Authorpreneur Dashboard – Naylene Rondon

Naylene  Rondon

Native Foreigners

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Are you ready for a fast-paced adventure? Once you start, turning back may be difficult. On a dusty and dry planet called Cynthia, Jane is searching for a cure for Dill's unique disease. No one knows what it is and for all she knows it can kill Dill. It soon becomes clear though, it isn't their greatest threat. With problems at every turn and the continuous uncertainty, no one knows if they will survive the trip. Can you join Jane, Dill, and Zeb, their driver, through unknown peril? You better answer quick because the truth is coming out and you won't be able to run forever.

Book Bubbles from Native Foreigners

Unique Phone Calls

You never know how a phone call is going to end up.

Gun search

I went through hundreds of images of guns until I found one that matches my mental image. Desert Eagle was the perfect size and conveniently had a name that went well in the story.It's also powerful and some models can shoot up to nine rounds a magazine.

The 1960s

The car -which is an important character- was inspired by the cars in the 1960s. I wanted it to be ironic that we're in the future, but our cars are dated.

Different kinds of seizures

This required some research. I didn't want Dill to have convulsions because I wanted to separate her symptoms from epilepsy. I wanted the disease to seem more confusing. Although, these are real kinds of seizures that people can experience.(Just not for the same reason.) For Dill, I tried to focus on absence seizures and atonic seizures. Absence seizures are brief lapse of consciousness. Usually they would just stop what they are doing and just stare blankly at nothing. In this scene it is an atonic seizure. This means all her muscles just suddenly lost strength. This would normally result in a fall which is why Jane was happy Dill wasn't standing. Falling is dangerous.

Take the bullet out?

In this scene, Cade has a bullet inside of him. Jane suggested to pull the bullet out, but Cade stopped her. In movies, people try to pull out the bullets. This usually makes the scene more dramatic. However, unless your going to have medical attention, it is best to leave the bullet inside. It's like a cork in a bottle. In real life, many people live their whole lives with a bullet inside their bodies.

The Old West

My inspiration for Keiser were those old western towns you would see in a cowboy movie. The planet they live on is mostly desert and mentally I always imagined it like the old west. There would be lots of sand and weird bush-like plants. So I had to make at least one western town.

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