Sometimes promises hurt more than lies. Cory Iverson has worked hard all year, and this morning she's finally going to get her dream horse. In less than 24 hours, however, everything reliable in her life comes crashing down, destroying her dreams and leaving her resentful of promises. That is, until a special messenger assures her that her true Dream Horse may be still waiting for her...
Book Bubbles from Dream Horse
Crossing the rainbow bridge. Putting to sleep. Euthanasia. No matter what you call it, it is hell. It is a topic no one wants to think about, let alone talk about. But we must. It is our hardest yet most important duty as a pet owner to make the call when it is time. Knowing when it is time is the worst, but a wise person once told me no one ever lamented it was too early, but rather suffered when the decision was made too late. I am facing performing this duty for my beloved pony who has been a part of the family for almost 25 years. He has been a part of this farm for so long I can't imagine not seeing his face each morning. After Thanksgiving, we will gather the next day to give thanks for his life.
A lot has been written and said about dreams. People talk about giving up on their dreams and I suppose that might be so if you look at it that way. Instead, I think our dreams change. What used to be a goal shifts as we age, as circumstances force certain decisions, or we develop new interests. I know dreams, hopes, goals I had twenty years ago are vastly different now. They have the same basic elements, but have softer edges. What were your dreams? Did they come true the way you envisioned?
I'm thinking of participating again in the crazy writing event known as NaNoWriMo. In November, writers all over the world sign up to try to write 50,000 words in the thirty days of November. It is fun to be part of a huge writing community but also stressful. It takes some strong discipline to complete that much writing in only thirty days. This year I am not going into it "cold" but will instead have an outline and clear ideas of where I'm going with the story. Now, it is a matter of deciding which of a number of stories swirling around in my head to choose. Should I complete the Maryland Equestrian trilogy with the third book or start a fresh new series in Women's fiction?
I know I do. Even during "normal" times, before we were struck with a global pandemic, natural disasters and wildfires, and political turmoil, I needed stories that brought me hope and comfort. So I also like writing these types of stories for other people. I called DREAM HORSE a story of supernatural hope because there is a preternatural element in it. Cory had lost all hope in her dreams until she has an accident on a dark country road one night and an unusual messenger appears. A quick and uplifting read.
It seems that most of the Young Adult genre is dominated by fantasy, dystopian, and paranormal adventure or romance. And that's terrific because if that's what kids want and it gets them reading, all the better. But remember books like The Red Pony and others that are about a teen, but were never crammed into the Young Adult category? I think nowadays if the main character is between certain ages, say 14-18, the book is pigeon-holed into that genre. Maybe that's not right. I know a large majority of my readers are well beyond those years but perhaps still enjoy books that look back on those challenging years. I think we need a new category, if we insist on using them, to capture the YA Cross-over stories.
I cannot imagine living without being surrounded by animals. At home, I have two horses and a pony, two barn cats, and indoor cat, and a dog. I sometimes laugh that everyone gets fed in the evening and taken care of long before I sit down to a meal. But I wouldn't have it otherwise. I find peace and contentment even on the worst day being near the horses, breathing in the earthy barn scent and listening to them munch hay. My two new barn cats delight me with their antics and talkative natures. They are so unlike my indoor cat who is reserved and sparing with her affection, but she will keep me company from across the room when I'm writing along with my little dog, my shadow, who never leaves my side.
I always think of the 4th of July as the exact height of summer (even though I know that's not correct). The holiday embraces everything that is "wholesome Americana" with small town parades, family cook-outs with hotdogs and corn-on-the-cob, trips to the beach, sparklers in the backyard after dark. But this year will be different. We will not host the usual Red, White, and Blue themed cookout, fireworks are cancelled (much to the relief of all my animals), there won't be any float competitions or parades or indeed anything to mark the occasion. July 4th will slip quietly past like any other day as we sit, watch, and wait. America has grappled with terrible problems in its history; I pray we come out of this better and stronger than ever.
Jealousy and envy are two different emotions with a slight difference; however, they are often used interchangeably. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: "Jealousy is when you worry someone will take what you have ... envy is wanting what someone else has.” Add to this "sibling rivalry" and you'll get a toxic mix of emotions that can continue to play out over a lifetime. How many stories have at their heart jealousy, envy, rivalry, and other feelings of not being or having enough?
Sometimes an act of compassion for another person does not stop the pain, but instead allows it to be released. In this scene, the simple act of sitting next to her sister and wrapping each other in a blanket finally releases the pent up grief, fear, and other emotions Cory needs to get out. Sitting with someone else in their darkness, being quiet yet present, can mean all the difference.
It was fun writing this short story prequel after writing the two first books. Going backwards to an earlier time in the character's life and imagining what caused the events that occurred later was challenging and a great creative exercise. I wonder what readers think of prequels? Do you like to find out the "backstory"? Do you mind reading them after you have read the other books in the series? Would you like to read short stories about other secondary characters in separate books? I would also like to know if readers enjoy the shorter novellas and Amazon "Short Reads" category that is becoming more popular. What's YOUR opinion?
Everything has become more complicated because of the pandemic. Everyday life circumstances have been turned not their heads. For example, moving. My daughter had to change apartments in conjunction with starting a new job. She was not allowed to see or tour the apartment during the height of the outbreak, but had to sign a lease because of a deadline. When she ordered furniture to be delivered, she timed it to match the move-in date. Due to delivery disruptions owing to the pandemic, her furniture was delayed a month so she is living in an empty apartment. She has encountered a host of other virus-related complications and problems. Nothing is simple anymore!
In this scene Cory has to get to the barn to save her horse. She can't get her mother to drive her, so she steals the car keys out of her purse and takes off, even though she is not licensed to drive after midnight. Little does she know that night that she is headed into something that will alter her view of the world. You see, Cory doesn't believe in her dreams anymore--or ghosts for that matter-- until what happens on a deserted, country road changes everything.
Have you suffered a loss of interest in things you used to enjoy or find it hard to concentrate when you sit down to accomplish a task? I have. With extra time (thanks quarantine) I feel as though I should be able to complete all sorts of chores, tasks, projects, but instead find my mind wandering off. The day comes to a close and I struggle to remember anything significant I did that I can check off the list. If you're having the same problem, let me know what you're doing to combat it! I have tried setting only two or three simple tasks a day to accomplish. One should be for myself and one for someone else. Please share your ideas!
Have you had a hard time concentrating lately? Even with all this time on my hands, I've found it difficult to write or be productive on any task that requires focus. I think the undercurrent of uncertainty, anxiety, and perhaps a bit of sadness over what's been lost has caused this. Emotions have a way of hijacking one's brain and taking it for a ride. In this scene, Cory has just experienced a traumatic event and on the way home late at night she looks up and sees a horse standing in the middle of road. Is it real? Or have her emotions taken over and caused her to see things that aren't there? Read the short story DREAM HORSE and find out.
I'm sure a lot of people at some time in their lives have asked why bad things happen to good people or why, if God is all powerful, does he allow disaster to happen. During this time of global crisis, fear, and anxiety I think we turn more and more to the writings of people all through the ages for answers. And not just scholarly papers and non-fiction works, but novels, poetry, and literature often reveal answers to these thorny questions in life. On this National Book Day in the very unsettling year of 2020, rediscover the wisdom between the cover of books. Search for answers, empathy, human triumph, facts, or whatever restores hope and brings you solace.
I've got it easy compared to many during this Coronavirus pandemic, but its poisoned tentacles have touched my family as well. My daughter graduated medical school this spring and for so many years I dreamed of her graduation ceremony. Cancelled. There will be no opportunity to hug her hard and tell her how proud I am of her before she marches into a Coronavirus war zone in a downtown Philadelphia hospital, a hotspot for infections. Did I mention she was first in her class? She worked so hard for years to get where she is, but there will be no celebrations, accolades, or family vacation to mark the end of this long academic journey. She'll start work alone. Probably a little frightened. Me, too. Prayers for the new doctors facing this baptism of fire.
Already animal shelters are preparing for an onslaught of animals as the pandemic sadly takes owners or renders them unable to continue to care for pets. Horses, especially school horses, are particularly vulnerable as riding schools are shut down and income stops. Stables, unlike other types of businesses, can not be shut down but continue to rack up big expenses for food, care, vetting, etc. I worry about racehorses now that racing is suspended. What will happen to many of them? I wish there was something I could do, but wishing does not get us very far. I am thinking if the donation of my book sales might make a difference...maybe to one horse at least.
DREAM HORSE is FREE until April 6th. The short read story is about a day in the life of teen rider Cory Iverson that starts out bad and just keeps getting the point of a life-threatening accident. Amidst all the disappointment and grief, Cory is touched by one shining light brought to her by a ghostly messenger. That light is hope. Like Cory, in these horrible, challenging times it is important to hold on to hope. If you need an uplifting story of horses, hope, and healing, grab a copy of DREAM HORSE on Kindle. It will lead you into the Maryland Equestrian series of books of adventure, mystery, and horses helping people.
You know how you always told yourself you'd clean out all your closets or read War and Peace or learn to play the piano if you only had time? Now those of us stuck at home do! I've stayed productive creating a really fun Horse Gratitude Journal full of inspirational and funny quotes and I'm giving it away free on my website ( I learned how to do all that. Also, Dream Horse and other books in the series will be free in the coming days. I'm really excited about the final edits on a Jazz Age murder mystery ready to go and I'm starting work on another new mystery series. I'm really excited about the character of the Medical Examiner. My daughter who's graduating MedSchool (minus the cancelled ceremony) is helping me get the details right. There's lots more to come!
Cory has narrowly avoided a head-on collision with a tractor-trailer that skidded off the road, through the guardrail, into a ravine. Worse than that, she thinks she saw something just before the accident that did not make any sense at all. She's confused when the police arrive, doubting what she has just seen and experienced. Her brain is desperately trying to catch up with the realization that she could be dead, except for the fact that something mysterious just saved her. Does she believe her own eyes? When it doesn't make sense? Does she tell anyone what she saw, or keep it to herself? Have you ever had such a shock that you start to doubt your own senses?
In this scene, Cory has to face the fact that her beloved horse is not going to recover. Confronting such pain in life often leaves us emotionally drained and fearful of the future. Hope seems like a cruel trickster. We fear to ever hope again. But in the worst of times, often a bright future lies ahead. Two men who suffered greatly in life provide some of the most inspirational quotes on maintaining hope and optimism in life: "Only in the darkness can you see the stars." --Martin Luther King Jr. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." --Nelson Mandela
Modern people have a false sense of control over their lives and their world. We've lost touch with primitive man's respect for nature and feel we should be able to protect ourselves against terrible storms, earthquakes, deadly disease, and epidemics if we just throw enough knowledge and technology at the problem. The illusion of control gives us a false sense of protection or immunity to bad outcomes. I'm not advocating we stop trying (Certainly not! We've made great progress towards saving many more lives!) but I do think we have to acknowledge that on some level we will never be truly "in control."
I'm going to share a personal story about taking a risk. A few months ago I had to euthanize my "heart horse"-- my perfect partner. She made me feel safe and helped me regain my lost confidence in riding and showing. Afterwards, I thought "this is it" I'm not going to risk having my heart broken again. Fate had other plans. An unexpected opportunity to lease a mare fell in my lap. She was completely unlike my other horse-- she was big, sensitive, forward moving and a bit scary. As I struggled over the decision, my trainer told me flat out: I could work hard, be brave, and improve to ride a really nice horse, or I could walk away and never know. I did lease her, then bought her. Sometimes taking one brave step makes other challenges easier.
That moment after a car crash. You haven't even figured out what happened yet, but you realize you're not hurt. "Thank God," you whisper. The rest you can deal with. That moment when you get a call in the middle of the night with bad news, maybe from the police, but your child is safe. "Thank God. I'll deal with him later, at least he's alive." That moment when the doctor calls with the test results. It isn't the worst and it's manageable. "Thank God." So often we don't thank God until our life is threatened and we've been miraculously snatched from the jaws of disaster. I decided I'm going to thank God more often. Maybe even when I wake up on a cloudy Monday and have a list of boring chores ahead of me. "Thank God, just for having another day!"
Love is putting someone else or something else ahead of oneself. There are all kinds of love, but I want to talk about a person's love for their animals. There was a woman on the Titanic who went down with the ship because she refused to leave her dog, a Great Dane. Risking one's life for an animal is extreme, but does happen. More often, the love is shown through sacrifice--the spending of time, effort, financial resources, etc to make the animal's life more comfortable. I'm thinking of all the people involved in rescue--a pursuit that is sure to drain one's emotions as well as pocketbook and yet people involved say they would have it no other way. Thank God for those individuals. Have you ever gone the extra mile for a special pet?
It's hard to shift gears and try new things...and scary. But sometimes it's just the ticket to opening up new creativity and talents. I encourage "blocked" writer friends to try a whole new genre or a new form of writing. I am giving myself this sage advice as well. DREAM HORSE is a very quick "Short Reads" genre story and I hope to do more like this in various lengths. I'm also working on the edits for a totally different novel: a historical mystery for adults. I'm very excited about this and have plans for a mystery series. For fun, I also have plans for journals, guides, and devotionals that are both inspirational and horse themed. Stay tuned for some of those fun new projects!
At the end of a day that has been full of disappointment and tragedy, Cory finds comfort in finally being able to cry. Holding back, putting on a brave face, and soldiering through it all have left her exhausted both emotionally and physically. In the end, she yields to the warms of her sister's body next to her, the kind gesture of wrapping a blanket of her shoulders, and just weeps. She doesn't have to explain where she's been, why the police brought her home, what this moment she can surrender herself without judgement. Afterwards, she can begin to pick up the pieces and figure out what comes next. DREAM HORSE is a short reads prequel to FALSE GODS, part of the Maryland Equestrian series.
Have you discovered Short Reads? They are stories specifically designed to be read in a short time period. You can pick 30 minutes, an hour, or two. The books are complete stories, only shorter! They are perfect to fill the time when you are waiting for an appointment or a when you just want a nice story before bed that you can start and finish in one sitting. DREAM HORSE is one of the shortest at only about 45 pages but is a complete story and prequel to the Maryland Equestrian series. As one reviewer wrote, "it invokes a bit of magical wonder and makes me want to believe in miracles!"
In this scene, Cory has learned her special horse, her "dream horse" has been struck down with severe colic and the owners are on the brink of euthanizing the mare. Cory can think of nothing but getting to the horse's side and somehow doing whatever it takes to save her. She rushes out of the house, taking her mother's car without permission and driving with only a learner's permit, to race to the barn at night. Will Cory get there in time? If she does, what can she hope to do to save the horse? DREAM HORSE is a very short (45 pages!) introductory prequel to the Maryland Equestrian series. Check it out and find out what happens to keep her hope alive!
We've always been fascinated with the future, what it will bring, and what our lives will be like. Truth is, we shape that future every day of the present. So, I not only like to dream of future success, I have to PLAN for it. This coming year, I have so many writing project ideas, I'm bursting at the seams (or, maybe it is from all those holiday cookies...) I want to get a lot more short fiction like DREAM HORSE published that falls somewhere between novella and short story. By way of a teaser, some of the titles are: GIFT Horse, DRAFT Horse, and DEAD Horse. I have a span of ideas spinning off from my already published series and characters as well as some new ones. Stay tuned! In addition to my short reads, I have some big projects in the works, but to hear about those you'll have to check out my other "Bubbles" for Horse Gods and False Gods.
I write stories about hurting people on the verge of giving up who have a magical event touch their lives and change everything. My dream is to create novels that make people believe in the divine magic of everyday life that can uplift, inspire, and turn everything around. Speaking of changes, next year, in a new decade, I plan to venture into a new historical mystery genre as well as a new murder mystery series. But with same attention to characters encountering a touch of the supernatural. Stay tuned for some exciting new books!
When I was really young our family lived in a small Cape Cod style house in New England. Back then, everyone decorated the outside of their homes with festive, multicolored lights. We trimmed the bushes, the rooflines, lamp posts... and put a candle in each window. Our family had a sturdy box of colored electric candle bulbs and each kid was allowed to pick a color theme for the night. The bulbs were huge, bright colored, and very very hot when they had been on for a while. I remember when it was my turn one night I insisted on putting a different color in each window! There were blue, orange, yellow, red, green, and maybe a white candle glowing from our house. Looking back, I smile to think how indulgent my parents were to let me create such an eyesore! Do you have any fun holiday memories that, on looking back, shed a new light on your parents?
Why is it when you are trying to make a good impression and do everything right--that is when everything goes wrong! I was newly married and hosting Christmas for out-of-town in-laws and wanted to make them comfortable on our Maryland farm. The fence line was decorated with greenery, the food was prepared, every last detail was worked out to Martha Stewart perfection. Unfortunately, the fates did not agree with my agenda. Everything started going wrong from violently ill children to horrible weather keeping us from enjoying many planned events. The crowning glory was Christmas day when the whole tree suddenly toppled over crashing to the living room floor in a crescendo of smashed ornaments and lights. Then I finally gave up all pretensions and laughed. Everyone laughed. It was the best part of the holiday.
Some novels take place over decades or generations. Some over the course of a year or so. Still others, especially thrillers, have much shorter time spans for the plot action. Dream Horse takes place in less than 24 hours and that's on purpose. I wanted to show how time, no matter how long or short, can have a devastating effect on our lives. A blink of an eye can change a life forever. This time of year as we look back over 2019, look for the good things that happened, the small joys in everyday, the simple life of gratitude, because we all know (but not always accept) that everything can change in an instant. I hope everyone had wonderful things to remember this year and will be creating new memories soon in 2020.
...every person who took the time to write a book review. I understand that it takes extra time and effort to formulate a few words and submit one, but oh how authors love to get them! When I'm feeling discouraged, I sometimes go back and read certain ones to boost my spirits and spur me on to keep creating stories. I really would like to thank everyone personally, but since that is impossible, I hope some of you will read this and know that your kind words, insights, and even criticisms in reviews have kept me going and encouraged me to write more and better stories. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the Holidays!
I have to admit I love a good, schmaltzy Christmas movie--one that will wrench me emotionally from tears to warm laughter. I allow myself this indulgence during the holidays. I re-watch all my favorites, but I'm on the lookout for new ones, too. Some of that love of inspirational stories has influenced my writing, especially the Maryland Equestrian series of books. Even though the characters and settings are gritty and realistic, there is always a touch of magic and an uplifting ending. If you loved "Heartland" and binge watch Hallmark, you should check out these magical stories of hurting people who find hope in horses. Or give one as a gift!
I signed up to participate in NanoWriMo this year. I've done it in the past with greater or lesser success (got to 50,000 words once!). I had it all arranged: my newest work in progress was at the editor, so I was going to turn my full attention to the next mystery I had cooked up (half-baked?) in my head. That way I would at least have a rough draft to work on. I did the math and figured how many words a day, I had some sketched out characters and vague plot ideas. I was ready. I had a GOAL. Then life intervened. Our family faced a car crash, pet loss, sickness, and a family funeral (and the month is only half over). I had to pick up the pieces of my plan and decide that if I even got a bit of writing done each day, I was fulfilling the spirit of Nano. I had to let myself out of my own plan and live with it. Sometimes life is "mostly plan B." Good luck to all you writers out there racking up the word count. And those of you who aren't, give yourself a break. Happy National November Writing Month.
My grandmother always used to say that if you were out after midnight, you were up to no good. I used to laugh at her, but now I see the wisdom of her words. Dark is symbolic of danger, evil, things to be kept hidden. It is used in stories to convey a range of moods from mystery to outright danger. I have to confess, I am not a fan of the long, dark nights of winter. It seems to sap my energy as well as my optimism. I'm much less likely to take on a new challenge or learn a new skill in the winter. Why is that? Today as I struggled to close the barn windows against the coming cold and made other preparations for winter, I sensed a twinge of that creeping anxiety. But I told my NO! I'm stepping out this winter and leasing a new horse who will challenge my skills. What have you got planned to combat the winter darkness?
Have you ever loved a pet so much you fear letting yourself ever be vulnerable like that again? Has it hurt so much you swore there would never be another dog, horse, cat...whatever who could take its place in your life? During this Halloween season we talk about so many ghosts and goblins and tales of horror to scare us, but what scares us more than the fear of being hurt, being left alone, being heartbroken. This week I faced my fear of ever having a horse again that I could love as much as the mare I just lost and took a chance that I could open my heart again. Stay tuned...I'll tell you about conquering my fear and taking on my new red mare!
Cory's dream of owning the perfect horse is snatched away in a heartbeat. Her imagined future of winning at shows is now nothing but a blank slate, an endless void. Death is the unexpected dream snatcher, but it is the supernatural messenger who appears to restore her faith. Hope will triumph.
Last week I lost my dream horse. In decades of owning and riding various horses, she was something special to me. It is devastating to say goodbye to any pet, but once or twice in a lifetime you develop a relationship with a dog, horse, or other animal that is so strong and very special. How do you cope when the dream horse is taken away from you too young and too soon? Ironically, I wrote this story before it happened to me and it is a story about belief, that in spite of the sadness, there is still good out there in the world waiting for you. It is about that tiny glimmer of faith or trust or maybe even hope that keeps burning through tears. Often that hope doesn't make any sense, and that's what makes it magical.
