Authorpreneur Dashboard – Warren Talbot

Warren  Talbot

Dream Save Do: An Action Plan for Dreamers


Dream Save Do is an Action Plan to make Some Day a reality. You yearn for something more: to travel the world, start your own business, create art, or change the world. Maybe you are fuzzy on the details, but you know you want something different. You want to make your own rules for a change, but you aren't quite sure how to start - much less how to pay for it. What you need is An Action Plan for Dreamers. Betsy and Warren felt the same back in 2008, and they spent 2 years sculpting their conventional reality into one of world travel - a life they are still enjoying to this day. This second edition contains 390 pages of step-by-step, practical advice and case studies for dreamers just like you to help you reach your wildest dreams. What are you waiting for? Life is short; live your dream.

Book Bubbles from Dream Save Do: An Action Plan for Dreamers

Author's Note

We provide you with background on where the idea for this book came from and why we wanted to share the insights here with you.

A Note from the Authors

We provide you with background on why we wrote this book and share more about the changes that led to us following our dream to travel around the world.

Married with Luggage

Biographies & Memoirs

This is not your typical love story. Take an inside peek at an unconventional lifestyle and its impact on a conventional marriage. Warren and Betsy Talbot were heading for divorce when they had an idea that changed everything: Put the relationship first. That small but revolutionary act paved the way for an even bigger idea: Sell everything and travel the world. "When we left on this journey, we thought our biggest discoveries would be in the world around us. But it turns out we had a lot to explore in our own relationship," said co-author Betsy Talbot. Find out what dodging an erupting volcano, riding out a Force-12 storm in the icy Drake Passage, and herding goats in the Gobi Desert have taught them about love and communication in this adventurous and revealing memoir. Married with Luggage is for people who want to enjoy their hectic lives without sacrificing their relationships, those who want an inside peek at how another couple makes love work, and anyone who enjoys a good love story.

Book Bubbles from Married with Luggage

Finding clarity at the top of a cliff

While hiking in Turkey we found ourselves in the midst of a gale-force storm on the top of a cliff. It was just the 2 of us in the middle of nowhere and we had to pull together to make it out. This was the perfect analogy we've experienced that encapsulates how far our marriage has come from the brink of divorce.

Strip Off Your Fear: Radiate the Confidence Within


Author Betsy Talbot's message is simple: "Speak up. Be proud of who you are, what you know, and what you do. Help other women do the same. When you change your world for the better, you make it better for the rest of us." Talbot wrote this book for the "Good Girls" – women who go along to get along, never rock the boat, and put their own desires last. Sound familiar? In this book, Talbot leads readers through a striptease of the emotional layers that can suffocate our innate confidence, preventing women from reaching their personal, professional, and societal goals. In her signature style, she marries learning with action, using deeply personal stories to illustrate breakthroughs and then guiding the reader through exercises to reveal their own flawed and fabulous selves. It is a bold book for women who want to live a life bigger than the one they have right now. And it is definitely a conversation starter at a book club!

Book Bubbles from Strip Off Your Fear: Radiate the Confidence Within

Background for this book

This book was started many times, but the words never seemed to fully encapsulate my feelings on what confidence means. After a tragedy this book and the message within flowed out of me as I focused the message on a lost friend. - Betsy Talbot

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