Looking at his wrap she cocked her head, "Maybe you should pull your wrap to the side. Some surfer chick might kidnap you."
"OK. That’s a good compromise," he mimed as he pulled the wrap so it opened on the side. "Are we ready now?"
"Absolutely, maybe we’ll find a sand dollar or even a shark’s tooth. Wouldn’t Matt love it if you brought him back a shark’s tooth? He could wear it around his neck and everyone would think he’s cool."
"That might ever trump a helicopter."
"It wouldn’t surprise me," laughed Marti as they hit the sand. She reached for Chuck’s hand so they could walk at the same pace.
"You look like you belong in Hawaii, Chuck," whispered Marti, "You’re tan all over."
"You would know, young lady."
"Are you going to take my wrap home? It looks better on you than me."
"Only if you let me buy you a new one tomorrow at the market."
"Maybe, you’ve already spoiled me with chocolates."
"But tomorrow it starts all over again. Every day’s a new day."
"Wait. I think I see something in the sand – it’s a sand dollar." She turned it over in her hands checking for flaws. "Not perfect. It has a tiny crack but it’s good enough for my collection."
"Don’t you make a wish on a sand dollar when you find it?"
"I’ve never heard that but let’s give it a try. I wish to find a shark’s tooth."
"Where would we find a shark’s tooth?"
"It could be hidden in a sand pile or just lying on the beach."
"I just hope I don’t step on it." He looked down at his bare feet.
Marti giggled, "Well, in all my years of walking this beach, I’ve found two or three."
"That’s encouraging," Chuck said drily looking up and down the beach. He noticed they were alone for the moment. Turning back to Marti, he watched the wind lift the edge of her wrap exposing her long legs. He walked over behind her putting his arms around her.
"I’d rather kiss the back of your neck," he said pulling her hair back to expose her neck.
"Find your own sand dollar and make a wish," teased Marti heading down the beach. Chuck moved along side of her and focused his attention on the sand. Within five minutes he had found a sand dollar – a perfect one.
"I wish for a kiss," Chuck winked at Marti.
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