Three months ago I wrote Dream Horse, about a teen, Cory Iverson, struggling with the sudden loss of her beloved mare--a horse she believes is her one, true Dream Horse. In this scene, the mare has just been euthanized and lies beneath a blue tarp as Cory's trainer, instead of consoling her, tells her she's wrong--it wasn't her dream horse. There will be another. To my horror and heartache, three days ago I lived out this same scene when my true dream horse became suddenly ill and couldn't be saved. When I stood over her lifeless body shrouded in a blue tarp, there was no one there to tell me this wasn't the end of the dream. I have to keep telling myself. The pain of loss is paralyzing, making it hard to see a bright future. Someone wisely said, "Grief is love with nowhere to go."
We were challenged to write about the "what if" questions in life. I thought about technology advances, improved communication between people, abilities to predict weather disasters...but the biggest one that would change everything is if people really, really believed in God. However you choose to think of God--be it a spirit of unconditional love or good for all mankind.Think about it! Belief in a God that is love and who has only your best interests in mind and who is always just and fair would have the potential to change the way people react to adversity in their lives. That kind of belief is such a crazy idea that it is too hard for many to accept and internalize. It is likewise difficult to imagine a world where all people could rest in this knowledge without fighting over the details. If it did come to pass, that would be heaven on earth.
I grew up in New England where everyone takes it as a matter of pride that they can drive in any sort of weather. I don't let bad weather scare me into staying home when there's somewhere I want to go, but I have to admit that as I get older, I'm a lot more cautious. And not just in snowstorms. When the roads are wet after a storm, they are often very slick. Add to that a hilly country road covered with leaves, full of twists and turns. I remember coming home from the barn one evening in my cute little sports car, entering a turn in the road, and shooting straight ahead, across the other lane and over the shoulder before bouncing to a stop in a cornfield! Luckily, no one was coming in the other direction. After pulling cornstalks out of the grill, I got the car started again and arrived home safely. But I remembered that experience.
It may be a cliche, but writers do feel as though they have conceived and given birth to many of their characters. Think about it: a character doesn't exist until the writer imagines the person, gives her flesh and form, creates a whole backstory and history, and then breathes life into her words and actions. Characters walk around all day with me, nudging and whispering and giving me ideas about what they might do next. As a writer, we create them, but what's really special is when they take over. This may sound "New Age-y" or a bit weird, but often the character takes over a scene and starts doing things I didn't have planned for them! When that happens, it often turns out to be my best writing. It is labor, but a labor of love (sometimes!)
A car wreck in the middle of the night on a back country road. Every parent's nightmare. A young, inexperienced driver, a drunk driver, a tractor-trailer out of control at the bend of the road. All things we imagine and fear and dread. One night in the pre-dawn hours our phone rang. It was my daughter who was away at college. She told us she had been in an accident. "How bad?" my husband asked. "Are you okay?" She bravely told us that perhaps she was indeed not okay, because they were taking her to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The emergency responders had to cut the roof of the car like a tin can to get them out. They were broadsided by a pick-up truck. The details rolled out, horror after horror. We were dressed and on the road to the neighboring state in a flash, anxious to arrive and dreading what we would find. The happy ending is that she recovered from a broken pelvis and damaged liver, but the terror of the phone call in the night lives on.
Bublish tasked its authors to write about peace in light of the unrest and violence surrounding us lately. Peace is an elusive quality. Peace comes when you can live with what you think, who you are, and the decisions you make in life. This is especially hard when faced with a life and death decision. How do you live with yourself and find peace when you must give permission to "pull the plug" on a DNR loved one? Even making a decision to let a beloved pet go is gut wrenching as we hash over in our mind whether it is time, whether the pet perhaps still has a chance... Usually, we know somewhere deep inside when it is time. That knowing allows us some measure of peace with our decision. It is not without grief and pain, but the parting on some level, allows us to make peace even with death.
Ever notice how troubles seem to heap up, piling on each other, one disaster after another until a whole mountain of trouble is standing in front of you? Cory watches as her mother's life becomes more troubled, causing her to abuse prescription meds, make rash decisions, and drag her two daughters down along with her. The mother's problem marriage and loss of her job prompts her to pull up stakes and move far away with the hope that she's leaving all her troubles behind her. But we all know that never works! The old problems never go away and there are new ones waiting. How does Cory cope? Will she find her Dream Horse?
The week this story, Dream Horse, was published, I am suddenly faced with the possibility of losing my dream horse. My mare, named Dressed for Tea, is the ideal horse for me. She arrived in my life after decades of sick, hurt, crazy, you-name-it horses that did not work out for one reason or another. She gave me back my confidence, she is oh-so-sweet, and I now understand when people say a particular animal is their "heart horse." She's all that. This week, she became quite lame very suddenly from an insidious equine malady called laminitis. It can be mild and treatable, or it can cause permanent crippling lameness and/or require euthanasia. It is so hard to watch her suffer as I treat and manage the symptoms and pray. So ironic, after just writing this story. I can't lose my Dream Horse.
This painful scene illustrates a dad who thinks he is being generous with his wisdom, time, and money and a daughter who instead just wants his love and approval. They talk over and past each other, with Cory eventually withdrawing into the safety of her hurt, but protective shell. Unspoken expectations and broken promises...but with a very hopeful ending. I'm looking forward to release of Dream Horse this on July 29th as the prequel to Cory's adventures in False Gods and a short story that sets the scene for the Maryland Equestrian Novel series.
My main characters are teens, so people assume most of my readers are, too. Not so! Based on reviews and messages from readers, a large majority are women (and men!) in what they call "middle age." You may also assume that you have to be a horse lover or know a lot about riding to enjoy the books. Not so! I get so many readers who preface their comments with, "I've never even ridden a horse, but..." Others tell me that they were afraid they would not understand a story set in the horse world, but they found themselves drawn in and not only understanding, but living through the story and enjoying it. Authors are told to target certain readers, and one would think "horse-crazy teen" for mine, but not even close! Thank you readers who took a chance on my books! I see and appreciate you!
Equestrians have to ride every day no matter the weather in order to become skilled riders, able to train their horses. They owe it to the horses as well to themselves. This past winter I remember tacking up in single digit temperatures and now that it's summer, we're struggling to beat the heat. But that's what it takes if you want to improve. Like riding, there's no "off-season" to writing, either. True, writers need to take time to refresh, maybe attend conferences or training sessions, but the fact of the matter is they have to just keep plugging away at writing in order to improve. Writing and riding--it's the same. I just finished this short novella, Dream Horse, and have started a twisty plot murder mystery, Pale Horse. Stay tuned!
The Indie author movement has become the greatest boost to freedom and creativity in the publishing industry. Writers now can self-publish without having to pass through the former gate keepers. That means more stories are getting into the hands of readers that may not have been deemed "commercially viable novels" in the eyes of literary agents and big publishers, who have to be more concerned with sales and the bottom line. Like Indie music and movies, it means authors do not have to "write to" a proscribed formula and are free to explore new territories, blended genres, and edgy themes. And that means reader have more books, more choice, more freedom in what they can read.
The popularity of the short novel, the quick read, or "novelette" is growing. People want a short, entertaining read that they do not have to invest much time in while waiting for an appointment or a few hours before bedtime. What defines a quick read? Amazon has broken the short reads down by time needed in minutes to complete: 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120. Wow, what does a 15 minute story look like? These "novels" also are offered at a low price encouraging readers to take a chance. I've recently completed an approximately 13,000 word prequel to the Maryland Equestrian Novel series and am wondering this from readers: would you be interested in a quick read prequel? Would you like to see more short in-between quick reads with the same characters from the series? Do you ever purchase Kindle Short Reads or have you heard of them? I'd like to hear from you!
Finding just the right words, just the right body gestures, can bring a scene to life and say so much about the character. Sometimes, fewer words are more powerful. I've always loved searching for the perfect word for a particular character's speech patterns, personality, and background. I enjoy writing dialog and can hear words and even the character's accent in my head. This might come from having been a professional linguist for much of my life. My study of the Russian language began in Middle School, but before that we were required to take French. In college I added Italian and later I learned Persian-Farsi. I love foreign language, spoken language, accents, and words and always listen carefully to catch the subtleties of language. I hope this skill has paid off in my writing as I attempt to capture a character's unique personality.
In the brand new prequel to FALSE GODS coming out soon, Cory has her hopes on leasing her dream horse for the summer. After all, her father promised! Cory plans on spending the entire summer riding her perfect horse, going to shows, improving her skills...but her whole life is turned upside down in less than twenty-four hours. Have you ever had a big plan that was totally upended leaving you to pick up the pieces and make sense of it all? DREAM HORSE looks at the power of hope in the face of adversity and what it takes to keep a dream alive...even if it takes something supernatural! DREAM HORSE, the prequel to the Maryland Equestrian Novel series, should be out July 2019. Watch for it...and keep dreams alive.
How do I set Cory's mood for this scene? She's anxious, nervous, and distracted. I had to think what makes me unsettled (especially before a horse show!) and layer all those triggers on her for this scene at the jumping competition. First of all, she's just received unsettling news on top of a morning that is not going well. Second, her father promised to be there and he hasn't arrived yet. Third, she is not prepared because she did not have a chance to warm up her horse before the competition. Fourth, a lot is riding on how she does, ramping up the pressure to perform well. Fifth, her horse is responding to her nerves and is recycling the energy into bad behavior, causing them both to make mistakes. That's how you set the mood. One thing builds on another and another until...well, you'll have to read it to find out.
Some readers like a lot of backstory. They want to know the character's history, understand motivations, and learn everything there is to know about them. Others, not so much. A writer has to know the character's whole life whether any of it ever comes out in print or not. In this case, I've gone "back in time" to write about Cory Iverson's life before the action starts in the first book, False Gods. If you haven't read any of the books, fear not! Dream Horse is a complete story in itself, but there will be little things in there that will not only compel a reader to find out what happens next, but for anyone who has read False Gods, they will see foreshadowing of what was to come. I'm excited to report that Dream Horse was sent to the editor yesterday and will be out soon!
Readers have asked a lot of questions about what happens after a novel ends, or even before it begins! I'm excited about just finishing the second draft of DREAM HORSE, a short novella prequel to FALSE GODS. The story takes place all in one day when the main character, Cory Iverson, is still living in Massachusetts. In the course of twenty-four hours her live unravels, setting her on a course toward her destiny with a special horse in Maryland. I'm hoping this short read will be available soon and readers will enjoy learning more about the characters in The Maryland Equestrian Novel series.
Have you ever had so many bad things pile on your life you can't help throwing up your hands and asking, "Why me?" You hear that good things can come out of bad situations, but it's nearly impossible to believe it when you're up to your eyeballs in misery, trouble, or heartbreak. The spirit of hope is a theme in the prequel The Dream Horse and I want readers to come away believing that miracles can happen-- but they might not appear according to your time frame. I've never found a satisfactory answer to that impossible question of why bad things happen to good people, but I like to think things can change, things can improve, situations get resolved, trouble passes, and heartbreak fades. If you keep hope alive.
I'm having fun writing this novella about Cory Iverson's life before she appears in the novel FALSE GODS. This story goes back to when she lived in Massachusetts and rode at a barn there. So, the question is, what happened to turn her into a quitter, what was it that made her afraid to even try? Why did she give up riding? And most importantly, what was that little ember of hope that kept her belief in a dream horse alive? Read the backstory and find out! Those of you who read False Gods will certainly have a few "ah-ha" moments, and readers who haven't, I hope will read The Dream Horse and carry on with the series! Let me know what you think-- prequels thumbs up or down?
A half-wild horse, a Celtic legend, and a teen trying to escape… Regina Hamilton has three months to prove to the courts she can earn a living on her own and avoid going home to her abusive mother—a tall order for a teen with only her riding skills to rely on. Desperate to prove herself, Regina lands a job at an exclusive dressage barn. But when workers start to mysteriously disappear, she becomes ensnared in a web of lies and deceit. With time running out and unsure who to trust, Regina turns to an unlikely trio: an unusual boy who trains hawks, a reclusive professor of Celtic history, and a half-wild red mare. Together they form a bond that will be tested when a long-held secret exposes a much greater threat—and Regina’s the target. To save her horses and her life Regina may have to trust her enemies and betray her friends.
Book Bubbles from Horse Gods: The Dressage Rider’s Betrayal
This year I broke a cardinal rule of not putting the Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving. But I think all would agree, this year is different. Very different. I felt we needed the beauty and joy of a tree in the house and also put the candles in the windows. We need light and hope in this dark time. I also want the tree to be up because when my daughter comes to visit for Thanksgiving, I do not know if she will be able to be here for Christmas. She's a doctor at a big Philly hospital and we just don't know how things may change in an instant. We have to seize joy and togetherness when we can...and if that means breaking silly rules, well, I'm all for it.
The last scene of Horse Gods is Christmas Day. Regina, the main character, finds herself in a place she'd never imagined she would be on Christmas. It might be that way for a lot of us this year. Things are likely to look quite a bit different. The thing is, like she says in this passage, Christmas is a state of mind. It is my wish that we all can keep a good state of mind through the holidays and the challenging winter ahead.
Regina shows up at a Halloween party hosted by the elite dressage barn where she wants to land a job. Unbeknownst to her, the party has a secret agenda, a dark side that will suck her into deadly secrets. Before the night is over, Regina has witnessed what may be a murder. The real horror has just begun.
I started my present work in progress during a November Novel Writing Month-Nanowrimo. The required 50,000 words were hacked out in the thirty days, but then I spent the next four years finishing the novel and now editing...and editing. I wrote the story by the seat of my pants without a plan and now I am paying for it. I have seriously re-thought my approach and now IF I participate this year, I will go into it with an outline and character studies and a good concept of the story arc before plowing ahead. I never was a planner, but now I see the value of planning. My new writing Bible is Lisa Cron's work: Story Genius. If you participate this year, good luck!
In this scene, Regina--an accomplished show jumper-- is admiring how another talented rider makes dressage look so easy. She knows it isn't because she has struggled to earn a paid position in this dressage training barn. The horse she's riding has also been asked to perform in a discipline that is not his natural forte. It is great to try new things, but how many of us try to squeeze ourselves into a different mold just because it is what "everyone else is doing" or we think it is better somehow. Like horses, we are born with natural gifts and abilities. Learn new skills but also treasure who you are and your talents.
It is the back-to-school time of year, but due to the restrictions in light of COVID, many students will be learning from home. It made me think about all the "in school" experiences they may be missing this year: pep rallies, student government elections, musicals, and...DETENTION. Did your school employ this means of punishment? Mine did. And I'm not sure what good if any it did to correct a problem. I sat in detention after school once for an offense I do not even remember, but what I DO remember is the feeling of shame. That I shouldn't have been there with the really bad kids. In this scene, I drew on some of those memories when I stuck Regina in detention for something that wasn't really her fault.
The three books in the Maryland Equestrian series do not have to be read in sequence in order to understand the story in each; however, I fear people do not pick up the second book, HORSE GODS because they have not read FALSE GODS first. I assure you it is not necessary and any little background needed to understand who a character is or a past event is imbedded in the story. I hope readers will discover all the books in this trilogy (still working on #3) and enjoy them all!
In this scene, I wanted to show how desperate family members sometimes deluge themselves into thinking a loved one has changed for the better. Sadly, there are times when that person has not changed or has only fooled people for a while. We all want to believe in the best in people, especially people with whom we share our lives. But in real like as in stories, sometimes these people simply do not get past their evil ways. Like Angela. Read Horse Gods and find out what happens.
There are two villains in Horse Gods. The twist in the story comes when the main character realizes the second one is much more dangerous than the first. Wade, who we see in this scene, is an upstanding guy from all outward appearances. The scary thing about Wade is he has a lot of hidden darkness that springs out at a moment's notice. He is unpredictable. And violent, without remorse. I think a bad guy who keeps the main character on her toes and guessing what he might do makes for a lot of suspense. What do you like to see in a "bad guy'?
I'm sure everyone has had a time when they sought professional or other learned advice--and then ignored it. Creatives like writers, artists, musicians all learn the rules. We work hard to master the rules. But then the day comes to break them. I've always heard that you can do anything in your writing as long as you are brilliant at it. Well, that's quite a mandate so I guess I'll stick closer to the writing rules for now. There have been times, however, when I did bend them a bit because I felt strongly about how it would enhance the story. It's a tough world in publication out there and they say they want something unique but they really don't. They want something dependably sales-worthy and safe. Are you brave enough to be a rule-breaker?
Each horse has a unique quality and personality in the novels of the Maryland Equestrian series, but there are lots of other animals portrayed besides horses. I love the "Jack Pack" of Jack Russell terriers who go everywhere together in False Gods along the the trainer's old farm dog, Mrs. Thatcher, who never wants to yield her spot on the couch. There is also the mysterious silver barn cat who shows up whenever Cory is alone and vulnerable. In Horse Gods, the horses are front and center, but there are also two retrievers named for the characters in Call of the Wild--Buck and Thornton. They play a key roll in saving an important character's life. Animals are a huge part of my life so of course they appear in all my stories as well.
Pondering on how we are products of our time, I looked up what was popular in 1957, the year I was born. The top song was Elvis Presley's "All Shook Up" and it unintentionally echoed the state of the world at the time. We were on the brink of a lot of major changes then. Did we know it at the time? (Do we know it now?) Sputnik changed our educational system and the Cold War started heating up with missile tests. The biggest selling book at the time was "Peyton Place," which was considering steamy and scandalous. Yet during all the technological and social upheaval, the most popular tv show was "Gunsmoke." Maybe we needed to reassure ourselves with a comfortable reflection of the past.
Every story has to have a villain. The definition of villain is a character whose evil actions are essential to the plot. Often the villain is another person, but sometimes it is a force within the main character herself. A villain can be anything that keeps the main character from achieving her goals--anything from a natural disaster to a gang of mean girls. In HORSE GODS there are several elements I might call "villains." One I loved was the character Willow. Not wanting to reveal any spoilers, Willow is an unreliable character that keeps the reader guessing whether she can be trusted from one scene to the next. So, does she turn out to be a bad guy after all? You'll just have to read HORSE GODS and find out!
In this scene, Regina reveals a long-held and terrible secret that has been a threat to her life since she was a kid. She has kept this information hidden away, but now she unloads it on Brenda, a social worker handling her case. What qualities does a person have to have in order to be a good listener? In order to assure people they can unburden themselves of dark, past secrets? It takes compassion, to be sure, but also a measure of trust. The ability to trust this person with the secret and know they will not use it against you. In this story, Brenda almost lost Regina's trust, but redeems herself in the end.
The second book in the Maryland Equestrian series, Horse Gods, can be read as a stand-alone story but I am afraid that people do not want to read it until they have read the first book, False Gods. The main characters are different girls in each book who have a shared background, but you do not have to have read the first book. Do writers have favorite books? I think sometimes they do but they don't say which ones. Perhaps it's like saying you have a favorite out of all your children. Well, I have to confess that I enjoyed writing Horse Gods and really like the tough, independent character of Regina Hamilton and crazy friend, Willow Morozov. I hope you'll give this book a read and let me know what you think.
In this scene, two people are avoiding a difficult topic. They skirt around the big issue and chit-chat about small things that don't matter. We do this so often because it is much simpler than wading in to the hard stuff. How to get started on a difficult conversation? How to keep it on track and productive without devolving into accusations or blame? The situation in this country reflects the lack of honest communication, reaching out, and a lot of hard work that needs to be done. Talking about a problem is good. Talking about how to fix it is better.
There's a lot of speculation over what our life will look like going into the future. How it may be significantly changed, and for quite some time. I applaud all the adjustments people have made but I miss meeting face-to-face. This is particularly challenging with our writers critique group. There's nothing worse than a bunch of writers on ZOOM all talking at the same time. Mass confusion! This month we hope to meet at a pavilion outdoors in a local park (observing social distances and such). We're trying something new and I hope it works because I'm looking forward to seeing my friends who have helped and supported me so much along this writer's journey.
Have you ever tamed a wild animal? I worked in a Science Center years ago and had to tame various creatures so that they could be taken to schools and shown safely as part of a natural science program. It takes an enormous amount of patience and something else...a measure of belief. Belief that you can connect with another being that does not speak your language and might have every reason to believe you'll hurt it. Like taming an animal or training or horse or helping an individual wounded in life, you have to demonstrate you can be trusted and then back away. Yield space and wait. It takes faith and some measure of belief in the good in all things.
Many people have expressed frustration over their inability to concentrate. Writers bemoan the fact that they have a lot of time freed up to write, however, the creative muse has fled the premises! Creativity is an elusive creature. You have to "prime the pump" by exposing yourself to ideas, beauty, challenges, maybe natural settings...whatever gets those juices flowing. Since we have been shut away and isolated, it is harder than ever to find those things that once sparked our creativity. But they're still out there. I find inspiration from old pictures of people, reading novels, and asking "what if"? What are you doing to keep creativity alive?
We all need a little stroking, a little encouragement sometimes. This week I got a wonderful letter from a reader saying how much she enjoyed my books and when was the third one coming out? I have to admit I've stalled on the equestrian series and turned my attentions to another writing project. Her note, however, got me thinking. In these discouraging, upsetting times what readers need is a feel good story, something where the good guys win, the underdogs triumph, and there's hope and healing. That's what the Maryland Equestrian series is all about--hurting people who overcome with the help of horses. The stories are uplifting and maybe what we all need now.
Writing advice gurus always asks: What's at stake for the main character? What happens if she doesn't get it? Make the stakes high and increase the risk. In this scene, Regina is heading out on a horse into a snow storm, hoping to cross through the woods to her friend's house. She has to go. Her friend is talking crazy, he has a gun, and she's afraid what he'll do. She promised she would come, but what happens if she can't keep her promise?
