Moore, used to talk about not having to “believe God for a miracle each month to pay your bills.” In my book, I talked about a balance between using your faith for finances and being a good steward. I have done the list-all-your-debts exercise many times, but I hadn’t done it recently. And not focusing on my debts is a form of poor stewardship! How can I truly believe God to be debt-free if I don’t know how much I owe? How can I develop a strategy to become debt-free if I don’t know which credit accounts have the highest interest rates? My vision of being debt-free, of future wealth, must include debt accounting/reduction.
This book bubble talks about some of my own personal stewardship failures. Yes, failures. The vast majority of this book is about using faith to receive the promised return, the harvest of seeds sown into the good ground of the kingdom of God. But stewardship is an equally important principle in Scripture. Some of the time, the reason we aren’t more prosperous is that we aren’t effectively managing what we have: savings, paying off debt, not running up credit cards, budgeting, etc. I remember reading someone’s commentary on Malachi 3, the part where it says that the Lord will “rebuke the devourer” for our sake. The person said sometimes we are the “devourer.” We devour the blessing of the Lord on impulse purchases, racking up debt and just not planning how we will spend our money. We waste blessings by not expending them based on godly priorities. I highly recommend Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University” as a resource. We are blessed by the harvest from the seeds we sow and by effective stewardship. It can’t be only sowing and reaping (supernatural) and it can’t only be savings and paying off debt (natural). There must be a balance.
You can’t miss my Black Friday Blowout Book Sale! Ten e-book titles will be over 50% off, and six titles will be FREE! These 16 selected e-books/kindle versions will be for sale/FREE on Amazon starting Black Friday through November 30th only! Mark your calendars! This book will be FREE! This book is filled with Scriptures that will encourage your faith in the area of God’s provision for your finances. What makes it unique though is that it is filled with testimonies of how God has met my needs over and over in big ways and small ways. I wrote the book because I know that I am not special. I knew that whatever God had done for me He would do for others. I hoped that if I shared my testimonies in a book that it would stir others to use their faith to obtain the same type of testimonies.
For a limited time, I have FREE Audible codes for my new audiobook, "Financial Testimonies, Stories of God's Favor, Grace and Provision." This book is for anyone who wants to learn more about what the Bible says about giving and receiving. This book is for anyone who needs encouragement in their faith in the area of receiving God's promised help with our finances. This book is for those who may be confused because they have heard so many negative things about "the prosperity gospel." This book is simply a book of financial testimonies and the Scriptures that I stood on. They are stories of faith and the grace and mercy of God. The sole purpose of this book is to encourage the listener. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Your faith will be built up as you listen to the Scriptures and testimonies in this book! You may also discover some practical things that may help in the application of familiar Scriptural truths. Claim your free audiobook on Audible by messaging me for a code. The free code can only be used for this title on Audible.
I spent 28 years in a blue uniform, four as a cadet, and 24 as an Air Force officer. Since I retired, I have been able to pursue dreams as an author and as an actor/performer. This is an excerpt from my newest book, “Financial Testimonies: Stories of God's Favor, Grace and Provision.” The book is a collection of journal-like entries, testimonies of the goodness of God in my life. In this excerpt, I share how worry is a form of fear and was keeping me from taking a faith step and taking an acting job in Los Angeles. On paper, financially, it didn’t make sense. But I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to take the step. This entry was written in June of 2019. I took the step in June, and when the musical ended in July, the director asked me if I would be interested in a larger production in Long Island, NY. I took that job, and before it ended, I landed an audition in New York for The Color Purple national tour. Three days after my Long Island production ended, I was a member of the Color Purple cast! That one faith step in LA led to the Long Island job and national tour. Overcoming worry was the first step! Available on Amazon!
For sale now as an e-book, “Financial Testimonies” is a simple book composed of journal entries and posts from a Facebook page. The purpose of the book is to inspire and build hope in the area of finances. So many are discouraged in this area. The Bible says that the “overcame him,” the enemy, “by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.” It is my sincere hope that the testimonies in this book will inspire those who are struggling to receive the manifested promises of God in this area. I share Bible principles about giving, receiving, and stewardship. I share my testimonies and trials. Most of all, I share the revelation that God loves us and that He wants to help us in this area. God is a good Father and by “faith and patience” we can “inherit” the precious “promises” that He has made to us in this area. Deliverance from lack and financial bondage are simply one of the manifestations of the love of God. Though this book is about me, it is not for me. I would consider this book a failure if the reader only celebrated what God has done in my life and did not get the revelation that God wants to do the same for them!
