Authorpreneur Dashboard – Yara Kaleemah

Yara   Kaleemah


Literature & Fiction

After being molested by his pediatrician for five years, seventeen year old Kory Little finds himself craving the feeling the doctor had given him. Sure, there were plenty of girls at school and around town but none of them would give the weird kid a second look. In walks, Mrs. Granger the math teacher. With a body like hers, Kory is sure he could solve his problem. Of course it’s not that simple. He treats Mrs. Granger to a live nightmare and she reminds him with every chance she gets. Feeling rejected, Kory moves on. Añuli Ochachi is a West African goddess. Although her parents taught her to be modest and cover her chastity she can’t help but feel confined. With all the stereotypes and societal norms projected on the television, Añuli insists that her real beauty is in her looks, not her heart. She gets more attention than she bargains for from Kory but she likes it, until she utters her very last words. Will Kory’s need for sexual attention doom a small Florida town forever?

Book Bubbles from THE HORNY SHOOTER

Kory, The Horny Shooter

Kory is a manipulative young man who gets pleasure from killing innocent animals.

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