In this scene, Regina is angry with the ICU nurse for not letting her in to visit her boyfriend. The rules say "Family Only." In this era of Coronavirus, there are a lot more medical rules we ALL have to follow. Some people bristle at not being allowed to do certain things or go certain places, but in the end it is not about the individual, but rather about the greater good of all. Hospitals make up rules to protect the patient as well as the staff and the health of visitors. Like in this scene, we often let emotions rule when a loved one is sick. We want to go visit and comfort them. This horrible virus is keeping us from providing that comfort and it is very hard. I know personally.
Authors have to use senses to convey emotion. Can certain sounds give you chills like cold water running through your veins? In this short passage which ends with, "The soft but unmistakable sound of a gun being cocked," Regina stands helpless listening on the other end of a phone. Does the escalating sound clues ramp up the reader's fear, anxiety, or anticipation that something awful is going to happen on the other end of the line? The sounds are the only hints. Hints that paint a picture. A picture of potential disaster. Please read the passage and let me know: Did I succeed in making you nervous? Hope so!
Regina, the main character in HORSE GODS, is anxious over what will happen the next day when she has to go to the police. These days we're certainly anxious about the future, but worrying does not fix anything. Yes, we need to plan and take action to resolve a situation when we can, but then we have to stand and wait in faith. I feel I'm at this point now in my personal battle with fear over the coronavirus epidemic. I do what I can to prepare, then must be still, living each day with hope, not anxiety and fear. Easy to say, hard to do. Each day has its own challenges. Like in the scripture Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
In this scene, Regina's horse has suffered a bad injury (and a very suspicion one, indeed!). When horses get hurt, they often have to be confined to their stalls for long periods of time. It is never easy for the horse or the care giver. This troubling time of COVID19 makes me think of quarantine as "stall rest for humans." At first, we fight the restricted movement, stuck in our homes. Like a horse kicking the walls, we want to fight it. Then, we attempt to amuse or comfort ourselves often with food. Like a horse, we have to dole out our rations or find ourselves in a bad state! Next, we settle into placid acceptance, maybe taking on a rather dull look in the eye or a resigned slump of one's posture. Happily, the horse on stall rest and us on quarantine will come to an end. We just have to endure it so we heal and emerge healthy again!
Regina is forced to face her fears head on in this scene where she must get within inches of the sharp beak and talons of a trapped red tail hawk. She has always been terrified of this bird, and now she is the only one in a position to save it. If she doesn't get close enough to cut the bird free, it will die of starvation for sure. In a crisis, we are often called on to do things that terrify us. We are expected to take steps we would never take given another option. What is that deep down reserve of courage, resolve, fortitude that gets us through? Is is faith? Love? The emotions greater than fear.
We are in a time of crisis. Our Governor just announced that public schools will be closed for two weeks. Public events are cancelled. People are confused, worried, panicked over the health crisis. So what role does art play in these times, if any? Often, the best works emerge from times of crisis. At the very least, art--and especially writing--has the responsibility to reflect the range emotions and experiences of people. I also think common stories of human triumph provide hope. And we cannot get enough hope these days. Remember these words of Alfred, Lord Tennyson: "Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering 'it will be happier'..."
The interconnectedness of the world today is a double-edged sword. It's wonderful we can share information in seconds with people hundreds of miles away but we likewise can spread disease across the globe at an equally heart-stopping pace. After the terrible events of 9/11 many fingers of blame were pointed at agencies for not sharing intelligence effectively in order to "connect the dots" and prevent disaster. My hope is that medical authorities everywhere from the WHO to local hospitals have learned that we need to share resources, research, and expertise in order to formulate a successful "battle plan" for this world health crisis.
In this scene, Regina feels the sting of rejection. She needs this job for survival, yet the trainer is telling her she's not good enough. Even though Regina is an accomplished rider and has vast experience in the world of showjumping, she does not fit into the unfamiliar discipline of dressage. Regina rails against the very idea that she isn't a good rider--she is!--but her experience is vastly different. Self preservation tells her to reject "them" before they can exclude her, but can she afford to throw away this job that may literally save her life? Or, does she swallow her pride, learn something new, knuckle down and try harder. When you're very good at something, it is so hard to become a humble beginner again.
You will never hear me say, "Take me to the hospital." I'm the worst kind of patient--the type that will wait and hope I'll just get better with time. So far, that tactic has worked more times than not, but I know as I age it becomes increasingly risky. I pity anyone who would have to take care of me in the event of something serious. You see, I live on a horse farm and have adopted the outlook that no matter how I feel, I have to get up and feed the animals. They depend on me. Maybe that's what keeps me healthy: being outdoors, physical work, and the peace I feel from being surrounded by my beloved pets.
I don't want to show that I like him until I'm sure he likes me back. Yeah, that self-preservation instinct when it comes to romance is not left behind in our teenaged years, we just get better at covering it up with sophistication. Inside, we're still teenagers on our first date. Remember how tough it is to "have a crush" on someone and the feelings are not reciprocated? It's humiliating to leave your heart out in the open to be stomped on. In this scene, tough gal Reggie has fallen for the strange (but cute) guy at school even if she doesn't admit it to herself. She's suffering that awkward stage where she evaluates everything she does and says in front of him. Love is the definition of vulnerability.
No one I know likes that little piece of wisdom, but sadly, we either learn and go forward or we give up and quit. What makes a successful author, one asks? I would say it is someone who works hard at the craft of writing and all the peripheral tasks associated with writing now: graphic design, creating marketing materials, growing a readership... Even by working hard and studying the experts, I still made mistakes. I went through 3 book covers before settling on one that evoked the right mood and genre. That was a lot of wasted money and lost opportunity. I could have quit, but instead I learned something valuable for next time. Fall and get up. Improve. Keep doing it better and better. That's success.
In the cold, pre-dawn hours our phone rang. Never good, and this was no exception. My daughter had been in a serious car accident in a city two hours away and was being admitted to ICU. Every parent's nightmare. Suddenly, every superfluous worry was stripped away and my only thought, my only concern was getting to my daughter's side and making sure she was going to be okay. The happy ending of this story is yes, she made a miraculous recovery despite terrible injuries and I thank God every day it wasn't worse. Like this scene from HORSE GODS when Regina rushes to her boyfriend's side in ICU, none of her other concerns--even one's for her own safety--are any consideration. If your loved one is hurt, that puts everything else in perspective right away!
I love myth, legend, and folklore so it was natural that a Celtic legend such as this (an excerpt from Horse Gods) seeps into my stories, but in a modern setting. Who doesn't love magic horses, heroic quests, wise fools? I've continued to study legends particularly regarding horses and am planning a short publication of all I've discovered about mythological horses around the world. What is really compelling is the similarity of many of the tales across the scope of the globe: winged horses, horses that traverse the seas, horses that save their one true owner in battle, horses that can transform from horse to human. All these myths appear in many cultures and countries. It is fascinating to think how we are all connected through our connection to the horse. Stay tuned and check my website ( for this new offering!
Hearing voices in your head is usually associated with mental illness, or worse. It is portrayed in books and film as a sign of possession from evil spirits or a psychotic killer's tormentor. But I think we've all "heard" voices that tell us to do or not do things. Sometimes these voices feel as if they come from outside of us, as if someone were whispering an answer or a word of advice. People often describe it as the prompting of the Holy Spirit or a nudge from one's conscience or even "sixth sense," intuition, or a gut feeling. I've avoided disasters and accidents because of a feeling. I've "heard" advice that kept nudging me in the right direction. And like Regina in these scene, I've had creative ideas pop into my mind unbidden. Magic? Or something else...
In this scene, Regina recklessly takes off on horseback in a raging blizzard to stop her friend before he does something terrible (no spoilers!). The deep woods between the barn and the friend's house is the shortest route because all roads are closed, no one is around to help, and she has not choice. The winds pick up, blocking the sun and causing a blinding white-out. On top of it all, Regina drops her phone--the only contact she has with the outside world. Alone in the woods, disoriented from the snow, freezing, desperate to reach her friend in time, she has no one to turn to for help but the unpredictable mare she's riding. What happens? You'll have to read HORSE GODS to find out. Believe it or not, I based this scene on a time I was caught in a sudden snow storm and had to drop the reins and let the horse find his way home. That's trust!!
I am clearing my calendar, clearing my "head space," and preparing to focus on becoming a productive author this year. So many readers have been asking for the third book in the Maryland Equestrian series--Willow's story--but I've been unable to get the draft written. So many competing priorities in life! Do you have that problem? Well, this year I am taking myself seriously as a writer so they'll be some changes in store. By this time next year I envision having landed an agent for my Jazz Age murder mystery with a supernatural twist, Forgotten is Forgiven, and well on my way to a traditional contract. I want to be a hybrid author with the flexibility to Indie pub what I want and take advantage of what the traditional publishers have to offer. Another plan is a series of mysteries that take place in rural Western Maryland. The first in the series, Pale Horse, is coming along nicely. But I've got more envisioned for 2020! Check out my other "bubbles" for Dream Horse and False Gods to find out what's in store!
There are so many hurting people in the world. It is my dream as a writer to create stories that inspire hope and healing. I can't meet everyone, hear their stories, offer encouragement, so it is a dream to maybe touch individuals out there I have never met with a story that is uplifting, encouraging, shows someone understands... I really hope to write more, reach more, and convey a message of hope to more readers out there. My goal for the new decade.
My sister and I, like most siblings, fought all the time when we were kids. She was four years older and I always felt she used that to her advantage. At Christmastime, the manger or creche was displayed in a place of honor on top of the upright piano. The fight every year was over the placement of the Magi, the Three Wise Men. My sister placed them inside the barn, whereas I insisted they stand on the farthest edge of the piano top, far away. After all, I reasoned, they didn't arrive until much later and were still traveling soon after the birth. Our battle raged. I moved the Kings, my sister moved them back. Peace was achieved only when I bought my own figures and build a manger for them. I still have it, and the Magi are always placed far, far away. Do you have any special creche traditions? Some don't place the baby inside until Christmas eve.
Years ago before next day deliveries and Amazon Prime and all the conveniences we have today, a mysterious man delivered a lost Christmas present. My husband had bought me something that he said was my "major gift" but it had not arrived. He was distressed as the days passed and it didn't arrive. On Christmas day he apologized as he had given up hope and assumed it was lost. It didn't matter to me, but I hated seeing him so disappointed. So on Christmas night we gathered around the t.v. to watch a holiday movie and relax. The roads had become treacherous due to the dangerous snow storm brewing. Suddenly we were shocked by a pounding on the door. A man standing in the snow handed my husband a package, jumped in his car and left. It was my present! The lost package--a rare collection of photos of my favorite racehorse, Phar Lap. We never did learn who the mysterious delivery man was.
Usually during this season when we are heading deep into winter, we look back over what the year has brought us. Good things or bad, the year is drawing to a close. Even though our family has endured losses and some tragedies, I chose to look at the positive moments and accomplishments experienced over the last twelve months. One example: Even though I lost my beloved show horse, I did have the chance to get into the competition show ring again after many years and I'm grateful for that. I also managed to published my second book in the Maryland Equestrian series, Horse Gods, as well as a Short Reads prequel, Dream Horse. I had fun giving author interviews, doing book signings, attending retreats and conferences where I met talented writers. There were challenges, but they are balanced with the good times. On to 2020!
Thanksgiving is the unofficial starting gate to the holiday season, but it should not be overshadowed by what is to come. I love Thanksgiving for its simple agenda of gathering with friends and family to enjoy a good meal and take a moment to reflect on all we have in our lives. Thanksgiving is a time of hope, expectation, and trust for a good future. In addition to all I have in my personal life to be thankful for, I am also very grateful for having the opportunity to share my stories with readers. I love hearing from you about your thoughts and insights involving the books. I am also grateful for all the help and encouragement I've received. I try to give back by creating characters who find real hope and healing through horses. I want to share the magic and blessings I've experienced. Happy Holidays!
Ever struggle with a troublesome word or grammar rule? For most of my early life, I struggled with every word and all the rules because I simply could not learn to read. By the third grade, my teacher told my parents it would be a miracle if I graduated high school. Quite a dire prediction at such an early age! I was sent to a reading specialist, having to do the "walk of shame" leaving the classroom during fun periods of art or music to sit in an overheated room with a decrepit woman who tortured me for an hour. Elementary school was tough. But I did not give up and fulfill that teacher's prediction. When I finally discovered stories I loved, I started reading, then devouring books. Eventually, I graduated high school, went to college and earned a Master's degree, and can read in not only English, but also Russian, Persian, and some Italian. So, don't lose hope. Don't listen to people telling you you'll never be able to do something! Instead, find what you love and pursue it no matter what.
A true pantser does not outline either the plot of their novels or their goals in life. Instead, they press on using intuition, going with the flow, and being able to live with mistakes. That last point is a big one. Don't get me wrong, precise planners also make mistakes, but it seems if you plan and things don't work out you aren't blamed as much because "you prepared for success" whereas the easy-going pantser "gets what they deserve." The pantser's reliance on "their gut feel" is not taken seriously. I think I fall squarely in the middle. I have an idea of the beginning of the story and a goal for the end, but the details are not all worked out (especially that saggy middle stuff). I've found, however, that many unique characters and luminous scenes walked onto the page out of nowhere. Unexpected. Unplanned. When I can let go and believe in the writing. So, the eternal question for all writers: pantser, planner, or hybrid?
All the action in the story takes place over the course of three months from roughly October through December. During that time, the main character, Regina, becomes more embroiled in the troubles surrounding her. She alienates friends, becomes secretive, lies to people, and like the advancing months, descends into darkness. Light and dark is a common theme in literature because it so aptly symbolises good and evil. In Regina's case, though she is not evil, it threatens to close around her and drag her into its web. As the days progress toward winter, she becomes more confused and desperate. In her darkest hour, however, she sees a light that gives her courage and leads her out. The novel ends on Christmas day which Christians celebrate as the day the Light of the World was born--the ultimate symbol of light to defeat all darkness.
Regina only knows this mare as Red Mare. She has no name. She belonged to her boyfriend's mother, who has died. The mare is wild and distrusts people, but Regina is strangely drawn to her. One night as Regina attempts to reach out and trust the mare, a strange mist rolls in and something else with it! Like a voice from beyond the grave, Regina hears the secret name of the horse. A name whispered in her ear. By a ghost? Has the deceased former owner given Regina her blessing to own the horse? It is definitely a sign. Have you ever had a feeling or a message that was so strong, you were sure it came from beyond? A prompting of the spirit, a nudge from the holy ghost, or a message from a loved one who has passed? I have.
In this scene, Regina comes to the realization that her own cellphone very well may be "bugged" and providing information to her enemies. We often take our everyday conveniences for granted, not realizing that technology can also be used against us. More and more crimes are committed using technology to steal an individual's personal information, account numbers, and more in order to extort money or drain bank accounts. Spyware, viruses, ransomware, fraud, and denial of service attacks are only some of the modern plagues brought forth by the technology era. The newest technology: a blessing or a invasion of privacy curse?
In this final scene of Horse Gods, Regina is sitting down to a lavish Christmas dinner and reflects on the meaning of family. It is a homecoming of sorts for her because she has the blessings of people she loves (and love her!) around her and she finally is safe and belongs. As she points out, "you can decide who is your family." Many people spend holidays with loved ones who are not blood relatives, but have become more meaningful members of what we call family. Count your blessings and make every homecoming special.
Regina's hope of finding a safe home and loving family is fading as events at the barn where she works turn dangerous. A worker has disappeared, the manager warns Regina to leave, and her friend reveals a dangerous secret. Regina longs to find someone she can rely on--when it seems everyone around her is caught in a web of deceit. When she is forced into a situation that may spell life or death, it is a half-wild red mare who ends up saving Regina and restoring her trust.
Life has dealt Regina Hamilton such a hard blow, that she finds it impossible to trust anyone--even those who are holding out a hand to help her. The theme of trust is paramount in this story of a young woman's struggle to become an emancipated minor and to escape a life-threatening secret in her past. She is determined to do it alone, and that's her biggest mistake. It takes a half-wild distrusting red mare to teach her how to earn trust and a trapped, dying red-tailed hawk to show her how to give it back. In all my novels in the Maryland Equestrian series, there an element of the supernatural comes into play, usually through an encounter with a special horse, and this story is no exception.
As a writer you know in your head that not every reader, not every editor, not every book promoter is going to love your work or even understand it. Wending a path through the forbidden forest of book publishing is tough enough, but if you don't have anyone in your corner who believes in your work, it can be such a daunting task that many end up quitting. I have had wonderful readers who pick me up with their insightful and glowing reviews as well as ones who have sent me to the bottom of the "I suck as a writer" well. However, I think the most important person you need to have a strong relationship with is your editor. A good one is brave enough to tell you what's not working and to get rid of it, and can give you the pep talk (or kick in the pants) needed to press on. Hurrah for great, supportive editors!
It is said that we live life forward but understand it backwards. So often we are encouraged to think outside the box, get out of the boat, or step out and find out. We as humans are curious about the "what if" in life and although hesitant, are intrigued by new breakthroughs, new horizons. In everyday life we try to stretch ourselves and try new things and gain new experiences. On occasion, this blows up in our face and we withdraw, thinking "that was a mistake!" or "I'll never take a chance like that again!" This is a mistake, because if we life with the mindset of "if only I hadn't tried" or "if only I had stayed doing what I know" there is no growth and stagnation sets in. Failing is not the same as being a failure.
With enough warning, we can make sensible preparations for most storms. There is the occasional one, however, that is either too big to ride out or totally unpredictable. Two years ago such a storm hit my little town and rapidly escalated into a small tornado--something that this area rarely experiences. I am what some would call "weather obsessed" so that I can prepare for what's to come and make sure my horses are safe and secure. This tornado, however, spun up out of nowhere. I remember as my husband and I were driving home from work, we were shocked by the damage: a tree fell though a roof, roads were blocked, lines down, a roof blown off, streets flooded. I was increasingly upset because my horses had been left out that day. When we finally arrived home via several detours, I found them unharmed, although soaking wet and covered with blown sand and debris.
In honor of the upcoming Labor Day Weekend I've given some thought to the concept of writing as a job, a career, or--gasp!--work. Yes, it is work, because it is not always fun. There's a lot of hard work that goes into creating a book, spinning out several more books, and developing a career as an author. Don't get me wrong, writing stories is fun. I love when I get "in the zone" and the plot and characters come to life. But there is also a lot of angst and doubt and just plain plodding along as well. The work begins with round after round of edits, copyediting, creating advertisements, marketing, developing your "author brand," more marketing, tracking sales, and in between this: writing your next book! Yes it is work, but with that and luck it can become a career. In conclusion, I'm proud to say I'm a writer.
This has been a long, hot, rainy summer here and I'm ready for Fall. I usually dread the end of summer and the advent of shorter days, bare trees, frost, and cold but this year I welcome the change. At the very least, it will be a break from mowing and weeding! The weather this summer has been wildly extreme, swinging from pouring rain and violent lightening to days of extreme, oppressive heat. The fall will usher in cooler temps along with a forced slow-down of life's tempo due to less daylight. It's nature's way of getting us to wind down, take it easy, and get more rest as the dark and cold settle in by late fall and winter. This year, I really need it!
It is hard to visualize peace, especially the promised "peace that passes all understanding," in a world being torn apart by violence. Just last night, the violence of the police shooting in Philadelphia touched our family in a small way. My daughter was working at Temple Hospital and was caught in a lock-down while police attempted to subdue an individual who had already wounded several officers. I was afraid for my daughter living and working in the area. There was no peace in our house. So how do we experience peace in a time when we are bombarded with horrible news stories 24/7? How do we achieve that promised peace--the freedom from fear, want, and despair? How do we practice in the belief that all will be well with the world? It seems to be a challenge that calls for an act of will combined with a ridiculous faith in the face of everything around us.
Regina is faced not only with moving to a new state, but having to start in a new high school where she doesn't know a soul. Well, almost nobody...the day before she met some mysterious guy with a hawk in the woods. Have you ever had to switch schools? It can be daunting! Regina discovers she is behind in some classes because the curriculum was different in the school she was attending. I remember going to a new school and the entire approach to teaching math was different and I had no idea what the teacher was talking about. I point to that day as the beginning of my life-long fear of numbers. Regina, hopefully, fares much better. Read Horse Gods and find out.
In this excerpt, the main character was forced to move to Texas and stay with an aunt in a totally alien environment. Moves can be stressful! I remember the night my family moved into our new house on a "farm" with a few acres for the horses. We had been living in a townhouse, so the change of lifestyle was daunting. The farm needed so much work: the pastures were overgrown, the barn dirty, the fences all needed to be replaced, but it was my dream to have the horses on my own place. The night we moved, we were all so exhausted and overwhelmed by what we had done. After all, my husband and I still had full time jobs, graduate school, and a 3-year old to care for, in addition to the horses and farm upkeep. That night, my daughter tearfully cried, "Mom, I want to go home!" I almost dissolved into tears beside her, but it worked out in the end. It became our farm, our home.
I loved researching the legend of the horse in all cultures across the globe, but especially those from the British Isles. The horse culture is strong in that area of the world and has therefore generated rich and colorful horse mythology. In creating all the Irish tales and legends that Mr. Kendrick shares throughout Horse Gods, I drew on one much closer to home. I learned that my husband's family, which originated in Wales, had a horse-related legend of their own. It seems during a devastating flood, the progenitor of Trovillion clan was saved from drowning by a silver horse that rose up out of the flood waters and carried him to safety. Sound familiar? You may recognize the bones of this story in a fictionalized version in Horse Gods.
