Lily’s eyes twinkled when she handed JJ the notes with the directions. “It’s a short drive but easiest if you follow the directions. Don’t trust your GPS. I haven’t trusted them ever since the military began their experiments on weaponizing the SATCOM networks. I read that once satellite communication carriers get infected the despicable bad actors misinform people for sport. Any poor fool who trusts their GPS device deserves to aimlessly wander like Moses in the desert. We had some UT Austin astronomy students show up wanting to see the old Nike missile site. It’s way south of Austin. Talk about green beans not knowing north from south. Sheesh!”
JJ felt the blush rise from his neck, recalling their delayed arrival due to GPS misdirection but shook it off, grateful Jo didn’t intercept. “For somebody running a bed and breakfast, you seem to know a great deal about satellite communications and GPS poisoning. Are you with the Federal Witness protection program, and this is your new identity?”
Lily heartily laughed. “Young man, I can’t reveal my past. If I did that I’d have to move and start over. I’m too plum old to start over. Besides I like meeting the guests I get like you and Jo.”
Not quite sure what to think, JJ read the note. He handed it to Jo with a small grin. He read it. “Ma’am, is this cursive writing?”
Lily cracked up. “I tend to write cursive because most young folks can’t read it anymore. Har! Har! I’m done funning. I’ll text you the directions but keep this as a reminder.”
JJ patted her on the arm with affection. “Ms. Lily, my mom taught me to read and write cursive just for this type of circumstance.”
Still grinning, Lily added, “You’re a smart kid. Good upbringing, too. You’ll come to several fences on this property so look for the gate with the welcome sign. Please secure the gate once you are inside. Our motto is, leave gates the way you find ’em.”
“Ms. Lily, we won’t embarrass you. Hank knows we’re coming, right?”
“Correct. If you get lost on the way to the south end of the reservoir, ask someone for help. If they tell you go to the last stop sign and turn left, go ask someone else. Some Magnolia Bluff folks can’t help but tease strangers with funny accents.”
“I don’t think I have a funny accent,” said Jo.
“Child, do come along. Where you come from, I have the funny accent. When I was about eight or nine, my folks took us to see my aunt and uncle in Houston. They had one daughter Kathy, but we hit it off right away. But after a couple of hours of playing, Kat stood back with her arms crossed for a moment then announced, Y’all talk funny.”
“I like that story. When we get back, can we see the older podcast shows? Jo wanted to see them, and I’d like to verify the content to the timing of the threatening emails. Did you keep those? They might have some interesting tidbits of information as well.”
Lily beamed. “I like knowing that you’re taking an interest in our problem. Don’t put yourself crosswise with your beautiful lady. I thought you two wanted to deeee-compress?”
Jo chuckled. “Lily, we’re here for rest and relaxation. Honestly, I’m enjoying being involved. I don’t get to see him work. I’m finding it fascinating.”
JJ grabbed Jo’s hand. “Come on, you, let’s get on with our riding. We’ll have plenty of time to deeee-compress later.”
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