When love turns to terror…
Love is the last thing Rachel St. John expects when she meets two handsome men on the same night. Leo Kilpatrick is a stranger who catches her eye at the neighborhood bar. He turns out to be a nice, fun-loving man—a little on the mysterious side but nothing too serious.
Matt Wallace—a cop on a mission to right a wrong—is her blind date. A serial killer murdered his foster sister, and Matt’s determined to find the culprit. The officer’s dedication makes him dark and a little dangerous.
After meeting Matt and Leo, strange things start happening in Rachel’s life—like a weird dream coinciding with a power outage confined to her apartment only. Then the threats begin. Her gut tells her not to trust no one. It doesn’t help that neither Matt nor Leo trust each other.
Rachel wants to trust her heart, but will it protect her?
Better yet, can either man protect her from the real danger?
When safety can no longer be found at home…
When the one who holds your heart can’t be trusted…
When the obvious isn’t anymore, who do you turn to?
Not For A Moment is a tale about believing in your own strengths when the road becomes bleak.
I like my romance the way I like my coffee…dark! But I also like throwing in a twist and tossing in a little suspense and adventure for good measure.
My characters are far from perfect. Some of them have flaws so large that they’re really obstacles. But somehow, those who love them find a way to deal with each and every quirk.
Much like my MC (Rachel), I tried to be prepared. I made my publishing schedule for 2020, and began getting my drafts done. When the pandemic was first announced with stay-at-home advisories, I figured "no big deal." After all, I worked from home full-time. My days were spent on the computer crafting stories. Little did I realize how overreaching COVID-19 would become. My schedule changed at least five times. Yes, I weathered the storm, but I didn't keep my head down the whole time. I kept an eye on the rearview mirror in case more change snuck up on me. How did you weather 2020 as a reader? A writer?
Book Excerpt
Not For A Moment
When we ended our phone call the previous night, I packed a small overnight bag with a change of clothing—and yes, I tossed in fresh underwear and a toothbrush. Then I had second thoughts and unpacked it all, thinking I was being too forward. I chastised myself for jumping to conclusions—Matt wanted to keep things casual, and I prepared to spend the night. In the morning I pulled out the bag again and threw in a change of clothes, toiletries, and underwear. After all, I’d been a Girl Scout. Being prepared was our motto.
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