Financial Testimonies is a collection of praise reports from my journal and posts from a Facebook page that I began to use to share testimonies of God’s favor, grace, and provision. Originally I only envisioned passing down these testimonies to my children. Later I began to share them in a Facebook Group composed of a group of church members. Then I began to share them with other friends and family. The feedback was so good that I decided to share them with the world. In this book bubble, I share the specifics of some of the amazing harvests that I received in 2015 that were directly related to the Holy Spirit unction to increase my giving and to stand in agreement with the prophetic words that had been given to the congregation for the season that we were in.
The purpose of “Financial Testimonies” is to inspire people to “excel in this grace of giving (2 Cor 8:7)” and to learn how to receive the harvest of seed sown that is promised in Scripture. Embedded in many of the testimonies or journal entries is a lesson, a roadmap, if you will, as to what I did to receive what I received. In this particular book bubble,, I share what the Holy Spirit shared with me in the Scriptures as it pertains to giving and obtaining the favor of God. This book will be coming out soon!
I have had the great privilege of sitting under so many great men and women of God. One of those men was Dr. Michael A. Freeman of Spirit of Faith Christian Center in Temple Hills, MD. I learned so much from him about being a giver and sowing into the kingdom. I also learned principles about receiving the harvest on seeds sown. Sowing and harvests are inseparably connected in that I can’t continue to sow into the kingdom of God if I don’t continue to receive a harvest. I believe some people have been discouraged about not seeing the fruit of their giving. What they may be missing is the Scriptural foundation that is necessary to build their faith in this area and some examples of how to put the principles into practice. That’s what Dr. Mike did for me. He gave me excellent teaching, and then he gave me the “how to” in laymen’s terms. In this book bubble, I attempt to pass on one of the key “how to’s” that I learned from him. It is entitled “Passing Money Tests.” It is one of the most fundamental keys to success in “excelling in the grace of giving” as described by the Apostle Paul in 2 Cor 8:7. Enjoy! This book is coming soon!
Financial Testimonies is a collection of praise reports from my journal and posts from a Facebook page that I began to use to share testimonies of God’s favor, grace, and provision. Originally I only envisioned passing down these testimonies to my children. Later I began to share them in a Facebook Group composed of a group of church members. Then I began to share them with other friends and family. The feedback was so good that I decided to share them with the world. The purpose of these testimonies is to inspire people to “excel in this grace of giving (2 Cor 8:7)” and to learn how to receive the harvest of seed sown that is promised in Scripture. Embedded in many of the testimonies is a lesson, a roadmap, if you will, as to what I did to receive what I received. If I only succeeded in sharing with you how I was blessed, I would consider this book a failure. This book is only a success if people can learn from what I did and get the same results!
Este es un libro cristiano que trata sobre los efectos de las respuestas tardías a las oraciones, la esperanza vacilante y el desánimo. Continúa describiendo cómo el enemigo de nuestras almas, el diablo, trabaja para tomar la esperanza y el desánimo diferidos y cambiarlos en algo mucho peor, el resentimiento hacia Dios. Este libro tiene un tesoro oculto de las Escrituras sobre la esperanza y sería un excelente recurso de estudio/devocional complementario.
¡Este libro electrónico es GRATIS durante cinco días a partir del 24 de noviembre!
La Semana de Concientización sobre las Enfermedades Mentales (MIAW) se celebra la primera semana de octubre para crear conciencia sobre las enfermedades mentales. Este libro no fue escrito específicamente para abordar las enfermedades mentales, sino que aborda el tema de la desesperanza y el desánimo. Este libro está disponible en inglés y en español en Amazon.
En este libro escribí que no me di cuenta de que había caído en la depresión. Mucha gente está buscando esperanza. Escribí sobre cómo me estaba moviendo tan rápido y haciendo tanto, incluso para Dios, que no me di cuenta de que había perdido mi intimidad con Dios. Dios es la fuente de la esperanza. Romanos 15 dice que Él es el Dios de la esperanza y puede hacer que rebosemos de esperanza por el poder del Espíritu Santo. Obtenemos la esperanza de Dios cuando pasamos tiempo con Él, nos sentamos en Su presencia y meditamos en Su Palabra.
