Authorpreneur Dashboard – Cathy Caswell

Cathy  Caswell

Logosynthesis: Enjoying Life More Fully


When routines are busy and demands are urgent, it can be difficult to create a space to focus on what is important and gives meaning to our lives. In the moment, our desire to breathe deeply and relax is overruled by our belief that we need to control, to change or to act on the situation. We need to fix things. The habitual, patterned behavior contains energy that damages our relationships and limits our opportunities. Because this energy is bound in our beliefs, we know that we are right and that others need to change. As pressure builds, tensions increase. In Logosynthesis: Enjoying Life More Fully, the author illustrates her personal development journey to find a tool to help her let go of the energy in her beliefs so that she could find peace and contentment, not by leaving behind, but rather reconnecting with the important things in her life. This book shares her discovery of Logosynthesis, as both an eloquent philosophy and an effective, self-coachable technique. As she worked with the tool on her own and with friends, she noticed a shift. Rather than constantly reacting to her past experiences and cultural beliefs, she was able let go of the energy that controlled her behaviour and create a more productive environment, at work, at home and in her community. The book captures her introduction to Logosynthesis. The intriguing journey continues.

Book Bubbles from Logosynthesis: Enjoying Life More Fully


It is empowering to be able to learn one simple, repeatable technique to resolve our own issues and concerns. It continues to amaze me that I can start with asking someone 'What bothers you?', guide them through this simple process and hear them say at the end that it no longer bothers them. The technique is simple, the philosophy is compassionate.

The results amaze me!

I have met many people who work with Logosynthesis for personal development and to support clients for healing and development. The results always amaze me! This technique starts with recognizing the presenting issue, applies the simple process and then rates the new level of distress. It is powerful to observe the shift from high to low distress. As I resolve my triggers and let go of my reactions, I sense calm. The technique is simple. The philosophy is beautiful. I share my work to help others understand the potential!

Understanding will come.

Dr. Willem Lammers discovered Logosynthesis based on a forty year career of healing and development. The philosophy is beautiful and compassionate. The technique is simple yet powerful. The work is new and not yet understood. The understanding will come as we share our learnings with those who are curious about the magic of the method.

We don't need to wait to make changes!

When I was introduced to this topic, it sparked a deep curiosity and connection. I continue to be amazed and committed to sharing this work so others can learn and experience the beauty of the work. Logosynthesis®, developed by Dr. Willem Lammers, is based on learnings from a 40 year career in healing and development. Through training seminars, the work has expanded through an international group of professional psychologists, psychotherapists, coaches and counsellors. It is now supported through Logosynthesis International Association (LIA) for certification to maintain the quality of this beautiful method.

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