AN EXPOSÉ ON DARK AGENDAS AND HOW PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING BACK The Truth has been hidden from us while a global policy of mass depopulation and exploitation has been carried out behind the scenes for the past half-century. The author, an independent journalist, became aware of this agenda only in the past few years. She found it hard to believe, but in-depth research and the testimony of whistleblowers worldwide have exposed these strategies. They include geoengineering (chemtrails), fluoridation of water supplies, GMOs, vaccinations, false flag terrorist attacks, and economic warfare by the group David Wilcock calls the Cabal. However, despite this grim reality, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. Tribunals are being established to prosecute elite offenders; revelations of hidden technology like free-energy and new economic models are being put forth. The author shows how humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings and charts the course of our elevation of consciousness. MASS AWAKENING gives us all real hope for an amazing future. Mass Awakening is Shoshi Herscu’s well researched and yet profoundly personal handling of intensely shocking material, rarely covered in print. It is both a true inspiration and a much- needed breath of fresh air. Ada Tourtsakis
Book Bubbles from Mass Awakening Undo
I searched for information and read what Alon Dahan, PhD has written about Agenda 21 in Hebrew and its connection to the NGOs, which are replacing the government’s agencies and their role in managing the problem these infiltrators present. I started investigating this particular topic in Israel, but found out that it’s a global phenomenon. Many NGOs (funded by foreign governments and foundations) are doing everything in their power to maintain these immigrants, who terrorize the local Jewish population in Israel and maintain their status by utilizing the court system. The local Israeli populace have become refugees in their own country (as Oslo, Norway became the rape capital of Europe after a massive emigration from Africa and the Middle East), and are often required to vacate their houses in Southern Tel Aviv. I surmise that this is an orchestrated immigration to Israel, resembling that from Syria and Africa to Europe and the U.S., is to destroy the Western countries and those aligned with them from within.
This topic was totally suppressed in Israel when I began researching this topic in 2017 (while writing the book Mass Awakening), and some activists were aggressively intimidated and were even afraid to speak with me about their investigation into the forced installation of smart meters. There would be no hiding from it. How are smart cities connected to 5G? Read more here:
You can see here how a robot/AI openly says that she wants to destroy humans (The Pulse | CNBC – the scientist guides the robot what to say, but it says it wants to destroy humans and he’s denying this…). See here Stephen Hawking also warns of such scenario that when artificial intelligence becomes too clever, it can literally wipe out humanity.
In most of these cases, the massive profits for human slavery, sexual slavery, and free labor for the negative alien agenda (NAA) is involved. David Wilcock corroborates this: The Dark Fleet is a human-based group, but they work side by side with the Draco, helping them fight their enemies. This faction is more into human trafficking and the trafficking of genetic materials from Earth.
How would our world be like if we lived by this notion? First, I would like to share more information about this word here: How our world would look if we all felt this way about each other? It would really become what Louis Armstrong sang about a few decades ago in his song What a Wonderful World. What a Wonderful World Song by Louis Armstrong I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and for you And I think to myself What a wonderful world I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed days, dark sacred nights And I think to myself What a wonderful world The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands, saying, "How do you do?" They're really sayin', "I love you" I hear babies cry, I watch them grow They'll learn much more than I'll never know And I think to myself What a wonderful world Yes, I think to myself What a wonderful world Oh, yes
Nikola Tesla was an outstanding Serbian engineer and inventor who had a deep understanding of the universe. He believed that the universe was made up of energy and that all energy vibrated at different frequencies which could be used to control both energy and matter ( Tesla’s quote, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration,” His most famous attempt to provide free energy to all points on the globe was his World Power System (his WardenClyffe Tower), which is a method of broadcasting electrical energy wirelessly through the ground.
But today we are witnessing a breakdown of that control by the Elite. This suppressed technology is being released because they can no longer hide it from us, given all the whistleblower disclosures of late.
As this horrific practice is being exposed, this is leading to the great awakening of humanity. Luciferianism is also referred to as Satanism. To understand how prevalent this religion is, Elizabeth Wilcock describes a discussion she overheard of a mother scolding her child for wanting to go to the bathroom [alone]. This mother explained her child about child trafficking! This is our reality of children being trafficked for ritual sacrifices, pedophilia, sex trafficking, and other gruesome crimes committed against them. She was shocked of what she overheard: “People steal children and make them do bad things, so you can’t go off alone in public places. I have to be with you.” (from the article entitled Who Controls the World The cited text from the book is from a site that is no longer available: Please watch this very recent video on this topic to be more informed on this topic:
It’s the one hundredth monkey effect on our collective consciousness. “The Shift is the awakening of humanity’s heart. This transformation of consciousness, the greatest one ever recorded, first became apparent in the mid-1960s and has been building momentum ever since. The Shift is a collective transformation consisting of the sum of each individual’s step into the New Reality. Each person, in their own time, is moving forward into a stage of consciousness which brings a wider vista and an awareness which springs from the heart. When enough people’s primary attention becomes focused through their heart chakras, then the ‘hundredth monkey effect’ will occur.” (
When people unite and reject these nefarious plans, the so-called global elites, or "the powers that shouldn't be", they are likely to put them on hold or require them to go on defense, requiring them to change them. See what happened with the WHO pandemic treaty and the massive backlash it got worldwide. Yes, the IHR were passed unanimously in four hours. However, they know that we're onto them. In order to stop their "great reset" and not allow their tyrannical, diabolical one world government rule the world, please take a moment to sign this petition. I already signed this petition. I'll cite from this petition: "We will resist any mandates coming from the United Nations and all its partners and affiliates, including but not limited to the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, World Bank, the G-20, the Bank of International Settlements, the Chinese Communist Party, as well as pseudo-philanthropic private entities, Big Pharma and Big Tech. We call on the nations of the world to repudiate and withdraw from these unelected, unaccountable supranational bodies and networks."
In recent months, as I do my research for the upcoming article which discusses whether earth is a game, I came across so many testimonies of near death experiencers, channelers, and other sources who provide fascinating and mindblowing information about this influx of energy that elevates consciousness worldwide. One of these incredible sources is Franco Romero, a psychic medium, channeler, and spiritual coach, and he shared his insights in an interview with Emilio Ortiz (You can watch it here: In this interview, he, like many others, revealed that earth is flooded with 5D energies that raises humanity's consciousness which will result in the 3D ending and it's not going to take thousands of years or 100 years to end. This process will take 3 to 5 years. Hang in there. We're making it!
Former Japanese Minister, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, apologized before the masses in a protest against the WHO Pandemic Treaty admitting that he got an aggressive cancer which caused him to lose all hair after receiving three doses of the Covid jabs, two of them lethal. The crimes against humanity perpetrated by the evil forces controlling earth, or the "Powers that shouldn't be", are being exposed to the masses despite their huge efforts to curtail these revelations. So we must continue speaking out the truth, exposing the lies and crimes against humanity, no matter what! Japanese Minister apologies for mass deaths during huge protest against the WHO. Copy paste this URL to your browser to watch his speech with subtitles in English: As a consequence of our resistance by all means we have, more eyes are being open which will lead the Global Elites’ demise. Thus, the 1% of this world’s population—probably much less—will be unable to rule the awakened populace anymore. They will lose their power; they know it, and they’re fighting back.
The "Powers that shouldn't be" would like us to think that we are losing the struggle for our personal sovereignty of our bodies, health, what to think and what information or food we consume. However, people are awakening worldwide and the resistance to the rule of the oligarchs who controlled earth for many millennia - whether it's the WHO pandemic treaty and IHR or the fight of the farmers – is growing. More people are awakening by the day and we are making it. They are being exposed as never before which will eventually lead to their demise. Please check The Road to Geneva initiative to fight the WHO in their "home" base
Often, I find myself feeling desperate as I'm surrounded by totally unawakened ones. It's frustrating to watch this and feel that things will never improve for humanity and earth. However, this week, especially in the last couple of days, I saw amazing activists from all walks of life all over the world fighting and resisting the horrific WHO's Pandemic Treaty. I watched amazing people collaborating with one another not only to thrawt something which is disastrous to humanity but also to create a better world, as the WHO together with the other U.N.'s tentacles are exposed to the masses.
I know that this question is explosive but we need to ask it to know who is capable of such heinous crimes against humanity. Read what this very brave whistleblower reveals about the false flag attacks in the U.S. alone. This is what a former CIA officer, David Steele, says about false flag attacks in the US: “Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. And October 7 terrorist attack in Israel was also a false flag attack according to so many Israeli officers and observers. I discussed it with Jason Shurka a month after the attack where I connected the dots. You can watch it here:
This is depopulation of this planet and its plans to accomplish this objective, which are detailed in Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. It is often said that the “truth is hidden in plain sight.” Whether "the powers that shouldn't be" expose their plans in movies, on TV, Netflix, "educational" content for children, it's been shown to us right in our faces.
According to Barry Diller, the former chairman and CEO of two Hollywood studios, Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox, declared in an interview with NPR that the film industry is dead. Any awakened person is aware that this industry is yet another means of mind control of the masses together with TV, newspaprs, and social media among many others. So to hear Diller saying that "The movie business is over," in this interview is great news for the awakened ones. Not only is there a significant decline in ticket sales and increasing closure of movie theaters but also the quality of movies produced today is much lower than in the 1970 and 1980s, according to him.
This is done on purpose. This is not a coincidence. Our debt-based financial system is designed this way by the "Powers that shouldn't be" to further enslave us. But what happens if this “debt slave” financial system can’t sustain itself anymore, as the Elite lose more and more control? I'm currently writing specifically about all our systems, including the financial, education, healthcare, governance and more. Please stay tuned for my upcoming article.
It should be emphasized that the “controllers” or “the powers that be” are above the law under the current legal system. These tribunals include the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (https://, the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (, established by Kevin Annett. Their purpose is (1) “to lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions.” (as cited in the introduction).
Charlotte Iserbyt in her book entitled The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America 6, which is also applicable to the rest of the world, presents the “controllers” or “globalists” agenda as shaping a future intended to produce servile automatons ruled over by a fully educated, aware elite class 7. Suzanne Meier in her book Becoming Human Again delves into the issue of dumbing down humanity by using a wide range of methods to distract us from what’s really happening in the world. Thus, we are unaware of and can’t resist any part of their agenda (like Agenda 21) implemented by these “powers that be.”
