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VL  Jennings

The Alien Mind

Children's Books

In The Alien Mind, Young Rivinaig shares her adventures and trials that began on that fateful day when a group of aliens called the Aruk abducted her and several other children. Another group of aliens called the Aunantet rescue the children and raise them as their own. Their new families teach them how to harness the full capacities of their brains, enabling them to defy the laws of physics and develop special mental abilities. The past returns to haunt them as the Aruk plot revenge and make a bid to regain their control; the fate of the entire galaxy depends on whether the children can maintain their freedom. A 4-8 grade novel, written to be enjoyed by all age groups!

Book Bubbles from The Alien Mind

Expanding Your Mind

This book started with the theme that we, as humans, carry a lot of untapped potential in our minds. I wanted to explore what we might be able to do if we could access that untapped potential. The Aunantet aliens had rescued and raised Rivi and her friends when they were all very little. They taught the children how to access parts of their minds that normal humans don't normally use. This helped the children unlock hidden abilities and allowed them to see the world around them, even space and time, differently than most people. In this scene Rivi is trying to show Dan a little piece of how she sees the world around her...

Aliens At The Whitehouse

Another theme that runs through the book is my vision on how I think people would react to/ receive aliens if they did exist and come to visit us. We have watched so many alien movies and doomsday scenarios that I believe if a visitor arrived on our planet in a non threatening manner we would approach with curiosity and cautiousness but at the end of the day we would greet them like we do any other person we don't know. At least- this is my hope for humanity

Dealing With Bullies

One of the main themes that runs throughout the whole book is how to deal with bullying. Rivi must learn to stand up to her the alien Aruk that have been chasing and torturing her and her friends across the galaxy. Sometimes the best way to learn something is to help someone else overcome a similar problem in a different situation In this scene Rivi has just registered for her first day of school since coming back to Earth to live among humans. She finds this boy, who she later nicknames Dan, being picked on and pushed around by some of the school's bullies. She helps Daniel out by standing up to the bullies. Through her friendship with Dan she teaches him how to stand up for himself without violence and subsequently learns the confidence and strength she needs to face the Aruk when they capture her again!

Rivi's Identity Revealed

Posted this scene in honor of New Years! Please share-> for all of new years day The Alien Mind will be free on kindle! My goal is to make it to the 100 free childrens sci-fi list! In this post Rivi chooses between guarding her secret identity (one of having special abilities and being raised by aliens) or to rescue the three bullies who started a fire in the middle school.

Rivinaig's Aunantet Family

Meet Rivi's adopted alien family before her world is changed forever!

Rivi Meets The President Of The United States

In Chapter 6: Civic Duty, Rivi ends up having to do double duty while on Earth. Not only is she trying to go to school like a normal human child, but she also finds herself in the position of acting as an Alien Diplomat! Separated from her alien family she alone serves as the Aunantet Representative to Earth as humankind discovers that aliens are real and one may be living among them!

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