"Hello, Dakota, it's been a while. Can we talk? I'd like to come in and visit if that is possible for one such as I."
Carlos smiled wistfully. His thoughts flashed back to the lovely woman he’d worked for in order to find his brother, Juan. Zara was of medium height and still thin. Her fine-boned face held her expressive dark eyes, framed by her nearly black shiny hair, shorter than he recalled. "Hello, Moya Dushechka. You look more elegant than the last time we were together. I see you didn't bring your 9mm Lugar this time, so it must be a social call?"
Sucking in her breath to steady her fluttering heart, she clearly saw the man who had used her love to his own advantage. He was a good head taller and his dark hair a bit shaggier, but those dancing expresso colored eyes were still the same. "You know, I was mad that night. I'm not sure if I was really going to shoot you or not."
Carlos chuckled and said, "Well, you didn’t miss the pillow I threw at you. Now, after all this time, why show up here? Last time we met, Buzz, Jacob, and I were taking you to the hospital for some warranty work. What happened to you and Buzz?"
Zara went cold as her eyes threatened to release some tears. "Umm, yes...Buzz. How nice you remembered. I think I am not...the kind of female that...um, nice men...hold on to."
Carlos sensed Zara was either on another con, or really on the verge of breaking down. "You know that I know who you are. If this is another confidence scam aimed at me, I'm the wrong mark, Zara. I've got a lovely, successful wife. I'm not looking for a plaything, nor any illegal action for a quick score of cash. You know me well enough to know that I can't help but be drawn in by a horrific tale of woe. I trust it to be good and convincing. Don't forget the tears along with the drama. Let's hear it."
Bitter and furious but knowing Carlos was right about her, she wiped her tears roughly with the fingers of her graceful hands. "Since you already have another female under contract, we’ll skip that part. You're right. I'll do or say anything to get where I need to be." She stopped to wipe her tears one more time before raggedly offering, "Except what I won't do is give a good man...children. I hurt him so deeply...but you know what good men do? They...kiss you on the forehead, and then they...walk out of your life without a harsh word!
“You're right. I am alone again...and I need a friend. You are the only one I will beg...please...Dakota...take me in."
Carlos clucked his tongue in annoyance then motioned Zara inside with a sweep of his hand. "That was pretty good, dammit! There is room with the models, so you can bunk there until Lara gets back. Just so we are clear, if you go to work on anyone else or try something underhanded with the young pups that are here, I will throw you out myself. It’s three stories up from the street, so don't screw up or try to seduce anyone. I would hate to mar that still beautiful face.”
Zara eyed him hopefully and asked in a mischievous tone, "Not even a game of cards? A Brazilian Real a point?"
Carlos calmly responded, "I can still close the door, you know."
Zara meekly came in and followed Carlos, saying nothing more.
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