Facial recognition cameras, mandated biometric IDs and passports, and other means of surveillance online are only few examples of how governments are spying on their citizens. Years ago when I travelled in Australia, I spotted the large number of surveillance cameras in all its cities. I didn’t know back then that it was one of the “5-Eye Nations.” To me it was strange, as Australia is supposed to be a democracy. So I asked others why there were so many surveillance cameras here? People told me that it’s for “security reasons,” but Australia wasn’t exactly a terrorist hotspot. While I wasn’t convinced by this explanation, I didn’t investigate further. You can detect when governments spy on their citizens when the word "smart" is being used. People feel that they are being flattered to use "smart" gadgets. But in fact this is only intended to lure people to be under constant surveillance and suffer from massive radiation. Take, for example, the "smart home" that people were locked outside it because they were overheard to say things which go against the official narrative. Smart meters and smartphone are yet another example of such pervasive surveillance that people aren't aware of or prefer to dismiss, ignore.
The feeling of loneliness was probably the worst part of awakening. It overshadowed all the feelings that flooded me during my awakening to the truths on our reality. Being unable to speak to anyone because these truths on our reality are so hard to grasp. They are so remote from anything we were taught to believe: trust the government, trust the authorities, obey authority figures (such as doctors, militrary etc.) without questioning anything. It is especially hard if your family is very compliant like mine. What was your experience with the awakening? What was the worst part for you?
Recent events have showcased a profound awakening among humanity, as individuals worldwide are increasingly recognizing their collective power and responsibility for shaping the future of humanity. Take the farmers in the EU who fight the evil oligarchs controlling their governments. The general population supports their struggle despite the governments' attempts to demonize the farmers. Without the farmers, we're all gone. This awakening is characterized by a growing sense of commitment to creating positive change on a global scale, whether it's about becoming self-sufficient, growing your own food, becoming well-informed on many suppressed topics. One significant aspect of this awakening is the realization that each of us holds the power to effect meaningful change in the world. This sentiment is encapsulated in the phrase "We're the ones we've been waiting for," or "We're our own saviors". People step into leadership roles exposing the truth about crimes committed against humanity during the Covid plandemic like Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich who was Illegally kidnapped in Mexico and brought to trial to Germany. He's being persecuted for exposing what really happened during this time and that it wasn't about a pandemic at all. Social media also have played a crucial role in amplifying these voices and connecting like-minded individuals across geographical and cultural boundaries leveraging technology to mobilize for change and challenge entrenched power structures. As we continue on this journey of collective awakening, it's essential to cultivate discernment, willingness to ask questions, and suspect anything that comes from the regime and its minions.
As today these top-level elite controllers cannot be prosecuted for these crimes in regular courts (those are intended for us, the people). Designated tribunals are being established for this purpose (especially human and child trafficking and ritual sacrifices). “To all people of good will and to all our affiliates we ask you to not forget that despite this victory the Ninth Circle killings will continue, and our efforts must therefore never slacken. We welcome the flood of new volunteers into our ranks and urge them to undergo our common law Sheriff training programs to equip them to stop once and for all the torture and killing of our children, and those responsible.” ( These tribunals include the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (https://, the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (, established by Kevin Annett.
You can even spot these awakening signs in whatever mainstream or alternative media you follow, although you may need to see through the disinformation presented there. Not only can you see this mass awakening, as well as pushback against the nefarious agendas being pushed on the masses, but it happens despite the massive censorship of dissenting voices which to me it's like a miracle. You can see the farmers' pushback across Europe raging for months now. All the truth and nothing but the truth will free us.
I would say this is the number 1 reason why the unawakened 'refuse' to awaken to the truth even though it stares us in our faces. I had days that I was numb with pain, disbelief, and total shock from my discoveries of over 800 FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Camps in the US, which are unmarked concentration camps. I could see a guillotine with Google Earth and Americans started asking on Facebook why the army purchased 30,000 guillotines! (Of course Wikipedia dismisses such reports as conspiracy theories). But according to a recent interview with Franco Romero, a renowned psychic medium and a bestseller author, 2025 is the year that the suppressed truth on many topics will be revealed to the masses not by governments, of course, but they will be able to see with their own eyes. The truth will not be concealed anymore. You can watch this terrific interview here (copy paste the URL to your browser to watch it): Please stay tuned for my upcoming article about the topic Is Earth a Game?
First, we need to become aware that music, as all forms of art, are being weaponized against us. Does Marina Abramovic make "art"? Everything is inverted in our reality. Certain music is more prone to such intervention than others. I was devastated to find out that it is indeed true and that perhaps I’d need to stop listening to my favorite music, electronica, trance or as it is also called EDM – Electronic Dance Music – which is considered easy to be manipulated and contains embedded subliminal messages. From this time on, I realized that I have to search for other types music, because music is an inherent part of my life. I can’t just give it up. So I found great acoustic music in 432Hz (acoustic guitar) and other pitches like 528Hz which is the love vibration or the “miracle tone”, and independent musicians in different styles of music from all over the world. There are increasingly more meditations and music that are being uploaded to after being converted from 440 Hz to 432 Hz or other beneficial frequencies to human mind. You can use the Audacity software to convert music to 432Hz pitch.
I don't know if you recall what happened at schools when they were closed and in neighborhoods during lockdowns that after we were "allowed" to go out of our homes, some of us noticed many more antennas and cell towers erected during this period of time. Could it be that this was the reason for the lockdowns? And here's what happened to me while using a smartphone. I remember that a few years ago my ear would burn from the heat emitted from my mobile phone in just a few minutes. I also got a serious headache when I pressed the device to my head. I didn’t know back then that there are so many health problems associated with the use of mobile phones in general. Therefore, immediately after purchasing a simple mobile phone (not a smartphone), I returned to the mobile services provider that I bought this phone from and asked them to replace it with a device that “won’t give me severe headaches in less than 5 minutes of talking on the phone.” Needless to say, they didn’t have such a cell phone. Have you experienced something like this, too?
How do I know this? Look at the famers' protest all over Europe and everyone around the world is looking at them because if there are no farmers, there's no food and we'll all be gone. They are the ones doing the hard work to feed us all. And there's something else. From many predictions that I've watched about 2024, they predict more or less the same thing. 2024 is the year of the revolution, especially the first four months of the year. But this is only the beginning of a greater revolution of humanity taking back its power from the power hungry parasites that still have control of this earth and humanity. But not for long. We're at the beginning of a 20-year period in which our world will change and be unrecognized in 2044. Hang in there! To the victory of the light soon!
The parasitic controllers, or so-called Elites state their clear intentions for humanity in plain sight. See Georgia Guidestones (which was blown up in July 2022): “The Georgia Guidestones is a mysterious monument on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason.”). The first commandment: Maintaining the world population under 500 million people.” There are over 800 FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Camps in the US (in the U.S. alone), which are unmarked concentration camps. The question is why were these camps built? For what purpose? I could see a guillotine with Google Earth and Americans started asking on Facebook why the army purchased 30,000 guillotines! What I saw back then in 2017 had probably been removed from Google Earth by now. But you get the message. It's not a "theory" but very real….
They hide these technologies in plain sight as they present those, which have already been invented, in “science fiction” movies. “Our Science Fiction reality.” Think about such Hollywood films for a moment: “Clones and cloning in Avatar; “Jurassic Park – cloning animals; Genesis II – underground genetics laboratories that are connected by tube shuttles; Terminal Man – brain stem implants; Star Trek – various items.” 23
This was done so that “we humans,” as a species, would be vulnerable and accept their different mind control programs, which are compelling us to behave in ways that are highly destructive to us and to our planet. This lower vibrational modality maintains our controlled and illusionary reality.
Look around you and see how many people have awakened since the plandemic, how many people joined forces in exposing the truth on suppressed information. I can attest to this from what I see here in Israel where people admit that they've started awakening during the plandemic. Others have awakened after the onslaught on October 7, 2023 after which those who still trusted the government (especially, people who served as officers and sensitive positions in the army) have awakened as a result of the blatant lies about this event. Now, in the midst of a war, how conveniently, the government and the army started investigating themselves about this massacre and passing tyrannical legislation without any oversight to break into our private electronic devices and change their contents to their liking.
No one has taught us about our creative powers to create whatever we wish for, whatever reality we desire, by our thoughts, words and deeds. So we believe that we are powerless in this viscous world that we live in. But the Cabal, dark controllers, or parasites, are definitely aware of these powers and use them to the detriment of humanity, to create a hellish version of our world. "“The controllers” (the powers that be, or team dark) harness this same collective psychic energy and direct for their own agendas. The means include global TV, movies, radio, and Internet, and the collective effect is unprecedented in history." (Mass Awakening, p. 44). Personal and collective sovereignty is the solution.
These soft disclosures by whistleblowers help thwart these horrific acts as it becomes harder for the perpetrators to continue performing their heinous acts. These acts are widespread among the parasitic elites, or dark controllers of this world, whethere it's the Vatican, among politicians and other upper echelons of society, which many are hidden from the knowledge of the common people. It is important to emphasize that though only a fraction of these crimes is disrupted, these activists manage to rescue some children and put these criminals on the defense where before they proceeded with impunity. Often, because of public awareness as the locations of the planned ritual sacrifices are announced to the public (information from 2017), it was discovered that the planned killings at these major sites were in fact postponed or relocated to elsewhere. The announcements to the public about these planned rituals were published in Rome, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Brussels and Geneva.
The President of the United States is also kept in the dark. There are twenty-one security clearance levels above the president of the U.S. 3 No matter who is elected, this person is only a tool of the Cabal and pledged to keep their secrets. He or she serves merely as a PR tool to make us think that we have a choice in our governance. I’m using the pronoun “we,” as this same deception applies to Israel and other countries with so-called free elections. That's reason why I talked against voting here in Israel before the last general elections. By voting, you indirectly and unconsciously give your consent to whatever evil doing the dark controllers will perpetrate on the common people after the general elections or other elections for "authorities", including municipalities.
Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, a Finnish physician who wrote and lectured on parapsychology and mind control (Wikipedia), expounded in a fascinating interview about the CIA’s plan for mind control, which was developed in the 1940s-1950s called MK-Ultra. This program’s goal was to find a doorway to human mind’s programming. The establishment (or “the controllers”), realized that it can’t implement MK-Ultra on such a large scale of seven billion people (it was implemented individually), so they decided that they need to start programming children at the youngest age as possible. Although the CIA stated that it stopped using MK-Ultra, it's still prevalent in the entertainment industry and in many aspects of our lives.
South Africa has joined Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, Estonia, Slovakia and Iceland in rejecting the WHO Pandemic 1c Treaty! Yesterday, November 30, 2023, was the last day to reject this criminal, tyrannical treaty. Over 41,000 Israelis signed the petition to leave the WHO organization. Eleven EU parliamentarians are formally challenging procedural failures in IHR amendments. Andy Biggs, United States Congressman, introduced Bill HR 79 (to defund and exit WHO). You can read more here:
"The Event" is characterized as an influx of energy that elevates consciousness worldwide. It allegedly will happen by solar flashes that are responsible for evolutionary changes on earth. “It will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet, which will be physical and nonphysical. On the nonphysical plane, there will be a ‘big wave of flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet.’ This energy will “permeate the earth and humanity, raising the frequencies of all living entities on the planet.”1 (
From the many sources that I've been gathering for months for the upcoming article discussing whether earth is a game, so much is happening behind the scenes, behind the veil that we aren't aware of. Only recently, I watched the last interview with "Ray" in which he said that the age of love is coming…. soon. I hear you when you say that we've heard this before. But I've never heard so many different sources saying the same thing although their timeline slightly differs. We are in the process of mass awakening which will end the rule of the evil ones. We are the 99%. Remember this. I'll elaborate more on everything here in my upcoming article.
