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Venkata L Buddharaju

Better Sleep, Happier Life

Health, Fitness & Dieting

Did you know that sleep is a key component for a happy life? Research shows us it is. But with all of today’s technology and stresses, many people are getting less sleep or experiencing poorer quality sleep. This can negatively impact mood, concentration, productivity, physical health and, yes, even happiness. As a practicing physician for more than twenty years, Dr. Venkata Buddharaju (known as Dr. Buddha to his patients) has extensive experience treating patients with sleep problems. And the number of patients he is seeing with sleep disorders is on the rise. In Better Sleep, Happier Life, Dr. Buddharaju teaches seven simple, practical, and natural methods to help you get better sleep in order to refresh your mind and body. Filled with wisdom from his years of experience as well as simple lifestyle changes, Better Sleep, Happier Life can help you find rest and refreshment in the midst of your busy life…and reap the benefits.

Book Bubbles from Better Sleep, Happier Life

Better Sleep With Exercise

We often ignore the most important natural method that is in our hands to improve sleep : Exercise Exercise not only increases time spent in deep or slow wave sleep but also have a myriad of other health benefits The idle time to exercise is morning to coincide with our circadian wake time. Those like to loose some weight as part of their weight management, Morning exercise helps.

Sleep -Stress - Immunity: Is there a link?

Immunity can be impacted by two critical factors: sleep and stress. We’ve all heard about the importance of getting enough sleep and lowering our stress, but now more than ever, we have to make sure we’re taking care of these fundamental building blocks of health.Sleep not only helps reduce stress and anxiety but also helps modulate our immune system to fight against infections.. So, here are my top 5 reasons for staying healthy with more sleep and less stress. Highlights and Tips for Better Sleep 1) A good night’s sleep reduces anxiety and stress 2) Stress and lack of sleep contribute to the release of stress hormones and corticosteroids, impairs immunity and causes immune dysregulation. 3) Regular aerobic exercise for 30-50 minutes a day, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts , reducing caffeine especially close to bedtime and taking a warm shower before bedtime will promote a good night’s sleep. 4) Keeping a regular bedtime, rising time and sleeping consistently 7-9 hours for adults 5) In addition to exercise, daily practice of mindfulness breathing, yoga and meditation will help relax the stressed mind and helps sleep

Sleep to Lower Stress and improve Immunity

SLEEP AND IMMUNITY Sleep plays a vital role in modulating our immune defense system against many infections, including viral infections. Many scientific studies have shown that lack of sleep or decreased sleep duration can weaken immunity and increases risk of getting infections, such as the common cold. STRESS AND IMMUNITY When you’re stressed, your body releases more pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are proteins that contribute to inflammation and disease. If you’re chronically stressed, over time this constant dysregulation could lead to infections. Tips for better Sleep 1) A good night’s sleep reduces anxiety and stress 2) Stress and lack of sleep contribute to the release of stress hormones and corticosteroids, impairs immunity and causes immune dysregulation. 3) Regular aerobic exercise for 30-50 minutes a day, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and reducing caffeine especially close to bedtime will promote a good night’s sleep. 4) Keeping a regular bedtime, rising time and sleeping consistently 7-9 hours (Adults) per night will improve immunity. 5) Daily practice of Mindfulness breathing, yoga and meditation will help relax the stressed mind and promote sleep. For more insights on how to improve sleep to live a happier lifecheck out

4 Survival Tips to stay calm and sleep better

Survival tips: #SLEEP AND IMMUNITY A decade of scientific research has shown that sleep plays a vital role in immune defense. Sleep duration and regular sleep – wake cycles are essential to mount adequate immune response to infections. #SLEEP AND ANXIETY Studies have shown that deep sleep, a stage of non rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) slow wave sleep restores brain connections and has shown to reduce anxiety levels. Recommended sleep duration for adults: 7-9 hours, Teenagers (14-17 years): 8-10 hours . #MINDFULNESS-MEDITATION Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, not thinking past or worries the future. Recent randomized study in Wuhan, china during the current corona pandemic, the study authors found out that mindfulness buffered the impact of covid -19 and helped to protect sleep duration compared to the people who practiced mind - wandering. EXERCISE Moderate aerobic exercise helps improve sleep quality and slow wave or deep sleep which plays a key role in keeping our immunity strong and fight the infections in general. Try to do at least 30 or 50 minutes of aerobic exercise while staying at home. STAY HYDRATED Listen to your body when it comes to thirst and drink as needed. During the infection of any kind including corona virus, the fluid requirements go up especially when you have fever which causes dehydration.

Mejor Sueño, Vida Más Feliz

Health, Fitness & Dieting

“Un increíble libro de auto-ayuda. ¡Altamente recomendado!” —Susan Keefe, The Columbia Review of Books and Film "¡El Dr. Buddharaju simplifica la ciencia del sueño más compleja en estrategias simples y prácticas que cualquier persona puede utilizar!" —Murali Ankem, MD, MBA, Decano asociado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Louisville, Kentucky ¿Sabías que el sueño es un componente clave para una vida feliz? La investigación nos lo comprueba. Pero con toda la tecnología y el estrés de hoy día, muchas personas duermen menos o tienen un sueño de peor calidad. Esto puede afectar negativamente el estado de ánimo, la concentración, productividad, salud física y, sí, también la felicidad. Como médico practicante por más de veinte años, el Dr. Venkata Buddharaju (conocido como el Dr. Buda por sus pacientes) tiene amplia experiencia en el tratamiento de pacientes con problemas de sueño. Además, el número de pacientes que atiende con trastornos del sueño está aumentando. En Mejor sueño, vida más feliz, el Dr. Buddharaju enseña siete métodos simples, prácticos y naturales para ayudarle a dormir mejor y poder revitalizar su mente y cuerpo. Repleto de sabiduría proveniente de sus años de experiencia, así como de simples cambios para el estilo de vida, Mejor Sueño, vida más feliz puede ayudarle a encontrar descanso y revitalización en medio de una vida ajetreada… y cosechar los beneficios.

Book Bubbles from Mejor Sueño, Vida Más Feliz

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