Authorpreneur Dashboard – Wayne Costigan

Wayne  Costigan

A Wolf’s Tale

Literature & Fiction

A spiritual coming of age story for bright children, young adults, and all those still young at heart, about an Indian boy and his pet wolf pup, as told through the, all too often, similar experiences of man and beast, as both struggle to come to grips with the heart wrenching changes wrought with the arrival of a new people from across a great ocean.

Book Bubbles from A Wolf’s Tale

Extreme Dismay

A Wolf's Tale came about over my extreme dismay over the unConstitutional and completely immoral invasion of Iraq, in response to our own government's false flag terrorist attack conducted on September 11, 2001. It began in 2005 as a very short antiwar story for my own (then) preteen children, whom I knew would love a tale about wolves and Indians. The latter being an ongoing hobby of mine. My own childhood which was spent studying anthropology and expending my limited allowance on Indian artifacts, such as arrowheads, scrapers, and stone fishhooks. As I lay in my bunk in federal prison, back then, I'd begin picturing the characters interact a scene. Dialogue would seep into my sleep fogged mind and would take on a reality that was truly breathtaking. So much so that the story line, itself, would often change in ways that, not only amazed and entertained me in my time of woe, but, more often than not, drove the plot in ways that my daytime conscious mind NEVER foresaw. Over a year's time, the once short story morphed inexorably into a novella. One that was only just finished about a year before my release in January of 2014. So the entire book was written over about a period of eight years.

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