6506148 B2, the original U.S. patent for the television, was named “Nervous System Manipulation By Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors.” ( Smartphones only do a better work at manipulating people's brains into a hypnotic state. Have you noticed how people are glued to their smartphones and cannot even hear you when you talk to them? That's how the "powers that be" hopefully, soon to be "the powers that were" control humanity even though they are less than 1% of the population. Why switching the brain’s function from the left side to the right side is so significant? This is very significant, as the brain’s left side is associated with intellectual skills for understand language in general, while the right side does not discern any incoming content, whether it contains words, images, or subliminal messages, which can be used to influence our subconscious concealed as “neutral” entertainment. This is the most effective tool to program the mind.
This disinformation campaign is a desperate effort to distract the populace from signs of a mass awakening of human consciousness and its dire consequences for these controllers. Human consciousness is rising, people are awakening to the truth of their connection to the greater whole of life and to each other and the self-empowerment that brings.
I've recently started following Kerry K who gives actual details about the ascension, or as it's also called "The Event". You can check out one of her recent videos here about the splitting of timelines and why awakened people feel alone and misunderstood more than usual despite their best intentions. According to her testimony, she – as well as others that I mentioned in one of my articles – has recently experienced this event and she shares more details. It's going to be a beautiful experience and not a negative one, as some people say. According to Prepare for Change, " “It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on Earth."
Today, people openly share information on the corruption and this genocidal agenda which makes it hard for “the Powers that Be” to rule. The plans of the evil Cabal are being exposed to the masses despite the incredible censorship of the truth which is called "fake news" to silence these brave people. So they are forced to switch between different plans: the plandemic, climate hoax and now pushing towards a global war or massive mayhem… So what do these evil ones do to thwart what is coming and the truth being revealed? They want to arrest journalists in Israel that "lower the nation morale". Most Israelis serve in the army so the dissenting voices are of former officers and observers who share their disbelief in the official narrative from their own experience that it could have never happened unless… Keep talking and sharing! You're the heroes of this era.
“Things are not getting worse; they are getting uncovered." We must hold each other tight to pull back the veil,” urges author and activist Adrienne Maree Brown. The revelations about the evil plans - C40, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, 15-minute cities among others - and false flags events are causing a massive shift in consciousness. How many people do you know around you who have awakened during the CV plandemic? And now, in Israel, I'm following testimonies of young people who served in the army and say that what had happened couldn't have happened… that the narrative is just impossible based on their own experience. More people are awakening because of their distrust in the top echelon which isn't only the government but other agencies and top ranks of the military. So be the glitch in the matrix and help awakened more people.
According to Mattias Desmet, a Belgian Professor of Clinical Psychology, he explained the social phenomena that we have all witnessed during the plandemic in his theory about mass formation psychosis. He wrote a book entitled the Psychology of Totalitarianism in which he explains how tyrannies are created and how it can be prevented. In his interview with James Corbett on The Corbett Report (on Rubmle below), he explained (not in these exact same words) that what we, the awakened ones, must continue talking, sharing and exposing the truth on our reality to be able to derail this genocidal agenda implemented worldwide. You can watch the entire episode here:
The Hundredth Monkey Effect is the spontaneous transfer of knowledge among a species when a certain number in individuals has acquired new action or idea ( It is not bound to physical barriers. It can happen when this idea reaches the 100th individual, 300 or 4 million people when such leap in awareness happens. Some say that if such an idea reaches 10 percent of the species, it’s sufficient to start this idea spreading like wildfire. What if this is how the great awakening occurs to humanity and enough people start questioning their beliefs about our reality? What are your thoughts about this? Please comment below.
Today, people openly share information on the corruption and this genocidal agenda which makes it hard for “the Powers that Be” to rule. Whether it’s the “Blade Runners” destroying the ULEZ cameras across the UK, the lawsuits against the WHO and other such entities for crimes against humanity, exposing the Cabal’s nefarious plans and their implementation, they are collapsing after millennia of ruling almost without any resistance. We are all doing this. Hang in there and continue sharing such information and other similar information.
Apart from the massive pushback against the parasites’ globalitarians depopulation and total enslavement plans like the amazing ULEZ ‘blade runners’, there are more indications that these scumbags are going down… despite the chaos we see in the world today. According to Kevin Smith (, he found out that “there are about 3,000 people in the world most directly complicit acting against a population of around 8 billion.” He refers to these people who are allegedly complicit in this fraud as the ‘Davos Clique’. But he also estimates that between 10 and 20% of people in the world have awakened to this agenda and there are possibly many more who will awaken to it soon. “He says that he was told by a whistle-blower that the original plan was to introduce the reset in 2050. This was brought forward to 2030 and then to now as some elements within this group became impatient. He says that he believes this being rushed through now is why they are making so many obvious mistakes that can be exploited.[…]He says that, if we fail, it could be the end of humanity, so we can’t fail.” ( Source for the excerpt by Kevin Smith:
The recent evidence for this in-fighting between the "good guys" and the "bad guys" comes from Hawaii where apparently the U.S. marines intercepted FEMA from burying missing people in a mass grave. Whistleblowers are increasingly coming out even from the WHO or the UN agencies exposing the corruption and their genocidal plans for humanity. If you follow Jason Shurka, he discusses about a secret organization TLS that fights the dark forces and allegedly, this organization lost 10% of the force in the fighting underground in Australia.
“It will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet, which will be physical and nonphysical. On the nonphysical plane, there will be a ‘big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet.’ This energy will “permeate the earth and humanity, raising the frequencies of all living entities on the planet.” (
This is a grassroot movement of people from all over the world who are exposing the truth on our reality and demanding that the whole truth about our reality to be fully exposed. Look how much is exposed about the global oligarchs, their plans for humanity, including their institutions such as the UN, the WHO pandemic treaty, the WEF, their mRNA jabs. It’s all coming out. They cannot control an awakened humanity, even if it’s only a part of humanity, they still cannot control us the way they did for millennia. They plan to bring back the mandates, masks, jabs, lockdowns in mid-September and we will continue to expose them. Please share this post far and wide as we need to awaken as many people as possible to thwart their plans.
From the information surfacing about the support given by FEMA and the Red Cross, not only was it insufficient to say the least, but they also blocked aid coming from outside Maui. It seems that native Hawaiians have never expected government agencies to help them and quickly organized a large-scale aid of their own carrying supplies by boats, including ready-to-eat meals, clothing, propane tanks, generators, and trash bags. They are helping themselves and retrieve the provisions from these boats to then distribute them to the survivors of these fires. This information is based on a Washington Post report on August 12, 2023.
You need to discern all information from all sources and do your own research. Most provide a combination of some truth, some disinfo, and misinfo. Suzanne Meier explains that most MSM is controlled by five corporations. Unfortunately, independent media is almost non-existent due to the crushing effects of the mega media powerhouses . . .
This is a brilliant speech about the problem of civil obedience by Howard Zinn, which reflects on so many issues brought up in this book and the importance of our mass awakening. Matt Damon reads the speech in this video:
If you’re skeptical that this is actually happening, you need to watch Vice President Kamala Harris blatantly stating this in her speech two weeks ago, on July 14, according to the White House, “reduce population” in an effort to combat climate change, but she meant to say “reduce pollution,”. Although MSM outlets, such as (please find attached the link to this article below this insight), belittle this incriminating statement as though it was a “shocking gaffe”, it was probably intentionally written for her to say this to her audience that applauded her!!!!! Here's the full citation: “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” Harris said, eliciting applause from the audience. “ ( )
Your personal reaction and unique perspective, even the pain and shock that you may experience while reading this book, may be the catalyst that triggers awareness in others even if you don’t speak with them. Your being is needed! You’re one of the “hundredth” monkeys whose consciousness will subliminally educate others. How many do we need to awaken to create the one hundredth monkey effect? The answer is a mere 10%, according to researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ( So, keep on spreading the truth on our reality, lightworkers and light warriors worldwide. We’re doing this together!
I believe there are few reasons why I was able to awaken while others are not seeing these signs at all. I intuitively stopped watching TV (tell-lie-vision is the more appropriate description), reading newspapers, listening to the radio and mainstream music for a few years (except for Coldplay which I love!).
These disclosures are going to shock everyone. The more awakened the general populace is, the better it is for everyone. So, we, “the truth seekers”, out there need to continue to expose the truth on our reality even if it seems that no one is listening. You can watch here a revelation from yesterday about Bill Gates, the “Mosquito King” (copy and paste the link to your browser)
Misinformation means the unintentional spreading of misleading information which today is pervasive, as uninformed bloggers unintentionally repeat the disinformation they hear on TV or other mainstream media outlets.
grounding daily by walking barefoot on the beach or on grass to discharge the static buildup of electricity, sunbathing, eating cilantro and wheatgrass, and taking natural dietary supplements like spirulina and chlorella to help the body remove the toxins, daily exercise, and meditations often twice a day
What Is “The Event”? “It will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet, which will be physical and nonphysical. On the nonphysical plane, there will be a ‘big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet.’ This energy will “permeate the earth and humanity, raising the frequencies of all living entities on the planet.” According to Veritas Galactic Sweden, this event will supposedly happen very fast and will take 15 minutes from the time of the Flash to the Event. It will not be announced before it happens. It will be “a complete surprise to everyone not in least to the Cabal. This can happen at any time. When it does we will feel a strong energy.” For me, the most encouraging part is that the Dark ones, including the Rothschild’s, Rockefellers’, Jesuits, and other Illuminati members (approximately 2,000 people) will be removed from power after “The Event”, according to Veritas Galactic Sweden. Some people have reported that they’ve already experienced “the event” since March 2018. They testified on these experiences on YouTube and other social media.
This message is dedicated to all the light workers, light warriors and world patriots out there who feel misunderstood, belittled, ridiculed, discredited and awkward in this strange reality we live in called life: You Are the "White Hats". Matt Kahn, an author, empathic healer and a spiritual teacher, talks about “the Love Commandos,” those people who are energetically sensitive and are here to anchor the new vibrations of love. So “here’s the love commando at your service.”
