Authorpreneur Dashboard – Robert Brown Marcus Jr

Robert Brown Marcus Jr

The Far Side of Silence

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Alexander Gray is an ex-Navy Seal with an impossible assignment. Air Force One is shot down over the Mediterranean Sea with no survivors. The new president secretly orders the U.S. Navy to prepare the Sigonella Naval Air Station on Sicily for a clandestine and experimental operation to save the life of the Russian president, the man most Americans believe responsible for the downing of Air Force One. Antagonistic forces within the U.S. and Russian governments are determined to prevent that operation from taking place. From the U.S. to Sigonella, Gray must evade and outwit those working against the president. Will Gray survive to bring the traitors to justice and execute the daring operation?

Book Bubbles from The Far Side of Silence

Exciting political thriller

The background history of this book is very similar to what is happening in Russia and the Ukraine now. One of our villians reminds me of Putin, though in our book he is never achieves his goals.

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