Authorpreneur Dashboard – Sharon K Miller

Sharon K Miller
The Clay Endures

The Clay Endures

Literature & Fiction

As the wife of a dreamer, Esperanza Ramirez comes to this place in the nineteenth century with her husband to build a cattle ranch beneath a rugged ridge in the back range of the Santa Catalina Mountains. The wild, young city of Tucson, suddenly a U.S. territorial town by virtue of the Gadsden Purchase, lies south of the ridge. Esperanza and her Spanish-bred husband are among the first to venture beyond the safety of Tucson and into hostile Apache territory. Esperanza struggles to hold onto their dream in spite of the loneliness and Apaches who steal their cattle, engage Armando in battle, and attack freighters who carry supplies from Tucson to Camp Grant. Finding an ancient pot when digging in her garden offers her a sense of companionship--the presence of another woman in this place. But will it be enough when she delivers her stillborn child all alone, when outlaws attack her, and when the mysterious Apache who watches from a distance makes his move? Esperanza's is a story that remains in that scrap of desert for others to find.

Book Bubbles from The Clay Endures

The Clay Remembers

Literature & Fiction

Oppressed by a husband who treats her as his property, Anna Robinson flees to the Southwestern desert. As an archaeologist, she knows each sherd, each scrap of cloth holds something of an earlier life. And each artifact draws her more intimately into the stories of Esperanza Ramirez, a nineteenth-century homesteader, and of the Hohokam woman before her. Can their experience here under a rugged ridge in the Santa Catalina Mountains, joyful and tragic both, give Anna the strength to face Foster, the armed and dangerous husband on her trail? Foster does not yet suspect there is another man in Anna’s life, a man with his own story of pain and loss. Resist Nick Anderson as she will, Anna is hopelessly attracted, fearful of her husband’s crazed jealousy, and only beginning to sense the deep love and fulfilllment in the lives of the women who preceded her. The eternal story of a woman struggling to find her voice and power, The Clay Remembers unearths the legacy of the past, deepening and enriching life in the present.

Book Bubbles from The Clay Remembers

Foster's absolute control

Now that Anna is away from her husband, she wonders how he reacted when he found out she had left. She remembers how he had tried to control her comings and goings as well as every aspect of her life.

Finding Freedom?

Anna Robinson, a young archaeologist fleeing her abusive husband, is seeking safety in Tucson, where a job awaits. Approaching the city, the view of the Santa Catalina Mountains from the airplane window provokes feelings of nostalgia and familiarity even though she has never been here before. What is it that draws her to these mountains, to this place? Will she find the freedom she desires? Will Foster find her and, if he does, what will he do?


For her own safety, Anna must get away from her increasingly abusive husband. Having carefully plotted her escape, she is on the verge of starting a new life far away from her husband.

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