Amy stood uncertainly in the door. The music didn’t sound like church music. It was loud and joyful and sounded like a party. Well, she thought she would just take a peek. She adjusted her glasses and opened the door a crack. There at the front, she saw Alex run by. Before she could blink, he ran past the back door, followed by two or three others. Alex had seen her, and on his next lap, he stopped to take her arm and lead her to a seat inside. He gave her a songbook and said, “Page 248. Make yourself at home,” and he took off again spinning and running down the aisle.
Amy was mesmerized by all the noise and activity. This was not at all what she expected a church to be like. Then she shook herself and looked for the page number. She began to read the words. She had not been able to catch very many of them, but finally, she found her place.
He brought me out of the miry clay, He set my feet on a rock to stay, he put a song in my heart to stay, a song of Praise, Hallelujah!
Most of this didn’t make much sense to her, but she knew it felt good in here. Now they were singing something else, what were the words? When the bathtub flows over? That can’t be. Toward the end of the song a beautiful black woman behind her belted out the words, and she finally heard “When the battle is over, we shall wear a crown!” She laughed to herself. As she looked around, she noticed other people were smiling. In a new song she heard the words “joy unspeakable.” She liked that. Joy was something she would like to have more of
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