Whizzing along the freeways heading north and then east from the airport, four unseen passengers in tow, Emily actually appreciates Los Angeles for the first time in her life. A strong wind has cleared the sky, revealing the Hollywood sign and even the Angeles Crest off in the distance. She’d been to the city half a dozen times before, but it was always a rushed, harried trip. And she’d always been, well, Emily—the earlier Emily. The rushed, harried Emily.
And what is this strange feeling that’s come over her? Could it be peace? Joy? What in the world is that unusual, foreign sensation?
While Emily decides to give up on trying to figure it out and just enjoy the new...strange...whatever-it-is, David and Angela just enjoy the joyride. Stephanie consults her computer while Jasper whispers. A large, blue pickup truck tailgates Emily’s compact rental, which is right behind a large, green van.
“Uh-oh!” Stephanie shouts, instantly bursting the bliss bubble. The other three angels nearly fly out the window in surprise. “Get her out of here—now!”
“Emily, get out of here!” Angela entreats. Jasper adjusts his whispering as well as his volume to the new directive. David attempts, although in vain, to see what has shown up on Stephanie’s laptop.
“The karma and intent of the driver behind her has changed,” Stephanie explains. “His love meter is so low it’s barely registering on the chart at all.”
“What the Heaven—?”
“And that really big accident that was supposed to happen?” Stephanie continues. “Not going to. Elements from most of the people have completely changed. Looks like a much smaller one will happen overall, but a really, really bad one is going to happen right ahead here. But it’s not meant for her.”
“Emily, change lanes,” David instructs.
That tailgater has started to annoy her, really messing with her mellow. Emily looks in the left-hand rear-view mirror and spots a car barreling down the lane that she would be moving into. She decides to wait for it to pass.
“Emily,” David speaks very slowly, very clearly, “this is not the time to be polite. Change lanes right now.”
Emily changes lanes, causing the barreling car to swerve into the far left lane. This is Jack! His angels wave wildly to Emily’s angels as his car zooms past. Jack glances over, too, but is wearing a far less amicable expression.
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