Monday, June 21, 1943, early morning
Germantown, Philadelphia, PA
ISADORA TURGENEV TENSED up. She recognized the voice coming over the intercom from the wrought-iron Hamilton House entrance gate. Hearing that voice complicated a day already anticipated to be a tough one.
As interim psychic team leader while her supervisor was in D.C., it was her job to handle any brewing situation—along with today’s official task of integrating into their close-knit team a temporary secretary on loan from The Watch Committee. The temp was rumored to have a less-than-sparkling personality.
Bringing a non-psychic into the routine of a top-secret facility was always tricky. Surprise, surprise. Another tricky element was standing at the gate. A few more words confirmed that, indeed, the visitor was Rebecca Fergus, niece to Nazi Spy and Occult Wizard Deryk Fergus.
“Help me!” Despite static on the intercom, the teenager sounded on the edge of tears. “I have no place else to go that’s safe.”
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