Authorpreneur Dashboard – Caitlyn OLeary

Caitlyn  OLeary



A Woman In Danger When Kelly finds herself kidnapped, she clings to the one thing that can get her through her ordeal, a dream of a boy long forgotten—Noah. A Hero with a Secret… A highly decorated naval officer, Noah rushes to save Kelly, and then help to unlock the secret of their shared past. A Love That Is More than a Dream… Together they discover a love and passion surpassing all of their dreams, but before they can have a future together they have to solve the mystery of their past. A Found Series Novel

Book Bubbles from Revealed

Very First Lines of the Book

I knew this character inside and out. She'd lived inside of me for a year. I knew the before, the during and after. This moment was the turning point for her, it was going to make or break her. I wanted the readers to meet her and witness who she was at this point in time, and witness the journey she would take.

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