As morning turned to afternoon, the two ladies ducked into a sidewalk café to grab a bite of lunch. The morning had been quite productive, as they had already acquired most of the items they had come to Little Rock to get, and now they were ready for a lazy lunch, then back to Polk Ridge.
The trip today had reminded them of so many of those high school shopping trips with Maureen and Louise.
Gina hadn’t called Jax to alert him to the fact that they were in Little Rock for two reasons – one because he rarely had time to break away during the day, and two, she was enjoying her time with Jo and really didn’t want to schedule anything else into her day. So, it was with more than a little surprise that she looked as her phone rang to see “Jax” pop up on the screen.
“Now why is he calling me?” she asked absentminded, but aloud to Jo.
“Who?” she mouthed as Regina answered the phone.
“Hi, son,” Gina started and Jo knew it was Jax.
“Momma,” Jax began, “are you in Little Rock?”
“Y-e-s, Gina answered slowly, “I am, why?”
“Are you in a position to maybe, stay the night in Little Rock? Vicky and I have a little “situation” we need to discuss with you, and when Millie told me you were already here today, I wondered if you could join us for supper at the apartment?”
“Well, I guess I could,” Gina began, “but Jo’s with me. Let me ask her and I’ll call you right back. Is this really necessary, Jax?” Gina asked just as she finished her sentence. It wasn’t quite fair to put her in this position, and although Jo was most likely game for a change in plans, Gina hated to ask.
“Mom,” Jax said, in his most I really wouldn’t ask if it weren’t necessary voice, “we really need to talk to you. And it would be great if Aunt Jorja could come, too.”
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