“I’m sorry, Mrs. Pajaro, but, can I come in?”
Elly’s heart went out to the girl, “Of course, dear, come in and tell me all about it,” she said as she opened the screen door.
Madlyn stepped inside, “Um, do you have a towel I could use? I don’t want to get your floor all wet.”
Elly jumped as if she had just woken up. “Oh, of course, wait right there, I’ll get some for you.” Elly disappeared and quickly returned with a couple towels and a bathrobe in her arms. “Here, why don’t you go into the bathroom and take off those wet clothes so they can dry. You can use my robe while they are drying. Here you go.” She ushered her to the bathroom, saving her million questions for later.
Madlyn came out holding the wet towels and clothing. “What should I do with these?” “We’ll hang them over the furnace.” The large floor furnace had clothes lines above it.
“This heat sure feels good,” Madlyn said.
“Yeah, that will help warm you up. And I’m heating water for tea. Does that sound good?”
“It sure does. You know how I like mine, with lots of honey,” she said with a shaky smile.
That was one of the things Madlyn loved about Mrs. Pajaro, they often had tea together as friends. Their age difference didn’t seem to matter. “Anything hot right now sounds wonderful,” she chattered, rubbing her arms to warm herself.
“You’ll be warmed up in no time,” Elly soothed.
Looking around Madlyn asked, “So, where’s Mr. Pajaro?”
“He’s been working out of town for a few days. He’ll be back tomorrow.
The tea kettle began to whistle and the two went into the roomy kitchen. It was the only large room in the tiny house. When they were both sipping contentedly, Elly asked, “Your parents at it again?”
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