Authorpreneur Dashboard – Eva A Odland

Eva A Odland

New Swimsuits

Gay & Lesbian

Chris knew the day would come when his life would change... Chris is starting a new life as Kristine in a new city and school for her senior year. Escaping the secret limbo she had been trapped in, Kris finds the support of family and friends who help her catch up in ways that Kris never expected. The summer before school heats up and her world is cast into emotional chaos when Samantha, her best friend comes to visit with a plan, she pushes Kris into risky territory as she tries to waken Kris's long dormant sexuality. Kris and her friends unwittingly become the catalysts for change as they encounter a situation that puts the community in turmoil. Kris finds her confidence shaken as an innocent accident uncovers a dark secret that forces her to act to protect the community and the ones she loves.

Book Bubbles from New Swimsuits

Love Triangle Acceptance

The love triangle is a common twist in many relationships. In this scene, trans girl Kris and her new lesbian friend, Allie, further their bonds of friendship by clearing the air of competition for Samantha's attention. Allie broaches the subject while sharing a bowl of pot and in doing so shows aspects of character that endear her to the reader. I set this scene in the backdrop of the girls doing what they typically do, hangout at the pool at Kris's and smoking pot. Recreational drug use is a reality for many young people and I believe adding some light usage in the story lends authenticity to the scene and provides for some moments of humor.

The Opening

When I wrote the opening to New Swimsuits I wanted to begin with a feeling of hope for what is to come, rather than with violence or the beginning of a fall into despair, common in transgender narratives. The empty room and closet is an obvious metaphor for her new life and identity about to begin. In every transgender person's life there is that moment of clarity when you know this is the first day you drop the past and move forward.

Turning Point

Gay & Lesbian

Love is fickle but friendship lasts forever... Kris blends easily into her new surroundings but being a transsexual in high school presents her with new challenges and new opportunities to triumph. Kris discovers that her friends have always been there for her and now it is her turn to repay the support. Life doesn't always follow a linear path...and sometimes a Turning Point is reached that will decide your future. Will Kris follow her love to the unknown or will she become an unexpected leader of a new generation of queer kids? This book contains depictions of drug use and LGBT sexuality it is therefor recommended for young adults 16 and older.

Book Bubbles from Turning Point

Disclosure of Secrets

We all have secrets. The moment of disclosure is something I am fascinated by. Probably because in my own life I have had various moments when a secrets were disclosed about sexuality and gender that dramatically changed my life. LGBT people have these moments and they are etched in our personal narratives. This is one of the aspects that separates the LGBT experience from the straight world. We can clearly recall those times because they do as the book's title indicates, they become real turning points in our lives. Kerry's character in the two books highlights this secret and disclosure moment in the scene with Kris highlighted here and Kerry's life beyond takes a new turn, as he "comes all the way out of the closet".

Online Relationship

The internet has been the single most influential advancement for helping transgender people. The ability to social connect and gather information has saved countless young trans people's live. I felt it was important to give my character an "online" relationship to highlight the importance that the internet has had for trans people to find support.



They discovered that true love and family knows no gender. Two hearts find love one summer on a sailboat. They shared a love of sailing and each other as teens, only to be separated by circumstances beyond their control. The sailing world separated them and would ultimately reunite them. It could also tear them apart, possibly forever.

Book Bubbles from Reunited

Sailing Culture

I wanted a backdrop of sailing in this story for several reasons. I personally have been fortunate to of started sailing as teen. At first small boats then bigger boats as I aged. I do some racing and always have a great time in around sailing culture. The people are robust, fun loving, brave and are quick to accept you for you. Being on the water, a willingness to learn and sharing a love of sail is all that is needed for acceptance. Nina and Derek were brought together by this culture and it embraces them in many ways. There is something about falling in love and escaping our urban traps with wind and sail. 'Reunited' gives the reader a little introduction to sailing, the dangers and the romance of it. See you out there...cheers! Eva

The Kiss

Kissing is a common, intimate act between lovers. The variations are endless and creates a wonderful palette to describe the intimacy between characters. I never grow weary of describing a kiss.

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