One World Government, or One World Order (interestingly, WORD completed this phrase for me while writing this insight), isn’t a conspiracy theory but very real. As the global oligarchs’ perpetrators of crimes against humanity and tyrants are increasingly being exposed to the masses, they accelerate their plans for depopulation and total control of humanity. You might want to check my last article about the CBDC, 15-minute cities (ghettoes), digital ID. These plans haven’t only been implemented in the past decade, as you might expect, but for decades. The US Government - together with other governments worldwide - through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corp, FEMA and the DHS has spent in excess of 12 trillion dollars building the massive, covert infrastructure for the coming One World Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years.
Agenda 21 – and the recent ones Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 – is a plan to depopulate 95% of the world population by 2030. It is promoted by the self-proclaimed elites as a way to “save the planet” and implemented by governments worldwide. Bill Gates even shared his view about how to achieve this goal by vaccinations and other means in a TedX lecture: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ( ). This genocidal agenda of humanity has already begun and there are many means implemented to achieve this goal, including chemtrails (or “Geoengineering”), vaccines, irradiated food, GMOs (Codex Alimentarius), smart meters, 5G deployment, fluoridation of the water. Lookup the WHO pandemic treaty to usher their plan to grab any remnant freedom that we still have now.
If you follow the news about the rollout of the CBDC, digital ID, 15-minute ghettoes and other measures which objective is to usher us into a technocratic nightmare, I hear you. I recently published an article about the CBDC entitled “CBDC & how to push back against it?” You can find it on Bing search engine. But don’t allow yourself to give into fear. The Cabal relies on scaring us to death, so we stop sharing this information to make it easier for them. Yes, I’m sorry about all the pain and suffering worldwide. Yesterday, I watched a video about Dutch farmers committing suicide because of the criminal measures taken against them by the Dutch government. Hang in there! Their disinformation campaign and rollout of this dystopia means we’re creating cracks in their wall of lies. You, reading and sharing this info, are the one creating the cracks through which light is helping in diminishing the darkness. Keep fighting!
As inconceivable it is to fathom, we’re in the midst of an incredible shift to what is called “New Earth”. We stay in our bodies. We don’t need to board alien spaceships for this. The only thing that changes is our consciousness. And the mass awakening to the truth on our reality is part of it. It's both scary and exciting to see the mass awakening of humanity these days. All emotions happen at once: feeling afraid, scared, hopeless and frustrated in one moment and then, being inspired by the so many brave and wise people worldwide. I know it’s scary as I’m the one who wrote about the rollout of the CBDC worldwide (if you haven’t read my last article about the CBDC please check out on my site, including the digital ID, and 15-minute cities.
For instance, there are twenty-one security clearance levels above the president of the U.S. 3 No matter who is elected, this person is only a tool of the Cabal and pledged to keep their secrets. He or she serves merely as a PR tool to make us think that we have a choice in our governance.
This disinformation campaign is a desperate effort to distract the populace from signs of a mass awakening of human consciousness and its dire consequences for these controllers. Human consciousness is rising, people are awakening to the truth of their connection to the greater whole of life and to each other and the self-empowerment that brings. As a consequence, our eyes are being open and we are demanding the full disclosure of these programs of control, which will lead the Global Elites’ demise. Thus, the 1% of this world’s population—probably much less—will be unable to rule the awakened populace anymore.
The most recent events that come to mind is about the earthquakes that occurred in Turkey in February. People started sharing photos of suspicious lights which were seen right before these earthquakes occurred. Not only people shared photos but also information about several western countries that shut their embassies or consulates right before this attack. People also discussed the unusual arrival of the warship USS Nitze suspecting it was equipped with HAARP which might have created the havoc in Turkey. Something similar to this happened in Mexico when I wrote this book in 2017. Same images which were removed, of course, from the face of the Internet.
Usually, the "powers that be" will dismiss such a statement by saying that it’s a “conspiracy theory” to suppress the truth about the depopulation of the world. However, it’s very real and done in so many ways. Governments worldwide are reducing the population on earth by all means possible and impossible, including vaccines, fluoridation, GMOs, smart meters and the list goes on. Recently, they even introduced electric buses, which are supposed to be “green” and environmentally friendly, but they spontaneously catch fire.
We will soon witness the realignment of the world’s financial system, with allotments to everyone on earth; there will be global humanitarian projects intended to end homelessness and hunger worldwide. We are heading into an amazingly bright future of joy, love, unity, and abundance for all, with free energy and the cleansing of the earth, oceans, and air worldwide. We will also be introduced to our extended family from different places on earth, inside the earth and from the stars. Everything has been set in motion for this amazing future.
It’s not Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Bibi Netanyahu, Biden or Putin who keep the control system worldwide. It’s the police forces, armies, those working in the judicial systems or government offices and others who maintain this control system despite the increase opposition from “we, the people” all over the world to this tyrannical control grid. Not everyone belongs to a secret society, but all want to make a living and unfortunately, they serve this enslavement system that also works against them and their loved ones.
He claims we will shift our collective frequency from 3D to 4D, and then to a 5D consciousness of love and harmony. And no, we’re not moving en masse to another planet, and please don’t believe this nonsense about boarding spaceships to be rescued from a catastrophe on earth. We’re staying right here in our bodies. The only thing that changes is our level of consciousness. We will move from a fear-based duality to love, unity and harmony.
As governments increasingly create their own CBDC, which will totally enslave humanity, there are counter attempts to stop this yet another crime against humanity by suggesting alternative solutions, or you may call them the antidot to CBDC. According to Dr. Richard Werner, a German economist who is a professor at the University of Southampton, who is a monetary and development economist, suggests debt-free money, which was used, in Winchester in England nearly 1000 years ago. Today, the banks are the ones creating money out of thin air by, among others, charging interest rate on loans for money they don’t really have… backed by nothing which is why it’s called fiat money, or currency. “Fiat money is a type of currency that is not backed by a commodity, such as gold or silver.” (Wikipedia) Watch the video entitled CBDCs - The Road To Total Digital Enslavement on Telegram/wideawakemedia which is a terrific channel. Dr. Richard Werner reveals the plan for total control from 5:09 minute mark.
I actually asked my neighbor to throw my TV device to the garbage can years ago. These medias are not intended to inform or entertain the public but are aimed at brainwashing (actual subliminal mind control) and distracting the populace from the truth of this massive control. These are the forces that keep them in ignorance.
What Is “The Event”? This is characterized as an influx of energy that elevates consciousness worldwide. David Wilcock spoke about solar flashes that are responsible for evolutionary changes on earth. Nothing disappears, he says; it just goes through evolutionary leaps. “It will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet, which will be physical and nonphysical. On the nonphysical plane, there will be a ‘big wave of flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet.’ This energy will “permeate the earth and humanity, raising the frequencies of all living entities on the planet.” (
The process of our mass awakening from this tyranny can be seen from many aspects. This great awakening of humanity can be witnessed by the growing non-compliance with governments “mandates”. Moreover, the truth about the dark agenda and those who perceive themselves as humanity’s overlords is revealed despite the massive censorship as most of the sources of information are controlled by the Cabal (Google search engine has a monopoly of searches online as it controls ninety percent of the market share). All the dark agendas and those pulling the strings behind the scenes are being exposed to the masses (check out my recent interview with Jason Shurka about the Black Nobility). Think of how many people you, the one who reads this post, know family members and friends who have awakened to the dark agenda in the last two-three years. You can even spot these awakening signs in whatever mainstream or alternative media you follow, although you may need to see through the disinformation presented there. All the truth and nothing but the truth will free us.
Other healing modalities that could help coping with the awakening to our true reality and living conditions include sunbathing, daily exercise, and meditating twice a day. Eating cilantro and wheatgrass, and taking natural dietary supplements like spirulina and chlorella to remove the toxins from the body can be beneficial.
The philosophy of the Ubuntu Movement is known as Contributionism. There is no use of money but “working together to create towns, cities, countries and lives overflowing with abundance, food, arts, music, sports, technology, health, leisure and infinite variety.” “The first stage of the ‘One Small Town’ initiative is to create food and income generating projects within a community, all run by the power of the community members. In the beginning stages these funds are funneled back into more produce and income generating projects, until eventually the town is self-sustaining & generating a sizable income through external sales.
No matter who is elected, they aren’t privy to the suppressed information, and they must follow the Cabal’s guidelines; otherwise, they would be taken out as it was done to Lincoln and JFK among others. It appears that the top ten clearance levels are supposedly based around “black” government projects such as the alien presence cover-up, underground alien bases, super soldiers, men in black, etc.
It's the beginning of the new world, new earth. It’s the dissolution of the evil matrix, and these “controllers” know it and are fighting back with ground wars and political terror, and weather control through hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis (from with HAARP technology covered earlier), and a threatened worldwide financial collapse. So whatever catastrophes you see in the world right now, know that they’re engineered, and a positive countercurrent is being created at the same time.
Despite the massive censorship on social media, truth seekers expose the real agendas of the Cabal, and the truth is reaching many sometimes millions worldwide. Joe Rogan that Spotify was about to remove his podcast from this platform didn’t do so and he’s still there awakening the masses is only one example. He’s not the only one. Each one of us can awaken someone, one at a time, in whatever way we resonate with and guided to.
For the full picture we need to look down and more specifically, inside the Earth. Perhaps Jules Verne’s science fiction novel Journey to the Center of the Earth from 1864 wasn’t just fiction after you read the testimonies from former military and SSP members (including filmed on videos). One of the main whistleblowers on this very suppressed topic is Corey Goode, who served for 20 years in an SSP, talks about his encounters with representatives of different races from the Agartha Network (inner earth).
Not only are these alien ultra-advanced technologies suppressed so that people continue collaborating with them, but also the full agenda is hidden. The question is why? According to testimonies from whistleblowers, it allegedly has to do with an alien directive to disconnect people from the “prime creator,” which some would call “the source.”
‘One Small Town’ initiative is the answer to the “great reset” dystopia plan of the Cabal. Instead of hell on earth, we can create heaven on earth in small communities. We can do this by creating food and income generating projects within a community, all run by the power of the community members. In the beginning stages these funds are funneled back into more produce and income generating projects, until eventually the town is self-sustaining & generating a sizable income through external sales.
David Wilcock described how Pete Peterson, who recently validated the testimonies of Corey Goode and William Tompkins on his program Cosmic Disclosure on the Gaia online video service, was rescued by “a stunning demonstration of public support.” Wilcock tells how the banks foreclosed on Pete’s house and laboratory and “have now stolen and destroyed over 2 million dollars worth of belongings for a house that was only worth about 300K. Bank agents emptied [it] to the bare walls.” But people stepped in and contributed $12,131 within a month when the target sum was $5,000.
Many new age groups and followers resist discussing the dark agenda and anything that is negative, even if it’s true, because it “lowers your vibration”. But this plays into the hands of the Cabal by stifling this mass awakening and prevent exposing their depopulation plan which they implement for decades. They are not aware, or perhaps don’t want to acknowledge, that truth is light, and it is one of the highest frequencies. The truth will prevail and to the victory of the light!
