They had been working for hours checking log files, firewall rules, and root access files on all the key servers and secure edge devices. His posture clearly indicated that he was seeing something wrong.
Petra turned toward him and stated, “I know that when your head is on a swivel and the oscillator mechanism is driving your cranium back and forth there is usually a discrepancy between what we are being told and what you are seeing. So, do you want to talk about it, Jacob?”
Jacob smirked slightly as he replied, “Are you insinuating I look like a cheap electric desk fan when I’m working? No wonder I can’t get a date over the Internet. Ah well.
“What I’m seeing is nothing. There is nothing wrong. No firewall rule anomalies, no unauthorized login attempts, no brute force login attempts in the log files, no tampering with the log files to cover up any bogus activity, no out-pulsing of large data files at the wrong times of day, or any escalated admin privileges for anyone who doesn’t already have them. Basically, the clubhouse has only admitted regular members.”
Petra puzzled over Jacob’s lassie-faire attitude towards his research and then asked, “Then the color of the sky in this picture is a proper blue, or am I missing something?”
Jacob continued, “Either we have come to the wrong place of the time/space continuum in this part of the galaxy, or everything had a wholesale makeover of the environment just before we got here. I mean, it’s fuzzy where I would expect stuff to be, but no one has tampered with the personality of the environmental log files. I am going to dig a little more in a couple of areas, but it appears that Roslyn is right about everything being locked down and tamper-proof.”
A satisfied tone from the person behind them offered, “I told you everything was as it should be. Now you two have been at it for hours without a break. I’ve ordered in a light snack for your consideration. This permits you to disengage, but not have to go off premises. I know how it is to get wrapped up in something and not want to leave the building because navigating the building security on your return can be quite disruptive to your thinking processes. Oh, before you go, let me get a photo of you two for my scrapbook.”
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