The summer I turned 16 I was:
• Kidnapped by mother and a new stepfather.
• my parental units used coercive persuasion to force me to lie to Canada Border Guards at two state border crossings in fear of my life!
• Drugged during illegal transportation across state and international borders.
• Inappropriately touched.
• Severely BEATEN; couldn’t sit or lay down on my backside for two months.
• Denied medical treatment.
• Abused.
• Tortured.
• Forced into child labor building a 20 foot by 24 foot, one room log cabin, during a short summer season with NO power tools, in the middle of nowhere Alaska.
• ABANDONED for two years by ‘Fundamentalist Christian’ parents.
• Bound* from Michigan all the way up the Alcan Highway, north, to interior Alaska where I grew up living next door to two cults. Living Word Ministry Religious Cult, and Upper Dry Creek Hippie Cult located at Mile 1378 Alaska Highway at Dry Creek, Alaska.
• Abandoned by mother in the dead of winter, alone at the age of 16. Left to raise two younger siblings on my own. Including the responsibility of their education and well being in a secluded, remote cabin with NO:
• power
• transportation
• phone communication
• adult supervision in case of emergency
While mother lived a life of comfort and ease 1000 miles away in Anchorage, Alaska. In a multi-bedroom, modern apartment near public schools provided by Green Construction for 2 years. Mountain Man was in Providence hospital recovering from a leg amputation up at “Pet-4”. A Pipeline Construction Camp located at Chandalar Lake when the North Slope oil line was being built. He took our mother a thousand miles away from us, yet abandoned her three children to fend for themselves, for two years on a remote Alaska homestead.
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