If you’re one of those who awakened to the truth about our reality, or “red-pilled”, awakening to the dark agenda, welcome to the club! Becoming aware of our real reality isn’t a pleasant or easy process, as you may be well aware of this. It is lonely because most people around you, if not all, are unawakened, and they think that perhaps you lost your mind. Maybe you often question your sanity, too. Perhaps you wish that you’ve never awakened to the truth about our reality. I hear you. I feel the same. Victor Oddo provides excellent tips on how to survive a spiritual, but these insights can also be applied to the awakening to the dark agenda. 1. Acceptance of who you are: super sensitive and emotional person. 2. Surround yourself with friends who support you, including friends on social media where you can meet like-minded, kind people and we all support each other during these hard times. 3. Being an empath takes a physical toll on us. Listen to your body, take a nap or rest if you feel drained. Be kind to yourself from every aspect of your being. 4. Use your intuition on how to deal with the awakening to the truth or with other people on a moment-to-moment basis.
If you’re one of those who awakened to the truth about our reality, or “red-pilled”, awakening to the dark agenda, welcome to the club! Becoming aware of our real reality isn’t a pleasant or easy process, as you may be well aware of this. It is lonely because most people around you, if not all, are unawakened, and they think that perhaps you lost your mind. Maybe you often question your sanity, too. Everything seems so fake, toxic; wherever and whatever you look at. I hear you. I feel the same. Victor Oddo provides excellent tips on how to survive this “awakening”. He’s referring to a spiritual awakening and not necessarily awakening to the dark agenda but his insights can be very useful. 1. Acceptance of who you are: super sensitive and emotional person. 2. Surround yourself with friends who support you, including friends on social media where you can meet like-minded, kind people and we all support each other during these hard times. 3. Being an empath takes a physical toll on us. Listen to your body, take a nap or rest if you feel drained. Be kind to yourself from every aspect of your being. 4. Use your intuition on how to deal with the awakening to the truth or with other people on a moment-to-moment basis.
It’s very important to inform the public about these horrendous crimes committed against children, and also against women and men to a lesser degree, since it makes parents more alert and helps them protect their children. These crimes are now being exposed, including symbols that help law enforcement agencies and others to see how they communicate and to alert parents. For example, a terrified mom recently “found a marking on a toy that was given to her 2-year-old daughter that alerted other pedophiles that the child was ‘ready for child sex trafficking’ after she recognized the symbol from leaked FBI documents published by Wikileaks, which outlined secret symbols used by pedophiles.” It is important to emphasize that though only a fraction of these crimes is disrupted, activists manage to rescue some children and put these criminals on the defense where before they proceeded with impunity.
This wonderful posting of an unknown source that I found on the Internet reflects this idea that the truth trickles out despite the massive censorship, disinformation (intentionally spreading false information) and misinformation (unintentionally spreading false information). I might add here that there is a dichotomy in my approach toward social media in general. I’m aware that the Elite created these platforms as instruments to serve their purposes. However, we “the people” turned it back on them to expose the lies and spread the truth about the Elite’s hidden agenda whether it’s by creating alternative popular free speech video sharing platforms such as Brighteon, Bitchute, and Rumble or many broadcasters who reveal the truth on multitude of suppressed topics worldwide.
There are many signs that the tide is turning and that the house of cards of the globalists is crumbling. The Georgia Guidestones monument was mysteriously destroyed in July this year. I don’t know who did this but all I know is that there was 24/7 security on this monument. Watch the awesome Christine Anderson, Germany member of the European Parliament, who bluntly told the parliament: “They lied to people. It was a huge lie.” You can also watch Alberta’s new Premier defying the WHO narrative by vowing “to End Government Relations With World Economic Forum and Destroy QR Code Database” ( These are only a few recent examples. You can find more. Hang in there and stay strong. To the victory of the light!
Sounds crazy, right? He [Corey Goode], who I consider to be one of the very few authentic sources, said that he would never go on such ventures again, says Justin Deschamps, on his blog Stillness in the Storm. [search for Corey Goode Meeting Draco/Reptilian on YouTube 0:41 second mark] “David Wilcock mentions the movie Jupiter Ascending, which is jam-packed with solar system history, the agenda of the Draco group (using humans as a food resource), and their use of human beings for life extension technology, and DNA hybridization programs. Corey and David saw the movie together during last year’s Consciousness Life Expo. Corey’s ‘frickin mind was blown’ by what was revealed in the film[…] David shows slides of a reptilian from the movie, saying that this might have been the reason why I was so shocked.
Yesterday, I had an interview about this particular topic with a very popular host in the alternative media in Israel. I showed him and the viewers that Israel, and all other countries in the world, are corporations. All the governance systems worldwide are one huge hoax, including the "elections" where you're actually choosing between one tyrant to another, or let's say choosing between one Cabal minion and another one. Haven't you noticed how everyone acted in the same manner during the last two-three years? In Israel, we are going to vote for the fifth or sixth time in three years and the momentum is for the majority not to vote in the upcoming elections. Voting in the elections gives our consent to whatever crimes and craziness the globalists planned for us. We need to ban the elections altogether and start building new systems which are for the benefit of "we, the people" worldwide.
Have you heard about the "Event" before? If this is new to you, this is a solar flash which will supposedly raise the consciousness of all humanity at once. From different sources, it may take about 10-15 minutes. Some people have already experienced it and shared their experiences on YouTube. Some claimed they received special abilities they didn't have before. According to the law of one, this is called the "harvest" when the wicked ones (mostly service to self) will be plucked from this earth, while those who are at least 51% service to others will remain and go on to New Earth. Hang in there. This is the darkest before dawn.
Today, I'm not even able to find truthful information on page 10... not only on Google but any other search engines, including "alternative" ones. But the suppression of information does not stop there. Shadowbanning happens also on alternative social platforms like Telegram where only up to 20% view posts. LinkedIn removes posts, too. And the list goes on and on. But I will not be silenced, and I urge you to speak up and expose the truth in whatever way you see fit and your talents. To the victory of the light!
You might say 'so what' if all their plans are exposed? The importance of this is that it leads to the mass awakening of humanity and when a certain percentage of humanity becomes aware of these plans, it becomes viral. It doesn’t require all humanity to awakened but only around 10%. The Cabal cannot control an awakened populace. Think about it: what if we knew about their plans about the plandemic, the lockdowns, the masks, pushing the Covid-19 jabs only a few months before it happened. Do you think they would have the same degree of success that they had? How many people do you know that have actually awakened to what is really happening in our world during this time in the last 2-3 years? That’s your answer. Awakening to the truth is a very painful process but it will lead us into a different reality, because we are creating the new earth… First of all, by not complying and resisting the global tyranny. You can see this even in perhaps the most tyrannical country in the world, except for North Korea, in China. Hang in there. I hear you. To the victory of the light!
There’s a popular saying: “We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for.” It’s true, and the worldwide paradigm shift today proves this adage. We’re our own saviors by awakening to the “real” reality and fighting to gain control of our lives and pressing for the disclosure of the truth of every dark agenda hidden from us, and reclaiming our inherent rights. We’re entitled to the “truth,” and together we will achieve this reckoning.
Why I was able to awaken while others are not seeing these signs at all. Have you ever had this thought how is it that you have awakened while so many friends, relatives, co-workers, colleagues, and acquaintances still seem to be oblivious to our true reality? There are many reasons for this and one of them is being open minded to entertain the thought that everything we've been taught was a lie. Moreover, if you’re like me, you probably want to know the truth and seek it which is a real challenge these days with the massive censorship, disinfo and misinfo both on MSM and alternative media, too. But you've awakened despite all these challenges and in the last two-three years millions and millions of people had awakened worldwide. Please share this message far and wide. Thank you!
Ritual sacrifices is the most horrific topic that totally devastated and threw me off balance when I first discovered this criminal activity. This is unfortunately closely related to pedophilias, as some abducted children may end up in this unspeakable ritual. With the accelerated rate of soft disclosures on both pedophilia and ritual sacrifice, the Elite Controllers, despite their efforts to hide these crimes, can no longer avoid disclosure—their crimes are becoming known and dealt with. The Vatican-run Ninth Circle cult has been forced more than once onto the defensive, and lives of the innocent have been saved whether in Switzerland, France or the Netherlands. Sometimes policemen collaborate with civilians to arrest these criminals.
Whether it's the Dutch farmers flinging manure on government buildings or blocking roads to fight "the great reset" which is actually about stealing their lands "under the guise" of a fabricated environmental crisis and the exposure of crimes against humanity committed by the Cabal by the masses, the great awakening is happening. The great awakening will defeat "the great reset". We are many. They are few. Hang in there!
We are living in historical times. It's both scary and exciting to see the mass awakening of humanity these days. Although it’s easy to believe that it’s all lost and the ‘great reset’ is happening; especially, when you see what’s going on in China, the Netherlands and many other places. However, according to Kevin Smith (, a whistle-blower told him that “the original plan was to introduce the reset in 2050. This was brought forward to 2030 and then to now as some elements within this group became impatient. He says that he believes this being rushed through now is why they are making so many obvious mistakes that can be exploited.” So many people have awakened during the last 2-3 years and many more continue to awaken. We are many millions worldwide and probably soon, billions worldwide. Hold the line. To the victory of the light!
Our DNA was tampered with so that “we humans,” as a species, would be vulnerable and accept their different mind control programs, which are compelling us to behave in ways that are highly destructive to us and to our planet.
The next “elections” in Israel is going to be held on November 1, 2022, and I already see the arguments about voting and not voting and creating a new party that would miraculously serve “we, the people” best interests. Well, this is a news flash for anyone who reads this and still thinks that we must vote so we elect the “lesser evil” out of two bad choices. If you still think so, you haven’t awakened yet to the fact that anyone who is “elected” is chosen by the elites, not us, the common people and serves their own nefarious goals and plans. You’ll observe this especially in the western world but not only. This is particularly evident after the last 2-3 years of the “plandemic”. If you vote, you only give legitimacy to a system that is working against us, to our detriment. Another tool to divide and conquer the general population.
If you asked yourself why it was so easy to impose lockdowns, masks, Covid-19 jabs, and vax certificates during the last two-three years, look at what was done to the general populace worldwide for decades and perhaps more. Then, you’ll realize that it’s not surprising. But fortunately, it seems that people in many countries are awakening to the agenda behind these measures.
According to different sources, we are rapidly approaching this cosmic event that would change everything. The Cabal and their minions would be gone after this event.
With all the massive disinformation, misinformation, and censorship it's hard to know what the truth is these days and how to discern. And yet, the truth will set us free. So educate yourself and others who are willing to listen and more will join this great awakening of humanity.
