Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jessica Dawn Samuels

Jessica Dawn Samuels

Tales From Behind The Counter

Humor & Entertainment

If you think the customer is always right, you've never worked at a place like Kyle's before. Angeline has seen it all--crazy, stupid, and even mean. For the last five years, customers have tormented her daily in over five departments at her workplace, Kyle's General Store. In one chapter, she gives advice on surviving retail and shares her biggest pet peeves in the departments she has worked in. Join Angeline down memory lane as she tells her stories about crazy customers and the downright stupid questions they ask.

Book Bubbles from Tales From Behind The Counter

Front End Stories...

When you work retail and you work for a major place it can suck being pulled on the register, and in turn so many stories to tell! Angeline hated it!

You can't Win....

People complain in retail no matter what, and this proves you can't please everyone! Not at all.

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