Authorpreneur Dashboard – Andrea R Price

Andrea R Price



You are your best commodity; and you are who and what you say that you. Your tongue has the power to elevate you.. Who do you say that you are?

Book Bubbles from MY TONGUE POWER

We Are A Great Investment

I want to thank each of you for joining me in celebrating who we are and what have been invested in us.

You Are Beautiful And Good

We were developed through a rigorous process and we were looked upon and called beautiful and good.

From the Beginning You Were Great

We should always beware of where we excel and our deficiencies. We should also celebrate the things we do well and master it.

You Are Your Greatest Investment

Not tomorrow, but today you are your greatest investment. While you work on building and developing your inner strength, your outward expression of yourself will ultimately create and realize a better world for you and your family.

Understanding Tongue Power

Some parents teach their children and certainly society have taught us to go on about our business and keep on pretending to be someone who people think have every part of their lives in tact. We have found ourselves striving to be the picture perfect person. When in reality there isn’t one.

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