It definitely was not the world he knew. To the opposite side of the river there were vast verdant forests, appearing dark and foreboding. The land appeared to fold like a huge green blanket surrounding the river as it meandered towards the white-capped peaks in the distance. Closer to the river there were fields of wildflowers and lonely trees with thickets around their base. In the distance, he could see large areas covered with slate coloured boulders and vast green fields, with protrusions of jagged rocks and crags. Sauber was just as bewildered as he had been in the cave, only now it seemed surreal. He stared down at the vibrant green grass surrounding his boots. The ground felt soft under foot, like a manicured green on a golf course, left to overgrow.
Am I dreaming?
He touched the soft skin around his eye, then attempted to touch his eyeball, immediately his eye closed and watered profusely. Wiping the back of his hand across his face, he sighed. It’s not a dream.
The fresh sweet air left by the storm now passed into history. The scent of pine was still prevalent, and the fragrance of a million blooms met his senses. He glanced back toward the cello waters of the river, awe-struck at the way the musical tones seemed to flow through him. Unconsciously, he unzipped his jacket and pulled down the quarter zip on the Norgie top. How had it become so warm?
Sauber could only stare at his strange environment, absorbing each new experience as he observed it, all the while the strange tones emanating from the waters continued unabated in his ears. He did not know whether to be elated at the beauty surrounding him, or fearful for his own safety and sanity.
For the first time in his life Craig Sauber, former Army Ranger, had no idea of his location.
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