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Kain B Fairbrooks

The Music Girl


Since she was six years old, she had been locked in an attic by her jealous mother who physically and emotionally abused her. But there was something with her that didnt make her feel lonely. It spoke her muted words and even sang her sorrows. It was an old antique piano, smothered in dust that she learned how to play. After ten years she finally escapes the mansion she is captive in and so begins her musical journey to find a meaning in her melancholy life.

Book Bubbles from The Music Girl

Thank you

Mr. S2, is the main reason why I did not drop this novella/novel. This man right here was the biggest fans and supports I have ever had. He's been through me writing the draft and getting stuck at certain parts. Not knowing which path to choose for our little music child. Trust me, there were several ways this Book One could've. He's threatened me to keep it on path and not go completely crazy with it- say like killing my main character or making her dead. 'Make sure Ares and Miss Music end up together or else you'll wake up in Hell' something that extreme of a threat. But I think everyone should have a Mister S2 in their life.


When I first began this, the title 'The Music Girl' didnt come about till after I wrote the first five chapters. Truthfully it was suppose to be called 'She and Her music' But after writing those five pages, I realized that because of all the abuse she's been too- being locked up and not socializing with people- her body stayed smaller and underdeveloped. This is due to the lack of human contact she had, being underweight for ten years and most likely continuing being underweight until someone said something. I really had to look at how her mind was as well. Her mind wasnt twenty four years old, it was that of a childs.

Morning Elegance

This sentence right here was due to a song I would listen to when writing The Music Girl. I made it her 'theme song' It was called 'Her Morning Elegance' by Oren Lavie. I felt like this song had a very strong connection to her. Such as she fights for her life wherever she goes unfortunately my poor MC really does fight for her life. Though she appears to be elegant, rich, nobody knows about her struggles- her fights.

The Black Cat

Haha I used the name of my very own Violin, that I use to play back in the middle school to high school years, inside this prose. His name was indeed Jackie and the bows name was Alalalander(I know its quite silly but I loved it). The scarf around his neck came from me. I love weird long scarfs and use to wear all black except for a scarf around my neck in the winter. in the end this character was quiet the pain in the butt. Just how he walked, talked, was difficult during the draft version. I ended up changing a lot of words just so it could fit in the right place.


Due to this date, I purposely had this book published on her supposed birthday. I thought it would be rather special! And oh how it is.

Around 05

I had some serious doubts that I would get past this chapter. I thought I was going to drop it right after these when I was writing this on Figment, the website. "This is never going to work. I have a nameless character who I dont even know what she looks like...What kind of story is this?!"

First chapter!

When I wrote this, I was watching the sequel movie to Flowers In The Attic by V.C Andrews, Petals In The Wind. I thought it would be cool to make a character trapped in an attic as well except I didnt want the whole siblings thing. I wanted something more- something that could express her pain and even travel with her. I always loved music and I knew how much music had an influence on people. And so I made her companion a piano.

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