Authorpreneur Dashboard – Sheala Vast-Binder

Sheala  Vast-Binder

10 Things You Need to Know: A Practical Guide for Internationals Moving to the U.S.


Moving to a new country is one of the hardest things you can do. Learning another language. Connecting to a new community. Adapting to an unfamiliar culture. These adjustments take years, but this practical guide provides information that will make your move easier. All ten themes are inspired by the author’s personal experiences and those of her many International friends. Welcome to the U.S.A.!

Book Bubbles from 10 Things You Need to Know: A Practical Guide for Internationals Moving to the U.S.

Building bridges

I once had an Indian friend tell me about a situation where she gave an American a ride home. When they arrived, the woman thanked her for the ride, got out, and went inside her home. My friend was perplexed. "Why didn't she invite me inside?" she thought. When I first heard this story, I thought, "Yes, that's what I would normally do" and, "Oh, no! This American probably didn't know how rude she appeared to my Indian friend." Doesn't that happen to all of us who have cross-cultural relationships? Even when we mean well, we unconsciously break unwritten (and often unspoken) rules of other people's culture. That is why I enjoy my work so much. I love helping people cross cultural bridges so that they can better relate to others. I believe that cross-cultural appreciation, mixed with a lot of grace, can help us build those bridges even faster.

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