Writing is a solitary pursuit so it is only natural we seek contact with the "outside world" through social media, etc. But when our outside world turns hostile (bad review, submission rejections) it's easy to lose hope. That's when I turn to my readers for encouragement. Since I can't call you up or invite you over for coffee and a chat, I do the next best thing--I read what you've written to me. I have to admit, it's saved me from quitting a few times. One reader identified only as Horse Lover liked that the book made her think. Another identified as a "middle-aged woman" loved the books even though she knew nothing about horses. So many kind, insightful comments, but one stands out from a reader called Mel S. She wrote a review I go to whenever I need a boost. This review from an unknown person touched me and validates my reason for writing. Thanks to all readers, reviewers. Your words mean so much to me.
In this scene, Declan is taking his hawk, Rosie, out to hunt off the line for the first time. She may just fly away but it is a chance he has to take. He explains to Regina that he's going to let the bird go free eventually anyway. Regina has a hard time accepting that Declan could put all the hours of training into the bird, only to just let her go someday. It's funny, but this made me think about being a writer. An author spends an awful lot of time, energy, sweat and tears to create a novel, edit it into shape, only to "set it free" into the world at large. Like the falconer, we hope that the novel, like the bird, will thrive and find ways to make new readers out there in the wild.
On this July 4th Independence Day, there's a lot of talk about freedom. All kinds of freedom, personal liberty, independence, and human rights. Goals all Americans were raised to believe in, and rightly so! In HORSE GODS, the main character, Regina, has her rights and freedoms threatened when she learns her mother with a disturbing and abusive past is being released from prison and Regina is being "forced" to live with her. Since Regina is a minor, she has limited options and resources at her disposal in order to avoid this fate. One possible escape is to declare herself an emancipated minor, which entails many steps including proving one's independence. Regina goes to extreme lengths to prove she can make it on her own, but is soon faced with jeopardizing things she loves in order to gain her personal freedom.
Stories are passed on for generations not just because they are entertaining, but also because they contain truth. This is the real power of stories. In this scene, Regina must convince her boyfriend's reclusive, agoraphobic father that he must conquer his fears and come to the hospital to visit his son. If the red-tailed hawk dies, so will Declan, according to the legends. Regina relies on the power of the father's belief in the truth of stories to motivate him. As a storyteller myself, I love to weave in bits of the supernatural and the miracles of everyday life into novels. I believe there is a good deal of truth in the old legends and therefore have a lot of fun making up some new ones.
The professor in Horse Gods attributes a lot of power to names and certain words. Indeed, words do hold power. They can wound, soothe, convince, encourage, or destroy. People believe in the power of words affecting the mind and behavior of oneself and others--think of chants and spoken affirmations. In this chapter, Regina learns her name means queen and it starts to change the way she looks at herself. She also hears about the Celtic legend of the Fiolair, which is a seventh filly born to a seventh mare, possessing magic powers and protection for true owner and rider. I loved researching the meaning of names and old Irish legends in order to write Horse Gods.
The main character in HORSE GODS, Regina, has no reason to trust anyone or anything in her life. She has not been able to trust even her mother to keep her safe and as a result, Regina relies only on herself. But even that belief starts to erode when she behaves in ways that demonstrate she can't even trust herself to do what's right. At a dangerous turning point in the story, Regina realizes she must take the first step in trusting her fate to others who can help her. I'm an enormous fan of Brene Brown and devoured her books on shame and vulnerability, especially Daring Greatly. Her acronym BRAVING to define the seven elements of trust resonates with truth. I used much of her insights about trust and human nature and made it a theme throughout HORSE GODS--and as Regina learns, there must be trust in oneself first.
In my second book of the Maryland Equestrian series, I tried to "write to the market" more by creating a page-turning suspenseful story. I think I achieved that, but in the process, overarching themes of trust and the power of magical stories crept in and ruined my plan to keep this a straight forward book that would fit neatly into an established genre category. No such luck. Horse Gods went off on its own into a world of Celtic legend, miracles, voices from beyond, and the vulnerability of trusting one another. So, like False Gods, it doesn't fit neatly into "Teen equestrian fiction" or other popular Amazon categories. Authors are told to establish their brand. It's so important, there are even software programs that help writers discover what's in demand based on Amazon searches and keywords. After giving it much thought, I decided my brand is Hope--and providing stories about miracles for those who have the eyes to see them. And if there isn't a category for that, we need to make one. :)
Every horse owner knows the unexpected can happen at any time. A horse can take sick, get hurt, or in the blink of an eye find himself trapped or in trouble. We try to foresee potential dangers and prevent accidents, but it's not always possible. It is also difficult to "get away" when you keep your horses at home. Even in the hands of a trusted "farm sitter," there is some anxiety about being miles away and helpless should something happen. This worry is compounded for me lately because of the age of my horses and one of my dogs. They have special needs for food, medicine, and care. Indeed, I had the chance to participate in the prestigious Book Expo 2019 at the Javits Center in NYC this weekend, but a number of reasons caused me to take a pass. Luckily, it turns out, as my beloved old horse, Paddy, has taken a bad turn suddenly. I'm sure all animal lovers will understand how relieved I am to be home and with him, no matter the outcome.
Not all miracles have to be Biblical in proportion like the parting of the Red Sea or an angelic visitation. A lot of miracles happen everyday, if we have the eyes to see them. They can range from big ones--like this scene where Declan recovers after a severe accident--to tiny ones like having someone pull out of an ideal parking space just as you drive by, when it's pouring rain and you're late. The trick with miracles is to acknowledge them when they happen and be grateful. I like to put everyday type miracles into my stories as well as the big ones that make you wonder if something magical is behind them. You see, creating a story is a miracle in itself. I often sit down with no idea what to write, but have faith the magic will happen--and it often does! A terrific idea springs "out of nowhere" and that's my everyday miracle.
You may know that I love to pick real places around Maryland in which to set scenes in my novels. In Horse Gods, some secrets are revealed in a very mysterious and very real setting: Hell House. Yes, that's the name given to St. Mary's College, a seminary founded in 1868 in Ilchester, MD, now in ruins. The locals and media dubbed it Hell House or Creepy College after it fell into ruins in the early 1970's and supposedly attracted vandals and (get this!) satanic worshippers and ghosts. Even the ruins of the college buildings are gone now and only an altar under a stone columned gazebo remains. Check out pictures of it! But don't worry, not all the settings in this book are creepy! I was inspired by some of the most beautiful horse stables in the country, delicious restaurants, breathtaking countryside, and more.
Angela, the mother in Horse Gods, is convinced she still can control everything and everybody around her, even from prison. She withholds any overt signs of affection to her daughter, Regina, even as Regina compromises and begs for her mother's help. Angela has always manipulated, controlled, and even abused those around her for her own gain and Regina was no exception. Their relationship is very complicated--built on the shaky foundation of distrust, resentment, and fear. One reader questioned why the mother behaved in such a way towards Regina and what happens after the end of the action in the novel. In response, I plan to write THE BACKSTORY OF ANGELA, my most complicated and twisted character, in a short read novella. Stay tuned!
I think one reason and similar family research sites are so popular is because people have an instinctive need to belong, to know who they are, and to understand where they came from. If it's not belonging through family connections, it might be through membership in a club, sorority, athletic team, or professional association. We are all connected in various ways and as human beings need to stay in touch with one another. In this scene, Regina, who has no family history, craves hearing stories of the ancient Celtic warriors and horsemen. She feels the connection on a deeper level. The myths become her family, her story, her identity.
People travel the world for special settings for their novels. I never have to leave my home in Maryland. Since my books often have a tiny dose of the supernatural, I love to set certain scenes in evocative, haunted, or highly spiritual places. And they are all real! In FALSE GODS, the main characters visit an abandoned amusement park devoted to nursery rhymes called The Enchanted Forest. In another scene, they spend the night in a burned out stone church in the woods. In HORSE GODS, there's a critical scene that takes place in the ruins of a seminary, St. Mary's College, at what's left of an altar swallowed up by the woods. I love the haunted places, but I also set lots of other scenes in local restaurants, shops, and show venues that readers familiar with the area love to see in print. There's plenty here at my back door to fire the imagination! Stay tuned, I'm going to Google map all the locations with pics on my website! (So you can visit them, too.)
This week I released HORSE GODS, the second book in the Maryland Equestrian Novel series. It is always exciting for an author to put a new story out there in the world, but also a bit stressful as you wait to hear what readers think. This novel focuses on Regina's story as she faces the upcoming release of her mother, Angela, from prison. Readers first met Angela, the "villain," in FALSE GODS and I enjoyed bringing her back in this book. So, what does the author do when a book is finally finished? Starts the next one! I'm working the third in the series but at the same time going back and writing a short prequel, DREAM HORSE, that tells the backstory before the action starts in book one. I love getting to know the characters better and share that with readers. What else would YOU like to know about Cory, Regina, their horses, and the evil Angela?
Horses, Hope, Healing. That's the promise in a nutshell. My books will feature horses, they will instill hope, and there will be healing by the end. I love a happy ending, but not ones that are easily achieved OR expected. That's what my stories promise. I love a flawed main character who struggles with her outward situation as well as internal demons (which are often far worse). I want to give readers not only an adventurous ride but also at the same time something to think about long after turning the final page. Horses, for me, are so intuitive and sensitive that they are almost magical in their ability to sense what is going on in a relationship with "their human." I love to convey that magic to every reader, whether they've ever known a horse or not. For more, please visit the blog on my website called HORSES HOPE HEALING at
Have you ever been reading a book and developed a good idea of what the character(s) look like and the author goes and spoils it with a description or trait that doesn't match? I hate that. I also hate when they make books into movies and the actor looks NOTHING like how I imagined the character. I just like to keep the character consistent with the way I see him/her in my head. How about you? That's why I use minimal description of a character's physical appearance in novels so the reader can fill in the rest. That being said, I know how I see them and it helps me to write the story if I have pictures of my characters, the places they visit, the horses they ride, the trucks they get the "picture." (ha ha) So, I collect pictures illustrating my novels and pin them to boards on Pinterest. If curious, check them out via a link on my website or by name. See if they match YOUR imagination!
In this March Madness basketball season when people pick their dream team final four, we were challenged to pick our author "Final Four"--meaning the writers who meant the most to us. It is really impossible to boil it down to only four, but I decided to pick four who had an influence on me as a writer. Here's my list: Neil Gaiman. I love that guy! Anyone who can create a heartwarming and believable story about a child raised in a graveyard by ghosts is a genius; Alice Hoffman--I've always loved her magical realism, love of nature, and lyrical prose; Anne Tyler for the consistent body of work that is breathtakingly honest, real, and holds a magnifying glass up to examine the minutia of real life; lastly Carolyn Keene (yes, the Nancy Drew author) because she was the one who got me to fall in love with books when I was struggling so much with reading as a kid.
Novels don't have to start with a chase scene, discovery of a dead body, or ticking time bomb to hook a reader, but authors do have to put their main character into a situation that ramps up the conflict. Horse Gods starts with this hook: how Regina can avoid having to live with her abusive mother when she is released from prison in a mere three months. Once I set the hook in a novel, I like to amp up the conflict by having my main character, in an attempt to solve her problems, get in deeper. I have her make terrible decisions at every turn, act impulsively without thought, and generally get herself in more trouble instead of out of it! Readers will hopefully keep turning pages to find out how Regina's going to get out of THIS mess, just as she stumbles into a more dangerous one.
My grandparents immigrated to the US from Ireland and although I did not know them well, I think I inherited some of the Irish storytelling DNA. My love of myth and legend was given full rein in Horse Gods. I even imagined the professor in the story to be a type of Joseph Campbell, expert in comparative mythology. Of course horses play a huge role in myths, especially those of the Celtic people. They gave us the Fiolair, a magic horse that protects its true owner and the Kelpie--horses that lured people to their death in the sea. In Horse Gods I often took the bare bones of some legends and embellished them or even made up some of my own! But each one was created with a dash of magic and a connection to the "real life" story. Horse Gods with special pre-order prices available now. Grab a copy and enjoy some Irish magic!
Most main characters in my novels are female. Why? Maybe because I am. It gives me an edge into knowing and portraying them more realistically. But is that a good thing? In honor of International Women's Day, I've been thinking about female characters in novels. How are they portrayed? What kinds of women do we like to read about? Do we want them to be familiar and recognizable? Do we want them to be the super heroes we dream about? Or, do we want them deliciously wicked or outrageously daring? Maybe all of the above. No matter the "type" of female character, they have to have more than one dimension and that's what makes creating them fun! The three women in the opening of Horse Gods may at first strike you as hopelessly weak or totally wicked, but wait. They're going to change! What were some of your most memorable female characters?
I'm excited to return to the horse show world of Cory Iverson and her friend and fellow-competitor, Regina Hamilton. In this next book, the focus shifts to Regina. It's been a little over a year when Regina learns her mother, imprisoned for her crimes committed in the first book (no spoilers), is getting out. Regina must find a way to earn a living to escape her abusive mother. With the help of a friend, she lands a job at a prestigous dressage barn but what at first seems like a golden opportunity, soon turns into a dangerous trap. By writing this story, I thought a lot about the nature of trust. What do you do when those who are supposed to protect you let you down, or worse, turn against you?
Cory Iverson's junior year is off to a lousy start. Publicly humiliated by the school's hottest guy and terrorized by a bullying band director, Cory flees sports try-outs and just about everything else she begins, earning a reputation as a loser as well as a quitter. But when her wandering dog leads her to the barn of a former Grand Prix rider, she finds a welcome refuge in the familiar world of horses. It's not too long before she starts dreaming of showing in one of the country's most prestigious shows--a totally unrealistic hope--until she rescues a mysterious horse with some unusual talents. But her road to success is littered with roadblocks as events spin out of control: prescription painkillers appear in her mother's purse; her ballerina sister wastes away before her eyes; her boyfriend is keeping secrets; and her normally opinionated trainer becomes strangely evasive. Worst of all, the horse show world is not what she imagined. It isn't long before Cory's winning spree attracts the attention of a brutal trainer with a string of unexplained horse deaths in her wake. When Cory lands in the crosshairs, she has to decide if she'll once again back down and flee or stand up for herself, her horse, and her dreams.
Book Bubbles from False Gods: The Show Jumper's Challenge
May 10th was the second annual "Buy a Horse Book" day. As I like to say, You never outgrow a great horse story! Why do we gravitate to these animals, devoting so much time, money, sweat, and sometimes heartbreak to these creatures? I read recently that horses have amazing sympathetic hearts. By this I mean they synchronize the heart's beat with others around them. In the wild, this helps them sense danger as a herd. Domestic horses can do this with humans, thereby seeming almost psychic when they sense our moods. If you don't have the means to spend time with a real, live horse, the next best thing is a terrific horse story!
March is supposed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb. This year in the Mid Atlantic area (and all over the U.S. it seems) the weather has been unexpected, violent, and record-breaking. We had a very warm winter overall, but with lots of rain and wind. Is this climate change and how much more violent and erratic will the weather become in the future. As a horse/livestock owner, I'm obsessed with weather and keep a watchful eye on incoming storms and temperature extremes. I hope that Spring is around the corner, but what will that bring? How has the weather changed in your area?
Who carves the turkey at your house? Is it done in the kitchen or right at the table? Do you cook the stuffing (or dressing) inside? Do you serve jelled, whole, or homemade cranberry sauce? All these things make up Thanksgiving Tradition. When you are invited to dinner elsewhere, how do you feel when your favorite TG dish does not make an appearance? So many emotions are mixed up with family traditions. I recently saw a funny meme that read "great wine that pairs well with turkey and difficult relatives." It certainly can be a challenging, stressful time. Take a deep breath, take some minutes alone, and remember the things you are grateful for. And skip the Black Friday shopping stress!
This is the end of False Gods, book #1 in the Maryland Equestrian series. Book #2 continues with Regina's story and is packed with danger, intrigue, and a touch of the supernatural. It's FREE on Amazon starting this weekend (20-24 October) so it's a good time to grab it to continue the adventure. Book #3 Just Gods launched last month with a new story about the healing power of horses. All three coming-of-age books explore challenges kids face today, but provide a hopeful and uplifting ending. A good series for the long, dark winter months ahead.
Quitter has become a dirty word. In this scene, our girl Cory is accused of being a quitter. Her perfect sister, Jess, hurls that label on her as a judgement. In our society, we value grit and stick-to-itiveness and revere never giving up like a holy decree. I'll throw out an opposing view: that quitting is often the bravest thing you can do and it opens opportunity and space to try something new and untested. I have "quit" writing this YA Equestrian series and am wading into uncharted adult historical mystery writing waters. Stay tuned for a new website, new books, new challenges!
September and "back to school" always feels like a second chance, a new beginning to the year (more than New Years!) I always loved getting new notebooks, new shoes, and starting out with hopes for great things. This year, my September signals a beginning and an end. I have "ended" the Maryland Equestrian YA series with the third and final book, JUST GODS. I have begun a new historical mystery series and am exciting to bring it out into the world this year.
The third book that wraps up the Maryland Equestrian series, JUST GODS: The Eventer's Revenge, is due out September 2nd. The two main characters from the first books, Cory and Regina, make a reappearance, as do many of the other secondary human and horse characters. The third book pick's up with Willow's story. She's in trouble and turns to her old friends. I'm happy to finish the series but also sad to say goodbye to some of these people I've come to know and like a good bit. Did you have a favorite?
The first book in the Maryland Equestrian series, False Gods, is FREE for the next few days in celebration of the upcoming release of the THIRD book in the trilogy, JUST GODS: The Eventer's Revenge. The third book wraps up the story of the three riders, Cory, Regina, and Willow with some "guest appearances" from your favorite secondary characters. It's available for pre-order now. And believe me, it is a wild ride.
The old adage, "Never give up on your dreams," may need an addendum. Sure, we should strive for our goals, but when you discover they are making you miserable, perhaps you need to shift gears. Don't give up dreams, maybe change them instead. I'm excited to announce the third book in the Maryland Equestrian series will be out for pre-order this summer! I had a dream of becoming a writer and that dream has developed and changed significantly over the years. What's your dream? Has it changed any?
Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd. People find all sorts of ways to acknowledge what the Earth has given us, to appreciate its beauty, and to take step to ensure its preservation. As a horsewoman, I have many opportunities to be outdoors amidst beautiful surroundings and truly appreciate everything the Earth gives us, every season, whether it is the golden cusp of spring or deep blue of winter. This weekend, do something outdoors. Seek the awesome power of nature. Be reverent. Do it for yourself and for the Earth.
When we hear sexual assault a whole range of images come to mind. In this scene, a teen fights off the advances of a drunk, family friend. It can happen, and often times no one will talk about or worse, believe it was "as bad as all that." Unwelcome physical advances that don't escalate into rape are still sexual assault. April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. It is a good time to review what to do in case you or a friend or co-worker are faced with this tragedy.
"One of the main reasons we struggle with insecurity: we're comparing our behind-the-scenes with everybody else's highlight reel." --Steven Furtick It's true that comparing oneself to others is a self-defeating and negative habit, but we do it nevertheless. Mindlessly scrolling social media has amped up this "Fear of Missing Out" or FOMO to an exponential degree. How do we stop looking around at others in order to measure our own self-worth? Who should we look to for validation?
Heartbreaking scenes of Ukrainians fleeing the invading Russian forces flood our news and social media. Images of children and old people suffering and afraid is unbearable...but lately I saw a video that hit me as an act of absolute desperation. Owners were releasing their horses into the forests as their only hope of survival, knowing they could not get the horses transported to safety nor be assured of their ability to continue care and feeding. What it must have taken to abandon their beloved, highly dependent horses to such an unknown fate. What level of desperation and hopelessness they must have felt to let the horse go and turn their backs and walk away.
Bullying is a problem that does not go away in Elementary School. Unfortunately, school yard bullies become bullies in the board room of corporations, in professional sports, and even on the world stage as leaders of countries. We see this playing out with Russian President Putin's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, a sovereign country. Sadly, Putin's aggressive form of "bullying" costs lives, economic stability, and international security not only for the poor Ukrainian people but also his own people in Russia. I studied Russian language, literature, history in school and it breaks my heart to see such suffering, destruction of culture, and fear for ALL concerned. Stop Putin.
Have you ever bought something only to find out later it was misrepresented, grossly over-priced or even defective? How mad do you get? How stupid do you feel? Well, imagine how this woman feels after she's bid a lot of money on a horse only to find out she's lame. She can't return her. She can't just abandon her at the auction...what will she do? Then along comes a nice man with sentimental story about wanting the horse lame or not just to give her a good home. Should she believe him? The motto for horse buying should always be "buyer beware!" Even with the most robust pre-purchase exams, sometimes dreams are crushed. But then again, one person's trash is sometimes another person's treasure. Find out which in this scene!
I'm excited that the third book in the Maryland Equestrian series is getting ready to launch! In preparation, I had the title on the cover of FALSE GODS moved to the bottom to match HORSE GODS and the new JUST GODS coming soon. I've seen the proposed cover and it's gorgeous. I am really excited to get the final book of the trilogy out to readers who will get to hear Willow's story and revisit a lot of the characters from the first two books--Cory and Regina for sure! Willow Morozov thinks she's outrun her past. But she's wrong...
