Authorpreneur Dashboard – Yvette Bethel

Yvette  Bethel

Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Book Bubbles from Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Book Bubbles from Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Book Bubbles from Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Book Bubbles from Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Book Bubbles from Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Book Bubbles from Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Book Bubbles from Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times

Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth

Business & Investing

Book Bubbles from Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance: A Values-Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth

Insight for leaders...

We have all experienced low-integrity employees at one time or another. Read on about how this impacts your organization, your leadership and your team.

As a leader, do you have Relationship Intelligence

Interconnectivity, Flow and Balance is a road map to both self-transformation and cultural change. It introduces ideas that translate into practical models which can be applied to simple and complex workplace challenges.

What is IFB?

The IFB Model has vast applications. Organizations, families, or even communities. This book introduces it as an operating system organizational leaders can use to enhance the performance of their organizations. This is not a model that replaces others, it is an open source framework that allows you to integrate other performance systems and optimize them. The IFB framework starts by focusing on people development. As a result, effective implementation will affect your culture because it is based on the core values of integrity, self-mastery and a we disposition. This excerpt is designed to orient you, it explains what Interconnectivity, Flow and Balance are, and how the system can help you.

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