Authorpreneur Dashboard – Tamika Taylor

Tamika   Taylor



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Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Unknown

Inviting you to read an excerpt from the new book.

In this excerpt Joseph's character is developed and he becomes one of the leading characters. We are also introduced to another character Lisa. Enjoy and tell me what you think about Joseph's character. What should happen to him next?

Unexpected Target


Cheryl is pregnant with no clue what to do. She had never been the relationship type and was struggling with her feelings about the whole situation. Amongst all of this, Cheryl is sent a new target by her agency; one that sends her on a man hunt and complicates her life even more. While completing her job Cheryl realizes that for the first time she could be in love, she solves a mystery and catches a killer. However, to do this, she is forced to choose sides and the side that she will choose, leaves her with unwanted enemies.

Book Bubbles from Unexpected Target

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Go get Unexpected Target. Available where e-books are sold.

The take down

Lights, camera, action

The truth is revealed

Simone prepares herself to tell Tre the truth about his father.

The mystery men

Cheryl's encounter with the men hired to follow her. They were no match for her.

Time is up

Tre get to see Cheryl in action for the first time.

target identified

Here we get to see when Cheryl finds out about her target and her reaction.

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