When riding a horse, you had better be the one in charge or else the horse will lose confidence and take over. Often times in a crisis situation, an intelligent horse senses the rider's lack of decisiveness and out of self-preservation will take over all decisions. However, they might not be good ones for the rider! Do you ever feel like life is an out-of-control horse you're riding and can't get off? Like Cory in this scene, have you ever just shut your eyes and prayed? Much in life is out of our control but most of it is the result of a lot of small choices along the way. The New Year gives us a chance to turn things around. A fresh start. An opportunity to get off the runaway horse.
What gets you in the holiday spirit? Going to see The Nutcracker ballet (like in this scene from False Gods), hearing a choral concert, or decorating the tree? Christmas looks a lot different these past two years, but on some level making the holiday simpler is not such a bad thing. Enjoy the uplifting story in False Gods, read through to Horse Gods that actually ends on Christmas Day, and get ready for Just Gods, coming in 2022! Happy Horsey Holidays!!
Enjoy this tense family Thanksgiving scene where the sisters are still in competition with each other after decades, tensions ripple under the surface, and petty jealousy fuels emotions. Have you ever had an awkward family holiday dinner? How did you cope--did you keep your mouth shut, launch into a heated debate, or simply keep drinking wine until they left? Ha! Enjoy the holidays and remember to give thanks!
Have you ever been terrified by a sports try-out or an audition to join a musical group? Have you ever been relieved when you found out you didn't have to compete after all? I have. I am paralyzed by competition of any type. But writing a book and publishing it is also a form of fear-inducing competition because every reader can compare it to other books and judge its merit. You have to be brave to write something and put it out there. In fact, only 1 percent of those people who want to write a book or start a book ever finish and actually publish. Does that mean those authors are not longer afraid? Nope. It simply means they do it afraid. Keep going, whatever it is. Even if you're afraid.
A lot of book descriptions come with trigger warnings these days. Certain events portrayed in fiction can be too much for people who have survived similar traumas. Often the writer has lived the traumas portrayed in the books and is "writing it out" in order to heal and go on. For the writer herself as well as for broadening awareness of social issues of injustice, these books are important. In FALSE GODS there are two incidents of sexual assault/harassment against the teenaged main character. In my life as a very young teen, I experienced two such incidents and I suppose that is why the theme turns up in my books. Bravo Fierce Writers who take on exposing these issues.
The anxious mind is like a hamster on amphetamines, running on an exercise wheel. It keeps spinning but going nowhere. Experts talk about quieting the mind, but how? Some do it through exercise or meditation. I find an escape through writing. If I can get "in the zone," the troubling voices in my mind become quiet as I devote all my focus to creating a new story, new adventures, new characters. My other go-to remedy is riding or simply being with my horse and other pets. Anxiety, especially in these times, is rampant. It is important to find a way to guard your mental health.
High school was a long time ago for me, but vivid memories in the form of intense feelings remain. Did you have a high school romance? Or, did you admire and simply long for a certain someone from afar? Did you linger near their locker or stalk their table at lunch? Nowadays so much of innocence is lost to young adults.With the anniversary of 911 looming, the violence of that time and how it changed the world is still overwhelming. Kids are not sheltered from harsh reality. Sometimes it is refreshing to get lost for a while in stories that have a happy ending. I hope you'll try the Maryland Equestrian series, for uplifting and inspirational fiction. They always deliver Horses, Hope, and Healing.
The start of a new school year was always exciting and full of promise that things would be different this year. I'd try harder, I'd dress better, I'd make new friends... Part of the promise of a new year was buying new school clothes. Yes, I'm old enough to remember buying "school shoes and clothes" that would not be worn out playing. I also remember sweltering in woolen skirts, knee socks, and sweaters because they were new outfits despite the fact that the temperatures were still warm in early September. What were your back-to-school traditions and memories?
Goal setting and striving to achieve success are worshipped in our society. However, pushing to attain your desired goal can be toxic if that goal has not been well thought out. Endless striving and failing to attain the mark--or going after something that is not in your best interest to begin with--can lead to depression, anxiety, and lowered self-worth. Goals are great to have, but examine them. If I had a goal right now to be a New York Times Best Selling author, that would no doubt make me miserable trying to attain it. A better goal would to write the next book the best I can and attract increased readership. Something within my control!
I quoted MacArthur who said "Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul," in my novel, but you have to read the story to understand the context of quitting. Is it giving up on yourself, or is it changing course for your own good? Outsiders seeing what they want. Someone "quitting" because of fear or lack of confidence, letting others down. I was recently accused by a reader in a review of being a quitter because I hadn't finished this series. What she doesn't know is that I have written two other books and am working hard to land book contracts for both. Much discussion and speculation has brewed over gymnast Simone Biles stepping down. No one can see into her soul and know what she's dealing with. She's not a quitter, she's simply chosen a new path.
Sometimes major life transitions are planned for, sometimes they come at you out of the blue. Today is the first day in over 25 years that there are no horses to care for on my farm. Yesterday, we had to send my beloved old guy across the Rainbow Bridge, so my mare, who couldn't remain alone, was shipped to "boarding school." It feels strange, empty, and I constantly feel as if I'm forgetting to do something (like feed horses!), but it's okay. It will be okay. Life is full of transitions. We simply have to roll with them. Find the good stuff and carry on.
In this scene, Cory bolts from the All-Star Band try-outs after witnessing the band director ridiculing another student. Her confidence shaken, she doubts she has what it takes to make the band and instead of finding out--flees. I hate competition. It is so ingrained in me to avoid anything that smacks of having "to prove myself" that I avoid contests. I confess that I get the "just quit" twinge when I feel I'm being measured up against an impossible standard. I tapped into terrible band try-out memories for this scene. Have you experienced completion anxiety and how did you cope?
It has been a little over a year since the pandemic quarantine and strict lockdown. A little bit of normal life is trickling back, but I ask myself not so much when we will return to normal...but how? So many people are still afraid--worried about the vaccinations, the virus, the possible new mutations. The list goes on. I also wonder how people are coping. Really coping, not just health and basic needs, but emotionally, spiritually, creatively. Has the last year taken a toll on your imagination, energy, ability to feel joy? Or has it been beneficial for you, forcing you to slow down and take stock in simpler pursuits? Do you feel strange going "back out there" or mingling with other people? What's your biggest challenge now?
Do you remember the first time you brought a special boy-or-girl friend home to meet your family? Were you more afraid of what they would think of your friend or what your friend would think of your family? In this scene, Cory the main character has brought her boyfriend over for Thanksgiving dinner and is obsessed over how her family members must look through his eyes. She numbs her anxiety with secret sips of wine, which only makes matters worse. I drew on the memory of when I brought my fiance home to New England to meet my crazy family for the first time. I was so afraid he'd hop the next plane out of there. What was your "meet the family" experience? Everyone has a story!
Today feels more like early March with temperatures in the forties and 20mph winds. I saw snowflakes when a cloud dumped some moisture into the cold air. Experts say Earth's temperatures are changing. I don't want to open a climate controversy can of worms over the cause for the change, but it is worth noting and investigating. The theme for Earth Day this year is Restore Our Earth. After the strange and horrible year of 2020 when many people were forced to stay home, it will be interesting to see the effects on climate and the overall health of the Earth. What have you noticed about the climate, weather, air quality, etc in your area?
No one really likes the idea of discipline. It calls to mind all manner of unpleasant tasks we are forced to undertake. The truth of the matter is, however, that discipline can set us free. Think of what you could achieve if you set your mind to the goal, the task, the discipline. Writing, like anything else, requires we put in place a certain practice regime. Some write every day at a certain time. Whether you "feel" like it or not, you often have to just sit down and do it. That's discipline. And it pays off in every sort of pursuit. But let's find a better name for it :)
In this scene, Cory feels compelled to buy a horse out of an auction's "kill pen" against her (and everyone else's) better judgment. Have you ever taken a crazy chance on something your "gut instinct" compelled you to do? Have you ever gone against every grain of common sense and acted irrationally, impetuously, but with full faith that your were doing the right thing? It often works out. Afterward, do you chalk it up to angels watching over fools or intuition? I would love to hear your "leap of faith" stories!
Today I went horse shopping with a friend. It's a lot more fun when you're not the one looking to buy. Anyway, the candidate horse was a youngster. Although he was easy-going and forgiving, he still required a certain amount of direction from his rider to set his pace. To keep him from running off his feet, losing balance, or flat out galloping. The rider sets the pace. Well, it is very similar for an author creating a scene or writing a book. The pace has to be right for the job at hand...too slow and readers close the cover but too fast and they become exhausted from over-the-top action. Some books, especially at the end, race to an unsatisfying finish. Pace in writing like in riding is everything.
Touches of everyday magic throughout this inspiring story. FREE for limited time 4-8 March on Amazon. Find out why readers of all ages can't get enough of the Maryland Equestrian series.
Who was your favorite author? What writer opened your eyes or your heart to thoughts and emotions unimagined? A writer has power to mold, influence, and inspire. When I was in third grade, a teacher told my parents I would probably never graduate high school. I couldn't read or tell time. I was distracted in class. I just had not found my author yet. A year later I discovered Nancy Drew novels (don't laugh). The mysteries compelled me to read, turn pages, devour books. Once I discovered the world of fiction, I escaped into hours, days, long summers of reading. In college, I majored in Russian lit, consuming the masters of story: Lermontov, Turgenev, Pushkin, Tolstoy. I loved how they brought me into their worlds. For this kid, who had a dim future pronounced upon me at a tender age, I say books saved me.
Every day I think about quitting. Giving up writing. Stop trying. I ask myself why I'm writing stories that hardly anyone buys or reads. That's when I go back and read my reviews. The majority of them are from lovely people--totally strangers who tell me how the story brought them back to their riding childhood or teens who tell me a story was about how they were facing challenges now with peers or parents. They found something in my words that helped or touched them in some way. I made a tiny difference in someone's life. I SEE YOU readers out there and cherish every word you've written to me. When I'm ready to give up, you lift me up. I hope I can return the favor. Please visit my website .
As this country undergoes a number of intense challenges and transitions, the Inaugural Poet, Amanda Gorman, wrote and recited a stirring and inspirational poem about being the light in the darkness. Her words touched many hearts and her impassioned recitation of her poem was a work of art. The clear message for this listener was: no, we are not perfect, but we must continue to strive for justice and good. I loved the lines, "And so we lift our gazes not to what stand between us, but what stands before us." I heard a very healing message--one that is desperately needed now, delivered by a poised, accomplished young woman of 22. Indeed, we are "a national that isn't broken but simply unfinished." Ah, hope for our future.
Here's an upside of being quarantined: more people have tried out new hobbies, picked up a musical instrument, or created art in some form. That's great! Like Kurt Vonnegut once explained, being good at things isn't the point of doing them. Living in a success-oriented society where exhibiting talent and excelling at a skill is held in high regard, it is sometimes tough to be a beginner, to start something new. To be creative. But Mr. Vonnegut's words have never been more valuable. We as humans need to create, to learn new things, test ourselves, explore. If there's something you've been dying to try and never had the time, now's your opportunity.
The loss of hope will extinguished all your dreams. Without the belief that good things will come, there is no point in planning for the future. Hope is a fuel that keeps not only dreams, but creativity, ingenuity, justice, and productivity alive. Hope for something better has buoyed the spirits of people in impossible situations and kept them from sinking into the darkness of despair. This past year has been a constant challenge, disrupting our jobs, health, and connections with other people. And the crisis continues. What hope do we have that things will get better? Well, all we have IS hope. If the vaccine researcher lost hope, where would we be? Hope. It's what makes us human.
Have you ever uttered those words? I bet a lot of people have lately. Exhaustion, a feeling of futility, failure, not seeing any hope...are all ingredients that lead to quitting. Desires and dreams keep us aloft and floating on a cloud of hope for a good future outcome. But when the odds stack up against you, dreams can come crashing down. A friend just asked when it was time to give up writing. She had received a hundred rejection letters from literary agents and was questioning her chosen pursuit of a book deal. She was ready to quit. She was asking for permission to do so. Then she found an acceptance letter in her spam folder. Sometimes we have to just wait disappointment out long enough for the blessings to show up. What are you waiting for this new year?
In this scene, Cory finds her mom sitting downstairs in the middle of the night alone. The soft light from the Christmas tree is the only illumination. They begin a conversation--one they could never have in the light of day. A conversation long overdue. The very air at Christmas time is saturated with emotion, memory, sentiment, and passion. Do you have special Christmas memories? Perhaps a family tradition that still gets you choked up every year?
Before I got married, I shared a house with a woman who taught ballet and choreographed performances. In order to put on a successful Nutcracker, the rehearsals would start in August. Needless to say, by December I was so sick of The Waltz of the Flowers and all the other signature pieces in that ballet, I dreaded going to an actual performance. Can you imagine? Now, with everything shut down, I would be delighted to sit in a theater and lose myself in the visual as well as musical beauty of that ballet. How many things did we take for granted that we now appreciate so much more now that they are beyond our reach? Human nature.
Not all gifts elicit the romantic response as this horseshoe necklace Kevyn gives Cory, but we always hope for a big reaction. Gift giving during the holiday season is full of emotion. We strive to find the perfect gift, whether that means something practical, extravagant, or unexpected. When searching for gifts, consider the idea of giving a good story. Books are a gift that can take a reader on adventures, bring them to laughter or tears, or make them think about the world in new ways. A book is a gift that can be enjoyed over and over. If you're looking for an uplifting story during these tough times, check out the Maryland Equestrian series. And thanks!!
This Thanksgiving may mean a lot more people spend the holiday in smaller groups, but there is still nothing like a holiday to bring out the family feuds. Simmering resentments, jealousy, old hurts and sibling rivalries can bubble to the surface. In these times when getting together is a special treat, make every moment with family and friends count. Put away any negativity from the past and create a new, bright future. Cherish the time you have together. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and wish you a joyous holiday season.
This Thanksgiving, the CDC has advised we do not gather with people who are outside of our immediate family pod. That means children who have been attending school or living elsewhere, perhaps in another state. My daughter has been working inhuman hours as a newly-minted doctor in a big Philly hospital. She and her boyfriend plan to come for Thanksgiving. I have not seen her because of her schedule as a resident and I may not see her come Christmas. She plans on being tested before her arrival. It is a risk. Some of my friends and family call it foolish. At the same time, the day after the holiday, we are going to send her beloved childhood pony over the rainbow bridge together. This has been a year full of tough decisions.
Everyone has their Thanksgiving traditions: cornbread or chestnut stuffing, who carves the bird, jellied or whole cranberry sauce. This year Thanksgiving will certainly look a lot different for many of us. Friends and relatives won't feel safe to travel or be gathered indoors. It's disappointing, sad, and bit frightening. As we move into the traditional holiday season, look for new ways to celebrate. Find movies and stories that convey a message of hope. False Gods in the Maryland Equestrian series is about hope, family, and forgiveness. I think you'll find it uplifting.
You may have met a crazy "Wrimo" hunched over their laptop, tapping out the required number of words each day to win the prize. The object of NANOWRIMO--National Novel Writing Month in November--is to complete a 50,000 word work in 30 days. The prize: the honor and accolades that come with crossing that word count finish line. Is it worth it? Sure, for many reasons. It keeps you on task in order to develop a writing discipline, you end up with a body of writing you can then edit (or toss out), and it frees you up from your "internal editor" to just get the ideas down. Some novels that started this way went on to become published best sellers! Give it a try, you get a lot of support from the writing community, and it's fun...sort of.
In this scene, Cory has discovered what she thinks is the exact match of her "dream horse" she found online, except now the mare is in the back lot of an auction awaiting an uncertain fate. Her trainer is there to spend what little money they have on hay for the winter, not a horse--especially one that is questionable. Have you ever taken a chance on something with odds NOT in your favor? Have you ever rescued a dog, taken in a stray cat, or taken a chance on a rescue horse? I would love to hear your story!
The first few days of the new school year are full of promise: I'll make honor roll, I'll make the team, I'll be elected this year... In this era of COVID and adjustments to our "new normal," kids are returning to their laptops at home and struggling with maintaining a school/life balance outside of the actual building. I wonder what effect it will have in the long run. There are students who will thrive and enjoy the unstructured time to pursue many outside interests, but there will be others who stumble and fall behind. New ways to helping students have strung up in the form of learning pods and other innovative solutions. My heart goes out to all students in these times.
In this scene, Cory is feeling pain and anxiety for a fellow band member who is being bullied and ridiculed by the director. Have you ever stood by and watched as someone else was picked on, singled out, or publicly humiliated? Did you kick yourself later for not standing up and doing something? It was hard in high school, but just as hard in adult life.
In this scene, one influential kid has the power to sway the opinions of a whole room full of teens. It happens in high school and sadly continues to happen into the board room at businesses and social gatherings everywhere. How do you keep from being swayed by "the influencers" and make up your own mind? One way is to read and educate yourself. Don't depend on what others tell you. Another, is to develop a strong moral compass. Do not judge others harshly and stand up for what's right. The pull of a group of people is strong and like a riptide, hard to swim again it. But if we know ourselves and know what's right, it gives you the strength.
I'm working on an adult (read: not Young Adult) book that takes place during 1928 at the height of the Roaring Twenties. As I conducted research for this mystery with a paranormal twist, I was struck by the similarities of that era and today. In 1928, the memories of the 1918 Pandemic were still fresh in people's minds and indeed many likely lost loved ones during it. They had also emerged from a horrific World War (not unlike the endless wars we have been involved in on many fronts.) I am very excited about this new novel titled Forgotten is Forgiven, but feel a twinge of guilt over not finishing the last book of this Maryland Equestrian trilogy. I will get to it, I promise! Stay tuned for more books of all genres coming soon!
When the going gets tough, I think about quitting. I'll admit it. When the novelty of a new sport or skill wears off and you have to put in the hard work to improve, that's hard. You have to dig deep to keep going. That's how I feel about writing. A LOT of the time. I'm ready to quit. When I get to a sticky place in the story I'm writing, when I'm slogging through the fifth or fifteenth set of edit changes, when sales slump or no new reviews show up. It would be easier to just quit. Just when I'm convinced I should give it all up, something miraculous happens. And it's different every time. I'm getting the quitting urge lately with some tough projects so...waiting for the inspirational message :)
The main character in FALSE GODS narrowly escaped a sexual assault and is suffering from the post-trauma effects. Her mother dismissed the accusation, she has learned to hide it from others. She doesn't feel safe at home any longer. This situation makes me think of all the people out there during the pandemic who are forced together in homes where they do not feel safe for one reason or another. What about vulnerable children? Abused spouses? Or simply neglect? Without an opportunity to be "seen" in the wider world, a lot can go undetected. What's the answer?
Writing is tough for a whole bucketful of reasons, but one biggie for me is self-doubt. Sure, we all read the books on writing craft, attend critique groups, study reviews, and get professional editors to go over our work...BUT how do you know who is right? Someone in critique group hates a scene or an editor tells you all the description slows the pace.Often you even get conflicting advice! How do you know what (or if!) to change something? Novice writers get pulled in many directions often following too many "chefs in the kitchen." Advice to 'Go with your gut' is not helpful when you don't have the experience yet to know your own voice. Thankfully, over time, it emerges and gets louder, despite the niggling doubts.
Yesterday I had to make a terrible decision--the one no pet owner wants to face. I had to euthanize one of my cats. It was heartbreaking because he had waited almost a year in a shelter to be adopted, yet only had about three short months with me. In that time he was showered with love, enjoyed the best food, and was free to feel the grass and sleep in sweet hay. It is sad enough to lose this young cat, Tristan, but what is equally sat is the fact that his life-long partner, Isole, is mourning him. She seems lost without his presence and has taken to following me, is much more "clingy," and looks reluctant to be left alone on her own. I've read cats do demonstrate anxiety over loss of a loved one. Any cat lovers out there with advice for me?
Recent research has determined that horses recognize faces (of course they do) as well as the emotional expression on faces and react accordingly. Any rider will tell you that horses just "seem to know" what mood you are in and how confident you are as a rider. And they adjust their mood and behavior. I think that is why horses have become so useful as therapists for various emotional and psychological troubles as well as physiological. In my books, the healing traits of horses are the heart of the story, bringing hurt people back to wholeness.
The Cold War. The events of 1957 changed the world and to some measure likely influenced me as well. We are all products of the time we grow up in. That year the Soviets launched Sputnik and sent the United States into convulsions, desperate to catch up with the lag in our scientific progress. School math and science programs were entirely re-designed, the US became at the same time consumed with the space race and fearful of how the Soviet Union could attack us. It was also the year of US and USSR ballistic missile launches. Anyone remember fall-out shelter drills? Climbing under your desk in school? All of this no doubt had it influence on me as a child and yet chose to learn Russian and earned a degree in the language and literature.
I discovered a word a while ago that I did not know existed. It was a perfect word that describes a personal experience. Who knew there was a word for it! And therefore, I concluded, other people must share this emotion. The word is PLUVIOPHILE and it means someone who loves rain, but more than that. It is someone who is calmed by the sound of rain, who feels comfort and perhaps security from the experience of falling rain. Don't get me wrong--there can be too much of a good thing!--but on certain rainy days when I let go of all my "must do outdoor tasks" I enjoy sitting and listening to rain fall. I'm a pluviophile.
In this scene, Cory has fled the house after a thwarted assault and has taken refuge in the barn at night. She's cobbled together a bed in the hayloft and covered herself with horse blankets to ward off the cold. Into this nightmare scenario, a band of barn cats emerge from the shadows, consoling her, and bedding down around her for the night. An almost magical silver colored cat soothes her enough that she can drop off to sleep. Animals do sense when a person is in distress and often respond in compassionate ways. Have you ever had a dog, cat, or horse that seems to read your mind? One that will adjust his actions in response to yours?
