Authorpreneur Dashboard – Denola M Burton

Denola M Burton

Enhancing Your Leadership DNA: Coaching for Success

Education & Reference

How many times have you left a workshop and felt like you needed additional help? Well, here it is! Enhancing Your Leadership DNA: Coaching for Success, Beyond the Workshop “Workbook”, takes leaders beyond the workshop to provide practical tools and guidance to become a more effective coach and impact the coaching culture of the organization. In this workbook, Denola M. Burton, takes the concepts from the workshop, Enhancing Your Leadership DNA: Coaching for Success to the “next level” and provides leaders with the step-by-step tools to enhance their skills using the G.R.O.W. Model of Coaching in everyday coaching conversations. This workbook provides the framework for leaders to create, nurture and maintain the coaching culture therefore being able to embrace the culture, share the culture and live the culture.

Book Bubbles from Enhancing Your Leadership DNA: Coaching for Success

ME - As a Coach

Do you really understand your ability to be an effective coach? In order to truly understand your effectiveness as a coach, you need to conduct a simple assessment. This is the start to becoming an effective coach and making an impact on the coaching culture within your organization.

Creating a Coaching Culture

This workbook on Enhancing Your Leadership DNA: Coaching for Success is a tool to help leaders become more effective coaches and transform the organization by creating a coaching culture. But first, leaders have to understand what a coaching culture is and how they take the ownership for making the culture shift.

What Happens When Coaching Doesn't Work?

Creating a Coaching Culture is critical in an organization that desires to develop their employees, improve performance and overall results. But, there are sometimes situations where employees do not want to be coached. What do you do? Keep these three things in mind.

Realizing a Coaching Culture

This workbook on Enhancing Your Leadership DNA: Coaching for Success focuses on changing the coaching culture of an organization. The culture must shift from the top and trickle down throughout the organization. This chapter focuses on how to make that shift.

If You Really Knew Me: The Life, The Lessons and The Legacy

Biographies & Memoirs

If you really knew me, you would know a lot more than what is visible on the surface. You would know that a lot of my life has been filled with ups and downs, of challenges and successes. You would know that there were many lessons learned through the course of my life and that there is a strong legacy. Denola shares inspiring experiences from her life, the lessons she learned from those experiences and the legacy that she leaves for her friends and especially her family. “If You Really Knew Me: The Life, The Lessons, The Legacy” provides a touching, funny, inspirational, in depth overview of various chapters of Denola’s life, with the goal to encourage you to look at your own stories and experiences that have made you the person that you are. Once you begin to reflect on those experiences, you will see that you have also learned lessons along the way, and that those lessons have helped you establish your own legacies that can impact others long after you are gone. Enjoy the stories, enjoy the lessons and begin to develop your own legacy! Volume 2 contains BONUS CHAPTERS for you to enjoy.

Book Bubbles from If You Really Knew Me: The Life, The Lessons and The Legacy

The Legacy

If You Really Knew Me: The Life, The Lessons and The Legacy, provides some of the stories in my life, the lessons I learned and the legacy that I am leaving behind. This chapter is the foundation of the entire book - THE LEGACY - the legacy that has been left to me and the legacy I will leave for my family, friends and those who follow in my footsteps. This excerpt is from a speech that I gave which summarizes the legacy that was passed down to me and the legacy that I plan to leave to my family!

The Legacy

This is the foundation of the entire book - THE LEGACY - the legacy that has been left to me and the legacy I will leave for my family, friends and those who follow in my footsteps.

Instant Love

Wow - this chapter is my most precious as it describes our adoption processes! Very touching still, when I read it! There is nothing like a mothers' love!

Lesson for my Teenage Self

When I think back to everything I have been through, I realize that there are lots of lessons. The purpose of this lesson is to realize that we have to make the most of TODAY! Each day is a gift and we must treat it as such.

Enhancing Your Communication DNA: Publishing for Beginners

Education & Reference

You wrote your book. Now what? How do you get it published? What are the steps that you need to take to have a professional product? Should you self-publish? Do you need help? Are you overwhelmed? Don’t be overwhelmed! In this workbook, Denola Burton guides you through publishing in an easy to understand, step-by-step process. Enhancing Your Communication DNA: Publishing for Beginners Workbook, provides a tool to help you get your book published. The workbook helps you assess your Author DNA and provides tools to help you develop an author plan, understand publishing terminology, identify the key data associated with your book and basic elements of a marketing plan. After completing this workbook, you will be prepared to either self-publish your book or hand over the details to an independent publisher.

Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Enhancing Your Communication DNA: Publishing for Beginners

Publishing For Beginners - Launch Team

What is a book Launch Team? How can a book Launch Team help with the launch of your book? The Launch Team is like your "village" and sometimes you need a village for success.

