Two human beings were coming together, but it was a special coming together of two pairs of eyes, two hearts, and two minds. (Ach! I could not resist watching from the doorway of my cabin, as many of us were.) I could practically see strands of light and magic pulling these two together….but their eyes had a mystical power all their own.
His luminescent brown eyes spoke of worlds yet unseen, of voyages to be taken. They showed an embrace of life, a willingness to experience it to the fullest.
Her blue eyes spoke of wisdom beyond her years, of knowing things from other realms, but of staying in one place, of being completely grounded and connected to the earth. Earth met the sky in her eyes.
A yearning for adventure, wanting to touch, taste, smell, soak up the entire world is what his eyes bespoke…wanting to lie on the earth and feel the pulse of humanity…to speak foreign tongues, to drink exotic concoctions, to engage in new rituals. Whatever it was he was looking for would be around the next turn, over the next hill. It was the journey that was his calling, not a destination.
She wanted to plant herself here, in one place, forever…to go ever deeper, yet higher at the same time…to feel the planetary pulse from here, without having to go searching for it. It would come. Everything does—everything. She knew she just had to show up first and make herself available to it.
The two spoke long into the night. The fading stars finally urged them to their beds…where they didn’t sleep.
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