More often than not I have several reading projects going at the same time because what I'm in the mood for might change. Whatever the book I'm reading, however, I want it to deliver on its promises be it suspense thriller, complex mystery, poignant family drama...In writing the Maryland Equestrian series, I strive to deliver an uplifting story to take readers away from everyday life, but at the same time be true, authentic, and realistic to the setting. I want to create for you characters who want to get to know. Ones you may want to know more about in subsequent books. Most of all, I want to create a story that keeps you turning pages and rooting for the main character. I love an underdog who beats the odds, don't you?
"But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes." 1 John 2: 11 Hatred of others, fear, ignorance, prejudice, putting oneself before others are all acts of darkness. They make this world a more dangerous, hate-filled, and divisive place. Love conquers all. It is hard to believe at times, but it is true. Who doesn't want to be loved and accepted and included? Instead of pointing out our past failings now we have to start finding ways to mend them. Please pray for justice.
In this scene, Cory is looking at college catalogs, considering her future. The future is uncharted territory now for not just students, but all of us. They talk about the "new normal"--what life will look like going into the future with coronavirus. Strange, unfamiliar, and uncomfortable, yet I am constantly amazed at the versatility of people to adapt, express their individuality, and keep on going. You can buy all types of masks to display your personality. There are graphic programs to custom design a special ZOOM background. Hot spots of innovation have sprung up everywhere. If there's a market niche, there is someone ready to fill it. Yes, even in a pandemic people are endlessly inventive.
In this scene, the manager is expecting a southern rock band and instead gets a jazz group headed by a high school kid. He figures his night is ruined, the patrons will revolt, and he'll get in trouble for booking them. But there's a surprise. The jazz band wins the crowd over and is an unexpected success. Isn't it great when your worst expectations are NOT met? In this terrible COVID pandemic situation, there have been good times, too. Moments of quiet joy, and improvement to the quality of life in unexpected ways, or surprise changes in other ways. My friend has dubbed these "COVID wins" and believe me she's keeping track of them. We have to look for the wins every day.
Someone recently asked me how I come up with plot ideas. I wasn't sure. Sometimes I get an idea for a problem, then write a story about the character searching for a solution. Sometimes a character comes to mind and I formulate a world for her to move around in. But during the course of writing a whole book, the creative spark sometimes gets snuffed out. That's when the discipline of writing begins. When you don't feel like it, you still have to sit down and put in the time pounding out words. It may be half of them you toss out. But sometimes there's a golden nugget in all the trash...a nugget that sparks the next writing session.
This week I got an email from a reader who thanked me for writing my books. She told me she selected FALSE GODS from the library just before the shutdown. She is a rider who, like the main character, had grappled with some fear issues. I was so delighted to hear her say the book helped keep her sanity during quarantine while missing her horse. She went on to buy the second in the series, HORSE GODS and tried to pace herself reading it, but blew through it once she was hooked by the mystery. She asked where my promised third book was... ugh, had to tell her its still floating around in my head. BUT her encouragement made me think about putting that project on the "front burner" again.
In this strange environment of sheltering at home, everyone wearing face masks, and constant stream of disastrous news, it is no wonder people want to escape. And picking up a book is the perfect escape. You can be transported to a new time, an exciting place, you can participate in danger without the risk or fall hopelessly in love...whatever you want. On National Book Day rediscover what a delight it is to have new adventures and find new friends within the pages of a book. Please consider checking out the adventures, romance, and healing in the Maryland Equestrian series. Because you never outgrow a great horse story!
The few times I have been admitted to the hospital or have been in an emergency situation, I remember little else except for the nurses who cared for me or my loved one. They leave such an impression. All of our emotions in a volatile situation are dumped out on them and they take it without complaint. They calmly go about administering meds, holding hands, coaxing cooperation, bringing comfort, and sadly, sometimes just sitting quietly with a grieving family member. To be a nurse takes not a special person, but an extra special person who has not only the knowledge to get through schooling, but the instincts necessary for dealing with all kinds of people in pain, frightened, or sad. Thank God for people who take on this work.
Today the weather changed rapidly, and with a few gusts of wind the sun was snuffed out by a blanket of clouds. Drops of rain sped up and became a tattoo pelting the metal roof of the barn. The big sliding doors blew outward on their tracks until I managed to secure them in place, shutting of the wave of wind-driven rain down the barn aisle. Soaked in my thin shirt, the cold air swirled up my back, cramping shoulder muscles as I ran to lead the horses in out of the storm. The rain-slashed roof roared like a train barreling through a tunnel. Under the constant din however, the delicate sound of horses munching hay and the soft swish of their hooves moving through deep bedding was a soothing sound of comfort. No matter what's going on outside, the barn is my safe place.
Horses derive a sense of security from routine. Consistency. They like to know what to expect--familiar surroundings, things done the same way, no surprises. I think people feel the same way. We struggle a bit when shoved outside our comfort zone. And these days of coronavirus quarantine have shoved us WAY outside that zone. I'm dealing with it by setting up (as much as possible) a routine every day. I assign myself a task, I write 1,000 words each day, I follow a 30-day online yoga class... Then, I mark it down in a journal. That way each day that passes is proof I'm making progress, I'm okay, and this will be over soon. Watchword for these times: Routine.
Coronavirus arrived and swept away our work, celebrations, plans, schedules, investments, and sadly our sense of security. How do we cope? Humans are amazingly adaptable even in a crisis, and I'm grateful for that. In order to carry on, I try to do something every day that fulfills physical, creative, spiritual, educational, and productive needs. I'm taking Yoga with Adriene's 30-day Dedication journey, I accomplish a cleaning or yard work task, I call someone who might need to hear a friendly voice or do some volunteer task, I write or journal or plot out my next novel, I read, and look for something new to learn. I also look for the good every day, hard as it is sometimes.
Disappointed, angry, and confused at seeing Kevyn with another girl, Cory flees outside to a dark alley behind the building. Emotional decisions are often times bad decisions. She alone, outside in the cold without her coat. Then someone comes along...he seems nice at first. He tells her Kevyn is a player and to forget about him. He comforts her...then wants more. How easily things can go from bad to worse in a heartbeat. How did I let this get so out of hand? Have you ever asked yourself that? Now, in these times of a worldwide health crisis, so many people are asking how this got so out of hand, so fast.
What can you pin your hopes on? In a crisis, we grasp at any thread of hope and hold on. This is especially so when dealing with a medical crisis because we often feel as if everything is just so beyond our control. But hope struggles on. As a writer fascinated with the human capacity to hold on to hope, I try to instill it in my stories. With bad news inundating us every day, I turn to great writers for inspiration. I recall the poignant way Emily Dickinson described this fledgling hope: "Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all."
It's true, we don't give our health a second thought until it is taken away. We instinctively fear sickness and shrink away from others who are ill. With the news of the spreading COVID19 virus dominating the news, everyone in the world has been shocked into examining their health and taking sensible precautions to guard it against attack. The virus and spreading epidemic is an attack and it is clear people are responding to the threat by retreating, isolating themselves for protection, and stockpiling resources to ride it out. I only hope that in our efforts to keep ourselves safe we don't totally turn our backs on others...the ones with no family, no help, few resources.
Competition nerves. Performance nerves. Any time we are pushed beyond our comfort zone we can experience an anxiety that makes you very uncomfortable. In this scene, Cory is upping her game in the showjumping world taking on the dread triple combination of fences. She struggles with the desire to quit, to scale back, to play it safe. But what is the ultimate price of playing it safe your whole life? Douglas MacArthur is quoted as saying: "Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul." I know I've faced many challenges when I wanted to quit riding horses as well as quit writing novels. Quit working so hard. But each time I remember how great it feels to press on, overcome obstacles, and decide to up my game instead.
Mucking stalls is not a glamorous job. No matter, stalls have to be cleaned and horses have to fed 365 plus days a year, no matter if you're sick, it's Christmas, or a violent storm is raging outside. It's the reality of horse farm owner or rancher. What do you do if you're sick or need a break? Recently, I've heard there's also a dearth of "barn rats" --meaning those teens who gladly work at the barn in exchange for a chance to ride. In my area, many talented horse trainers are advertising for a working student and offering free board, training, and more...without any takers. What's happened to these kids? Sure, it's hard work, but most horse owners would agree it's all part of becoming a great horseman. And without help on a farm, you just can't afford to get sick! EVER!
If someone said they would pay me a million dollars to write a Romance Novel, I'm not sure I could do it! I'm not very sentimental or romantic (ask my husband, wink). But romance is a big seller and the backbone of many stories. So, when my teenaged characters came to a place in their relationship that called for more intimacy, I was wondering how much is good, how much is too much, how many details are necessary, and what should be left to the imagination. I'm sure every reader has their own "sexy level" barometer they want to see in print, so I tried to hit a middle ground for a YA story. What do you think?
What makes a successful author? Define successful? Is it someone with prestigious literary awards, a huge bank account, or with a devoted readership of faithful fans? All of the above would be nice! When asked what it takes to become a successful author, I must admit I have no idea. But I think one thing is certain, it takes perseverance and belief in your story. If you don't believe you have a unique voice and stories to tell, it is too easy to give up in this competitive world where it is so hard to rise above the noise and be discovered. So, perhaps success is simply trusting enough to get some writing don everyday even when you don't feel like it believing your stories have value and are worth sharing.
When assigned to write an essay on desire, Cory opens with a confession that she used to "worship false gods." How many of us worship those earthy gods such as material possessions, a promotion at work, an ideal romantic relationship, or celebrity status. When something devastating in life knocks us off our feet, we come up with an entirely new list of life's priorities. They usually look more like this: health, love of family and friends, gratitude and taking time to enjoy what I have. Why does it take a disaster for us to sort out the truth from and learn this lesson? FALSE GODS is all about one teen's such journey through a year of crisis and her triumphant realization of her own value in the end.
No matter how much the world is shrinking, we humans still have to capacity to feel alone or to make someone else feel different and alienated. In this scene, Cory has only moved from Massachusetts to Maryland, but the difference in culture, weather, clothing...such simple things...already is making her feel different and like an outsider. As a teen, we often are not equipped to embrace change or value a new experience and instead withdraw. Have you ever felt strange, alone, and shunned from the group? How did you cope with a new school, a move, a job change, living in a new country even? I'd love to hear your stories!
I wasn't looking to buy another horse. Honest. I had just lost a beloved mare suddenly and wasn't in the frame of mind to open my heart to another. I was afraid of the risk and had been tapped out financially by her final illness. But one day while browsing horse classifieds, a red mare caught my eye; however, she was too much money. Then the owner offered a lease option. Before I knew it, I'd started down that slippery slope. I went to try her out and agreed to a 2-month lease. At the end of the lease I could not imagine sending back, so today she became mine. What's the take-away from all this? Step out and find out, take a chance on love again, and never give up horses (or whatever it is you love).
In this scene, Cory arrives at the hospital where her sister has been admitted after her sudden collapse. Social workers and medical personnel are asking pointed questions trying to get at the truth behind Jess's deteriorated physical condition. Cory suspected the cause for some time and now she knows she was right. If she had said something sooner, would it have saved Jess from this medical crisis? Should she have broken Jess's trust and risked her anger by telling someone? Should she NOW say something in order to help the medical team restore Jess to health and to keep her from doing herself more harm in the future? Have you ever been on the horns of a dilemma like this when you want to help but you suffer over whether it is your place to reveal someone else's secret? Cory makes a surprising decision... read FALSE GODS and find out why and what it is.
New Year, new start, new hopes. Most importantly, new plans or renewed energy put towards the old plans. This year I envision landing a traditional contract for a stand-alone novel I've written that is very unique. I believe it has break-through potential. I'm envisioning signing with an agent who "gets me" and who will brilliantly represent my work to the Big Publishers. I see myself sitting at a table signing a lucrative book contract. Later, I'm at a different table, signing copies of the book at an event surrounded by loyal readers... Whoa! Before I daydream my life away, I have to have a serious talk with myself. Dreams are great, but none of them come true without a lot of hard work, planning, and often a good deal of sacrifice. That's why now in the first week of January 2020 I'm getting disciplined about my writing in order that someday (maybe this year!) I'll live out my fondest "author dreams."
I like to think there are more good people than bad ones. I believe that love conquers evil. But it is hard to see those beliefs borne out in the world sometimes. It is through creating stories of hope and healing that I strive to convey a message that hurting people need not give up or give in. In the next decade (starting soon!) I want to spread a message through story of inspiration and encouragement. Don't give up on dreams! I'm still holding on to mine.
Each Christmas Eve when my daughter was very young, we would venture out to the barn to set out a bucket of water and a few carefully placed carrots on top of some hay. My kid was more concerned about the hardworking reindeer than she was about Santa. Sure, we put out a snack for him as well, but it did not demand the exacting attention to detail as "the Reindeer ritual." First thing upon waking, she would look outside for the proof he had come. It was my job to get up even earlier, rush outside and dump the water, mess up the hay, and leave only carrot crumbs. Did/do your kids leave treats for the reindeer as well as Santa? What is their favorite snack to set out on Christmas eve?
Every kid dreams of getting a pony for Christmas, right? Well, when my daughter was five, I was in a position where I could make that dream a reality. We had recently bought a farm and I wanted her to experience the same love of horses I have. I had a cute pony secretly delivered 3 days before Christmas. It is no small feat to hide a pony from a child, but we managed. On Christmas morn, the whole family trekked to the barn on some pretext. I slid open the back door and as if on cue this adorable pony stepped into the barn, walked up to my daughter and gave her a nudge. My heart was bursting with joy, waiting for her squeal of delight, but instead...she was upset. Who is this? She wanted to know. Is he lost? No, I told her Santa brought the pony for her. She calculated it would be impossible on his sleigh and therefore the pony must be lost. She was upset he was lost on Christmas. I was speechless. No, honey, Santa brought him for YOU. She argued and insisted we find his owners. "Poor guy," she stroked his face, "we'll get you home, I promise." How did this end? Well, we still have him 23 years later.
Today, December 5th, is the 5-year anniversary of the publication of my first novel, False Gods. It was so exciting to see it in print, to hold the book in my hands, and to see it displayed for sale. Since then, there have been many peaks and valleys along the way to building a readership and "becoming an author." But I've enjoyed the journey. I've met many helpful, successful writers who shared their time generously. I've learned a ton (I wish I'd known earlier!) about branding, marketing, and the publishing industry, along with the craft of writing and editing. And there is so much more to learn because things are always changing! But that makes it fun and challenging. Reflecting on the past five years, I know I've grown and improved. In the year to come, I plan to offer a fresh new mystery series. Stay tuned.
We have certain foods that have to be served, special ways of setting the table, or set activities on Thanksgiving Day. They make it familiar and comfortable. Traditions of thanks is one that we like to add to all the food and football. We stop and think about the past year and all we are grateful for--mostly consisting of good friends, health, meaningful jobs, beloved pets, and family. As a writer, I am also very thankful for everyone who has encouraged me, had a kind word to say, or challenged me to stretch and work harder. I grateful to my critique partners, editors, teachers, marketing experts, Beta readers, and everyone who has made this adventure so much more meaningful. Thanks!
I have no idea why words, preferred spelling choices, and other "Britishisms" creep into my writing. Grey versus gray. Toward versus towards. Color versus colour. When I am sketching out a quick draft, they seep into the writing. I have never lived abroad, my parents are U.S. born and raised (although my grandparents are from Ireland and Canada), and I was educated in New England public schools. Editors go nuts marking the "errors" for a U.S. reading audience and sometimes even ask if I am from England. I've given this quirk some thought and perhaps it is because I read many novels written by authors in England, Ireland, and other lands of British influence. It may also be that I enjoy reading period stories that often employ alternate spelling and word choices. Whatever the reason, it has been an amusing challenge to "fix."
In this scene, the main character meets with her trainer for a strategy session. They have to map out which shows she must compete in in order to qualify for their ultimate goal--a shot at the Washington International Horse Show. Having a goal, as well as a strategy for achieving it, is critical. I've found, however, that if you are too inflexible in your steps towards achieving your goal or even in describing the end goal itself, you may make yourself miserable along the way or worse--miss a goal that might have been better for you. I'm all for planning, but will take a detour if I have to. We live life forward but only understand it backwards. Sometimes things we didn't want or didn't plan for turn out for the best. I've found this applies to riding, writing, and life in general :) .
"I love it when it gets dark and cold in the winter," said no horse person ever! Or anyone who enjoys the outdoors for that matter. In fact, I heard recently that abrupt Daylight Savings time switches cause a multitude of sleep and health problems. How can we cope? I looked to the people of the North for inspiration--those who live in cold and darkness a great deal of the year and have learned to embrace it. The Danes have a lifestyle philosophy called Hygge that is difficult to translate but is loosely defined as coziness, contentment, and sense of well-being in enjoying simple things. In this country in northern New England and other areas the people celebrate the season by holding Winter Carnivals, arranging ice sculpture contests, and other outdoor fun activities. This coming winter I vow not to be chased inside and get depressed, but to adopt a spirit of Hygge! Got any good ideas for beating winter blues?
Fear--especially the fear of physical injury--is very real and very powerful. It manifests itself by paralyzing your body and your mind. Except the part of your mind that keeps going over the past horror or the "what if" scenarios of doom. Have you ever had a really bad accident that resulted in injury? Did you manage to return to the activity that caused the accident? It is no small matter to face your fears. I've had a a few terrible riding accidents and whenever I swing my leg over the back of a horse, I take another step toward conquering that boogey man FEAR who threatens to steal my joy. Two of my favorite quotes on facing fear: "The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." --Nelson Mandela “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." --Eleanor Roosevelt
Thanksgiving is around the corner and many families will be thrust together over the traditional meal and revisit old resentments, hurts, and disappointments. Homecomings are not always happy! In this scene, Cory's mom battles a feeling of insecurity and long held resentment for her successful sister, Cory's sister is bitter and disappointed her father is not helping her and has moved on to concerns with his new family instead, and Cory is struggling with fear over what her new boyfriend will think of her family! Holidays are not always joyful, warm occasions. Family drama can steal the joy out of what should be a peaceful homecoming. This upcoming holiday season, how will you deal with any negative family dynamics?
Cory thinks she knows this boy who asked her out, but she's wrong. Cory thinks he's in a rock band, but she's so wrong. Kevyn is not a typical high school kid who wants to be like everyone else. Not by a long shot. He surprises her at every turn, and they're happy surprises. Isn't it great to find unexpected joy?
On the surface, False Gods is a rollicking good horse story about a lost teen who rescues a horse and together with a washed-up trainer shoots for the prestigious Washington International Horse Show. Who doesn't love a story where the underdogs triumph? Beyond that, however, it a story about finding out who you really are in the face of everyone else telling you who you should be...or want to be. It's about a young woman who vanquishes the "false gods" that try to lure her away from her true direction and calling in life. Like all of my stories, this one has a touch of the supernatural amidst the edgy, realistic setting and characters. This bit of magic shows up usually through a relationship with a horse, which are always used as a catalyst for hope and healing.
Anyone who has loved an animal has most likely been faced with making the decision to end its life. It's not something we are ever prepared for. No one instructs us on how to make the decision and the correct timing. When we question vets, trainers, fellow animals lovers, we can get a wide range of answers, but most come down to a gut feeling--a knowing that it is time to let go. Sometimes the animal tells you clearly, sometimes you judge their quality of life and make the call. Even when it is unequivocal and a mercy, we are wracked with guilt, pondering the tormenting questions of whether you are doing the right thing, whether you did enough, whether it's your fault. Horses, like all our beautiful pets, are God's gift to us. As stewards of their care, it's our duty to do the right thing when it's time.
I've always wanted to thank reviewers for taking the time to write something about what they thought of my book. It has always amazed and humbled me that people I don't know read it, think about it, and sit down to write their thoughts. I always wondered "what if" Amazon would allow us to know how to contact a reviewer and tell them how much their words lifted me up or validated my identity as a writer or challenged me to do better. There are so many times I laugh or want to "just explain" about a review or criticism or observation. Alas, that "what if" is a dream and for any reader to contact me is one-way road. So, readers and reviewers, know that I would LOVE to hear from you!
Most weather-based expressions, although tired from over-use, still hold a strong element of truth. That is probably why weather events are used so frequently as a mood indicator in novels. We can all identify with capricious nature of weather. Add to that, the fear an impending storm can generate, the violence a hurricane or tornado can bring forth, and the gratitude and relief when it passes over. It stands to reason that weather has always reflected the same qualities of a character's internal emotions or used as an indicator of coming events. For the "weather obsessed" like me, all kinds of climates, seasons, storms, and weather show up in my stories.
I've always wanted to be a writer. I think most authors would tell you that. I also run into many people who have terrific ideas for a book, but they just don't write it. They are either waiting for the kids to be grown or for retirement or for some magical time when they will retreat to a cabin near the beach to hash it all out. I say, if you got a story in you, start writing it now! It may grow cold if you don't. You can snatch lunch hours, a few minutes before bedtime, an hour writing instead of watching that t.v. show...if the story is calling you. There is nothing better than creating a world, filling it with characters, and producing a book you later hold in your hands. It's a great gig if you can see it through! Be warned, however, it is not for the thin-skinned or easily discouraged types. But don't let that dissuade you. Don't be the person who regrets not writing down that great story you've got inside you!
