Book Bubbles from Waves of Pink II: Common Ground, Uncommon Courage
Imagine hearing the words, "You have breast cancer." In Common Ground, Uncommon Courage, twelve breast cancer survivors tell their inspirational stories. From diagnosis to survivorship, the stories are a raw and honest account of navigating "the journey". Each chapter gives you a first-hand look into real-life stories of personal heartbreak and resilience. Common Ground, Uncommon Courage reveals the complexity of a breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatments combined with the reality of patients left to navigate unfamiliar territory on their own. Captivating, engrossing, with authentic vulnerability and matter-of-fact honesty. Common Ground, Uncommon Courage will give you a new perspective into the very personal fight against breast cancer. If you, or someone you know, have breast cancer, you will want to read these beautiful stories of hope.
Book Bubbles from Waves of Pink II: Common Ground, Uncommon Courage
The statistics are mind-boggling. Think about it—ONE IN EIGHT women will be diagnosed in her lifetime. EVERY TWO MINUTES, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. In the time you take to read this, another woman was just diagnosed.
Pink Sistas started with a vision and a mission to serve women diagnosed with breast cancer. The original idea has transformed into an effective formula of fostering connections while focusing on rest and relaxation, all at no cost to the women who attend the retreats.
Nothing can prepare you to hear the words "you have breast cancer".
No longer being afraid of what people think, leaning on faith instead of fear, and becoming an inspiration to others. Writing your story often means reflecting on how you've grown, what you have learned, and how you have changed.
What lens you would look through if you were diagnosed with breast cancer? Would you set a new intention to live your life in a different way? Would you be deliberate about where you spend your time? Where would you find your silver lining?
During treatment, there can be an avalanche of information and a large amount of support. Once treatment stops, what do you go back to doing? What does "back to normal" look like? What are the things you can no longer do, what do you leave behind?
A diagnosis of breast cancer can quickly spiral into depression, anxiety and overwhelming stress. Nurturing a positive mindset and practicing gratitude will help your mental state and reduce stress during the toughest of times.
A history of breast cancer. Not all women who are diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history, but Treva grew up knowing that when she was just a baby, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
A well known side effect of chemotherapy is losing your hair. But there are additional side effects from treatment that are equally as devastating. The side effects vary from person to person, and can affect appearance, internal organs, intimacy, and even brain functions.
Studies show exercise and physical activity are beneficial for breast cancer survivors. Making the conscious decision to stay active and exercise, even for short periods of time can help to reduce recovery time. Exercising can also boost your mental state. It can ease anxiety and fatigue, and help with mentally tolerating treatment.
Losing your hair is just one of the potential side effects of chemotherapy. It can be especially difficult for females, because for many women the way we feel about ourselves is closely tied to how we look.
There is a thread knit into each chapter and intertwined throughout the book; finding people who share common ground. These interactions are vital in creating support and encouragement.
Not all women diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history of breast cancer—or any cancer. The National Breast Cancer Coalition says over 75% of women with breast cancer have no family history of the disease and less than 10% have a known gene mutation that increases risk.
This really speaks to how even when they are sick and struggling, women are nurturers. The women in the book focus on the people around them. It is a common thread that runs through every chapter. Even when she was sick from the chemo and not feeling mentally ok, she worried about putting on a cheerful face for family and friends.
When we were working on the title of the book, I wanted it to be something meaningful that reflected the connection between the women in the book. It was also important to have it speak to how each of them has an inner strength that they don't always recognize. I knew Common Ground, Uncommon Courage was a perfect fit the first time I said it aloud.
I felt it was so important to acknowledge the women who shared their stories in the book. They really are the heroes, they persevered through debilitating treatments while simultaneously working and caring for their families. It was a pleasure to help tell their stories.
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