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Joan   Gallagher
Hope-Markers: How Hope marks your story and changes the world

Hope-Markers: How Hope marks your story and changes the world

Christian Books & Bibles

The most beautiful and God-inspired moments exist in our everyday experiences, triumphs, and struggles. Sometimes we feel as though our stories lack value or seem trivial relative to the world around us. We feel inconsequential or under-equipped to influence others. But the moments of our lives beautifully interweave throughout God’s great tapestry, and He has a plan and purpose for every part of our story. Our stories become powerful tools when we embrace and share them for the purpose of mentoring others. God empowers mentors to profoundly impact others by sharing their stories, and encouraging and equipping them to flourish.

Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Hope-Markers: How Hope marks your story and changes the world

Why Does It Matter

Story Seizing matters because it means we have victory over our past struggles, we no longer allow them to define us. I've seen in others as well as in myself the results of allowing the past to cripple so overwhelmingly that it's impossible to move into the future. It has been in the moments of story seizing that we have broken through the chains of defeat to move triumphantly into a celebrated future.

A Renewed Perspective

Tragedy and struggle hits all of us in one form or another, but we don't have to let it have a stronghold on our lives. There is an answer and a way when we look to God for the answers because He is the answer. This excerpt and the rest of this chapter came out of my own renewed understanding of how God brings beauty out of ashes. He does this by marking our path with Hope-Markers instead of defeat and struggle.

Can You Relate?

I have always been struck by how the accounts in the Bible of people's life struggles mirror ours today. This bubble involves the story of a woman who lived life in isolation and rejection because of her life circumstances. Have you lived in this place?

A compelling perspective

This story is the perfect illustration that the perspective we have on our life matters. It isn't the task that is important, it's the view we have of that task that truly speaks to a life of greatness or not. Each of the workers shows a different perspective of their life and story...

Why our Stories Matter

This excerpt answers the basic question of why our stories matter and how God uses them in powerful ways to impact us and inspire others. We all have both the beautiful and ugly parts of our stories. Both are powerful tools to change the world.

Life of a World-Changer

I included a section of the wrap up of this chapter because I think it best incapsulates what it looks like to live as a World-Changer. Our powerful stories not only impact our lives but have the potential to make a difference for many, no matter where we find ourselves. The chapter includes the story of Stephanie who had to get off the path of chaos and "doing" to truly become a World-Changer. Her story will inspire many.

"Me too!" moments

This section of chapter one evolved after my time spent at a conference of over 800 women. I was struck by the commonalities women found as they ventured out of themselves to connect with others. I often heard one say to another, "Me too!" when they discussed such things as where they grew up, or where they went to school. They also celebrated "Me too!" moments when opening up a little more to share the hard parts of their stories such as difficult times as a child or a recent divorce. Relationships birthed out of these moments.

The Why of it All

One of the most important things I've learned about writing and speaking is to clearly articulate the "why" of my message. I worked over this message as a part of my introduction and I think says it pretty well.

"Me too!" moments

This excerpt came out of time spent with a close friend. We recalled how the struggles from our past sometimes brought us to a place of clarity about how we would do things differently in our future. We also saw that those moments helped us to mentor others who were facing similar challenges.

L: Listen

So often we think hearing a message is enough. We take notes and file them away for another time. But listening well is a deeper level of understanding because it allows for wisdom to soak into how we navigate our day. A mentor has much wisdom to share with a mentee and listening well is a vital part of growing from that wisdom.

the "A" of Call

A mentee can enhance their relationship with their mentee by asking questions with purpose. This section helps a mentee direct their questions in way that moves their relationship forward and unpack the tougher struggles a mentee desires to work through with a mentor.

The Call

In the book of Acts we can see how well Paul loved and mentored Priscilla and Aquila, a young couple in Corinth. This mentoring relationship is a great picture of what chemistry looks like in relationship. One other note, the term "hope-markers" refers to the significant people and events in our lives that inspire and impact who we are and who we will become.

The Memoir of a Mentee

I first met Laura when she felt broken and used up. She knew she did not want to continue on the path of pain and feelings of worthlessness. But change and victory seemed an elusive gift. God brought us together in His holy plan to show her how much he cared for her and to assure He had loving plan. We began the journey of healing together. As we told our stories God moved in and gave direction on Laura's course correction for her journey with Him. She carries herself with such peace and contentment now. She walks closely with God. Her powerful reaches into the lives of others who travel the familiar road she once traveled. She lovingly mentors others, not forgetting how she too needed mentoring.

Hope-Markers: How Hope marks your story and changes your world

Hope-Markers: How Hope marks your story and changes your world

No synopsis has been added for this book

Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Hope-Markers: How Hope marks your story and changes your world

A Mentor's Call to Mentor

Just like a mentee has a C-A-L-L in the mentoring relationship so too does the mentor. A mentor has a responsibility to discern the chemistry that first draws them to a mentee. A love for the mentoring relationship and God's supernatural planning to bring a specific mentor and mentee together is at the core of a meaningful relationship. There have been moments for me when I have experienced just such a call in my life toward a mentee.

My inspiration

I've been so fortunate to have such wonderful mentors all throughout my life. They have taught me why it's important to lift each other up. We all have struggles in life but when we are mentored well we learn to use those struggles to better understand who we are and equip our future so we can mentor others.

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