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Michael  Lawrience

Emotional Health: Part 3


Learning to be in the moment and accepting the reality of what manifests allows the flow of grace, fierce or gentle, and a chance to overcome your suffering. The feeling of separation, inadequacy, and sense of loss that drives us to search for escape or healing is at the root of the suffering. Overcoming suffering requires courage, the courage to face our fears, the courage to speak our truth. Overcoming suffering requires becoming more aware of our emotional reactions. It requires examining the thoughts that activated the emotions and reprogramming these thoughts. It requires learning and choosing to contain our emotions with love. Overcoming suffering requires conscious choice rather than a desire to avoid suffering. Once we learn how to stand in the middle of any two reactions, in a state of neutrality, we begin to heal, which allows grace to enter our lives.

Book Bubbles from Emotional Health: Part 3

How can you best use your unique talents?

We came into this life with a special plan or purpose to help elevate humanity and life on earth through our own unique service. It is our responsibility to be successful in carrying out our plan and to infuse our service with creativity, or our own special God-given talent. Spiritual Quotes for Life

Will You Choose the Path of the Heart?

I begin by explaining my myth of unworthiness. As a child, I chose on an unconscious level to take on my father’s emotional pain. Like most people I chose to numb this pain as well as my own for about half of my life. I also chose to sink into feeling like a major victim, powerless or angry, for two-thirds of my life.


Man’s power of choice enables him to think like an angel or a devil, a king or a slave. Whatever he chooses, mind will create and manifest. Frederick Bailes, teacher of Science of Mind.

How Much Effort Versus Divine Grace Will Change Ta

The question remains of how much lessening pain and awakening requires effort and how much can be surrendered to grace. The answer depends on what we need at any particular time on our path. Only our own inner teacher or higher intuition knows the answer, which we can develop through effort.

Emotional Health: Part 2


This book shows you how to embrace your feelings rather than continually avoiding them. This skill once mastered brings us relief from suffering, for instance feeling empowered rather than victimized. Other books in my genre of health/mind/body explore one area of improving awareness and releasing pain and suffering to improve your physical/emotional health. I, however, give you five areas with stories, techniques, and tips for greater happiness and success. Through reading and using the methods in this book your emotional health will improve, you will gain greater awareness of your emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behaviors. You will learn more about your strengths, as well as your weaknesses and how to turn them into strengths. You will increase your levels of self-esteem and confidence.

Book Bubbles from Emotional Health: Part 2

Can Your Physical Pain be Healed and Transformed?

We have learned some of many ways to transform physical pain in this chapter such as methods of energy healing involving acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), the Emotion Code, and Shiatsu. People also used breath work, detoxification of the body, exercise including yoga and walking, meditation, and nutritional supplements and herbs as well as essential oils.

How Can We Unlock Physical Pain and Suffering?

In summary, Paul, Lana, Daniella, and Kathryne-Alexis all used various forms of energy healers, exercise, meditation, and nutrition to release their physical pain and the underlying emotional causes, as well as take charge of their life and chart their spiritual path.

What is the Best Way for Healing Physical Pain?

Eckhart Tolle describes two levels of pain, present and past. He says, There are two levels to your pain: the pain that you create now, and the pain from the past that still lives on in your mind and body. He explains certain emotions as also aspects of pain; Resentment, hatred, self-pity, guilt, anger, depression, jealousy, and so on, even the slightest irritation, are all forms of pain.


Adulthood found me reserved, non-expressive, and emotionally distant in any kind of male/female relationship. I had learned, as a survival mode from the emotional abuse of childhood that in relationships I needed to hide my feelings to stay safe. Fearing any kind of expression, I had no awareness of what I felt except numbness. I also repressed any anger unless provoked to an extreme.

Emotional Health: Part 1


How can we have less pain and suffering in our lives? Is it by avoiding or by embracing our feelings? The Secret for Freedom from Drama, Trauma, and Pain” is an owner’s manual describing practical methods to release your physical and emotional chronic pain, suffering, and emotional distress. By learning to accept and staying present with our emotional states rather than avoiding or repressing them, they transform, we gain more energy, insights may come, and we become more serene and joyful. In my experience, three areas need addressing to improve our emotional health: trapped emotions in the body, traumas and abuse from our childhood, and emotional issues in our DNA.

Book Bubbles from Emotional Health: Part 1

How Can We Free Ourselves from Abuse?

Helping children heal from the effects of domestic violence means we have a chance to break the cycle of abuse in future families. Sharon Hunter, Counseling Coordinator

How Can We Empower Ourselves

As a former victim of domestic and sexual violence, Jacqueline commits herself to assisting others to recover from mental and emotional abuse. In a future chapter, Jacqueline continues her story of her journey out of codependency and victim-hood into freedom and empowerment.

How to Unlock the Power to Heal Yourself Emotional

In looking back upon a quest to better myself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually spanning over forty years, I now realize how each challenge strengthened and prepared me for my next step in self-growth.

What is the Power of Emotions on Health?

I have found through experience by accepting and staying present with our emotions and body sensations rather than avoiding or suppressing them, they will eventually transform in their own time.

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