Authorpreneur Dashboard – Philip C Elrod

Philip C Elrod

Secrets of Sand Mountain

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

SECRETS OF SAND MOUNTAIN The summer of 1944 – a sleepy little town in Southern Appalachia: on the surface, life seems simple and uncomplicated - but, people are not what they seem. Secrets and a dark heritage lurk just beneath the surface and suddenly erupt in danger, death, and destruction. Some characters, when challenged with life altering situations, rise to the occasion heroically - others, sink into the dark abysses of depravity. Many lives will never be the same following this hot summer of 1944.

Book Bubbles from Secrets of Sand Mountain

Death comes to the mountain

Secrets of Sand Mountain is a tale of a divided family, intrigue and romance hidden behind the quiet doors of a small Appalachian town. Jealousy and hatred lead to actions that place the lives of innocents into jeopardy.

The secrets start showing their ugly faces

Growing up can be boring or exciting, depending on what is happening at any given time. Young Philip Campbell was bored more often than not - but that is about to change. His life will soon be on a roller coaster and the ride will be beyond his wildest expectations.

Campbell Crossing, 1944

Life in a small town often seems quiet and boring - at least on the surface. But many small towns harbor large secrets. Exposing secrets can be interesting - and, at times, it can be dangerous. Campbell Crossing is such a small town - and it harbors secrets that once revealed can never be hidden again.

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