The change of seasons are welcome, because I am often sick of the one I'm in and ready to move on. More so than ever this year, as the summer has brought great changes to Maryland weather and vegetation. On my farm, several trees died or are dying due to root rot and bug infestation. My horses are suffering from clover and weeds infesting the pasture and causing all sorts of maladies. The weather is violent and dramatic--gone are the summer gentle rains to be replaced by violent storms and downpours. Climate change? I believe we are facing profound changes whether we as humans are responsible for them or not. I see it in my little corner of the globe, so I can't image how people who track it worldwide are feeling. I read recently therapists are seeing a new phenomenon dubbed "Climate Grief," which affects individuals anxious or depressed about the Earth's future. We can only hope that anxiety results in action.
I have a hard time making decisions--from the small ones like what to order off a menu to the big ones like which job to accept or house to buy. I get paralyzed by indecision, fearing I will make a horrible mistake or miss out of something better. How do you make decisions with confidence and find peace with whatever you decide? I think you have to believe in yourself and your ability to reverse a decision without consequence. In addition, I find the important decisions are usually accompanied by a sort of "mystical" experience-- that you will sense the right path to take. Call it a gut feeling. It tells you what is right and guides your decision making. Without some measure of assurance that everything will be okay, you will torture yourself going back and forth, being double-minded and second guessing yourself. I think the bottom line is this: peace comes from the absence of fear that you will make an irreversible mistake.
Like Cory, I grew up in Massachusetts where the school year began after Labor Day. Never sooner. By then, the days were getting shorter and much cooler. As a kid, mom marched us into the local department store for new shoes and school clothes--that meant no jeans, no pants even! I remember how cramped my feet felt in new leather shoes after spending most of the last two months barefoot. Labor Day was a Gateway signaling the absolute of summer--no more sandals, no more bright prints, and heavens! don't be caught wearing white. We started the first day of school in scratchy wool skirts, knee hi stockings, and sweaters. It's funny to think back on it now-- how terribly important it all seemed.
Like the main character, Cory, I moved from Massachusetts to Maryland, but not as a teenager. I had just graduated college and landed a job with the Federal Government outside of Baltimore. At the time, I had never left New England. So, I packed a box of a few essentials into a car my grandmother bought me for about $800 (I think it was pulled out of a river since it had rust on the INSIDE) and drove south. These were the days before GPS and smartphones so I had to read my AAA map and drive and hope I didn't get lost! Upon arrival, I rented an apartment and waited for my new roommate--someone I had never even met before! After a few days in a squalid motel counting my dwindling funds, we moved into a total empty apartment. We didn't have beds or a stick of furniture. I look back on it now and wonder how I made it. Turns out, that roommate is my best friend after 40 years. The BIG move was a good move.
In this scene, the two sisters, Cory and Jess, know just how to get under each other's skin. Did you have a sibling who knew all your hot buttons and how to push them? Cory loves belittling ballet because she knows how much dance means to Jess. Readers may not know that my roommate (before marriage) was a devoted ballerina who not only danced in but also choreographed the Nutcracker for several local dance companies for several years. Starting usually by August, the house was filled with Waltz of the Flowers or other signature pieces and talk was centered around the challenges of costume, setting, selecting principal dancers, etc. Each year by the time December rolled around and "normal" people were excitedly purchasing tickets, I was already tired of this ballet. In this scene, I had fun pouring out the snark through Cory's words, maliciously making fun of the lovely Nutcracker Ballet.
Topic: Social Media, good or bad? Like any tool, it can go either way. Social media has been criticized for isolating people, but on other occasions it has the power to bring people together for a good cause. I choose to talk about the positive, so I'll share when I was surprised, touched, and uplifted by a bunch of strangers who reached out to me. I follow a group of "aging horsewomen" who share their struggles and challenges not just with horses, but in life. This group spans across the U.S. and several counties internationally. When I posted about a tough decision to give up on a horse I loved and sell her, I expected some criticism, shaming, maybe some second-guessing as to whether I was giving up too soon. Instead, I received an outpouring of support, encouragement, and thanks from others who were grappling with the same issue. Thousands upon thousands of women took time to sit down and post kind words to me! Me, someone they didn't even know. And I thanked them all. I see you out there, and I'm grateful for you.
After the Women's National Soccer Team took another World Cup victory, many people wondered what makes them so good. Talent? Practice? Good coaching? I'm sure it's all these things, but something more. Staying the distance. Anyone who hopes to excel in any discipline has to put in the time for the long-haul, not just during the competitive season and not just when you feel like it. Often at horse shows we see beautifully turned out riders on gleaming, muscled horses winning class after class. What we don't see is the every day slog of riding in blistering heat or freezing cold and the mental fortitude it takes to get back on after a bad fall. The same could be said for writing as well. A novel is not a sprint, but a marathon, and building a career as a writer can leave one "bruised" and discouraged as well. Like athletes, we have to be disciplined in our craft and have our eyes on the goal ahead at all times.
In this excerpt, Cory begins an essay on how chasing after misplaced desires can imprison and even destroy a life. She describes how it hurt her family but more so, how it paralyzed her with so much self-doubt, she failed to ever even try new things. Fear of failure became her personal version of a prison. There are so many self-help books written on freeing oneself, learning to be yourself, and simplifying life down to what is truly important. Clearly, we all want to achieve and enjoy personal freedom, so why do we find it so hard? Why can't we be authentic and live outside the judgement of others? As we celebrate our country's independence this week, maybe take a few minutes to consider your own personal Declaration of Independence.
What are your fear triggers? For many people, public speaking or any situation that may open them to criticism or ridicule--in other words, that makes them feel vulnerable. What if you really wanted to do something, but failed to face your fear? Would you later hate yourself? In this scene, Cory is faced with jumping a fence combination that earlier resulted in a painful fall. Worse yet, she has learned that her trainer may have broken her neck over the same type fence years ago. Cory's mind scrambles to find an escape where there is none. I like to put my characters in situations that make them face their own worst fears, their vulnerability, and then describe the resulting authentic emotions. To do that, it means looking into my own past and dredging up some painful experiences that stirred similar reactions because I really want to get it right. Make it authentic. My characters are far from brave, suffer from self-criticism, and struggle through life. They're vulnerable, but they're real.
If you don't know what that means, I'll let you know at the end. A creative writing teacher put that word up on the board and challenged her students to guess the meaning. I didn't have to guess, I knew what it meant, because I collect weird, fun words. I love strange sounding words, words that precisely describe the most exotic things, and words that are borrowed into English from other languages because they're so on target. When we can't find the right words in life, we suffer, like in this scene when Cory is experiencing so much shame, she just can't tell anyone what happened and what she's feeling. Words sometimes elude us. As for PLUVIOPHILE, well, it is simple a person who loves the sound of rain. Are you a pluviophile like me?
What will you do this summer? When schools let out when I was a kid, I knew I had two months of totally unscheduled freedom to look forward to. Neighborhood kids banded together to build forts in the woods, ride bikes to the next town, or have marathon days-long street hockey games. Other times, the whole day was spent lounging on the castaway coach on the back porch, reading an entire novel cover to cover. As an adult, I've lost some of that power to lean into unscheduled free time and instead always try to fill it up with something "productive." Indeed, this summer I've already given myself a deadline to get DREAM HORSE, a new novella, published. I have some book signings, some marketing courses, and goals to improve my email list. Phew! But amidst chores on the never ending "to do" list I'll find time and a spot on my back deck overlooking the horse pastures to read and daydream again. Like a kid.
What surprised me most about the publishing world today was the fact that unique stories that don't fit a genre, established niche, or Amazon category, have a harder time getting sold to publishers or hit best seller charts. Everyone says they want something fresh, unique, but in reality the publishers and often times readers themselves want something familiar, safe, that they know it is popular and sells. That is why so many authors now are "writing to the market." Do you as a reader have a hard time finding something that really stands out from the pack? When I started the Maryland Equestrian series, I couldn't find the best fit for marketing it. Yes, it was YA but most readers were older women. Yes, it was contemporary, but it had touches of magic without being fantasy. There was a romantic story line, but the point was not teen romance. The series follows teens grappling with life issues while competing in the gritty horse show world, but as one reviewer said: It's a different kind of horse story. Where does it fit? I think I'm going to have to invent a new Amazon search category. How about "Magical equestrian?"
The sky went from gloomy to blackout in an instant, only broken by flashes of lightening. My dog presses against my side and whines. Although she's nearly deaf, the rumble of thunder and pelting rain on the windows sets her into a panting panic. A ping. The phone screen flashes TORNADO warning for the area. Anxiety. There is nothing like weather to have an immediate impact on mood! Thankfully, the storm has passed and the mood here has calmed in the aftermath. In my stories, I often use weather to reflect the dominant mood of the scene or, more often, as a foreshadowing of something to come. A storm can bring comfort or terror. Oppressive heat can set a mood of tension or lethargy. A character may laugh at the rain or become gloomy. In this scene, the gathering storm foretells the violence of the scene to come.
If you've ever seen a horse in a herd spook, setting off all the others into a panic, then you'll know what I mean by crowd mentality. When I was a teen, I tried hard to fit in, or at least not stand out too much in a bad way. It's human nature to want to be accepted by the crowd or at least by your peers. Whenever people gather, you have to decide whether you will go along with the "group think," and if not, whether you dare to express a different opinion. Unfortunately, this desperation to fit in does not end upon graduation from school, but follows you into various arenas in life. That is one reason why I loved creating characters who have a certain out of the ordinary quirkiness about them that they embrace. We all have heard the advice, "Dare to be Different!" but how many of us have the guts to do so? I love a character who can step out of the norm when it may call criticism or rejection down on him.
The Maryland Equestrian series of novels is of course set in Maryland, but did you know that many of the settings are real places? In this scene, the main character and her boyfriend sneak into the abandoned amusement park known as The Enchanted Forest, which delighted visitors since 1955 with nursery rhyme playhouses and rides until it closed around 1989. The structures sat empty and in decay until some were rescued, stored by preservationists, and moved to Clark's Elioak Farm. Readers may recognize many more famous touchstone locations around central Maryland: The Washington International Horse Show, the ruins in the Daniels Area of Patapsco Valley State Park, Columbia Mall, and more.
There are millions of great books that focus on the mother-daughter relationship. Not surprisingly, because it is a powerful relationship--one that can hurt or heal. Humans are hardwired with the expectation that your mother will love you. But this is not always the case. Sometimes two people are thrown together in a family that make that mother-daughter relationship strained, either due to personalities or other reasons. In this scene, Cory's mother has grown up with a sense of inferiority. As a result, she relentlessly criticizes her daughter, thereby passing on all the hurt and humiliation she experienced. Sadly this is often the case in families--destructive habits are passed down the line until someone finally stands up to them. Will Cory?
Everyone loves a winner, especially one who is an underdog or who has overcome incredible odds. It seems the deeper the fall into failure, the more spectacular the win. In FALSE GODS, the once heralded Grand Prix rider and trainer is disgraced. People whisper behind her back that she's lost her nerve--disaster for a show jumper. But is it true, or something much more destructive and sinister? You've got to read it to find out! I recently experienced my own horse show comeback of sorts. After a nearly 12-year absence from the show ring, I competed in a local schooling show. Sure, it was not Grand Prix, it was not the "big time," there was nothing at stake but my pride...but it took some nerve to do it. Although I didn't "win," I sure felt like I did. Do you have a comeback story to share?
I found a stack of my old report cards from elementary school. They are not a testament to academic promise, let me tell you. Each teacher, year after year, complained that I daydreamed in class and did not pay attention. And they were right. I was bored (Dick and Jane, really? How come the boy gets to do all the fun stuff?) By the end of 6th grade I had become a master at mentally escaping any situation into the made up stories running through my head. When I got older, I also escaped into other people's stories--in books. How great it was to be able to spend a whole day reading on the back porch. Somehow, the two streams of my imagination and the creativity of other writers crossed paths and I started writing stories--all kinds, from fan fiction to mysteries to fictionalized biographies. These days, usually a story starts with a character who shows up in my imagination and invades my life. When she moves in to stay, I know I have to write her story. And eventually, she tells me what it is.
We have a lot of fun sometimes in our writing critique group. You must have a sense of humor in order to offer your story up for pot-shots, criticism, and yes, laughter. But it is all in the right spirit--to help each other. Sometimes we burst into laughter when reading a single line of dialog or an exchange between characters. Somehow when writing it, the words rang true, but when you read it out loud...ugh! We have all called each other to task for clunky, formal speech, for words a professor would use in a teenager's mouth, or a line dripping with feminine hallmarks spoken by a strapping male hero. "That's not man-speak!" we hoot. And when the author reads it out loud herself, she starts laughing, too.
I first heard of International Women's Day (IWD) decades ago when I was studying Russian in school. Around 1917, the Soviets commemorated this holiday in conjunction with women's suffrage. Today, many countries around the globe recognize IWD on March 8th. So how do we observe Women's Day? Is it an opportunity to examine equality issues or a chance to honor exceptional women in history? Perhaps both. But in addition, I think it should also be a call for women to help lift up other women, even in simplest ways. Read a female author and write a review for her. Mentor a young woman interested in your career field. Call a friend who is struggling and give her your time. Stop competing and empower each other instead. Happy IWD2019!
Why was Cory so alienated from her friends? Why was she so afraid to try, to compete? Why did she shun everything to do with horses until...well, I won't spoil the moment when that changes. If you've read False Gods and want to know more about Cory before she moved to Maryland, you absolutely have to read The Dream Horse and find out. If you haven't read False Gods, it's a great place to introduce you to the characters. The Dream Horse tells you what happened to crush Cory's dreams and shake her faith, but False Gods tells you how those dreams were restored in a way she could never have imagined. Just like life.
“Worse than the total agony of being in love?” Remember that line from Sam, the little boy in Love Actually? Do you remember your high school crush? Hanging around by his locker, hoping to get a mere glimpse, maybe exchange a few words? For me, romance felt so painful then, mostly because I was unsure of myself as well as clueless. In this scene, our heroine Cory has been plotting to run into crazy Kevyn who is so totally different, so self-assured, he's rocked her world. She's plotted and planned and dressed up for him...only to be met with disappointment. In these last few weeks of the Month of Love, take time to look back at those thrilling, painful, exhilarating, cringe-worthy, and euphoric memories of first loves. Do you recall any "I can't believe I acted like that!" memories?
Have you ever procrastinated over something you wanted to do because you were afraid or filled with self-doubt? Fear is the enemy of creativity, so is it any wonder writers often quit? How do you push through doubt, fear, and negative thoughts? When I feel an attack coming on, I go to my readers for help. I can't tell you the number of times it happened that just when I felt like giving up someone out of the blue tells me how much they enjoyed my book. Or, a marvelous review pops up on my book page. Or other miracles that provide hope, validation, and assurance I'm providing a service: entertaining stories with a message. So to anyone who has written a review, thanks! And to those who haven't, please consider it. Reviews-good or not so good-help authors hone their craft and buoy them up for the next project. What dispels your self-doubt?
When I set out for the barn this morn it was minus one degree. I dressed in layers, scarf wrapped around my face, no exposed skin, and extra coats and gloves on hand. I was in for five or more hours outdoors caring for horses. In the cold, this means battling frozen hoses, heavy filthy blankets to put on or remove, poop frozen to the stall mats, pushing an overflowing wheelbarrow up hill through the snow--both directions. Today I was already tired when I saw a horse had pooped in her heated water bucket, making it into Poo Stew. It all had to dumped and scoured out. Slipping on ice, the wind razoring my cheeks, I headed back inside. On the way, I passed my mare. When she recognized me, a deep throated nicker echoed through the cold and warmed my heart, stopping my feet in their tracks. The reward. That's why we do anything hard--riding or writing or whatever your passion. For the love of it and for the "nicker rewards" -- like when someone writes a nice review of my book. Suddenly the memory of all the hard work melts away.
Like you, I enjoy comfort. Being a horse person, my comforts come less often but are appreciated all the more. When I arrive at the barn on an 8 degree morn, I love the red of the sunrise over the horizon. I enjoy seeing the fuzzy, orange tabby who runs to greet me. I love the nicker of horses when I open the barn door and smell the sweet hay. Despite the freezing cold of winter, the wind that razors the skin off my face, the frozen water buckets, and the struggle of winter, I can find comfort in small things. When I get home after a hard day of physical labor, a strong cup of tea and fleece slippers are comfort. The best comfort of all, however, is the escape into a truly wonderful book that brings me to new places, big adventures, with fascinating characters.
There are so many terrific writers of equestrian fiction out there, especially for YA, so what makes my books different? Sure, there's a girl and a horse and a big problem to overcome... but what makes False Gods, and the soon-to-be-released sequel Horse Gods, different is that although the main character thinks her problems are all "out there," in reality they are within her--and the horse acts as the vehicle to brings about the necessary change. Sometimes that change feels spiritual, sometimes the story tips slightly into magical realism. It's probably no accident the horse in the first book is named Epiphany as Cory overcomes self-doubt and learns to value herself. Stay tuned for book two when a special horse tackles the problem of trust!
January 11 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. If you think this is a problem only in big cities or near the border or in Third World countries, you are mistaken. Exploitation of vulnerable people, especially underage girls and immigrants for sexual trafficking, happens even in "nice neighborhoods." That is why it is critical to know the signs and take action. I've taken awareness training on this terrible issue at various venues and am still horrified by the scope of the problem--over 20 million victims worldwide. My next book in the series, Horse Gods, touches on the problem of girls being recruited for sex trafficking and how easy it is for a young, desperate girl to fall into and become trapped that dark web. The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) is a national assistance center with a hotline and resources to help. Please don't turn a blind eye to slavery and trafficking--Break the Silence.
In this excerpt, Cory successfully navigates her mare over the highest jump she has ever attempted. Feeling a sense of accomplishment is wonderful! It is so important, in fact, that we should take time to look back over the year and note all our triumphs. As a writer, this is especially important, because we tend to focus on what we have NOT done. So, here it goes: In 2018 I signed with Bublish to distribute and promote my book, I consulted with them for improved branding and a new cover to improve marketability, my sales improved, some local libraries purchased it for their collection, my website was totally revamped (visit it at and I finished the next book in the series, Horse Gods, with a gorgeous cover, and it is edited and close to its March launch date. Phew! There's so much more I need to do, but looking back, I accomplished a lot. Thanks readers for your support.
Christmas has such power to rip you out of the present and fling you back to childhood. I vividly remember Christmases in New England when I was very young. We kids were allowed to change the color of the candles in the window each night, taking turns. When it was my turn, I picked all different garish colored bulbs for each one. My poor parents! The manger scene, which took up the entire top of the upright piano, was a battle ground between me and my sister. We fought like tigers over the placement of the figures because I insisted the Wise Men had to be far away since they didn't arrive until later. I can still envision the watery glow of the outdoor lights at night, burning through a layer of snow, and the cold glass window that sent drafts through the house. The smell of bayberry brings me back home in an instant. Food, sights, sounds, traditions. What are your earliest memories?
People who don't own horses--or perhaps have never even sat on one--still recognize the magic and majesty of this special animal. Today, on National Day of the Horse, think about all the ways the horse has contributed throughout history: in work, war, transportation, and sport. For more details, check out Oxford academic Barry Cunliffe's YouTube insights into the horse as a catalyst in human civilization. In WWI alone, over 5M horses and other equines died in service to man. Today, the horse continues to be used in more than just sport. Horses are key contributors in health and therapy organizations, police work, ranching, search and rescue, and more. Think of the powerful image of the Budweiser Clydesdale team and it's no wonder it became one of the most iconic brand symbols in the world. I know I have readers who have never ridden a horse, yet still enjoy a great horse story. Thank you, all horses, for everything you give.
Where do characters come from? The realistic ones are likely shades of people we know or met. The really realistic ones are some aspect of the author. Really, writers may deny this, but it's true. Cory in False Gods, in the words of her sister, is even "worse than a quitter" because she never really tries. If she can't be good at something, she won't take it on. At some point it sunk in that Cory is me. I've shied away from anything I don't think I'll master or be good at. Why? Insecurity, name it. Everything except riding. Like Cory, my love of horses pushed me through all the self-doubt, the fears, the frustrations, and kept me going, pursuing a nearly unattainable goal of being a competent horsewoman. For the love of horses. In the end, Cory's love is what saves her. Find out how--grab a copy of False Gods for an inspirational holiday story.
Cory is a rider. She thinks her sister's obsession with ballet is dumb. Her sister thinks riding involves too much cold, dirt, and "being outdoors." These two could not be any more different. But are they? When I began my working life, I shared an apartment with a gal who studied ballet, choreographed, and lived and breathed for dance. I lived at a barn. We were so different--she was from out west, I was from New England; she was conservative on issues where I leaned liberal. But, like the characters Jess and Cory, we came to see the strengths in each other's passions and discovered that we had more in common than we thought--even when it came to dance and riding. My friend's devotion to dance inspired me to create the character Jess and to try to capture the magic of ballet in False Gods.
"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Leo Tolstoy made this astute observation. I love to create family drama in all its unique permutations in my novels, but in my own family this Thanksgiving I am enormously happy and grateful. My daughter and her boyfriend arrived late last night (straight from Med School clinical rotations) and got up early this morn to run our traditional Thanksgiving Turkey Trot despite the bitter cold. I'm thankful I came home to find my husband had dinner well under control and then some. I spent the down time before guests arrive to clean the barn and prepare treats for the horses and dogs (and write this book bubble!). My heart is full of gratitude. I hope you're having a wonderful holiday, too.
