Authorpreneur Dashboard – Tom Boomershine

Tom  Boomershine

After Ever After


How do you find and keep the love of a lifetime? Are you tired of feeling lonely? Have you been looking for love but it’s been “in all the wrong places?” Have you found love but lost it and wonder if you will ever be able to love again? “After Ever After,” you will give you the tools you need to help you find and keep the love of a lifetime. With humor, straight talk, poignant stories and more than ten exercises, Tom Boomershine shows how to prepare yourself for a long term relationship. You’ll discover where good places to look for love are, how to wait for the right time to have sex and what to do with your partner once you’ve found him or her. “After Ever After” will prepare you to get lucky-not just for a night, but forever.

Book Bubbles from After Ever After

A Highly Interactive Book

When writing "After Ever After," I wanted to create multiple ways of interacting with the book. It includes references and links to the music I was hearing in my head when writing and the articles I read while doing research. There are exercises throughout the book to help the reader gain insight into him or herself as well as the principles and ideas I suggest. All of this is an effort to create a 21st century book that is more than words on pages but an immersive experience for the reader.

The Inspiration for "After Ever After"

Many friends, acquaintances and strangers have asked my wife and me, "You look so happy together! Are you newlyweds?" After we tell them we've been married for 18 years, they ask, "How do you do it?" Watching so many people struggle in their most important relationship, having had our own struggles and finally achieving a great relationship with each other, my wife, Winter and I wanted to share our secret sauce. My life purpose is to increase the health, wellness and joy for everyone in life. Given my purpose and peoples' constant questioning, it seemed like the place to start writing was at home; mine and yours. My aspiration is that all my readers will be able to increase their health, wellness and joy in life and...find and keep the love of their lifetime.

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