One of the recent revelations about this ongoing war to save humanity comes from an insider who goes by the name Gideon. In the last days, he exposed how the rollout of "great reset" plan, the social score system to replace the current financial system leading the total enslavement of humanity will occur worldwide; except for the 8 million "lucky" ones who are assigned the precious Sovereign class and be able to do anything while the rest will barely live and some - in the Q class - will be hunted down by various means. It's scary. I know. But we all need to continue fighting, exposing these heinous plans and crimes against humanity until the Cabal's final demise.
I know how hard it is to believe it, but they wouldn't have massively censored the truth on MSM platforms if their propaganda and brainwashing succeeded. And despite all these enormous efforts to suppress the truth, it is still getting out from everywhere including from the NWO's stronghold and blueprint for the entire world, China. Keep spreading the truth in whatever way you resonate with. To the victory of the light!
Have you noticed how many "sleepers" have awakened around you in the last two-three years? This is happening worldwide. The truth is surfacing even though the Cabal is doing everything to suppress it, including massive censorship, silencing doctors, scientists, and journalists. They know it that whatever they do will no longer succeed. We're heading our liberation from their tyranny, and they are facing their demise.
The signs are everywhere – both direct and indirect. We, the people worldwide, including in China, are exposing the Cabal's crimes against humanity in whatever means we can. Think about those courageous Chinese people who sent videos on what is going on in Shanghai. There are ongoing legal efforts to expose the horrific crimes against humanity that were committed in the last 2-3 years and then, to prosecute them. The mass awakening is evident in the huge number of people who started growing food even in plant pots (me included). Unfortunately, many people are awakening because of the CV injections injuries they suffer or the death of loved ones as a result of this jabbing campaign worldwide.
Today, we experience bifurcation. We either move to the globalists' transhumanism, AI, mass surveillance and control of every aspect of our life, hellish existence, or shift to new earth. we are all creating New Earth together. It's up to us. Without our consent, the globalists are done. Exposing their horrible plans for humanity and earth helps foils them. Never underestimate your power. Please share this information and other similar information to awaken as many people as we can at this pivotal time in history. We will prevail. Truth will prevail.
While humanity, as a collective, is ignorant of its own powers of creativity, the Cabal is very well aware of them and are using them against us, to our detriment. Instead of creating the world of our dreams, we're helping the Cabal create our own hell by watching and often believing the subliminal messages in films, MSM, press, and even on alternative media. Children are very susceptible to these messages, as well as adults. So, we must be very vigilant what content we follow. We can literally create heaven, or hell, on earth by the content we consume. Therefore, please mindful of that for you and your loved ones as much as you can.
It’s not only the collaboration of the agents from all the ABC soup agencies that the Cabal needs to control this world. The Cabal needs our compliance, from all humanity to be able to control and continue with their depopulation of this world unabetted. It’s up to us to share such information and awaken as many people as possible to raise our awareness. Without our consent, the Cabal will collapse very rapidly.
When I'm asked how new earth is going to look and feel like, it's hard to detach from our current reality that every aspect of our lives, whether it's food, the air that we breath, the soil... everything is intentionally poisoned and polluted. New earth is a new world that we all create collectively with our consciousness... I see it as the return to the garden of Eden. To purity, cleanliness of earth, food, soil, the air that we breath. We would live simple lives in small communities. We'll have access to ultra-advanced technologies whether it's med beds or free energy devices, replicators. I see humanity vibrating at a much higher frequency, highly spiritually evolved to match everything around us... It would be wonderful beyond words. The documentary movie The Secret talks about visualizing coupled with actions lead to desired results. Let's create New Earth together.
Today, we're experiencing the end of a spiritual war between good and evil. The light is winning regardless of what we experience at the moment worldwide. The Cabal pulls no stops now that it witnesses its demise. Many of their atrocious plans - that were and still are being exposed by insiders and whistleblowers - were prevented. The mass awakening of humanity also helps in preventing their horrific plans for us, “useless eaters”. Hold on. Over time, the chemtrails, injection campaigns, digital tyranny worldwide… you name it will fade away. We are in the process of creating new earth. It’s a rocky road but we have an amazing future before us.
We currently see a massive disinformation campaign both by censoring the truth, and anyone who doesn't reiterate the official narrative whether it's on the biggest search engine Google and now also Duck Duck Go or by "fact checkers" who are the gatekeepers; keeping the truth suppressed. This is happening because a mass awakening of humanity is happening globally which is bad news for the "black hats", or evil ones enslaving and terrorizing humanity. The demise of the dark overlords is approaching fast so they throw all their ammunition at us now. See it as a positive sign. They ruled earth for millennia and now it's their end. To the victory of the light soon.
It's not only the agents in secret services that keep the Cabal's system intact. We, as a collective, also help maintain this matrix of control. If we don't collaborate with their horrific agenda, this matrix will collapse on them. It's not easy because so many are unawakened but notice how many have awakened and are awakening in the last two years. Today I watched a brilliant video, and its powerful message was: Without the global digital social score, digital credentials, they cannot conduct the Great Reset! To the victory of the light!
The U.S. government alone has over 5000 patents for ultra-advanced technologies, including free energy and healing technologies. Who knows how many other patents are suppressed by world governments that if they become available, our world would be transformed almost overnight? You can read my last article about Med beds, the Jabs & “the Great Reset”. here
For everyone who thinks that intentional depopulation is a "conspiracy theory", a term invented by the CIA a few decades ago to silence those who expose the truth on our reality, you need to check the evidence. Even the UN admits this in its own projections. How could it be that suddenly the world population started declining? Think about the results of the last 'pandemic' of deaths and sickness caused by man-made injections. Not a virus that no one isolated or proved its existence.
This is a spiritual war and you, the one who follows such content, participates in it even if you're not aware of it. You're essential to this battle to free humanity from the tyranny that controlled earth for many millennia. By informing yourself and others, to the best of your ability, you make a difference. It's quite a lonely journey as we're scattered worldwide. But we're finding one another on social media or other means of communication. You are not alone! I, together with millions of real awakened ones, are with you in spirit. Hang in there!
If you wonder why we don't see all these arch-criminals of the Cabal and their stooges being prosecuted in the judicial system, the reason is, as you've probably became aware of, that they are above it. They cannot be prosecuted under this judicial system, which was designated for us, the 'common' people, and not for those self-proclaimed "elites". However, have you noticed that the celebrities and other 'dignitaries' kind of disappeared? The MSM shows us their old photos…. Why? Could it be that they are being prosecuted in military and other courts behind the scenes? I hope that this is the case.
Are you feeling despair seeing what is going on everywhere in the world? Does it all seem hopeless to you? Then don’t be! I know that it’s easier said than done but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes which most people aren’t even aware of, including awakened ones. Yes, there’s a spiritual and physical war waged against us by the Cabal, global self-proclaimed “elites”. But there’s also a counter war waged against them for humanity (check Jason Shurka’s and Gene Decode’s recent updates among others). From my talks with other researchers like Brad Olsen, many false flags and even CV-19 lockdowns that they planned haven’t happened at all or didn’t happen the way they did (according to Brad Olsen, they planned that the lockdowns would last for five years and not two!!!). These evil entities are being dealt with even though we don’t see it. Hang in there! To the victory of the light.
Have you noticed the signs that indicate we are experiencing the shift in consciousness of humanity? That even the unawakened ones start to awaken from their slumber in the last two years. All the false flags that we've all experienced in the last two years help unveil the matrix, manipulations, frauds, and crimes against humanity. They are all being revealed now. The Cabal's system is dying although it looks the opposite. To the victory of the light very soon.
I know how hard it is for you to continue sharing this information with those who aren't aware of the real agendas that are rolled out by the global elites. The backlash, rejection, ridiculing, and these blank stares that you get when you start talking about these topics. But I urge you not to give up. Some of those who weren't willing to hear anything about these topics two years ago, are willing and even eager to learn more about these topics today. Despite their cognitive dissonance when their beliefs are challenged, it might help them later cope with the revelations on our reality which is termed 'full disclosure'. I commend anyone who continues to talk about these topics because I know how hard it is. I hear you. We are doing it together. You're not alone!
The struggle between the dark and light forces is hidden, happening behind the scenes. All we see is the darkness and that it's increasing. However, if you open your mind to listen to those who put their lives and the lives of their loved ones at risk to expose the forces of the light fighting for humanity, you will literally see the light. For example, much is revealed in Jason Shurka's second interview with Ray. If you haven't watch it yet, please do so. So much is happening. We're swamped with disinfo, misinfo and distractions from all sides. But we will prevail. Good will prevail. We must hold the line.
Only exposing and sharing the truth on our reality will help awaken more and more people which will make it hard to impossible for the demonic global elites to rollout their horrific plans for humanity and will ultimately, lead to their demise. So each one of you reading this is important to the real revolution happening these days worldwide. It's a peaceful one creating a massive shift in consciousness which will lead us to New Earth and away from the fascist "Great Reset". Don't give up! We're all doing this together. Regroup but don't give up! Please share this message far and wide. Thank you.
Have you ever wondered why you, the one who reads this, awakened to the true reality and started doing your own research while so many around you are still hypnotized by the official narrative? You've come to the right place to explore this question. There are many reasons for this phenomenon and I'll briefly summarize them here: MSM in general, education and more is revealed in the book. Please check it out.
We, those whose eyes are wide open, are part of this movement exposing the truth on everything hidden from us. Don't underestimate your impact. It's there even if you don't see it instantly. We're all seeding the seeds of truth on our reality. We are making a difference even if we're currently being mocked, bashed, and even attacked. It's very hard to break the mind control that people absorbed for centuries and perhaps more. But we awakened to the truth and help awaken others despite the immense challenges we all face by doing this.
We see the masses awakening worldwide and it seems that Canadians are leading the way at the moment. Kudos to the Canadian truckers who started this incredible movement and everyone who joins their convoy. It's exciting and moving to see how people unite for freedom, supporting one another. This is a great indication that we are all taking our power back. Look at yourself in the mirror as you are the hero you've been waiting for. Anyone who shares this kind of messages and reveals the truth in every way you can. I salute you. Together, we're doing this!
I know that the pace of the mass awakening and taking back our power is frustrating. But if you think how much effort the Cabal made to dumb us down and be compliant, it's a miracle that this awakening is happening at all. We need to rejoice when we see the massive rallies for freedom worldwide and it's so moving to see the truckers' convoy in Canada and the U.S. truckers joining them. We, as humanity, have been enslaved without even realizing this for millennia. But we are taking back our power. We are doing it ourselves and affect others around us.
I know that wherever you are, you might feel alone and hopeless about what's going on in our current reality. Yes, we do face enormous challenges whether they are personal, financial, or psychological. I hear you. But you're not alone and we have the power to turn the tables on the Cabal. We need to remember that we're all in this together, we're the 99% and we will prevail!
