Authorpreneur Dashboard – Kristi Falk

Kristi  Falk

Eartha Gets Well

Children's Books

Is it a struggle to get your kids to eat healthy, want to be active, and get outside for fresh air and exercise? Then introduce them to Eartha! Winner of a 2012 Moonbeam Bhildren's Book Award, "Eartha Gets Well" is a story about a little girl who never exercised, didn’t like vegetables, and was always sick. Eartha learns how to make herself, her family, and the Earth feel better! Throughout her adventure, she realizes that she can be healthy and happy by making a few simple changes. When she realizes how easy and fun it is, she wants to tell everybody!

Book Bubbles from Eartha Gets Well

It's Important

These days, I have noticed that most kids do not like to eat vegetables and they certainly don't like to exercise. We are in an age of fast food and video games. These things are contributing to children who are overweight and getting illnesses that were previously only present in adults. This is a problem, but it can be reversed! There is hope and that is why we wrote the book. We want parents, grandparents and kids to know that eating healthy and exercising can be good for you and fun at the same time.

It's Important

Both my husband and I are very passionate about health and wellness education. With the rise of childhood obesity and related illnesses, it is so important that we take the time to talk to kids about what health really means. Parents should cook with their children, plant a garden together. The more a child knows about health, the better. The same goes for the environment. This is why we wrote this book.

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