The fog clung eerily to the forest floor, and every noise made by the frogs and insects suddenly overwhelmed her. When she heard a noise behind her, she jumped and let out an audible scream, wheeling around to see her security team disabled. Her male counterpart was on the ground in a crumpled heap, and something big had the female, whose arms were flailing about, attempting to fight back. She was gasping for breath but unable to get any.
Servati wanted to run but forced herself to stay, raising her rifle. Before she could fire, something hit her hard from behind. She suddenly couldn’t breathe; something grabbed her around the throat. She, too, found herself fighting to get free and breathe again. She dropped her weapon, trying to reach behind her head, but couldn’t get ahold of whoever grabbed her. She tried using her elbows to strike out, but the blows were easily deflected. She couldn’t contact what had hold of her.
Her vision began to blur, and her eyes watered as she gasped for any air she could find.
The woman on her security team surrendered, dropping to the ground alongside her male counterpart. Whoever had a hold on the woman had seemed to just drop her. All she could make out in the dark was a shape. The fog seemed to rise from the forest floor around it. It was moving toward her. She tried to scream, but there was no noise. Her lungs began to hurt, straining for air. She tried kicking what was behind her, but to no avail. She vainly tried to take in some air. The last thing she remembered was the dark, looming figure in the fog coming to get her.
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