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HC  DeBoard

The Great Wall of Silence

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

As the election year approaches, Addison Landon, an investigative reporter and political analyst, is about to uncover the most elaborate plot she, or anyone else for that matter, has ever seen. An actual plot to create the largest contiguous land empire in human history that began 646 years ago. What she uncovers is not an army that plans to overthrow governments by force, but a secret society that has ultimate political aspirations.

Book Bubbles from The Great Wall of Silence

Building Trust

Christopher and Addison struggle to maintain a professional relationship while gradually falling for each other. To further complicate things, there are major trust issues on the part of Addison based on her past. By setting the picnic scene in the back of the truck, Addison gets to see a slightly softer, more human side of Christopher.

Berwick Upon Tweed

I chose this town mainly because I have traced my own family tree back to actual records in the church that is located in the town. I tried to include small pieces of myself throughout the story. It also makes for great conversation with readers.

The shake up

Addison's nature is to write the truth, no matter who it disturbs.

crazy attitude

Addison Landon, the protagonist of the story is head strong on the outside and uncertain on the inside.

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