Authorpreneur Dashboard – Mario Rivers

Mario  Rivers

The Truth: Keepin' It 100


If you've been asking yourself questions about why it seems that we just can't get it right in our relationships, and you want more, this is the blueprint to help you navigate during your search. In this book the author uses his life experiences, and those of several men and women of different ethnicities, ages, and cultures to give relationship advice to both sexes. The author has travelled the world and put in over 5 years of research travelling to over 25 countries discussing these topics. The Truth provides answers to today's most pressing issues about relationships, and lays out the roadmap to help you navigate. This book will appeal to readers interested in relationships self-help books.

Book Bubbles from The Truth: Keepin' It 100

Worry about the things that matter.

Letting go of things that have been with us is sometimes hard, but necessary for growth.

"Let's Talk about it"

Keep the relationship private. Stay off social media. Easy enough.

"Obtaining your SWAG"

Be confident in yourself, but change your behavior to hit your relationship goals.

The Naked Truth

Don't get intimate before you get to know the other person.

Why can't guys be real?

Every guy won't be good to you. Weed them out. Don't let bad experiences make you bitter. Keep a fresh perspective.

Be Yourself

Don't change your core values for anyone.


what we face as men is daunting, challenging, and consistently has no reward...we do it because we have us.

What are your standards?

We should examine a person's character and hearts rather than their assets and cup sizes.

Back to the roots

Be a gentleman. That simple.

Get it all out.

Start the slate clean, and fresh for a new start. Get it all out on the table before you enter into something serious.

"The Blueprint"

Sometimes we are blinded by our desires so we ignore what's right there in front of us. I want to help build our relationships by pointing those things out to build strong families, strong faith, and a strong culture.


Everything in the book discussed comes together to help you win in your relationship. From Chapter 11...


Many people get hung up on trivial things that hinder relationships in the grand scheme of things, in this chapter the author brings it all together to the pinnacle point...your winning finish! from Chapter 11

The Round Table

In this chapter I've invited people to have a discussion about other issues at the round table. Includes social media, and other miscellaneous things that are important to a relationship...I call this the miscellaneous chapter.

Confidence and Attitude

We all have a little bit of an identity, that is commonly referred to as "swag" and we need to invoke that swag when addressing members of the opposite sex. Here's an idea how...from Chapter 9

Intimacy in relationships

There are lots of moving parts in a relationship, and they all need to be "greased" to continue working properly. This is from Chapter 8 "Sex and Intimacy which talks about the physical love between you and your spouse.

Baggage Claim

We carry lots of things into new relationships..this chapter focuses on building a clean slate before you take old things into new relationships.

The Strong Woman

Takes an interesting look into being independent, submissive, and the mingling of the two...from Chapter 6.

The Truth about the "Good Man"

Here's a little bit about the realities of getting a good man. Some realizations. This is probably the most descriptive and interesting chapter of the book...inside information...hint.hint


A thought from chapter 4, we have to be realistic with our expectations and date the person, not the idea of the person. We often get caught up in the "idea" of what we want, and not the reality of the situation...

Start with the Basics

We like to jump into relationships, because let's face it no one likes being alone, but there are some common sense things we can do like recognizing "red flags" and not ignoring them just because the relationship starts out great. An excerpt from Chapter 1.

The Prelude

These days people just want to "Netflix and chill" instead of truly taking the time to vet a potential prospect that they are interested in. This takes time and these days everything is so fast paced that we don't take that time anymore. Here's a piece of my message from chapter 2. The idea is that we have got to listen, and don't try to change a person.

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