This is the time of year when more reading is undertaken during the long, dark nights and more books are sold leading up to the holidays. What kind of books do you look for? I want to fall in love with the characters so much so that I hate to see the story end. I love twisty-turns in the plot that keep me off balance. And my secret pleasure is a good Cinderella story--think Rocky, think Seabiscuit, think The Pursuit of Happiness. To be a good one, however, the main character has to overcome impossible odds and maintain his/her integrity throughout. There can't be any cheap deus ex machina bail out at the end, either. I look for these stories and love reading them. I also love writing them. What are your favorites? Happy Reading Season! me? Some people are inspired by music, but I get creative by looking at images. I'm a visual learner and I "see" everything in my mind. That's how I survived my college classes, particularly having to learn all the complex grammar rules in Russian, my major. I could "see" the textbook page when I went in to take the test. When writing a scene (if I'm really into it) I see a movie rolling past my eyes and take it down like dictation. Pictures help. I have spent hours falling down the Pinterest rabbit hole, devouring images that illustrate characters, setting, moods. I create boards for each of my books so I can collect ideas, get in the mood, "see" what is going on in the story. Please visit my Pinterest boards to see pictures of Cory, Jess in the Nutcracker, the horses, the Washington International Horse show, the ruins of the Enchanted Forest and more. What's your Pinterest addiction?
On the first day of NANOWRIMO, National Novel Writing Month, I'm thinking about how I became a writer. When did it happen? When I sold my first book? When I got published? When I finished a manuscript? I think it happened when I put pencil to paper in elementary school and plotted out my first story. You're a writer if you write. Period. When people discover I've written a book, they often share how they intend to write one just as soon as they retire, or the kids are older, or when they get a special room set up...insert other excuses here. I doubt they will, because they don't know the secret magic word for becoming a writer: BICHOK. It stands for "Butt in chair, hands on keyboard." You have to write to become a writer and with enough practice, maybe even a good writer! So sign up for NANO, practice BICHOK, your story is calling! BTW, my first "novel" was called The Clue in the Haunted Bridge. Awful, right? I might even still have the notebook somewhere...
Halloween is associated with fear, but what really turns fear into an uncontrollable monster? Your own thoughts. Cory fell jumping a fence and now is afraid it will happen again. Her mind goes over and over the scenario, building up fear and almost guaranteeing she will crash. What you fear, or more precisely, what triggers your fear, causes your mind to turn it into reality--what we horse people call "riding for a fall." But how to stop the cycle? Equestrians are told to "get back on the horse that threw you" right away before the mind gets ahold of paralyzing fear. Not always possible. But some triggers are so insidious and hidden, you don't even know what's causing the fear. I'm so afraid of closed in places that I can not even watch someone in such a situation in a movie or on t.v. Recently I recalled an episode from my childhood that explained a lot. When I was very young, a friend locked me in the trunk of her family's car and ran away. She likely left for about ten minutes, but to me it was hours alone, trapped, in the dark. Fear triggers. What are yours and how do you vanquish the monsters? Happy Halloween!
False Gods is all about having a dream. Coaches, motivational speakers, and parents all encourage us to pursue your dreams. But no one talks about the dark side to desires and dreams. What if, in pursuit of your dream, you take a destructive path toward attaining it? The characters in False Gods have both humble and lofty dreams, but obsession, drive, and the fear of failure perverts their idyllic goals: Jess wants to become a pro ballerina but jeopardizes her health to achieve "the look"; Cory's mom wants to love and be loved so desperately she hooks up with an abusive and dangerous man; Cory's horse trainer sought Grand Prix fame to the extent that she ruined a horse and destroyed her career. By all means strive for your dreams but temper them with acceptance of where you are now, enjoy the process as you reach for the goal, and don't hurt yourself or anyone else along the way.
The opening of this scene suggests some bad weather is going to roll in soon. So are some really bad people and events. In my stories, weather often mimics or predicts the mood and action. As a horse owner, I'm particularly aware of the weather forecast, but I recall once when I was caught totally off guard. A friend and I were out trail riding on a winter day when suddenly a violent snow storm blew in. The sky turned dark and the snow fell so hard we couldn't see more than a foot ahead of us. In an open field, we experienced total white-out and didn't know which way to go in order to get home. At that point, my friend said, "Drop the reins. Let the horses show us the way home." It took a leap of faith, but that's what we did. Frozen, snow covered, and essentially blinded, we were helpless but the horses found their way back to the barn.
Writing for Young Adults, you walk a fine line between realism and discretion on the amount of detail included in scenes depicting sex or violence. As a reader, I have never enjoyed explicit scenes detailing either, but rather prefer well timed hints that leave it up to the reader to imagine what is going on. In romantic scenes, less is often more. Take for example the removal of Michelle Pfeiffer's glove in "The Age of Innocence." Sensuality implied in a simple gesture. I hope I have hit a balance in portraying the teen romance between Cory and her boyfriend, Kevyn, but suggesting emotions and leaving it up to the reader to fill in the blanks.
Scent triggers memories. This has been a known fact for some time. Some scents stir up powerful, long forgotten memories the brain has kept hidden. For example, while cleaning up after a home improvement project, I opened a can of turpentine and immediately saw an image of my mother when she was young woman. The smell brought me back to early childhood, watching her oil painting, enveloped in the smell of linseed oil, paint, and mineral spirits. It is a vague memory, but conjures up a sense of contentment. In my writing, I refer to scent, odor, smells both good and bad because they are such strong triggers to memory and therefore emotions. What are some of your favorites?
In this scene, Cory learns the horrific fate of many horses sold at auction--a terrifying ride across the border to slaughter. Like any reasonable person, she questions how this happens. Doesn't anyone want these horses? Can they be saved? Indeed, there are good horses that "fall through the cracks" and land in this terrible place. I wrote this scene to shine a light on the precarious fate of all horses and to give hope to those willing to take on a rescue horse. Please support organizations that help transition ex-racehorses to new homes, such as the Retired Racehorse Project. We are a nation built on the backs of horses. We owe each one a safe home or a dignified end to life.
Back to school, new clothes, a fresh start--that's how I viewed Labor Day each year. New Year was in September, not January. It was a time for making resolutions, riding on the tide of optimism. In New England where I grew up, the school year never started until after Labor Day when the weather was cooling and the evenings grew shorter. It was clearly the end of summer, the end of flip-flops and cook-outs and swimming in the ocean. Back to school traditions vary depending on where you grew up. What are some of your autumn memories? What traditions were associated with the beginning of the school year? I'd love to hear some!
In this scene, at night Cory flees an assault by running to the safety of the barn. A group of feral barn cats appear and comfort her. I have always loved cats (and horses and dogs) and find each one unique. There is nothing more soothing than a purring cat on your lap. Just two weeks ago while I was away, my cat slipped out and disappeared. I've done everything to find her, but no luck. The worst part is not knowing what happened to her. Hoping to adopt another cat in need, I visited a rescue and picked out a Siamese mix that looked a lot like the one in this story, but the adoption coordinator treated me like I was a bad pet owner because my cat escaped (even though I wasn't even home!) I'm missing having a cat, but figure the right one will come along at the right time and find me.
It's exciting to type "The End" after the last words of your novel. But is it really the end? Series are more popular than ever these days and I think it is because readers fall in love with characters, become comfortable with a familiar setting, and just plain old want to know what happens next. I didn't write FALSE GODS with a series in mind originally, but now I find myself putting the finishing edits on the sequel, HORSE GODS. Readers asked for more. They wanted to know what happened to Cory, Vee, and especially their horses! So I'm creating an even more exciting story. The sequel is a surprise and very different from the first book. How? You'll find out on March 17th when HORSE GODS make its debut!
Everyone who loves horses will tell you that they are magic. Indeed, horses seem nearly psychic at times, appearing to read our feelings, energy levels, intensions, and hurts. If you have a good relationship with a horse, that animal becomes an emotional mirror. In this scene, I portrayed a bit of that relationship in a description about a very intuitive mare--a horse so sensitive to the needs of those around her, she appears to heal them by her very presence. It is true horses are healers--indeed, they have proved this in various therapeutic programs from physical therapy to dealing with PTSD, psychological or socialization issues. I am so impressed with the healing power of horses that I wanted to capture a bit of that magic in False Gods.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Every kid has heard this question. By senior year in high school, it's no joke. Kids are making college, job training, and life decisions at a young age. In this scene, the mom is pushing Kevyn to attend Harvard, her vision for his life. Not his. Cory, still a junior, struggles with the concept that she has control over the direction of her life. Do you have a calling? Have you ever felt destined to follow a certain path in life? Anyone who has a child knows they are not born as tabula rasa, but rather are hard-wired in certain directions, talents, interests. Some hear their calling early, others are still searching well into their later years in life. It's okay. Keep listening.
We hear a lot about writer’s block, but what’s the problem? Writers pray for sessions when they sit down at the keyboard and the words flow like dictation from the talented writer gods. Musicians, scientists, athletes all seek this almost 'outside the body’ experience of effortless creative power or being in the zone. So if we can plug into this secret energy source, why don’t we? I think it is because the power, the muse, or whatever you want to call it, requires that you trust it first. Trust it to show up. Trust it not to lead you astray. For the blocked writer, it’s hard to believe that if you just show up and do the work, it will be okay. Usually better than okay. Often the muse comes for a visit, likes that you’re willing to listen, and whispers creative inspirations in your ear. But trusting is hard. It’s much easier to clean the refrigerator or alphabetize the spice rack than face the blank screen or edit the lousy first draft. It is hard to believe that if you just put your fingers on the keyboard, something magical can happen. Trust demands you let go and let it take over. It gets easier, so they say.
My main character knows French well enough to read Candide in the original. Good for her! Foreign language teaching is not emphasized enough, early enough, in schools. Foreign languages have played a large part in my life. I started French in the 3rd grade, switched to Russian in the 9th grade, and ended up majoring in Russian in college and minored in Italian. Later in life, I had an opportunity to learn Persian! I believe foreign language study changes the way we think, how we view the world, and I'm not the only one. Check out NPR's Hidden Brain podcast "Lost in Translation" to learn more about how foreign language learning stretches us to think about concepts like time, agency, and gender in new ways. It also improves cognitive function, boosts brain power, and is fun!
People have asked me if things in the book are real. By that, they mean, did any of the events really happen? Yes and no. I based a lot on similar experiences, but in the case of this excerpt--the birth of twin foals--a good deal of the details are exactly how it happened. I had a beautiful Hanoverian mare that I bred and after many trials, finally she was in foal. Sadly, one winter day she pounded on the barn door to be let in. She was dark with sweat, so I knew something was terribly wrong. The vet was an hour away and he would not have been able to stop the birth anyway. The mare delivered two premature foals, stillborn. I loved the mare, so her grieving broke my heart. I never bred her again.
Remember at the start of each new school year when you vowed "this year will be different!" Cory's junior year in a new school starts out with public humiliation, bullying from the band leader, and discouraging cross-country try-outs. Her year did not start out as expected, but how differently the story ends as Cory learns who she is and what really matters in her life. Beginnings do not necessarily dictate endings in life. There's always the opportunity for a fresh start.
Is it sadness or depression? Family members, like in this scene between a mother and daughter, often don't recognize or accept the signs of depression. It is stigmatized, pushed under the rug, and explained away by others. Until something happens. Depression can't be cured by telling someone to be thankful for what they have or to advise them to get tough and shake it off. Also, depression often spikes during holidays, like in this scene at Christmastime, putting additional stress on family ties. The mother in this scene has suffered a major life change, divorce, but there are clues that she has suffered from depression long before this event: giving up on her artwork that she loved, ignoring her daughter, abuse of drugs or alcohol. Depression has touched my life in destructive ways so I write about it in order to bring the problem into the light. Have you known anyone who suffered from depression? How did you help?
What's a calling, and do you have one? Many people, when they hear the word 'calling' think of a call to religious service, but calling is much larger than that and can encompass all manner of pursuits in life. Your calling is linked to your desires, so it is important to discern what they are and to evaluate them closely. Thus, in this scene, a teacher imparts a valuable message to Cory which she later acts upon. People may say they don't have a calling. That is sad, but what is much worse is to have one and ignore it. Psychologists have proven that people who never felt they had a calling were better off as far as health and satisfaction than those who did feel as if the profession of their desires was out there but they did not go after it. Health and wellness writer Colleen M. Story advises both writers and others that it is imperative to answer the call: "Leaving a calling unanswered is like ignoring a rock in your shoe. You're feeling that rock now. Embrace that feeling. Let it hurt. Let it remind you that this is important." My calling is to write stories. What's yours? Don't ignore it!
Are band geeks sexy now? Remember when the smart kid, the computer nerd, or yes, the band geek took a back seat to the team quarterback or handsome class president as the romantic hero in books? Not any more! Heroes in Young Adult fiction have refreshingly transformed into all sorts of leading young men and women. Think of the struggling young cancer patients in "The Fault in Our Stars" or the painfully shy heroine who lives through her fan fiction in Rainbow Rowell's "Fangirl." I love these characters and hope to add to the pantheon of Young Adult fiction's unexpected and much more interesting love interests.
Advice to writers is always "write what you know" but this can be too limiting. This scene describes a jump off at a high level show jumping competition. Have I ever competed at that level? Heck, no! So what business do I have writing this scene? Instead, I tapped into my more modest experiences jumping horses and applied all the fear, exhilaration, indecision, physical strain, and hopeful prayers one experiences when you partner with an equine athlete which has a mind of its own. Then I amped up the adrenaline for the main character's experience jumping with a whole lot more at stake. I think the advice to writers should be changed from "what you know" to "what you've felt" instead. In the end, all stories are driven by the emotions they generate.
Jess, a driven teenager with the goal of becoming a professional ballet dancer, is on the threshold of developing an eating disorder, bulimia. She tells herself that she must look a certain way in order to be competitive in the dance world, and that is certainly true (due primarily to Balanchine's legacy). Jess, however, may be tipping over the brink from "maintaining weight" to a full blown disorder, due in part to other personal issues. I became concerned about the problem of eating disorders when I heard tales from a young dancer about her peers who had started doing unspeakable damage to their young bodies in the name of achieving a sylphlike appearance. Dancers, along with models, jockeys, and other performers, are particularly vulnerable and fall victim to eating disorders with disastrous long-term effects. Treatment, likewise, must be long-term with a lot of support. I wanted to shine a spotlight on this problem in the hope that the medical community would find effective treatment and preventative measures. In the meantime, let's stop making thin, thinner, thinnest the ideal body image.
Every writer knows you must grab the reader's interest in the first few pages. Since not all stories can open with a death-defying chase scene, how does the writer instead take the reader gently by the hand, whispering "Come with me. I have a story you'll like." She has to put these words in the mouth of her main character. Come. Journey through my life for a while, experience my pain and challenges, care about me, and share my triumph. Such is the opening chapter of Cory's story. She has ditched cross country try-outs for fear of failing and now she finds herself talking with the school's hottest guy. But once again instead of standing up for herself she becomes the a target for a humiliating stunt. The reader will want to know: Does she change? How? Will she gain self-confidence? Will she get back at that jerk, David? Come along with Cory and find out!
Bullying in school has escalated to epidemic proportions with the introduction of social media. But what if the biggest school bully is one of the teachers? In this scene, the band director, nicknamed The Hawk, has been terrorizing students all year. He intimidates and picks on the timid and the talentless ones especially and no one has had the courage to stand up to him. He presides over the band room like a Roman emperor in the arena, until one day he goes too far. When Cory stands up to challenge him for pushing a student, all eyes turn to see what will happen. She doesn't know what will happen. Will anyone back her up? Will she become The Hawk's new target for persecution? Will she be thrown out of band, or worse yet...? I wrote this scene to show Cory finally standing up against her fears and to illustrate that bullying, no matter who is doing it, should be confronted and stopped. Read on to find out what happens!
Ever felt like a quitter? Does the fear of not being good enough paralyze you into not even trying? Cory has struggled with perfectionism and fear of failure to such an extent that she now runs away from every challenge--even the things she really wants to do or become. Her deepest desires are squashed by fear and she justifies this fear by pointing out examples of the hurts experienced by people around her. In a essay she is forced to write entitled "Desire," Cory expresses her secret fear that if she wants something too much and doesn't get it, the desire will destroy her. Life and circumstances have caused her to lose confidence, trust, and hope. To quote the great writer Anne Lamott, "Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor; the enemy of the people. It will keep you insane your whole life." Have you ever let your need for perfection or fear of failure keep you from your dreams?
In this scene, the main character, Cory, is at her first big-time horse show and she's nervous. She allows the expensive horses, big name trainers, and glittering atmosphere to intimidate her. It isn't long before she starts comparing herself to everyone she sees. Suddenly she notices the rust on their horse trailer she never saw before; the fact that her show coat might be out of style worries her; and worst of all she feels ashamed of her beloved horse, Epiphany, because she was bought from an auction. Cory's imagination runs away with her, convincing her that everyone is laughing at and looking down on them. As a result, she loses confidence in herself and her horse--and that leads to trouble. Have you ever fallen into the comparison trap? What did you do to climb out?
People have asked me why I named a YA novel False Gods. The title may be confusing so I hope this excerpt helps to explain. It is an exchange between a school counselor and the teenaged main character, Cory, on the topic of desire or achieving happiness. How many of you remember the painful teenaged years when you suspected everyone else had their life figured out but you? It seemed that if you could just be more talented, more intelligent, more outgoing, more like someone else, someone you were not, then you'd be happy. Then everything would be great! But those desires, those dreams are just false gods, because once one is achieved, you need a bigger or better one. Cory, in danger of losing her sense of self, does avoid the pitfalls of envy and false promises in a very surprising and unique way. But you'll have to read False Gods to learn how she finds out what's really, truly important to her. Hint: it involves horses.
In this scene, Cory's sister announces that she is giving up her passion--dance. Cory, who is a chronic quitter, attempts to talk her out of it, but instead is stung by her sister's harsh words: "Doing nothing is the same as quitting. Maybe worse." Have you wanted to do something but didn't out of fear? Fear of failure, fear of not being good at it, fear it's a mistake, or fear of looking stupid in front of others? These fears can cripple us into a life of dull safety, passionless existence, or lifelong regret. Cory starts out in the novel abandoning try-outs for band and a cross-country team only because she is afraid she won't make the cut--without even trying! Only her passion for riding keeps her from running away from that dream as well. We are meant to enjoy our lives. The Bible tells us "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of calm..." We will always have fear, indecision, insecurity. What's the solution in order to live a full life? Don't cheat yourself. Do it, even if you have to do it afraid.
In this excerpt, a woman faces the heartbreak of losing the foal her beloved mare is carrying as well as her dream for that promising little horse's future. Much of our lives are built on dreams, imagined futures, and longing for something great. When it is suddenly and brutally swept away from us, it is a shock. But that shock forces us to look more closely at our dreams and evaluate what we already have with fresh eyes-- with vision tinged with gratitude. I've been in this woman's place and watched a beloved mare give birth to premature and still born twins. I had high hopes for what this amazing mare could produce for me, but in the end, gave up the dream because the mare's health meant more to me. It is likely we have all lost a beloved pet, given up on a cherished dream, or had disappointment dog our path. How do you keep on, look forward to the future, and dream again?
Winter is my enemy, I've decided. It's out to get me. If you hate the cold like I do, you're in good company. Seasons and the weather often act almost as characters in my stories because they are such a big part of my life as a horse owner. In the winter, we battle frozen water buckets, heavy, dirty horse blankets, having to remove gloves to work buckles and clasps... In the spring, it's mud, in the summer, flies. You get the idea. But Winter! It wins the prize. The other day I tossed a water bucket onto the ground to break the ice out. It flipped, then crashed to the ground, spraying chunks of ice and frigid water all over the front of my jacket, down my pants, into my boots. But I had to finish the chores in the 5 degree temps. When I went in the house, I couldn't get out of my coat--the zipper was frozen! Like I said, Winter is my enemy.
Cory encounters her mother the day after she narrowly escapes sexual assault at the hands of her mother's drunk boyfriend. Cory, searching for compassion and protection, is only met with disbelief, scoffing, and dismissal. How many women or teen girls have gone to their most trusted family members, teachers, coaches or clergy with their stories only to be told they were imagining it, they were making too big a deal out of it, or, worst of all, they were to blame. This excerpt captures one teen's stark realization that she cannot even rely on her own mother, another woman, to combat sexual harassment.
FALSE GODS, first in the Maryland Rider Series, is free today (4 December) only. Pick up a copy for the holidays and get a ring-side seat to the gritty world of show jumping. Can three underdogs--a washed-up trainer, a rescued horse, and a loser teen--take on the Grand Prix circuit? It isn't long before their winning spree attracts the attention of a competition who will stop at nothing to win. Will Cory give up her dream to save her horse? The next book in the series--The Horse Gods--is due out in 2018.
Cory was always jealous of her perfect ballerina sister, Jess, and thought ballet was stupid. Until tonight. The fantasy of the ballet along with the hope and love of Christmas finally work their magic on Cory. I received a lot of help and inspiration for the ballet scenes in False Gods from my long time friend who is a dancer/choreographer and her daughter, a pro at a company performing at the Kennedy Center this month!
I'm sure we've all felt them at one time or another but it seems there's nothing like the holidays to bring out family strife and festering past hurts. In this scene, when "the knives come out" it is not just for carving the turkey! Sibling rivalry is nothing new, as the teen heroine, Cory, discovers while observing her mother and aunt in a verbal battle. It is then, however, that Cory comes to the realization that her mother's constant criticism of her may have come from of lifetime of unhappiness and feeling she was not measuring up. Have you ever had a tense Thanksgiving with family?
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