Publishing For Beginners - Your Author DNA

Do you know your Author DNA? What is the goal for your book? Once you determine your goals, you can begin to put your plan in place to actually get published. This process is called "identifying your Author DNA". It starts with asking yourself some very important questions in order to determine the level of involvement you will have in the publishing process. Enjoy this insight to discovering your Author DNA type.

Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success


Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success, is an anthology like no other! In this book, fourteen remarkable women narrate their challenges and their ultimate successes in both their personal lives and their careers. These women have “been there” and made it through—and are ready to share their takeaways. You will discover the qualities of a good mentor in the book’s introduction and then each chapter is dedicated to a particular woman who through her real-life experiences, models how to think through UNexpected life situations and make appropriate decisions along the way. These women’s discoveries and breakthroughs can inspire you and show you the way toward your own quantum leap. At the end of each chapter, you will have the opportunity to assess and identify some “Mentoring Moments” that will allow you to move forward and achieve your own successes.

Book Bubbles from Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success

Climbing Out Of Darkness by Jennifer Formoso

Have you ever felt like you were in total darkness? In this chapter of Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success, author, Jennifer Formoso takes us through a time in her life which was really dark but as a result of that darkness, was able to use the strength she gained to guide her to a career in social work. A very touching and inspirational story!

Late Bloomers ARE Overcomers

In this chapter of Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success, author Kathleen Sophia Coleman shares her personal story of being a self-proclaimed late bloomer and an introvert. Kathleen thrived despite childhood abuse, abandonment, homelessness, and self-doubt. Like most late bloomers it took her a while to realize her purpose, but when she did, she took a step of faith, took early retirement from a secure government job and became a Certified Life Coach, an ordained Pastor and she is the founder of The International Evangelistic Prayer Ministry, Director of Miss Sophia’s House and CEO of Kathleen Coleman Speaking and Coaching. She is also the author of two books, Dispensation of Marriage and Every Need Met. Clearly, Kathleen is an overcomer!

Phone A Friend - by Bernice Anthony

Bernice Anthony, one of the 14 Remarkable Women authors of Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success, has her own remarkable story - one with some very significant trauma and some very challenging health issues, yet, she is able to describe how she has overcome all of those things and situations to become successful in life and her career. Bernice is now a wife, mother, professional, volunteer, community leader, and so many more things. But she had to overcome some huge obstacles to attain her goals. Her main piece of advice, "Phone a Friend" when needed.

Grow Where You are Planted

In this chapter of "Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success", the author, Mascelia Miranda, describes how you don't always choose where your career takes you so, in order to succeed, you must "grow where you are planted". This is really important when the place that you land is not necessarily in your area of expertise. Mascelia shares her story where she landed in a role that was not in her comfort zone and yet she was able to excel and grow as a result of specific actions she took to "grow where she was planted"

Designing Your Life to Be An Everyday Leader

This chapter of Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success, by Melahni Qualls Ake, provides insight into leadership. She describes the journey of how she recognized that she is an everyday leader and gives you insight and guidance on how you can be an everyday leader too.

Are You a Multipotentialite?

In this chapter of Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women, author, Aisha Cargile describes what it is like to be a multipotentialite - someone who has many passions, interests and an ever-growing list of skills and abilities. It is interesting that there is sometimes a negative connotation for someone who is multi-faceted but the key with multipotentialites is that they do have a lot of interests and skills and yet they do them all very well! Aisha provides some great "mentoring moments" for those who may also struggle with the stigma of being a multipotentialite and gives some great tips for how to prioritize to make the best decisions when involved in so many things.

Expecting the UNexpected

What if.... What if you had some UNexpected things happen in your life that had a big impact on your career? In this chapter of Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success, you will read the story of Stacia Gowens, one of the 14 Remarkable Women, who describes how her life changed significantly when she left her corporate job to attend school full time. She, her husband and her young child relocated to another city for her to begin her full time Master's degree program when she had an UNexpected event happen in her life! In her "Mentoring Moments" she guides you to the support system you need in place for UNexpected events in your life.


What if.... What if you ran into the president of your company and they asked you "What do you do"? Would you know what to say? Do you have a "personal brand statement"? In this chapter, you will hear the story of Yolanda Smith, one of the 14 Remarkable Women, who describes her first encounter with the CEO at her company and how she blew the opportunity to shine. She describes how she developed her personal brand statement and in her "Mentoring Moments" she guides you to develop your personal brand statement too!

Why, Mentoring Moments?

As the managing editor of the book, Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success, I wanted to ensure that women of all ages, in all aspects of their career, had the tools they needed to have the right mentoring conversations. This book is all about 14 remarkable women who had challenges and ultimately successes in their careers. You will learn how they overcame those challenges and how you can overcome yours to achieve your own successes.

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