One of my visions as an author is to make all my books available in other languages. I have started by making more books available in Spanish. My book “Hope Deferred Overcoming Discouragement and Faltering Hope” is now available in Spanish! The title is “Esperanza Frustrada Superando el Desánimo y la Falta de Esperanza.” Una de mis visiones como autor es hacer que todos mis libros estén disponibles en otros idiomas. He comenzado con hacer más libros disponibles en español. ¡Ya está disponible en español mi libro “Esperanza diferida, superación del desánimo y esperanza vacilante”! El título es “Esperanza Frustrada Superando el Desánimo y la Falta de Esperanza.” #book #books #christianbook #christianauthor #booksinspanish #hope #depression #discouragement #author #bookstagram #libro #libros #librocristiano #autorcristiano #librosenespañol #esperanza #depresión #desánimo #autor #bookstagram
This Christian book deals with the effects of delayed answers to prayers, faltering hope, and discouragement. It further describes how the enemy of our souls, the devil, works to take deferred hope and discouragement and change it into something far worse, resentment toward God. This book has a treasure trove of Scriptures on hope and would be an excellent supplemental devotional/study resource.
Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) is observed the first week of October to raise awareness of mental illnesses. This book was not written specifically to address mental illness but addresses the subject of hopelessness and discouragement. This book is available in English and in Spanish on Amazon.
In this book, I wrote that I didn’t realize I had slipped into depression. So many people are searching for hope. I wrote about how I was moving so fast and doing so much, even for God, that I didn’t realize I had lost my intimacy with God. God is the source of hope. Romans 15 says He is the God of hope and can cause us to overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Ghost. We get God’s hope as we spend time with God, sit in His presence, and meditate on His Word. This book is available on Amazon in English and in Spanish.
This is a Christian book that deals with the effects of delayed answers to prayers, faltering hope and discouragement. It further goes on to describe how the enemy of our souls, the devil, works to take deferred hope and discouragement and change it into something far worse, resentment toward God. This book has a treasure trove of Scriptures on hope and would be an excellent supplemental devotional/study resource. This short book is available now on Amazon! Get the e-book or paperback version today!
Fit@50 is a motivational tool for men over 50. It is a series of YouTube videos and other items that will encourage men over 50 to stay fit, to eat healthily, to have a youthful mentality and a positive outlook on life after 50. It is not intended to be prescriptive in the sense of medical or nutritional advice per se. Everyone who is interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle should first start with their team of health advisors (physician, dietician, physical therapist) to understand their current state of health and limitations—especially if they have not been maintaining the habit of physical fitness/healthy diet. THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE, CLICK "website" UNDER AUTHOR PHOTO IN ANY BOOK BUBBLE.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I am a fitness advocate. I have a fitness YouTube channel (“Fit @ 50” @5060), a fitness Instagram (ivanfitat50), and a fitness Facebook page, “Fit at 50.” I exercise regularly and closely monitor what I eat. I pride myself on my physical appearance at 58. But the greatest threat to my physical health has been my mental health. My battles with depression, panic attacks, and autophobia often cripple my desire to work out, compel me to wreck my diet, and even resort to other escape methods that are harmful to my health. I want to encourage every fitness advocate not to neglect their mental health!
The e-book version of this book IS FREE on Black Friday! SAVE THE DATE! My Black Friday Blowout Booksale starts Friday! Five e-book titles will be 50% off, and ten titles will be FREE! These 15 selected e-books/Kindle versions are on sale/FREE on Amazon starting on Black Friday, November 25th, through November 29th only! During this sale, I have made many of my top-selling books free or 50% off! DON’T MISS IT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Over 50% off First Responders A Revelation of the Love of Jesus The Making of a Great America Uprooting the Spirt of Racism Lifesaving The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God The Air Force’s Black Pilot Training Experience The Air Force’s Black Pilot State of the Union FREE/GRATIS 25 Bible Verses for Dads The Making of a Great America Where the Founding Fathers and the Church Fell Short A Tsunami of Sadness Financial Testimonies Stories of God’s Grace and Provision Fit @ 50 The Bible Promises of Healing 16 Letters for Mom Promesas de Curación de la Biblia : 16 Cartas para Mamá 25 Versículos Esenciales de la Biblia para Líderes de Negocios Cristianos 25 Versículos Bíblicos para Papás Primeros en Responder: "Una Revelación del Amor de Jesús"
The topic of this chapter is moderation. Moderation what an evil word! Moderation means eating in small quantities, eating under control. In this chapter I share some small tips that I have learned to help me stay within the limits that I have set for myself yet still enjoy the food that I enjoy. THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE, CLICK "website" UNDER AUTHOR PHOTO.
