Authorpreneur Dashboard – Zachary Bonelli

Zachary  Bonelli

Voyage: Embarkation - Part One

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Kal is ready to leave his strange home and is about to embark on a journey to even stranger worlds. After four years of exile, he can finally escape into the metaxia, the unspace between universes, and explore alternate Earths. Supremely advanced cultures and natural wonders of immeasurable beauty await him. However, there exist also worlds mired in social decay, and those filled with dangerous, exotic forms of life. Armed only with defensive nanotech and a computer pad, Kal travels from one alternate Earth to another. Navigating the infinity of possibilities, he embarks on a new kind of voyage, a voyage along the catastrophe of notions.

Book Bubbles from Voyage: Embarkation - Part One

Id's Suicide, Interrupted

Id is another incredibly fun character to write. Imagine a being of immense proportions, about the ten times the size of Earth and about half its mass. That's Id. Now imagine he's particulate. Now imagine that his body, and therefore his consciousness too, can occupy multiple quantum universes simultaneously. Id is an incredibly powerful being compared to us humans. Oh, and by the way, he has all the emotional maturity of a twelve-year-old.

Setting Sail

Mythos and Ethos are two very fun characters to write. They are metaxic organisms, meaning they live in the all-possibility between universes, outside of what we humans would consider to be reality. Whenever a "uniquantum" like Kal is about to take off into the metaxia, Mythos and Ethos show up and set ground rules. Kal is too excited about the possibilities to fear for his life the way he should, and in this scene, Ethos draws his attention to very severe dangers of alternate universe exploration.

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