Authorpreneur Dashboard – Tom Puszykowski

Tom  Puszykowski

Pitching to Giraffes

Literature & Fiction

John Light, desperate to escape his introverted ways and fully engage with the excitement, enlightenment, and essential splendor of the early 70's, is a man with a plan. Baseball and academics fail as fuel, but a dorm room challenge to his innate sense of ethics turns him toward the counterculture and friendship with a student activist with militant connections who offers him a solution, at a price. As his involvement deepens, so does his anger toward corruption and injustice, and he grapples with the complications of losing oneself in a just cause.

Book Bubbles from Pitching to Giraffes

revolution in the air

Some people may know who they are their whole lives. For others, it comes later, and it is exhilarating.

in or out

Typical, I think, of youth in general, the youth of the late 60's hadn't learned to rationalize corruption and injustice. It sat on them raw. They wanted what was right, and they wanted it right away. But they were a doing their own thing, and change happens when enough people all do the same thing. As a result, their energy dissipated, scattered like sunlight through raindrops, until its ability to do work was lost to some grand rainbow in the sky. Some were more serious, but that has a cost of its own.

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