Authorpreneur Dashboard – Chelsea Flagg

Chelsea  Flagg

Tinsey Clover

Children's Books

Tinsey Clover is smart. She’s brave. Also, she can’t carry a tune to save her life. Oh yeah, plus she's an elf the size of a chipmunk. When her bizarre magical power grows in and makes her feel like a total outsider in her own village, Tinsey sneaks into the forbidden forest on a journey to find someone more like her. From trolls to dragons, what she discovers along the way challenges everything, and everyone, she thought she knew.

Book Bubbles from Tinsey Clover

Story of Our Lives

What better way to start a book off than with a phrase we've all said to ourselves over and over and over again. "Today's the day to (fill in the blank)... I really mean it this time." Well, just like this spunky 11-year old elf, let's actually make TODAY THE DAY to (fill in the blank)!!

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