Authorpreneur Dashboard – Alan Trock

Alan  Trock

36 Hours to Save the President


As a birthday present, Alex Linwood receives his first book about Abraham Lincoln. Thus begins a lifelong admiration of the 16th President. Over the years, Alex continues to acquire books about Lincoln and ultimately decides to visit both Springfield, Illinois and Washington DC, to explore locales that were frequented by Lincoln. It is at one of these sites that, through a serendipitous event, Alex is transported back to April 13, 1865, where a spirit from Lincoln’s past explains to Alex that he has been given the unique opportunity to devote the next 36 hours to save the President. While in 1865 Washington City, Alex comes face to face with people central to the tragic events leading up to the Lincoln assassination, as well as one person who has a profound effect upon his time there. As the hours count down, the lives of Lincoln, Booth and Alex Linwood become closely entwined. But, can he prevent John Wilkes Booth from murdering the President and thereby alter the course of history?

Book Bubbles from 36 Hours to Save the President

Secret Service Protection for President Lincoln?

Why didn't the US Secret Service, which was in existence in 1865, protect Abraham Lincoln from John Wilkes Booth?

This just got Real

Our time traveler is searching for John Wilkes Booth. His first stop is to Mary Surratt's Boarding House. Will he find him there?

Searching for John Wilkes Booth

Alex Linwood has been transported back to April 1865 and given the task of stopping the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. His quest first takes him to Mary Surratt’s boarding house in hopes of encountering the assassin. But what will Alex do if he actually encounters one of the conspirators? What plan does he have to thwart John Wilkes Booth’s dastardly plan?

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