There's a mass awakening happening now worldwide, and the "great reset" is being reset :) Read here:
“The Event” is a solar flash that will engulf Earth and raise human consciousness, and as a result our reality, in a very short time. You can check my article about this phenomenon.
See the truth of this saying around you. This mass awakening of humanity will lead to the end of tyranny worldwide. The Cabal cannot control an awakened populace and all the arch-criminals who commit crimes against humanity will be tried. Happy New 2022 everyone!
The mass awakening is happening worldwide due to the effort of the awakened ones to red pill the masses and the increased onslaught on humanity. You can see this in the huge rallies for freedom and local initiatives that replace the matrix system. This great awakening will lead to the Global Elites' demise in the not far away future.
The cabal's agenda has been in place for millennia, but there are signs that humanity worldwide is taking back its power, whether it's mass protests, civil disobedience or incompliance with the ridiculous CV mandates. Just remember that it's darkest before dawn.
There is no lack of free energy solutions out there. They are only being massively suppressed by the Cabal. However, all these patents will be revealed for the benefit of humanity when they finally collapse.
Today, the Cabal intensifies its war against humanity which goes hand in hand with their divide and conquer tactic. Today, the unjabbed rapidly become the "disease spreaders" as Jews were considered in Germany in 1933. But what if we turned it upside down and started seeing one another as a human being who is just like us, a part of the creator?
If you think that by casting your vote every four years, you make a choice that will benefit you and the rest of the citizens of your country, this is not the case.
Those who are awakened to the truth on our reality often feel alienated from their loved ones and literally, alone. But we are millions worldwide and perhaps soon, we'd be billions across the world. We find each other in our close environment or online. We're all in this together.
Despite the chaos that we see worldwide and that the war against humanity by the self-elected, so-called "Elites" intensifies, recently different sources, like Alex Collier, came forward and revealed that the pendulum is about to swing in favor of humanity very soon. Watch his epic recent talk from the last conference at Mount Shasta.
If you wonder what Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 are, then look no further. It's unfolding before your eyes under a guise of a global "pandemic". This is the Cabal's plan of decimating world population. However, at the same time, we are witnessing the mass awakening of humanity worldwide and they, the Cabal, will all be brought to trial, unlike after World War II that most criminals were rescued to the U.S. and Argentina... probably to other countries too.
Despite the enormous challenges that we all face in our lives at the moment, we need to remember that we're all in this together and that we're the 99% and we will prevail!
When I speak with truth seekers and awakened people worldwide, I feel their frustration with the majority of humanity that is still unawakened despite all the evidence that we live under a huge mind manipulation spell. It seems that most people didn't take the "red pill" and stay unconscious of the real reality. The question is why? Read here.
Don't look out for a savior, be it a President or another celebrity. Look in the mirror because you're your own savior. We, as a collective, "we the people" worldwide, are our own saviors.
The more the Cabal is engaging with disinformation and psy ops tactics, the more people they awaken. Soon, the 1% will be unable to control the 99%, we the people worldwide.
Ignorance is bliss only for a short time. In the long term, it's detrimental to humanity and we can see the results of this dumbing down of the masses worldwide.
Not only is the MSM controlled by the Cabal, but the alt media is also mostly controlled by the Powers that Be, soon to be the Powers that Were.
Anyone awakened who struggled, or struggles, financially knows that our banking system worldwide isn't there to help us thrive but make us buckle under a mountain of debt. What can you do when this system can no longer sustain itself? Read here.
These courts are established to prosecute the Powers that Be, or soon the Powers that Were, for their crimes against humanity and especially human trafficking and other heinous crimes.
Today, we're experiencing the end of a spiritual war between good and evil. The light is winning and will culminate in an allegedly cosmic event called "The Event". It's darkest before dawn. Hold on.
Despite the massive disinformation and misinformation on MSM, social and alternative media, the mass awakening of humanity is happening and leading to the demise of the Cabal.
If there is one thing that President Trump will be appreciated for one day, or even now by those who are aware of this, is his handling of the horrific human trafficking plaguing our world. This is huge. Only in the U.S., about 650,000 to 800,000 children "disappear" every year.
The Cabal's banking system, the stock exchange (among other financial means) help them exist and thrive while we, the people, are chained to this debt-slavery system. However, some countries are breaking away from this system.
For millennia, the Cabal controlled humanity unchallenged by controlling technology. It's no longer the case, as they can no longer hide it from us, given all the whistleblower disclosures of late.
Soon when all the super advanced technologies - which are currently hidden from us - will be revealed, our life will completely transform into a Star Trek reality, as Corey Goode called it.
Despite the suppression of truth and massive censorship of information that contradicts the official narrative, mainstream social media has helped to awaken me and probably millions of people worldwide. Today, we find alternative platforms to the mainstream social media like Telegram where we can discuss all the "forbidden" topics and help awaken more people, share information, and find like minded people. It's a spiritual war on our consciousness and the light is winning! To the victory of the light very soon!
We the people, humanity worldwide, needs to take back our power. No one is coming to save us. We are saving ourselves together with the efforts of the "white hats" worldwide which I'm grateful for everything they are doing for all of us.
Those of you who are reading this and are awakened will probably resonate with this sentiment of loneliness experienced when you awakened to the truth about our real reality - versus the "Matrix" reality. By the way, The Matrix isn't a movie but a documentary. And those who once ridiculed you might have awakened themselves over time. So you probably won't stay lonely for long.
As far fetched as it may sound, the UN had devised a long-term plan to depopulate the world. Are you familiar with Georgia Guidestones which states that the aim is to depopulate the world by various means so that only up to half a billion people will remain in the world? Last time I checked (June 24, 2021), there were 7.9 people in the world. How do they plan to depopulate so many people? Read here.
Not only is education dumbing down humanity since a very young age, television (tell a lie visually) is hypnotizing the masses in a way that makes it easy to program and control them.
Despite what might look exactly the opposite to this statement, the white hats are winning and humanity is awakening from its slumber for millennia of years and taking back its power from the dark controllers, the Cabal.
It's so exciting to see the mass awakening of humanity worldwide. This awakening together with the white hats fighting for our liberation from the grasp of the evil Cabal is leading to a magnificent future for everyone on earth. To the victory of the light very soon!
In order to control the masses, the dark controllers, Cabal, are dumbing down humanity. They dumb down the most vulnerable in our society: children. How they do it, among other means? By medicating them.
The "Powers that Be", the Cabal, are already becoming the "Powers that Were". They are being tried in military tribunals in the U.S. and perhaps in other countries too. They are imprisoned and executed. Their time of reckoning has come! Full disclosure of all the truth about crimes against humanity and our true reality is coming soon.
Those who are searching for the truth these days, might find it so challenging that it can feel like walking in a landmine field. So many lies and manipulation not only on the MSM, but also the alternative media. Nothing is as it seems.
There's an ongoing partial disclosure for a long time. As the mass awakening is quickening, disclosure exposing the truth on our reality will increase until it would culminate in full disclosure to the masses. The "Powers that Were", the Cabal, cannot stop what is coming!
To prosecute these arch-criminals and controllers, designated tribunals are being established and since the beginning of 2019, many of them had been tried in military tribunals. A lot is happening behind the scenes.
It's darkest before dawn and we're at the darkest moment now before the breakthrough, or what is called "The Event". This is a cosmic event that will elevate human consciousness worldwide from 3D to 5D. As unbelievable as it may sound, researchers both in the U.S. and Russia point to the same thing. There's a lot to look for.
You can spot the disclosure of truth even in the MSM, if you can see through their disinformation and manipulation. Full disclosure, which is all the truth about our reality, is what will free us from this control system.
People helping whistleblowers who are financially hit by the "Powers that Be" is another manifestation of the mass awakening worldwide. They actually provided more financial help than what the whistleblower asked for.
If you're awakened, you'll notice that during this plandemic this year most people complied with the government edicts unquestioning anything. They didn't intervene when they saw policemen beating up people who didn't wear a mask or wore it improperly. Often they sided with the abusers of power. The question is why? Why so few are awakened? Here's the answer.
The mass awakening of humanity worldwide will lead to the demise of the Cabal, global elites. The Cabal's disinformation campaign is their last ditch effort to win this battle against the light forces. However, they are losing and we will see their demise very soon.
Despite the craziness of the plandemic that we currently experience, we are heading a massive positive shift and future. A lot is happening behind the scenes that will transpire in the near future. Be strong in the meanwhile. Everything is going to be fine and actually, it's going to be magnificent.
The Cabal are doing whatever they can to stop the mass awakening, whether it's by disinformation campaign or pushing their Covid experimental gene therapy, among other means of depopulation. No, Covid19 is not a vaccine. However, they are failing.
In order for the Cabal to have total control of humanity and accept their different mind control programs, they've tampered with our genetic code.
The dumbing down of the population is a long-term process, including the so-called "education system", television (tell a lie visually) and the media in general, as well as the culture and political system. All these mechanisms lead to "undereducated . . . ask no questions and blindly trust whatever the current governmental administration decrees is best for the nation" (Suzanne Meier, Becoming Human Again).
There are many perspectives in the awakening movement. But one thing that they all might have in common is that we are our own saviors and we need to do whatever we can to awaken other people. The Cabal cannot control millions of awakened people.
Despite the massive efforts of the "powers that were" to hide the mass awakening of humanity, it's happening worldwide.
Since the beginning of his presidency, Donald Trump has done more than any president before him to curb the real epidemic: human trafficking.
Behind the scenes, there's a great spiritual war going on. It will be won on the physical realm first. In this 3D reality, we must take action to achieve whatever we want. We can't just sit and wait to be saved. We are our own saviors. We all have our own part to take and we can all help remove the dark Cabal from planet earth. For good.
New economic models that liberate us from the Cabal's debt-slavery system are being implemented worldwide. First, it's implemented on a small scale and then, everywhere.
Those who are awakened are frustrated that billions of people are not. But it doesn't require billions of awakened people to shutter the "matrix". The one hundredth monkey effect will work to awaken the masses if only 10% of humanity is awakened or even less.
The veil is lifting. All the hidden secrets and matrix of control are being revealed leading to the mass awakening of humanity globally.
There are many theories of how this spiritual transition to 5D, "New Earth", will happen. You may have heard about Dolores Cannon who described this transformation. I resonate with David Wilcock's perspective on how it will happen. Those who are "service to self", those who commit heinous crimes against humanity will be removed, while those who are "service to others", even if only 51% will remain on earth which will become, as unbelievable as it may sound, "heaven on earth".
I know it's hard to believe that we are shifting into a higher state of consciousness as a collective. However, despite and perhaps because of the draconian measures that governments impose on their people, it only exposes them as Cabal minions and awaken masses of people globally. There's a lot we can look forward unfolding in the coming months.
