Authorpreneur Dashboard – Zane Safrit

Zane  Safrit

Recognize THEM: 52 Ways to Recognize Your Employees in Ways They Value

Business & Investing

This is about two of my favorite writing subjects: employee recognition and employee engagement.  I describe some of the smartest ways I recognized those around me, engaged with them and made our companies a better place to work. Oh, and generated good revenue growth and cash-flows. I describe some of my mistakes in these areas, too.  But there are others who helped me along the way. I share their tips and steps, wishing I had known about them earlier. No business book is worthy of a read without data and quotes. I share both and hope they inform as well as inspire.

Book Bubbles from Recognize THEM: 52 Ways to Recognize Your Employees in Ways They Value

This is for every leader, every manager

I wrote this book for every leader and manager caught between meeting the demands of their bosses and serving the needs of those they work with every day. I know you face a daily struggle of limited resources, little to no training and ever-rising demands for ever-rising results. Here are ways to help you reach those goals while creating a fun, exciting place to work.

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