Authorpreneur Dashboard – Victoria Wilson

Victoria  Wilson

’Til the Fat Redhead Sleeps

Humor & Entertainment

For the first time in years, Blaine Bishop is spending Thanksgiving alone and she can't wait. She has it all planned: four days of doing what she wants, when she wants, her only concern the unadulterated enjoyment of her time of leisure. While on a last-minute errand for her boss, her holiday only moments away, Blaine and a corpulent redhead are trapped in the building's ancient elevator. With no hope of a quick rescue, Blaine finds herself the captive audience of a stranger incapable or unwilling to stop talking about anything and everything under the sun. As the hours pass, Blaine wonders just how much she can stand before she totally loses it.

Book Bubbles from ’Til the Fat Redhead Sleeps

Abandon Hope...

Blaine's frustration is mounting. It's bad enough being trapped in an elevator right before her long-awaited holiday weekend without having to listen to an overbearing chatter box jabber on about whatever.

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