Have you ever watched one of those shows where they do what’s called an intervention? All the significant people in a person's life show up. The person is somebody addicted to alcohol, drugs typically. Maybe even addicted to being overweight. All the people show up, and they try to confront the person and tell them hey you have a problem, we love you, we want to help you. Inevitably in every one of these situations, there's a person called the enabler. There's a person that's unwittingly helping this person to stay in their addiction. THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE, CLICK "website" UNDER AUTHOR PHOTO.
Financial Testimonies III is the third in a “Financial Testimonies” book series. I shared a collection of praise reports/posts from a Facebook group in the first book. The posts were testimonies of God’s favor, grace, and provision. The purpose of the testimonies in the first two books was to inspire people to “excel in this grace of giving (2 Cor 8:7)” and to learn how to receive the harvest of seed sown promised in Scripture. In Financial Testimonies III, I dive deeper into the revelation from Scripture that God is a generous giver who gives to us out of His incredibly great love for us. I spend a great deal of time in this book digging into the many Scriptures that reveal the heart of God as it pertains to His plan of provision for us. Prosperity preaching has gotten such a bad name, and yes, some have abused its principles. But the devil has always planted the counterfeit to diminish or distract from the genuine. This book will give the reader a greater revelation of a God whose love is the foundation of His plan of provision for us.
Financial Testimonies III is the third in a “Financial Testimonies” book series. I shared a collection of praise reports/posts from a Facebook group in the first book. The posts were testimonies of God’s favor, grace, and provision. The purpose of the testimonies in the first two books was to inspire people to “excel in this grace of giving (2 Cor 8:7)” and to learn how to receive the harvest of seed sown promised in Scripture. In Financial Testimonies III, I dive deeper into the revelation from Scripture that God is a generous giver who gives to us out of His incredibly great love for us. I spend a great deal of time in this book digging into the many Scriptures that reveal the heart of God as it pertains to His plan of provision for us. Prosperity preaching has gotten such a bad name, and yes, some have abused its principles. But the devil has always planted the counterfeit to diminish or distract from the genuine. This book will give the reader a greater revelation of a God whose love is the foundation of His plan of provision for us.
El primer libro de esta serie habló en profundidad sobre la importancia de poder escuchar la voz de Dios. Esta secuela habla en profundidad sobre la otra cara de poder escuchar a Dios, la capacidad de escucharlo e ignorarlo o desobedecerlo. Esta introducción al libro puede llevar al lector a suponer que se trata de un libro de pesimismo y fatalidad, un libro de fuego infernal y azufre. Por el contrario, en este breve libro, trato de transmitir que el gran amor de Dios que todo lo consume es tan vasto, maravilloso y magnífico que a menudo nos persigue cuando hemos decidido no escuchar.
¡Esta aquí! ¡Salvavidas Volumen II ya está disponible en español! ¡Este es mi octavo título publicado en español! El primer libro de esta serie habló en profundidad sobre la importancia de poder escuchar la voz de Dios. Esta secuela habla en profundidad sobre la otra cara de poder escuchar a Dios, la capacidad de escucharlo e ignorarlo o desobedecerlo. Esta introducción al libro puede llevar al lector a suponer que se trata de un libro de pesimismo y fatalidad, un libro de fuego infernal y azufre. Por el contrario, en este breve libro, trato de transmitir que el gran amor de Dios que todo lo consume es tan vasto, maravilloso y magnífico que a menudo nos persigue cuando hemos decidido no escuchar.
This is a story about my family history in America. I am an African American man nearing sixty years of age. There is nothing unique about the experiences of my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, or their parents, who were slaves. Let that sink in for a moment. My great-grandmother died when I was 17. Her father was born a slave. So when I talk about the history of slavery in America to the present, it really isn’t that far back. The experiences of my family were likely common to many African American families. That’s the point of this whole book. Racism was common at one time in America. It just was. To deny that is to disrespect the suffering of millions. Learning about the struggles of blacks in America, the struggles of my recent elders, is not an effort to stir up racism against white people but to better appreciate what they went through to get what I often take for granted. Learning about these things has been called “woke.” Ephesians 4:11-15 says that we are to expose “works of darkness” by shining “light” on them. It warns that the days are evil. The only way to prevent this type of evil from resurrecting in America is to stay awake and awaken others so that we can walk in wisdom and keep at bay the forces and sentiments that allowed such evil in America in the first place.