Despite censorship, shadow banning and suppression of information by the Big Tech companies, the cat is out of the bag. I, for example, had awakened after seeing alerts in my Facebook feed and received tons of information on these networks. And I'm not the only one. Moreover, today the blatant censorship on social media only exposes them as "dark hats" to the masses which helps accelerate the mass awakening globally. Thank you Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, YouTube, and Instagram for making the mass awakening increase even faster than in previous years.
The mass awakening worldwide can be noticed by the support people are willing to provide to whistleblowers who were hit by "the powers that be" soon to be "the powers that were".
If you want to see your savior, look in the mirror. There's no one else here to save us. Only we, the people, worldwide need to see this truth and act upon it. The quicker we realize this, the sooner we manifest a beautiful reality.
The dark forces expose suppressed information in plain sight as though it's "science fiction". But those who are awakened see the truth through their manipulation. The more the cabal is imposing draconian measures upon the general populace, the more people start questioning their reality.
In these chaotic times, you may think that this kind of saying is totally unreasonable. I hear you. But a lot is going on behind the scenes in preparation for this unbelievably positive future for all of us. No homelessness, no poverty, clean air, clean water and nutritious food. We need to be patient a little more.
It's a scary and chaotic time but on the other hand, there's a mass awakening happening and truth on what is hidden is being exposed leading to the shift in consciousness of humanity.
This is a spiritual war and it will be won first in the spiritual realm and then manifest in our physical reality. "The Event" is the moment in which everything will culminate and shift humanity into a higher level of consciousness. We are staying on earth, but our awareness about our reality will grow exponentially.
After the "shift" happens in the world, most people - those who are unaware of our true reality - will feel that their entire world crumbled before their eyes. They will be shocked by the revelations about every aspect of our reality. So it's vital to prep human consciousness to what is coming beforehand.
The Cabal, globalists, could not have controlled the masses unless they used a myriad of methods to dumb down the masses and mind control programs. This is one of the reasons for witnessing the masses willingly comply with the CV lockdowns worldwide and tyranny that we see spreading fast.
For centuries, or even longer, the Cabal maintained its control over humanity by having super advanced technology in their possession. But not for long, as the suppressed technologies are being exposed by many whistleblowers who come forward.
It will be a cosmic event that will happen worldwide. A positive event, not a negative one, a breakthrough for the planet.
There are many references to a mysterious phenomenon, a cosmic event which is called "The Event" that will completely transform life on earth literally in the blink of an eye. What is it? What will happen on earth as a result of "The Event"? Look no further. Here are more details.
There are many signs indicating that we're heading a major transformation of our society and reality as a whole. Here are some of these signs.
It's important that as many people become aware and awake to these topics to allow them time to absorb the enormity of what is hidden and perhaps lessen the shock when everything will be revealed or what is termed "Full Disclosure".
There are certain indications for the positive shift occurring worldwide. How do we, or you, know that it's underway? Look no further. Here are the signs.
With all the reports about the violent enforcement of house arrests that are misleadingly called "lockdowns" or "quarantines", there's a major positive transformation happening worldwide behind the scenes. Mind-blowing changes that will fully manifest within a few months. It's hard to believe, but I'm sharing evidence from reliable sources in my recent articles. The best is yet to come but we need stamina for the coming months.
The unaware general populace cannot fathom that so much is going on behind the scenes. Everything happens at the same time as the title of a famous movie goes: the good, the bad, and the ugly. But from different insider sources our world is about to change for the better within six months. We need stamina for the time being. I know it's hard. I hear you.
The rise in human consciousness, the mass awakening of humanity globally, will lead to full disclosure on the crimes against humanity, as well as technologies which will lead the Global Elites’ demise. Therefore, it will lead to the end of all wars, hunger, poverty, and homelessness. Yes, it is possible and we're in the last phase of this process of liberating earth from these dark forces.
If you think this war is ongoing only in the physical plane, you'll have a big surprise. There is a great spiritual war being fought behind the scenes. However, the closer we approach the culmination of this war, the more it can be observed by increasing number of people who awaken to our true reality.
Political leaders are there to give us an illusion that we have choice. However, as the late George Carlin said "You have no choice. You have owners". Trump, as well as other "leaders" worldwide, aren't privy to all information there is on so many topics. And it seems that general elections are a mere theater to give us this illusion. No matter who you vote in, it doesn't drastically improve the lives of "we the people" and people need to be aware of this.
Liberating earth involves many elements worldwide fighting the dark controllers behind the scenes to free humanity and earth. It's a massive effort and right now it's darkest before dawn.
This book exposes the dark agenda implemented for decades and even centuries. But it is mostly about the mass awakening of humanity globally from the tyranny we all experience worldwide, including the recent examples like the lockdown enforced last month or two months. It is about how people are fighting back offering hope for the future.
An Exposé on Dark Agendas and How People Are Fighting Back The truth has been hidden from us while a global policy of mass depopulation and exploitation has been carried out behind the scenes for the past half-century. The author, an investigative journalist, became aware of this agenda only in the past few years. She found it hard to believe, but in-depth research and the testimony of whistleblowers worldwide have exposed these strategies. They include geoengineering (chemtrails), fluoridation of water supplies, GMOs, vaccinations, false flag terrorist attacks, and economic warfare by the group David Wilcock calls the Cabal. However, despite this grim reality, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. Tribunals are being established to prosecute elite offenders; revelations of hidden technology like free-energy and new economic models are being put forth. The author shows how humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings and charts the course of our elevation of consciousness. MASS AWAKENING gives us all real hope for an amazing future. Mass Awakening is Shoshi Herscu's well researched and yet profoundly personal handling of intensely shocking material, rarely covered in print. It is both a true inspiration and a much- needed breath of fresh air. —Ada Tourtsakis
Book Bubbles from p1dmjbhv8a1emo16choc41vo5ang4
While the dark hats agenda has been in place for hundreds if not thousands of years, there are signs of hope—both physically and spiritually—that we are taking back our power.
Mass Awakening tells the author's story of personal awakening, as well as that of all humanity, to the massive deception of the world’s Elite controllers and their devastating agendas. It is an exposé on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future. The author, an investigative journalist, became aware of this agenda only in the past few years. She found it hard to believe, but in-depth research and the testimony of whistleblowers worldwide have exposed these strategies. They include geoengineering (chemtrails), fluoridation of water supplies, GMOs, vaccinations, false flag terrorist attacks, and economic warfare by the group David Wilcock calls the Cabal. But Mass Awakening is also a celebration of the unshackled human spirit’s quest to know “the truth” and rectify crimes against humanity. Despite this grim reality, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. Tribunals are being established to prosecute elite offenders; revelations of hidden technology like free-energy and new economic models are being put forth. The author shows how humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings and charts the course of our elevation of consciousness. It is a full disclosure book covering the Cabal’s depopulation agenda for the world, the dumbing of the masses, the mass awakening of humanity worldwide, the secret space programs, the global currency reset, The Event, and New Earth.
Book Bubbles from Mass Awakening Undo
Human consciousness is rising, people are awakening to the truth of their connection to the greater whole of life and to each other and the self-empowerment that brings. As a consequence, our eyes are being open and we are demanding the full disclosure of these programs of control, which will lead the Global Elites’ demise. Thus, the 1% of this world’s population—probably much less—will be unable to rule the awakened populace anymore.
Sharing information about the Cabal's plans exposes them and then, they are forced to change or delay them. Recently, we've seen that they had to temporarily backtrack from signing the amendments to the International Health Regulations proposed by the Biden administration after the massive backlash it created worldwide. The African countries saved the day by withholding their support to these 'reforms' while the wealthy countries like Australia, the UK, and the EU pushed to sign these amendments. It doesn't mean that we can rest on one's laurels. We need to constantly be vigilant and be on guard that our basic human rights aren't being taken away. So please continue sharing this and similar information far and wide because it makes a difference. Don't listen to the nay-sayers. Often, they aren't aware that they are unintentionally reinforcing the dark agenda. It's not over yet. They plan another convention to create an agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response to be held no later than August 1, 2022.
We are living in historical times. It's both scary and exciting to see the mass awakening of humanity these days. All emotions happen at once: feeling afraid, scared, hopeless and frustrated in one moment and then, being inspired by the so many brave and wise people worldwide. We are our own saviors. Yes, everyone will be saved and liberated from this tyranny, including Australia, China, Israel. You name it. I hear you. I feel the pain and excitement, too. I'm often anxious. But the next moment, I know that I'm not alone. We are many millions worldwide and probably soon, billions worldwide. Hold the line.
Although it's very hard to believe, many sources share that the QFS - Quantum Financial System - is coming very soon for the benefit of all humanity. It will cut off the Cabal of its financial means, of the current financial system, which will lead to their much anticipated demise.
Today, we're experiencing the end of a spiritual war between good and evil. The light is winning and will culminate in an allegedly cosmic event called "The Event". It's darkest before dawn. Hold on.
We currently see a massive disinformation campaign both in the mainstream and also alternative media (many alternative outlets are controlled by the Cabal that also control the MSM). Actually, there's a very positive reason for this. There's a mass awakening of humanity happening globally which is bad news for the "black hats", or evil ones terrorizing humanity. This is their last ditch attempt to thwart their downfall, as they will be unable to control an awakened populace to their agenda and manipulations anymore.
We’re now living in “the darkest hour before the dawn” of this mass awakening, although there is no definite date for the culmination of this process in what is being called “The Event.” It's a spiritual war fought both in the spiritual and physical realms and the incredible positive transformation of earth will manifest in the physical plane after the victory of the light forces.
For anyone who follows the media, whether it's MSM or alternative media, it seems that humanity and earth are doomed. We've recently experienced lockdown that quarantined healthy people (martial law in disguise), muzzled with facial mask and being required to social distance under the pretext it will save us from a deadly virus, despite its mortality rate is much lower than seasonal flu, and massive censorship. But beneath the surface something very positive is happening. The mass awakening of humanity has increased because of these enormous violations of human rights and lockdown that allowed people to reflect on and research topics that they wouldn't usually do. The white hats are rescuing children from tunnels and D.U.M.B.s and we are approaching an amazing transition worldwide.
Those agents who work for ABC soup agencies worldwide, including the CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6, Mossad, and many others, help keep the NWO/Cabal rule in place. If they leave and become whistleblowers, the Cabal will collapse very quickly.
It took me awhile until I was ready to accept that reality is much stranger than what I previously thought. It took me a few months in hindsight to give a second look at the alerts about "chemtrails" I was constantly getting in my Facebook feed. I simply ignored it for a long time because it looked too strange until I realized it's true from seeing this phenomenon in my reality. Be open-minded. Our reality when you go down the rabbit hole seems so strange than what we were taught, or actually, indoctrinated to believe.
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