Authorpreneur Dashboard – Vincent Bechet

Vincent  Bechet

The California Redemption Fund

Literature & Fiction

Erik Wilkinson, an actor in L.A., struggles to stay afloat chasing the dream he once had. He encounters a motley crew who take him on a wild ride through the desert, where things aren’t always what they seem. His journey towards success won from loss is only beginning… The California Redemption Fund gives readers a fast paced, humor filled ride with an unexpected twist at the end.

Book Bubbles from The California Redemption Fund

Freedom Fries

This excerpt of my book was inspired by the "freedom fries" euphemism that occurred in 2003 when some restaurants started renaming their menus from "French fries" to "Freedom fries". If the term had stuck would they have also changed French toast" to "Freedom toast"?

Sound familiar

Don't we all know someone like Chris? People that make the world a better place. I loved writing the few scenes that Chris is in. He's the guy that's always buzzing around, making people have a good time and always positive. Everything keeps going right for him. In many respects he is in the story to show how we all co-exist and that if we were all the same, the world would be very boring place.

Dish washing is cool.

If it wasn't you, someone washed the plate you are eating off. Let's hope they did a good job. I salute all dishwashers. There is nothing more noble and I have always found it therapeutic. Erik, the main protagonist, finds himself a job as a dishwasher and is drawn to it. Where does it all lead?

NY vs L.A.

Erik is from New York, but living the American dream in L.A. I wrote The California Redemption Fund in a style that very much resembles a movie script. I have written a few movie scripts and countless TV commercials and spent a long time analyzing how characters are formed in a visual context. I wanted to do the same thing in my book. Bold characters that jumped out of the page at you. The way I did this was to make them from either NY or L.A. where a lot of movies are made. Love them or hate them, I knew my readers would "get them" and form a visual image of them right away without to much explanation.

The film industry

Having worked on numerous film and TV commercial sets, it still fascinates me to see a film crew at work. When the crew are good, they are a well oiled machine, a real pleasure to work with and things go well. When they are bad, it is a real mess. The lingo is colorful and sometimes mind boggling. Erik Wilkinson, the main protagonist watches people evolve around him, much like an audience watches a movie.

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