“11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. 14 Therefore He says: ‘Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.’ 15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
I’m writing a book about Critical Race Theory primarily from the vantage point of my family and their experiences. My parents shared their experiences with racism in employment and in everyday life. I saw the impact on their lives and myself/siblings. But I think my time in the military, my “type A” personality, and my choice (whether you agree with it or not) to identify as a Christian first and a black man second shielded me from some of the darker chapters of treatment of blacks in America. I didn’t find out about the many massacres of African Americans until I started researching for books. I didn’t know entire black towns were burned to the ground or purposely flooded. Yes, Ron DeSantis, writing about these things might cause some to hate white people more. As a Christian, that is not the case for me. I have written in previous books that racism is a spirit. I believe the atrocities committed against African and Native Americans were manifestations of that spirit. Revising history, banning books, as DeSantis suggests, does nothing to mitigate the operation of that spirit. On the contrary, only by shining light on it and acknowledging what happened can we respond in our hearts, minds, and actions to ensure racism is never allowed to gain momentum in America.
I watched the Republican response to the State of the Union by Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She boldly proclaimed that she banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in her state. She equated it with racism. When I was a child in school, we didn’t learn much about many of the contributions of black people outside of the same faces in February/Black History month. I certainly didn’t learn about many of the atrocities and massacres of African Americans. I’ve only learned of them in recent years as I have conducted research for my books. Governor Sanders equated not learning of these things as “normal” and learning about them as “crazy”/woke and promoting racism. But then she had the absolute audacity to say that her father held the doors open for the “Little Rock Nine.” CRT has been the catch-all label thrown over the historical treatment of African Americans from the time of slavery to the present. How will black children/any children in Arkansas ever learn about the Little Rock Nine if the Governor bans learning about segregation and the civil rights movement under the premise that it promotes hatred of white people? Smh.
Visión para el Diario Reflexivo Estoy escribiendo este libro para ayudar a los líderes cristianos en su lugar de trabajo. Quiero compartir cómo apliqué principios fundamentales de administración que encontré en la Biblia para tener éxito en el lugar de trabajo. Esta publicación pretende ser una herramienta que le ayude como líder cristiano a crecer en sabiduría y crecer en su habilidad para usar las escrituras y la guía del Espíritu Santo, para guiarlo hacia el éxito en cualquier posición de liderazgo en la cual usted se encuentre. Lo he llamado diario porque es mi esperanza que ciertas anotaciones le harán tomar una pausa y reflexionar sobre su estilo de liderazgo, su enfoque hacia ciertas cosas y tomar algunas notas que le ayudarán a tener más éxito.
¿Te has preguntado, “¿Cómo uso lo que sé de la Biblia para ayudarme en el trabajo o en mi negocio? ¿Te preguntas si las Escrituras son relevantes para algo que hago en el trabajo? ¡Entonces “25 Versículos Bíblicos Esenciales para Líderes Empresariales Cristianos” es el libro para usted! No solo presenta las Escrituras. También incluye aplicaciones de la vida real de esas Escrituras en situaciones de trabajo. También incluye preguntas desafiantes de diario para asegurarse de que ha comprendido cómo aplicar las Escrituras a su lugar de trabajo o negocio. La Biblia dice en Eclesiastés, “que no hay nada nuevo bajo el sol”. No existen principios comerciales sólidos o construcciones en el lugar de trabajo que no tengan su origen en las Escrituras. He realizado consultoría comercial durante más de 30 años en el sector de defensa con la Fuerza Aérea y como exdirector adjunto de la Junta Comercial de Defensa, asesorando a altos oficiales militares y directores ejecutivos. He realizado consultorías con pequeñas empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro. He utilizado los principios bíblicos en estos niveles y en mi propia vida laboral/negocio. ¡“25 Versículos Bíblicos Esenciales para Líderes Empresariales Cristianos” es uno de mis libros/audiolibros más vendidos en inglés y español! ¡Obtenga su copia en Amazon o Audible hoy y comience a usar los principios bíblicos para tener éxito en el trabajo y en los negocios!
This is the Spanish version of my book "25 Essential Bible Verses for Christian Business Leaders". Please share it with your Spanish-speaking friends. The Spanish audio version of the book is also available now. THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE NOW. TO PURCHASE CLICK "website" UNDER THE AUTHOR PHOTO.
I am writing this book to help Christian leaders in the workplace. I want to share how I applied foundational management principles that I found in the Bible to bring me success in the workplace. This journal is intended to be a tool to serve you as a Christian leader to help you grow in wisdom and grow in your ability to use the scriptures and the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide you to success in whatever leadership position in which you find yourself. I have called it a journal because it is my hope that certain entries will cause you to take pause and reflect on your leadership style, your approach to certain things and take a few notes that will help you to become more successful.